/* $LynxId: hdr_HTMLDTD.h,v 1.22 2011/10/07 00:54:36 Kihara.Hideto Exp $ */ #ifndef hdr_HTMLDTD_H #define hdr_HTMLDTD_H 1 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Element Numbers Must Match all tables by element! These include tables in HTMLDTD.c and code in HTML.c. */ typedef enum { HTML_A, HTML_ABBR, HTML_ACRONYM, HTML_ADDRESS, HTML_APPLET, HTML_AREA, HTML_AU, HTML_AUTHOR, HTML_B, HTML_BANNER, HTML_BASE, HTML_BASEFONT, HTML_BDO, HTML_BGSOUND, HTML_BIG, HTML_BLINK, HTML_BLOCKQUOTE, HTML_BODY, HTML_BODYTEXT, HTML_BQ, HTML_BR, HTML_BUTTON, HTML_CAPTION, HTML_CENTER, HTML_CITE, HTML_CODE, HTML_COL, HTML_COLGROUP, HTML_COMMENT, HTML_CREDIT, HTML_DD, HTML_DEL, HTML_DFN, HTML_DIR, HTML_DIV, HTML_DL, HTML_DLC, HTML_DT, HTML_EM, HTML_EMBED, HTML_FIELDSET, HTML_FIG, HTML_FN, HTML_FONT, HTML_FORM, HTML_FRAME, HTML_FRAMESET, HTML_H1, HTML_H2, HTML_H3, HTML_H4, HTML_H5, HTML_H6, HTML_HEAD, HTML_HR, HTML_HTML, HTML_HY, HTML_I, HTML_IFRAME, HTML_IMG, HTML_INPUT, HTML_INS, HTML_ISINDEX, HTML_KBD, HTML_KEYGEN, HTML_LABEL, HTML_LEGEND, HTML_LH, HTML_LI, HTML_LINK, HTML_LISTING, HTML_MAP, HTML_MARQUEE, HTML_MATH, HTML_MENU, HTML_META, HTML_NEXTID, HTML_NOFRAMES, HTML_NOTE, HTML_OBJECT, HTML_OL, HTML_OPTION, HTML_OVERLAY, HTML_P, HTML_PARAM, HTML_PLAINTEXT, HTML_PRE, HTML_Q, HTML_S, HTML_SAMP, HTML_SCRIPT, HTML_SELECT, HTML_SHY, HTML_SMALL, HTML_SPAN, HTML_SPOT, HTML_STRIKE, HTML_STRONG, HTML_STYLE, HTML_SUB, HTML_SUP, HTML_TAB, HTML_TABLE, HTML_TBODY, HTML_TD, HTML_TEXTAREA, HTML_TEXTFLOW, HTML_TFOOT, HTML_TH, HTML_THEAD, HTML_TITLE, HTML_TR, HTML_TT, HTML_U, HTML_UL, HTML_VAR, HTML_WBR, HTML_XMP, HTML_ALT_OBJECT } HTMLElement; /* Notes: HTML.c uses a different extension of the HTML_ELEMENTS space privately, see HTNestedList.h. Do NOT replace HTML_ELEMENTS with TABLESIZE(mumble_dtd.tags). Keep the following defines in synch with the above enum! */ /* # of elements generally visible to Lynx code */ #define HTML_ELEMENTS 118 /* # of elements visible to SGML parser */ #define HTML_ALL_ELEMENTS 119 /* Attribute numbers Identifier is HTML_<element>_<attribute>. These must match the tables in HTML.c! */ #define HTML_A_ACCESSKEY 0 #define HTML_A_CHARSET 1 #define HTML_A_CLASS 2 #define HTML_A_CLEAR 3 #define HTML_A_COORDS 4 #define HTML_A_DIR 5 #define HTML_A_HREF 6 #define HTML_A_HREFLANG 7 #define HTML_A_ID 8 #define HTML_A_ISMAP 9 #define HTML_A_LANG 10 #define HTML_A_MD 11 #define HTML_A_NAME 12 #define HTML_A_NOTAB 13 #define HTML_A_ONBLUR 14 #define HTML_A_ONFOCUS 15 #define HTML_A_REL 16 #define HTML_A_REV 17 #define HTML_A_SHAPE 18 #define HTML_A_STYLE 19 #define HTML_A_TABINDEX 20 #define HTML_A_TARGET 21 #define HTML_A_TITLE 22 #define HTML_A_TYPE 23 #define