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path: root/scripts
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12 files changed, 1348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/cfg2html.pl b/scripts/cfg2html.pl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..78d6e421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cfg2html.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $LynxId: cfg2html.pl,v 1.16 2012/02/04 00:54:50 tom Exp $
+# This script uses embedded formatting directives in the lynx.cfg file to
+# guide it in extracting comments and related information to construct a
+# set of HTML files.  Comments begin with '#', and directives with '.'.
+# Directives implemented:
+#	h1 {Text}
+#		major heading.  You may specify the same major heading in
+#		more than one place.
+#	h2 {Text}
+#		minor heading, i.e. a keyword.
+#	ex [number]
+#		the following line(s) are an example.  The [number] defaults
+#		to 1.
+#	nf [number]
+#		turn justification off for the given number of lines, defaulting
+#		to the remainder of the file.
+#	fi
+#		turn justification back on
+#	url text
+#		embed an HREF to external site.
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use vars qw($opt_a $opt_m $opt_s);
+use vars qw(@cats);
+use vars qw(%cats);
+use vars qw(@settings_avail);
+use vars qw(%settings_avail);
+# Options:
+#	-a	show all options, not only those that are available.
+#	-m	mark unavailable options with an '*'.  Data for this is read
+#		from standard input.
+#	-s	sort entries in body.html
+if ( defined $opt_m ) {
+	my $l;
+	my @settings_ = <STDIN>;
+	%settings_avail = ();
+	foreach $l (@settings_) {
+		chop $l;
+		if ($l =~ /^[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*$/) {
+			$settings_avail{uc $l} = 1;
+		}
+	}
+} else {
+	$opt_a = 1;
+# This sub tells whether the support for the given setting was enabled at
+# compile time.
+sub ok {
+	my ($name) = @_;
+	my $ret = defined($settings_avail{uc $name})+0;
+	$ret;
+if ( $#ARGV < 0 ) {
+	&doit("lynx.cfg");
+} else {
+	while ( $#ARGV >= 0 ) {
+		&doit ( shift @ARGV );
+	}
+exit (0);
+# process a Lynx configuration-file
+sub doit {
+	my ($name) = @_;
+	my $n;
+	# Ignore our own backup files
+	if ( $name =~ ".*~" ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	# Read the file into an array in memory.
+	open(FP,$name) || do {
+		print STDERR "Can't open $name: $!\n";
+		return;
+	};
+	my (@input) = <FP>;
+	close(FP);
+	for $n (0..$#input) {
+		chop $input[$n]; # trim newlines
+		$input[$n] =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing blanks
+		$input[$n] =~ s/^\s*//; # trim leading blanks
+	}
+	&gen_alphatoc(@input);
+	@cats = &gen_cattoc(@input);
+	&gen_body(@input);
+sub gen_alphatoc {
+	my (@input) = @_;
+	my @minor;
+	my ($n, $m, $c, $d);
+	my $output = "alphatoc.html";
+	open(FP,">$output") || do {
+		print STDERR "Can't open $output: $!\n";
+		return;
+	};
+	print FP <<'EOF';
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<link rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
+<title>Settings by name</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+<h1>Alphabetical table of settings</h1>
+	$m=0;
+	for $n (0..$#input) {
+		if ( $input[$n] =~ /^\.h2\s*[[:upper:]][[:upper:][:digit:]_]*$/ ) {
+			$minor[$m] = $input[$n];
+			$minor[$m] =~ s/^.h2\s*//;
+			$m++ if (ok($minor[$m]) || defined $opt_a);
+		}
+	}
+	@minor = sort @minor;
+	# index by the first character of each keyword
+	$c=' ';
+	for $n (0..$#minor) {
+		$d = substr($minor[$n],0,1);
+		if ($d ne $c) {
+			printf FP "<a href=\"#%s\">%s</a> \n", $d, $d;
+			$c=$d;
+		}
+	}
+	# index by the first character of each keyword
+	$c=' ';
+	for $n (0..$#minor) {
+		$d = substr($minor[$n],0,1);
+		if ($d ne $c) {
+			printf FP "<h2><a name=%s>%s</a></h2>\n", $d, $d;
+			$c=$d;
+		}
+		my $avail = ok($minor[$n]);
+		my $mark = (!$avail && defined $opt_m) ? "*" : "";
+		if (defined $opt_a || $avail) {
+		    printf FP "<a href=\"body.html#%s\">%s</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;\n", $minor[$n], $minor[$n] . $mark;
+		};
+	}
+	my $str = <<'EOF'
+<a href=cattoc.html>To list of settings by category</a>
+. (defined $opt_a && defined $opt_m ?
+"<p>Support for all settings suffixed with '*' was disabled at compile time.\n" :
+ "") . <<'EOF'
+	;print FP $str;
+	close(FP);
+# This uses the associative array $cats{} to store HREF values pointing into
+# the cattoc file.
+# We could generate this file in alphabetic order as well, but choose to use
+# the order of entries in lynx.cfg, since some people expect that arrangement.