HTML_A_URN 24 #define HTML_A_ATTRIBUTES 25 #define HTML_ADDRESS_CLASS 0 #define HTML_ADDRESS_CLEAR 1 #define HTML_ADDRESS_DIR 2 #define HTML_ADDRESS_ID 3 #define HTML_ADDRESS_LANG 4 #define HTML_ADDRESS_NOWRAP 5 #define HTML_ADDRESS_STYLE 6 #define HTML_ADDRESS_TITLE 7 #define HTML_ADDRESS_ATTRIBUTES 8 #define HTML_APPLET_ALIGN 0 #define HTML_APPLET_ALT 1 #define HTML_APPLET_CLASS 2 #define HTML_APPLET_CLEAR 3 #define HTML_APPLET_CODE 4 #define HTML_APPLET_CODEBASE 5 #define HTML_APPLET_DIR 6 #define HTML_APPLET_DOWNLOAD 7 #define HTML_APPLET_HEIGHT 8 #define HTML_APPLET_HSPACE 9 #define HTML_APPLET_ID 10 #define HTML_APPLET_LANG 11 #define HTML_APPLET_NAME 12 #define HTML_APPLET_STYLE 13 #define HTML_APPLET_TITLE 14 #define HTML_APPLET_VSPACE 15 #define HTML_APPLET_WIDTH 16 #define HTML_APPLET_ATTRIBUTES 17 #define HTML_AREA_ACCESSKEY 0 #define HTML_AREA_ALT 1 #define HTML_AREA_CLASS 2 #define HTML_AREA_CLEAR 3 #define HTML_AREA_COORDS 4 #define HTML_AREA_DIR 5 #define HTML_AREA_HREF 6 #define HTML_AREA_ID 7 #define HTML_AREA_LANG 8 #define HTML_AREA_NOHREF 9 #define HTML_AREA_NOTAB 10 #define HTML_AREA_ONBLUR 11 #define HTML_AREA_ONFOCUS 12 #define HTML_AREA_SHAPE 13 #define HTML_AREA_STYLE 14 #define HTML_AREA_TABINDEX 15 #define HTML_AREA_TARGET 16 #define HTML_AREA_TITLE 17 #define HTML_AREA_ATTRIBUTES 18 #define HTML_BASE_CLASS 0 #define HTML_BASE_HREF 1 #define HTML_BASE_ID 2 #define HTML_BASE_STYLE 3 #define HTML_BASE_TARGET 4 #define HTML_BASE_TITLE 5 #define HTML_BASE_ATTRIBUTES 6 #define HTML_BGSOUND_CLASS 0 #define HTML_BGSOUND_CLEAR 1 #define HTML_BGSOUND_DIR 2 #define HTML_BGSOUND_ID 3 #define HTML_BGSOUND_LANG 4 #define HTML_BGSOUND_LOOP 5 #define HTML_BGSOUND_SRC 6 #define HTML_BGSOUND_STYLE 7 #define HTML_BGSOUND_TITLE 8 #define HTML_BGSOUND_ATTRIBUTES 9 #define HTML_BODY_ALINK 0 #define HTML_BODY_BACKGROUND 1 #define HTML_BODY_BGCOLOR 2 #define HTML_BODY_CLASS 3 #define HTML_BODY_CLEAR 4 #define HTML_BODY_DIR 5 #define HTML_BODY_ID 6 #define HTML_BODY_LANG 7 #define HTML_BODY_LINK 8 #define HTML_BODY_ONLOAD 9 #define HTML_BODY_ONUNLOAD 10 #define HTML_BODY_STYLE 11 #define HTML_BODY_TEXT 12 #define HTML_BODY_TITLE 13 #define HTML_BODY_VLINK 14 #define HTML_BODY_ATTRIBUTES 15 #define HTML_BODYTEXT_CLASS 0 #define HTML_BODYTEXT_CLEAR 1 #define HTML_BODYTEXT_DATA 2 #define HTML_BODYTEXT_DIR 3 #define HTML_BODYTEXT_ID 4 #define HTML_BODYTEXT_LANG 5 #define HTML_BODYTEXT_NAME 6 #define HTML_BODYTEXT_OBJECT 7 #define HTML_BODYTEXT_REF 8 #define HTML_BODYTEXT_STYLE 9 #define HTML_BODYTEXT_TITLE 10 #define HTML_BODYTEXT_TYPE 11 #define HTML_BODYTEXT_VALUE 12 #define HTML_BODYTEXT_VALUETYPE 13 #define HTML_BODYTEXT_ATTRIBUTES 14 #define HTML_BQ_CITE 0 #define HTML_BQ_CLASS 1 #define HTML_BQ_CLEAR 2 #define HTML_BQ_DIR 3 #define HTML_BQ_ID 4 #define HTML_BQ_LANG 5 #define HTML_BQ_NOWRAP 6 #define HTML_BQ_STYLE 7 #define HTML_BQ_TITLE 8 #define HTML_BQ_ATTRIBUTES 9 #define HTML_BUTTON_ACCESSKEY 0 #define HTML_BUTTON_CLASS 1 #define HTML_BUTTON_CLEAR 2 #define HTML_BUTTON_DIR 3 #define HTML_BUTTON_DISABLED 4 #define HTML_BUTTON_ID 5 #define HTML_BUTTON_LANG 6 #define HTML_BUTTON_NAME 7 #define HTML_BUTTON_ONBLUR 8 #define HTML_BUTTON_ONFOCUS 9 #define HTML_BUTTON_READONLY 10 #define HTML_BUTTON_STYLE 11 #define HTML_BUTTON_TABINDEX 12 #define HTML_BUTTON_TITLE 13 #define HTML_BUTTON_TYPE 14 #define HTML_BUTTON_VALUE 15 #define HTML_BUTTON_ATTRIBUTES 16 #define HTML_CAPTION_ACCESSKEY 0 #define HTML_CAPTION_ALIGN 1 #define HTML_CAPTION_CLASS 2 #define HTML_CAPTION_CLEAR 3 #define HTML_CAPTION_DIR 4 #define HTML_CAPTION_ID 5 #define HTML_CAPTION_LANG 6 #define HTML_CAPTION_STYLE 7 #define HTML_CAPTION_TITLE 8 #define HTML_CAPTION_ATTRIBUTES 9 #define HTML_COL_ALIGN 0 #define HTML_COL_CHAR 1 #define HTML_COL_CHAROFF 2 #define HTML_COL_CLASS 3 #define HTML_COL_CLEAR 4 #define HTML_COL_DIR 5 #define HTML_COL_ID 6 #define HTML_COL_LANG 7 #define HTML_COL_SPAN 8 #define HTML_COL_STYLE 9 #define HTML_COL_TITLE 10 #define HTML_COL_VALIGN 11 #define HTML_COL_WIDTH 12 #define HTML_COL_ATTRIBUTES 13 #define HTML_DEL_CITE 0 #define HTML_DEL_CLASS 1 #define HTML_DEL_DATETIME 2 #define HTML_DEL_DIR 3 #define HTML_DEL_ID 4 #define HTML_DEL_LANG 5 #define HTML_DEL_STYLE 6 #define HTML_DEL_TITLE 7 #define HTML_DEL_ATTRIBUTES 8 #define HTML_DIV_ALIGN 0 #define HTML_DIV_CLASS 1 #define HTML_DIV_CLEAR 2 #define HTML_DIV_DIR 3 #define HTML_DIV_ID 4 #define HTML_DIV_LANG 5 #define HTML_DIV_STYLE 6 #define HTML_DIV_TITLE 7 #define HTML_DIV_ATTRIBUTES 8 #define HTML_DL_CLASS 0 #define HTML_DL_CLEAR 1 #define HTML_DL_COMPACT 2 #define HTML_DL_DIR 3 #define HTML_DL_ID 4 #define HTML_DL_LANG 5 #define HTML_DL_STYLE 6 #define HTML_DL_TITLE 7 #define HTML_DL_ATTRIBUTES 8 #define HTML_EMBED_ALIGN 0 #define HTML_EMBED_ALT 1 #define HTML_EMBED_BORDER 2 #define HTML_EMBED_CLASS 3 #define HTML_EMBED_CLEAR 4 #define HTML_EMBED_DIR 5 #define HTML_EMBED_HEIGHT 6 #define HTML_EMBED_ID 7 #define HTML_EMBED_IMAGEMAP 8 #define HTML_EMBED_ISMAP 9 #define HTML_EMBED_LANG 10 #define HTML_EMBED_MD 11 #define HTML_EMBED_NAME 12 #define HTML_EMBED_NOFLOW 13 #define HTML_EMBED_PARAMS 14 #define HTML_EMBED_SRC 15 #define HTML_EMBED_STYLE 16 #define HTML_EMBED_TITLE 17 #define HTML_EMBED_UNITS 18 #define HTML_EMBED_USEMAP 19 #define HTML_EMBED_WIDTH 20 #define HTML_EMBED_ATTRIBUTES 21 #define HTML_FIG_ALIGN 0 #define HTML_FIG_BORDER 1 #define