+sub gen_body {
+	my @input = @_;
+	my ($n, $c);
+	my @h2;
+	my $output = "body.html";
+	open(FP,">$output") || do {
+		print STDERR "Can't open $output: $!\n";
+		return;
+	};
+	print FP <<'EOF';
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<link rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
+<title>Description of settings in lynx configuration file</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+	my $l;
+	my $t;
+	my $d = -1;
+	my $p = 0;
+	my $m = 0;
+	my $h1 = "";
+	my $sp = ' ';
+	my $ex = 0;
+	my $nf = 0;
+	my $any = 0;
+	my $first = 0;
+	my $next = 0;
+	my $left = 0;
+	my %keys;
+	undef %keys;
+	my @optnames;
+	my %optname_to_fname;	#this maps optname to fname - will be used
+	    			#for alphabetical output of the content
+	my $curfilename = "tmp000";	#will be incremented each time
+	my $tmpdir = "./";	#temp files will be created there
+	close(FP);
+	for $n (0..$#input) {
+		if ( $next ) {
+			$next--;
+			next;
+		}
+		$c = $input[$n];
+		my $count = $#input;
+		my $once = 1;
+		if ( $c =~ /^\.h1\s/ ) {
+			$h1 = 1;
+			$h1 = $c;
+			$h1 =~ s/^.h1\s*//;
+			$m = 0;
+			$first = 1;
+			undef %keys;
+			next;
+		} elsif ( $c =~ /^\.h2\s/ ) {
+			$c =~ s/^.h2\s*//;
+			$h2[$m] = $c;
+			$keys{$c} = 1;
+			$m++;
+			next;
+		} elsif ( $c =~ /^\./ ) {
+			my $s = $c;
+			$s =~ s/^\.[[:lower:]]+\s//;
+			if ( $s =~ /^[[:digit:]]+$/ ) {
+				$count = $s;
+				$once = $s;
+			}
+		}
+		if ( $c =~ /^\.ex/ ) {
+			$ex = $once;
+			printf FP "<h3><em>Example%s:</em></h3>\n", $ex > 1 ? "s" : "";
+		} elsif ( $c =~ /^\.url/ ) {
+			my $url = $c;
+			$url =~ s/^\.url\s+//;
+			printf FP "<blockquote><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></blockquote>\n", $url, $url;
+		} elsif ( $c =~ /^\.nf/ ) {
+			printf FP "<pre>\n";
+			$nf = $count;
+		} elsif ( $c =~ /^\.fi/ ) {
+			printf FP "</pre>\n";
+			$nf = 0;
+		} elsif ( $c =~ /^$/ ) {
+			if ( $m > 1 ) {
+				my $j;
+				for $j (1..$#h2) {
+					close(FP);++$curfilename;
+					push @optnames,$h2[$j];
+					open(FP,">$tmpdir/$curfilename") || do {
+						print STDERR "Can't open tmpfile: $!\n";
+						return;
+					};
+					$optname_to_fname{$h2[$j]} = $curfilename;
+					printf FP "<hr>\n";
+					printf FP "<h2><kbd><a name=\"%s\">%s</a></kbd>\n", $h2[$j], $h2[$j];
+					if ( $h1 ne "" ) {
+						printf FP " &ndash; <a href=\"cattoc.html#%s\">%s</a>", $cats{$h1}, $h1;
+					}
+					printf FP "</h2>\n";
+					printf FP "<h3><em>Description</em></h3>\n";
+					printf FP "Please see the description of <a href=\"#%s\">%s</a>\n", $h2[0], $h2[0];
+				}
+				@h2 = "";
+			}
+			$m = 0;
+			$first = 1;
+		} elsif ( $c =~ /^[#[:alpha:]]/ && $m != 0 ) {
+			if ( $first ) {
+				close(FP);++$curfilename;
+				push @optnames,$h2[0];
+				open(FP,">$tmpdir/$curfilename") || do {
+				    print STDERR "Can't open tmpfile: $!\n";
+				    return;
+				};
+				$optname_to_fname{$h2[0]} = $curfilename;
+				if ( $any ) {
+					printf FP "<hr>\n";
+				}
+				printf FP "<h2><kbd><a name=\"%s\">%s</a></kbd>\n", $h2[0], $h2[0];
+				if ( $h1 ne "" ) {
+					printf FP " &ndash; <a href=\"cattoc.html#%s\">%s</a>", $cats{$h1}, $h1;
+				}
+				printf FP "</h2>\n";
+				printf FP "<h3><em>Description</em></h3>\n";
+				$any++;
+				$first = 0;
+			}
+			# Convert tabs first, to retain relative alignment
+			$c =~ s#^\t#' 'x8#e;
+			while ( $c =~ /\t/ ) {
+				$c =~ s#(^[^\t]+)\t#$1 . $sp x (9 - (length($1) % 8 ))#e;
+			}
+			# Strip off the comment marker
+			$c =~ s/^#//;
+			# and convert simple expressions:
+			$c =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
+			$c =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
+			$c =~ s/</&lt;/g;
+			#hvv - something wrong was with next statement
+			$c =~ s/'([^ ])'/"<strong>$1<\/strong>"/g;
+			my $k = 0;
+			if ( $c =~ /^[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]+:/ ) {
+				$t = $c;
+				$t =~ s/:.*//;
+				$k = $keys{$t};
+			}
+			if ( $c =~ /^$/ ) {
+				if ( $nf ) {
+					printf FP "\n";
+				} else {
+					$p = 1;
+				}
+			} elsif ( $ex != 0 ) {
+				printf FP "<br><code>%s</code><br>\n", $c;
+				$ex--;
+			} elsif ( $k ) {
+				if ( $d != $n && ! $nf ) {
+					printf FP "<h3><em>Default value</em></h3>\n";
+				}
+				$c =~ s/:$/:<em>none<\/em>/;
+				$c =~ s/:/<\/code>:<code>/;
+				$c = "<code>" . $c . "</code>";
+				if ( ! $nf ) {
+					$c .= "<br>";
+				}
+				printf FP "%s\n", $c;
+				$d = $n + 1;
+			} else {
+				if ( $p && ! $nf ) {
+					printf FP "<p>\n";
+				}
+				$p = 0;
+				if ( $input[$n+1] =~ /^#\s*==/ ) {
+					$c = "<br><em>$c</em>";
+					if ( ! $nf ) {
+						$c .= "<br>";
+					}
+					$next++;
+				}
+				printf FP "%s\n", $c;
+			}
+			if ( $nf != 0 && $nf-- == 0 ) {
+				printf FP "</pre>\n";
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	close(FP);
+	# Here we collect files with description of needed lynx.cfg
+	# options in the proper (natural or sorted) order.
+	open(FP,">>$output") || do {
+		print STDERR "Can't open $output: $!\n";
+		return;
+	};
+	{
+	    my @ordered = (defined $opt_s ? (sort keys(%optname_to_fname)) : @optnames);
+	    if (defined $opt_s) {
+		print FP "Options are sorted by name.\n";
+	    } else {
+		print FP "Options are in the same order as lynx.cfg.\n";
+	    }
+	    foreach $l (@ordered) {
+		my $fnm = $tmpdir . $optname_to_fname{$l};
+		open(FP1,"<$fnm") || do {
+		    print STDERR "Can't open $fnm: $!\n";
+		    return;
+		};
+		my $avail = ok($l);
+		if (defined $opt_a || $avail) {
+		    my @lines = <FP1>;
+		    print FP @lines;
+		    if (!$avail && defined $opt_m) {
+			print FP <<'EOF';
+<p>Support for this setting was disabled at compile-time.
+		    }
+		}
+		close(FP1);
+	    }
+	    foreach $l (values(%optname_to_fname)) {
+		unlink $l;
+	    }
+	}
+	print FP <<'EOF';
+	close(FP);
+sub gen_cattoc {
+	my @input = @_;
+	my @major;
+	my %descs;
+	my %index;
+	my ($n, $m, $c, $d, $found, $h1, $nf, $ex, $count, $once);
+	my $output = "cattoc.html";
+	open(FP,">$output") || do {
+		print STDERR "Can't open $output: $!\n";
+		return;
+	};
+	print FP <<'EOF';
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<link rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
+<title>Settings by category</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+<h1>Settings by category</h1>
+These are the major categories of configuration settings in Lynx:
+	$m = -1;
+	$h1 = 0;
+	$nf = 0;
+	for $n (0..$#input) {
+		my $count = $#input;
+		my $once = 1;
+		$c = $input[$n];
+		if ( $input[$n] =~ /^\.h1\s/ ) {
+			$h1 = 1;
+			$c =~ s/^.h1\s*//;
+			$m = $#major + 1;
+			$d = 0;
+			$found = 0;
+			while ( $d <= $#major && ! $found ) {
+				if ( $major[$d] eq $c ) {
+					$m = $d;
+					$found = 1;
+				}
+				$d++;
+			}
+			if ( ! $found ) {
+				$major[$m] = $c;
+				$descs{$major[$m]} = "";
+				$index{$major[$m]} = "";
+			}
+			next;
+		} elsif ( $h1 != 0 ) {
+			if ( $c =~ /^\.(nf|ex)/ ) {
+				my $s = $c;
+				$s =~ s/^\.[[:lower:]]+\s//;
+				if ( $s =~ /^[[:digit:]]+$/ ) {
+					$count = $s;
+					$once = $s;
+				}
+			}
+			if ( $input[$n] =~ /^$/ ) {
+				$h1 = 0;
+			} elsif ( $input[$n] =~ /^\.nf/ ) {
+				$descs{$major[$m]} .= "<pre>" . "\n";
+				$nf = $count;
+			} elsif ( $input[$n] =~ /^\.fi/ ) {
+				$descs{$major[$m]} .= "</pre>" . "\n";
+				$nf = 0;
+			} elsif ( $input[$n] =~ /^\.ex/ ) {
+				$ex = $once;
+				$descs{$major[$m]} .=
+					"<h3><em>Example"
+					.
+					($ex > 1 ? "s" : "")
+					.
+					":</em></h3>\n"
+					. "\n";
+			} elsif ( $input[$n] =~ /^\s*#/ ) {
+				$c = $input[$n];
+				$c =~ s/^\s*#\s*//;
+				$descs{$major[$m]} .= $c . "\n";
+			}
+		}
+		if ( $m >= 0 && $input[$n] =~ /^\.h2\s/ ) {
+			$c = $input[$n];
+			$c =~ s/^.h2\s*//;
+			$index{$major[$m]} .= $c . "\n"
+			    if (defined $opt_a || ok($c));
+			$h1 = 0;
+		}
+		if ( $nf != 0 && $nf-- == 0 ) {
+			$descs{$major[$m]} .= "</pre>\n";
+		}
+	}
+	@major = sort @major;
+	for $n (0..$#major) {
+		$cats{$major[$n]} = sprintf("header%03d", $n);
+		printf FP "<li><a href=\"#%s\">%s</a>\n", $cats{$major[$n]}, $major[$n];
+	}
+	printf FP "</ul>\n";
+	for $n (0..$#major) {
+		printf FP "\n";
+		printf FP "<h2><a name=\"%s\">%s</a></h2>\n", $cats{$major[$n]}, $major[$n];
+		if ($descs{$major[$n]} !~ /^$/) {
+			printf FP "<h3>Description</h3>\n%s\n", $descs{$major[$n]};
+		}
+		$c = $index{$major[$n]};
+		if ( $c ne "" ) {
+			my @c = split(/\n/, $c);
+			@c = sort @c;
+			printf FP "<p>Here is a list of settings that belong to this category\n";
+			printf FP "<ul>\n";
+			for $m (0..$#c) {
+				my $avail = ok($c[$m]);
+				my $mark = (!$avail && defined $opt_m) ? "*" : "";
+				printf FP "<li><a href=\"body.html#%s\">%s</a>\n", $c[$m], $c[$m] . $mark;
+			}
+			printf FP "</ul>\n";
+		}
+	}
+	my $str = <<'EOF'
+<a href=alphatoc.html>To list of settings by name</a>
+. (defined $opt_a && defined $opt_m ?
+"<p>Support for all settings suffixed with '*' was disabled at compile time." :
+ "") . <<'EOF'
+	;print FP $str;
+	close(FP);
+	return @cats;
diff --git a/scripts/cfg_defs.sh b/scripts/cfg_defs.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..5f37e962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cfg_defs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Translate the lynx_cfg.h and config.cache data into a table, useful for
+# display at runtime.
+# just in case we want to run this outside the makefile
+: ${SHELL:=/bin/sh}
+cat >$OUT <<EOF
+#ifndef CFG_DEFS_H
+#define CFG_DEFS_H 1
+static const struct {
+	const char *name;
+	const char *value;
+} config_cache[] = {
+sed \
+	-e '/^#/d'     \
+	-e 's/^.[^=]*_cv_//' \
+	-e 's/=\${.*=/=/'  \
+	-e 's/}$//'          \
+	config.cache | $SHELL $TOP/scripts/cfg_edit.sh >>$OUT
+cat >>$OUT <<EOF
+static const struct {
+	const char *name;
+	const char *value;
+} config_defines[] = {
+fgrep	'#define' lynx_cfg.h |
+sed	-e 's@	@ @g' \
+	-e 's@  @ @g' \
+	-e 's@^[ 	]*#define[ 	]*@@' \
+	-e 's@[ ]*/\*.*\*/@@' \
+	-e 's@[ 	][ 	]*@=@' \
+    | $SHELL $TOP/scripts/cfg_edit.sh >>$OUT
+cat >>$OUT <<EOF
+#endif /* CFG_DEFS_H */
diff --git a/scripts/cfg_edit.sh b/scripts/cfg_edit.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..6206c6c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cfg_edit.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Invoked from cfg_defs.sh as a filter
+# Strip leading and trailing whitespace
+# Escape any iternal '\'
+# Escape any iternal '"'
+# Entify any iternal '&', '<' or '>'
+# Append a '=' if none present'
+# Break into two strings at '='
+# Prefix ' { "' and suffix '" },'
+sort |
+sed	-e 's!^[ 	]*!!' -e 's![ 	]*$!!' \
+	-e 's!\\!\\\\!g'        \
+	-e 's!"!\\"!g'          \
+	-e 's!&!\&amp;!g' -e 's!<!\&lt;!g' -e 's!>!\&gt;!g' \
+	-e 's!^[^=]*$!&=!' \
+	-e 's!=!",	"!'     \
+	-e 's!^!	{ "!' -e 's!$!" },!'
diff --git a/scripts/cfg_path.sh b/scripts/cfg_path.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..321f5b93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cfg_path.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Use this script for substituting the configured path into lynx.cfg -
+# not all paths begin with a slash.
+SECOND=`echo "$2" | sed -e 's,^/,,'`
+sed -e "/^[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_]*:file:/s,/PATH_TO/$1,/$SECOND,"
diff --git a/scripts/conf.mingw.sh b/scripts/conf.mingw.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..59b398d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/conf.mingw.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+LDFLAGS="-mno-cygwin -static -L/mingw/lib" \
+LIBS="-lwsock32 -lgdi32 -lmsvcrt -liconv" \
+CFLAGS="-mno-cygwin -I/mingw/include -I/mingw/include/openssl -W -Wall -O3 -D_WINDOWS -DSH_EX -DWIN_EX -DNOUSERS -DNOSIGHUP -DDOSPATH -DUSE_ALT_BLAT_MAILER -DBOXHORI=0 -DBOXVERT=0" \
+CPPFLAGS="-mno-cygwin -I/mingw/include -I/mingw/include/openssl" \
+./configure --prefix=/d/cygwin/mingw/lynx2.8.7dev.13/lynx-conf \
+--host=mingw32 \
+--disable-dired-override \
+--disable-full-paths \
+--enable-addrlist-page \
+--enable-change-exec \
+--enable-charset-choice \
+--enable-default-colors \
+--enable-exec-links \
+--enable-externs \
+--enable-file-upload \
+--enable-gzip-help \
+--enable-nested-tables \
+--enable-nls \
+--enable-vertrace \
+--includedir=/mingw/include \
+--sysconfdir=/d/cygwin/mingw/lynx2.8.7dev.13/lynx-conf \
+--datadir=/d/cygwin/mingw/lynx2.8.7dev.13/lynx-conf \
+--with-bzlib \
+--with-cfg-file=d:/cygwin/mingw/lynx2.8.7dev.13/lynx-conf/lynx.cfg \
+--with-lss-file=d:/cygwin/mingw/lynx2.8.7dev.13/lynx-conf/lynx.lss \
+--with-mime-libdir=c:/ \
+--with-nls-datadir=d:/cygwin/mingw/share \
+--with-pkg-config=no \
+--with-screen=curses \
+--with-ssl=/mingw/lib \
diff --git a/scripts/config.djgpp.sh b/scripts/config.djgpp.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..fa4dcfee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/config.djgpp.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+CFLAGS="-g -gcoff -O2 -W -Wall -I/dev/env/DJDIR/pdcur_cvs/PDCurses -I/dev/env/DJDIR/watt32/inc" \
+CPPFLAGS="-DBOXHORI=0 -DBOXVERT=0 -I/dev/env/DJDIR/pdcur_cvs/PDCurses -I/dev/env/DJDIR/watt32/inc" \
+LIBS="-L/dev/env/DJDIR/pdcur_cvs/PDCurses/lib -L/dev/env/DJDIR/watt32/lib -lwmemu" \
+/dev/env/DJDIR/bin/bash.exe ./configure  \
+--datadir=/dev/env/DJDIR/lib \
+--sysconfdir=/dev/env/DJDIR/lib \
+--disable-dired-override \
+--disable-full-paths \
+--enable-addrlist-page \
+--enable-change-exec \
+--enable-cgi-links \
+--enable-charset-choice \
+--enable-exec-links \
+--enable-externs \
+--enable-nested-tables \
+--enable-nls \
+--enable-scrollbar \
+--enable-vertrace \
+--with-bzlib \
+--with-mime-libdir=/dev/env/DJDIR/lib \
+--with-screen=curses \
+--with-ssl \
diff --git a/scripts/fixtext.sh b/scripts/fixtext.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1f5c1abd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/fixtext.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# xgettext only processes literal strings.  Someone with a poor sense of humor
+# decided to ignore strings in preprocessor lines.  So we construct a fake
+# ".c" file with the definitions turned into literals.
+sed	-e 's/")/");/' \
+	-e 's/^#define[ 	]*\([^ 	]*\)[ 	]*gettext/char *\1 = gettext/' \
+	-e 's,^#define[ 	]*\([^ 	]*\)[ 	]*\\,/* #define \1 */char *\1 = \\,' \
+	$*
diff --git a/scripts/indent.sh b/scripts/indent.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..899870de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/indent.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# $LynxId: indent.sh,v 1.3 2007/05/13 16:26:51 tom Exp $
+# Indent LYNX files.
+-T AddressDefList 
+-T CSOfield_info 
+-T DocAddress 
+-T DocInfo 
+-T DocObj
+-T EntryInfo 
+-T EditFieldData 
+-T GroupDef 
+-T GroupDefList 
+-T HTAAFailReasonType 
+-T HTAAProt 
+-T HTAARealm 
+-T HTAAServer 
+-T HTAssoc 
+-T HTAssocList 
+-T HTAtom 
+-T HTBTElement 
+-T HTBTree 
+-T HTChildAnchor 
+-T HTChunk 
+-T HTConverter 
+-T HTFormat 
+-T HTLine 
+-T HTLinkType 
+-T HTList 
+-T HTParentAnchor 
+-T HTParentAnchor0 
+-T HTPresentation 
+-T HTStream
+-T HTStyle 
+-T HTStyleChange 
+-T HTStyleSheet 
+-T HText 
+-T HyperDoc 
+-T InitResponseAPDU 
+-T Item 
+-T ItemList 
+-T LYUCcharset 
+-T LexItem 
+-T ProgramPaths 
+-T STable_cellinfo 
+-T STable_info 
+-T STable_rowinfo 
+-T STable_states 
+-T SearchAPDU 
+-T SearchResponseAPDU 
+-T TextAnchor 
+-T UCode_t 
+-T UserDefList 
+-T WAISDocumentCodes 
+-T WAISDocumentHeader 
+-T WAISDocumentHeadlines 
+-T WAISDocumentLongHeader 
+-T WAISDocumentShortHeader 
+-T WAISDocumentText 
+-T WAISInitResponse 
+-T WAISSearch 
+-T _cdecl
+-T any 
+-T bit_map 
+-T boolean 
+-T bstring 
+-T data_tag
+-T eServerType 
+-T lynx_list_item_type 
+-T pdu_type
+-T query_term 
+for name in $*
+	case $name in
+	-n)	NOOP=yes
+		OPTS="$OPTS -v"
+		;;
+	-*)
+		OPTS="$OPTS $name"
+		;;
+	*.[ch])
+		save="${name}".a$$
+		test="${name}".b$$
+		rm -f "$save" "$test"
+		mv "$name" "$save"
+		sed \
+			-e '/MODULE_ID(/s/)$/);/' \
+			-e 's,)[ 	]*\<GCC_PRINTFLIKE,);//GCC_PRINTFLIKE,' \
+			-e 's,[ 	]*\<GCC_NORETURN;,;//GCC_NORETURN;,' \
+			-e 's,[ 	]*\<GCC_UNUSED;,;//GCC_UNUSED;,' \
+			"$save" >"$test"
+		cp "$test" "$name"
+		chmod u+w "$name"
+		${INDENT_PROG-indent} -npro $OPTS "$name"
+		sed \
+			-e '/MODULE_ID(/s/);$/)/' \
+			-e 's,;[ 	]*//GCC_UNUSED;, GCC_UNUSED;,' \
+			-e 's,;[ 	]*//GCC_NORETURN;, GCC_NORETURN;,' \
+			-e 's,);[ 	]*//GCC_PRINTFLIKE,) GCC_PRINTFLIKE,' \
+			"$name" >"$test"
+		mv "$test" "$name"
+		rm -f "${name}~"
+		if test $NOOP = yes ; then
+			if ! ( cmp -s "$name" $save )
+			then
+				diff -u $save "$name"
+			fi
+			mv "$save" "$name"
+			rm -f "${name}~"
+		else
+			if ( cmp -s "$name" "$save" )
+			then
+				echo "** unchanged $name"
+				rm -f "${name}" "${name}~"
+				mv "$save" "$name"
+			else
+				echo "** updated $name"
+				rm -f "$save"
+			fi
+		fi
+		;;
+	*)
+		echo "** ignored:   $name"
+		;;
+	esac
diff --git a/scripts/install-cfg.sh b/scripts/install-cfg.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..bd8129f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/install-cfg.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# $LynxId: install-cfg.sh,v 1.3 2008/09/10 13:15:35 tom Exp $
+# install lynx.cfg, ensuring the old config-file is saved to a unique file,
+# and prepending customizations to the newly-installed file.
+# $1 = install program
+# $2 = file to install
+# $3 = where to install it
+LANG=C;		export LANG
+LC_ALL=C;	export LC_ALL
+if test -f "$DST" ; then
+	echo "** checking if you have customized $DST"
+	OLD=lynx-cfg.old
+	NEW=lynx-cfg.new
+	TST=lynx-cfg.tst
+	TMP=lynx-cfg.tmp
+	trap "rm -f $OLD $NEW $TST $TMP; exit 9" 1 2 5 15
+	rm -f $OLD $NEW $TST $TMP
+	# avoid propagating obsolete URLs into new installs
+	echo lynx.browser.org >$TMP
+	echo www.trill-home.com >>$TMP
+	echo www.cc.ukans.edu >>$TMP
+	echo www.ukans.edu >>$TMP
+	echo www.slcc.edu >>$TMP
+	echo sol.slcc.edu >>$TMP
+	# Make a list of the settings which are in the original lynx.cfg
+	# Do not keep the user's HELPFILE setting since we modify that in
+	# a different makefile rule.
+	egrep '^[ 	]*[A-Za-z]' $SRC |sed -e 's/^[ 	]*HELPFILE:.*/HELPFILE:/' >>$TMP
+	egrep '^[ 	]*[A-Za-z]' $SRC |fgrep -v -f $TMP >$OLD
+	egrep '^[ 	]*[A-Za-z]' $DST |fgrep -v -f $TMP >$TST
+	if test -s $TST ; then
+		cat >$TMP <<EOF
+## The following lines were saved from your previous configuration.
+		cat $TST >>$TMP
+		cat $SRC >$NEW
+		cat $TMP >>$NEW
+		# See if we have saved this information before (ignoring the
+		# HELPFILE line).
+		if cmp -s $NEW $OLD
+		then
+			echo "... installed $DST would not be changed"
+		else
+			NUM=1
+			while test -f ${DST}-${NUM}
+			do
+				if cmp -s $NEW ${DST}-${NUM}
+				then
+					break
+				fi
+				NUM=`expr $NUM + 1`
+			done
+			if test ! -f ${DST}-${NUM}
+			then
+				echo "... saving old config as ${DST}-${NUM}"
+				mv $DST ${DST}-${NUM} || exit 1
+			fi
+			echo "** installing $NEW as $DST"
+			eval $PRG $NEW $DST || exit 1
+		fi
+	else
+		echo "... no customizations found"
+		echo "** installing $SRC as $DST"
+		eval $PRG $SRC $DST || exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -f $SKIP $OLD $NEW $TST $TMP
+elif cmp -s $SRC $DST
+	echo "... installed $DST would not be changed"
+	echo "** installing $SRC as $DST"
+	eval $PRG $SRC $DST || exit 1
diff --git a/scripts/install-lss.sh b/scripts/install-lss.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..6573a35e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/install-lss.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# $LynxId: install-lss.sh,v 1.1 2007/05/13 22:15:29 tom Exp $
+# install lynx.lss, ensuring the old config-file is saved to a backup file.
+# $1 = install program
+# $2 = file to install
+# $3 = where to install it
+if test -f "$DST" ; then
+	# See if we have saved this information before
+	if cmp -s $SRC $DST
+	then
+		echo "... installed $DST would not be changed"
+	else
+		NUM=1
+		while test -f ${DST}-${NUM}
+		do
+			if cmp -s $SRC ${DST}-${NUM}
+			then
+				break
+			fi
+			NUM=`expr $NUM + 1`
+		done
+		if test ! -f ${DST}-${NUM}
+		then
+			echo "... saving old config as ${DST}-${NUM}"
+			mv $DST ${DST}-${NUM} || exit 1
+		fi
+		echo "** installing $SRC as $DST"
+		eval $PRG $SRC $DST || exit 1
+	fi
+	echo "** installing $SRC as $DST"
+	eval $PRG $SRC $DST || exit 1
diff --git a/scripts/man2hlp.sh b/scripts/man2hlp.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..fed9b428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/man2hlp.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# $LynxId: man2hlp.sh,v 1.3 2008/09/10 13:25:45 tom Exp $
+# This script uses rman (Rosetta Man), which complements TkMan, to strip
+# nroff headers from a manpage file, and format the result into a VMS help
+# file.
+LANG=C;		export LANG
+LC_ALL=C;	export LC_ALL
+for name in $*
+	NAME=`echo $name |sed -e 's/\.man$/.1/'`
+	(echo 1 `echo $NAME | sed -e 's/^.*\///' -e 's/\..*$//' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'` ; \
+	(echo '.hy 0'; cat $name) |\
+	nroff -Tascii -man |\
+	rman -n$NAME |\
+	sed	-e 's/^[1-9].*$//' \
+		-e 's/^\([A-Z]\)/2 \1/' |\
+	uniq)
diff --git a/scripts/tbl2html.pl b/scripts/tbl2html.pl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ba8ae092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tbl2html.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $LynxId: tbl2html.pl,v 1.5 2011/05/21 15:18:16 tom Exp $
+# Translate one or more ".tbl" files into ".html" files which can be used to
+# test the charset support in lynx.  Each of the ".html" files will use the
+# charset that corresponds to the input ".tbl" file.
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use File::Basename;
+use POSIX qw(strtod);
+sub field($$) {
+	my $value = $_[0];
+	my $count = $_[1];
+	while ( $count > 0 ) {
+		$count -= 1;
+		$value =~ s/^\S*\s*//;
+	}
+	$value =~ s/\s.*//;
+	return $value;
+sub notes($) {
+	my $value = $_[0];
+	$value =~ s/^[^#]*//;
+	$value =~ s/^#//;
+	$value =~ s/^\s+//;
+	return $value;
+sub make_header($$$) {
+	my $source   = $_[0];
+	my $charset  = $_[1];
+	my $official = $_[2];
+	printf FP "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n";
+	printf FP "<HTML>\n";
+	printf FP "<HEAD>\n";
+	printf FP "<!-- $source -->\n";
+	printf FP "<TITLE>%s table</TITLE>\n", &escaped($official);
+	printf FP "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=%s\">\n", &escaped($charset);
+	printf FP "</HEAD>\n";
+	printf FP "\n";
+	printf FP "<BODY> \n";
+	printf FP "\n";
+	printf FP "<H1 ALIGN=center>%s table</H1> \n", &escaped($charset);
+	printf FP "\n";
+	printf FP "<PRE>\n";
+	printf FP "Code  Char  Entity   Render          Description\n";
+sub make_mark() {
+	printf FP "----  ----  ------   ------          -----------------------------------\n";
+sub escaped($) {
+	my $result = $_[0];
+	$result =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
+	$result =~ s/</&lt;/g;
+	$result =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
+	return $result;
+sub make_row($$$) {
+	my $old_code = $_[0];
+	my $new_code = $_[1];
+	my $comments = $_[2];
+	# printf "# make_row %d %d %s\n", $old_code, $new_code, $comments;
+	my $visible = sprintf("&amp;#%d;      ", $new_code);
+	if ($old_code < 256) {
+		printf FP "%4x    %c   %.13s  &#%d;             %s\n",
+			$old_code, $old_code,
+			$visible, $new_code,
+			&escaped($comments);
+	} else {
+		printf FP "%4x    .   %.13s  &#%d;             %s\n",
+			$old_code,
+			$visible, $new_code,
+			&escaped($comments);
+	}
+sub null_row($$) {
+	my $old_code = $_[0];
+	my $comments = $_[1];
+	if ($old_code < 256) {
+		printf FP "%4x    %c                     %s\n",
+			$old_code, $old_code,
+			&escaped($comments);
+	} else {
+		printf FP "%4x    .                     %s\n",
+			$old_code,
+			&escaped($comments);
+	}
+sub make_footer() {
+	printf FP "</PRE>\n";
+	printf FP "</BODY>\n";
+	printf FP "</HTML>\n";
+# return true if the string describes a range
+sub is_range($) {
+	return ($_[0] =~ /.*-.*/);
+# convert the U+'s to 0x's so strtod() can convert them.
+sub zeroxes($) {
+	my $result = $_[0];
+	$result =~ s/^U\+/0x/;
+	$result =~ s/-U\+/-0x/;
+	return $result;
+# convert a string to a number (-1's are outside the range of Unicode).
+sub value_of($) {
+	my ($result, $oops) = strtod($_[0]);
+	$result = -1 if ($oops ne 0);
+	return $result;
+# return the first number in a range
+sub first_of($) {
+	my $range = &zeroxes($_[0]);
+	$range =~ s/-.*//;
+	return &value_of($range);
+# return the last number in a range
+sub last_of($) {
+	my $range = &zeroxes($_[0]);
+	$range =~ s/^.*-//;
+	return &value_of($range);
+sub one_many($$$) {
+	my $oldcode = $_[0];
+	my $newcode = &zeroxes($_[1]);
+	my $comment = $_[2];
+	my $old_code = &value_of($oldcode);
+	if ( $old_code lt 0 ) {
+		printf "? Problem with number \"%s\"\n", $oldcode;
+	} else {
+		&make_mark if (( $old_code % 8 ) == 0 );
+		if ( $newcode =~ /^#.*/ ) {
+			&null_row($old_code, $comment);
+		} elsif ( &is_range($newcode) ) {
+			my $first_item = &first_of($newcode);
+			my $last_item  = &last_of($newcode);
+			my $item;
+			if ( $first_item lt 0 or $last_item lt 0 ) {
+				printf "? Problem with one:many numbers \"%s\"\n", $newcode;
+			} else {
+				if ( $comment =~ /^$/ ) {
+					$comment = sprintf("mapped: %#x to %#x..%#x", $old_code, $first_item, $last_item);
+				} else {
+					$comment = $comment . " (range)";
+				}
+				for $item ( $first_item..$last_item) {
+					&make_row($old_code, $item, $comment);
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			my $new_code = &value_of($newcode);
+			if ( $new_code lt 0 ) {
+				printf "? Problem with number \"%s\"\n", $newcode;
+			} else {
+				if ( $comment =~ /^$/ ) {
+					$comment = sprintf("mapped: %#x to %#x", $old_code, $new_code);
+				}
+				&make_row($old_code, $new_code, $comment);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+sub many_many($$$) {
+	my $oldcode = $_[0];
+	my $newcode = $_[1];
+	my $comment = $_[2];
+	my $first_old = &first_of($oldcode);
+	my $last_old  = &last_of($oldcode);
+	my $item;
+	if (&is_range($newcode)) {
+		my $first_new = &first_of($newcode);
+		my $last_new  = &last_of($newcode);
+		for $item ( $first_old..$last_old) {
+			&one_many($item, $first_new, $comment);
+			$first_new += 1;
+		}
+	} else {
+		for $item ( $first_old..$last_old) {
+			&one_many($item, $newcode, $comment);
+		}
+	}
+sub approximate($$$) {
+	my $values = $_[0];
+	my $expect = sprintf("%-8s", $_[1]);
+	my $comment = $_[2];
+	my $escaped = &escaped($expect);
+	my $left;
+	my $this;
+	my $next;
+	$escaped =~ s/\\134/\\/g;
+	$escaped =~ s/\\015/\&#13\;/g;
+	$escaped =~ s/\\012/\&#10\;/g;
+	while ( $escaped =~ /^.*\\[0-7]{3}.*$/ ) {
+		$left = $escaped;
+		$left =~ s/\\[0-7]{3}.*//;
+		$this = substr $escaped,length($left)+1,3;
+		$next = substr $escaped,length($left)+4;
+		$escaped = sprintf("%s&#%d;%s", $left, oct $this, $next);
+	}
+	my $visible = sprintf("&amp;#%d;      ", $values);
+	if ($values < 256) {
+		printf FP "%4x    %c   %.13s  &#%d;             approx: %s\n",
+			$values, $values,
+			$visible,
+			$values,
+			$escaped;
+	} else {
+		printf FP "%4x    .   %.13s  &#%d;             approx: %s\n",
+			$values,
+			$visible,
+			$values,
+			$escaped;
+	}
+sub doit($) {
+	my $source = $_[0];
+	printf "** %s\n", $source;
+	my $target = basename($source, ".tbl");
+	# Read the file into an array in memory.
+	open(FP,$source) || do {
+		print STDERR "Can't open input $source: $!\n";
+		return;
+	};
+	my (@input) = <FP>;
+	chomp @input;
+	close(FP);
+	my $n;
+	my $charset = "";
+	my $official = "";
+	my $empty = 1;
+	for $n (0..$#input) {
+		$input[$n] =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing blanks
+		$input[$n] =~ s/^\s*//; # trim leading blanks
+		$input[$n] =~ s/^#0x/0x/; # uncomment redundant stuff
+		next if $input[$n] =~ /^$/;
+		next if $input[$n] =~ /^#.*$/;
+		if ( $empty 
+		  and ( $input[$n] =~ /^\d/
+		     or $input[$n] =~ /^U\+/ ) ) {
+			$target = $charset . ".html";
+			printf "=> %s\n", $target;
+			open(FP,">$target") || do {
+				print STDERR "Can't open output $target: $!\n";
+				return;
+			};
+			&make_header($source, $charset, $official);
+			$empty = 0;
+		}
+		if ( $input[$n] =~ /^M.*/ ) {
+			$charset = $input[$n];
+			$charset =~ s/^.//;
+		} elsif ( $input[$n] =~ /^O.*/ ) {
+			$official = $input[$n];
+			$official =~ s/^.//;
+		} elsif ( $input[$n] =~ /^\d/ ) {
+			my $newcode = &field($input[$n], 1);
+			next if ( $newcode eq "idem" );
+			next if ( $newcode eq "" );
+			my $oldcode = &field($input[$n], 0);
+			if ( &is_range($oldcode) ) {
+				&many_many($oldcode, $newcode, &notes($input[$n]));
+			} else {
+				&one_many($oldcode, $newcode, &notes($input[$n]));
+			}
+		} elsif ( $input[$n] =~ /^U\+/ ) {
+			if ( $input[$n] =~ /^U\+\w+:/ ) {
+				my $values = $input[$n];
+				my $expect = $input[$n];
+				$values =~ s/:.*//;
+				$values = &zeroxes($values);
+				$expect =~ s/^[^:]+://;
+				if ( &is_range($values) ) {
+					printf "fixme:%s(%s)(%s)\n", $input[$n], $values, $expect;
+				} else {
+					&approximate(&value_of($values), $expect, &notes($input[$n]));
+				}
+			} else {
+				my $value = $input[$n];
+				$value =~ s/\s*".*//;
+				$value = &value_of(&zeroxes($value));
+				if ($value gt 0) {
+					my $quote = $input[$n];
+					my $comment = &notes($input[$n]);
+					$quote =~ s/^[^"]*"//;
+					$quote =~ s/".*//;
+					&approximate($value, $quote, $comment);
+				} else {
+					printf "fixme:%d(%s)\n", $n, $input[$n];
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			# printf "skipping line %d:%s\n", $n + 1, $input[$n];
+		}
+	}
+	if ( ! $empty ) {
+		&make_footer();
+	}
+	close FP;
+sub usage() {
+	print <<USAGE;
+Usage: $0 [tbl-files]
+The script writes a new ".html" file for each input, using
+the same name as the input, stripping the ".tbl" suffix.
+	exit(1);
+if ( $#ARGV < 0 ) {
+	usage();
+} else {
+	while ( $#ARGV >= 0 ) {
+		&doit ( shift @ARGV );
+	}
+exit (0);