HTML_FIG_CLASS 2 #define HTML_FIG_CLEAR 3 #define HTML_FIG_DIR 4 #define HTML_FIG_HEIGHT 5 #define HTML_FIG_ID 6 #define HTML_FIG_IMAGEMAP 7 #define HTML_FIG_ISOBJECT 8 #define HTML_FIG_LANG 9 #define HTML_FIG_MD 10 #define HTML_FIG_NOFLOW 11 #define HTML_FIG_SRC 12 #define HTML_FIG_STYLE 13 #define HTML_FIG_TITLE 14 #define HTML_FIG_UNITS 15 #define HTML_FIG_WIDTH 16 #define HTML_FIG_ATTRIBUTES 17 #define HTML_FONT_CLASS 0 #define HTML_FONT_CLEAR 1 #define HTML_FONT_COLOR 2 #define HTML_FONT_DIR 3 #define HTML_FONT_END 4 #define HTML_FONT_FACE 5 #define HTML_FONT_ID 6 #define HTML_FONT_LANG 7 #define HTML_FONT_SIZE 8 #define HTML_FONT_STYLE 9 #define HTML_FONT_TITLE 10 #define HTML_FONT_ATTRIBUTES 11 #define HTML_FORM_ACCEPT 0 #define HTML_FORM_ACCEPT_CHARSET 1 #define HTML_FORM_ACTION 2 #define HTML_FORM_CLASS 3 #define HTML_FORM_CLEAR 4 #define HTML_FORM_DIR 5 #define HTML_FORM_ENCTYPE 6 #define HTML_FORM_ID 7 #define HTML_FORM_LANG 8 #define HTML_FORM_METHOD 9 #define HTML_FORM_ONRESET 10 #define HTML_FORM_ONSUBMIT 11 #define HTML_FORM_SCRIPT 12 #define HTML_FORM_STYLE 13 #define HTML_FORM_SUBJECT 14 #define HTML_FORM_TARGET 15 #define HTML_FORM_TITLE 16 #define HTML_FORM_ATTRIBUTES 17 #define HTML_FRAME_CLASS 0 #define HTML_FRAME_FRAMEBORDER 1 #define HTML_FRAME_ID 2 #define HTML_FRAME_LONGDESC 3 #define HTML_FRAME_MARGINHEIGHT 4 #define HTML_FRAME_MARGINWIDTH 5 #define HTML_FRAME_NAME 6 #define HTML_FRAME_NORESIZE 7 #define HTML_FRAME_SCROLLING 8 #define HTML_FRAME_SRC 9 #define HTML_FRAME_STYLE 10 #define HTML_FRAME_TITLE 11 #define HTML_FRAME_ATTRIBUTES 12 #define HTML_FRAMESET_COLS 0 #define HTML_FRAMESET_ONLOAD 1 #define HTML_FRAMESET_ONUNLOAD 2 #define HTML_FRAMESET_ROWS 3 #define HTML_FRAMESET_ATTRIBUTES 4 #define HTML_GEN_CLASS 0 #define HTML_GEN_CLEAR 1 #define HTML_GEN_DIR 2 #define HTML_GEN_ID 3 #define HTML_GEN_LANG 4 #define HTML_GEN_STYLE 5 #define HTML_GEN_TITLE 6 #define HTML_GEN_ATTRIBUTES 7 #define HTML_H_ALIGN 0 #define HTML_H_CLASS 1 #define HTML_H_CLEAR 2 #define HTML_H_DINGBAT 3 #define HTML_H_DIR 4 #define HTML_H_ID 5 #define HTML_H_LANG 6 #define HTML_H_MD 7 #define HTML_H_NOWRAP 8 #define HTML_H_SEQNUM 9 #define HTML_H_SKIP 10 #define HTML_H_SRC 11 #define HTML_H_STYLE 12 #define HTML_H_TITLE 13 #define HTML_H_ATTRIBUTES 14 #define HTML_HR_ALIGN 0 #define HTML_HR_CLASS 1 #define HTML_HR_CLEAR 2 #define HTML_HR_DIR 3 #define HTML_HR_ID 4 #define HTML_HR_LANG 5 #define HTML_HR_MD 6 #define HTML_HR_NOSHADE 7 #define HTML_HR_SIZE 8 #define HTML_HR_SRC 9 #define HTML_HR_STYLE 10 #define HTML_HR_TITLE 11 #define HTML_HR_WIDTH 12 #define HTML_HR_ATTRIBUTES 13 #define HTML_IFRAME_ALIGN 0 #define HTML_IFRAME_CLASS 1 #define HTML_IFRAME_FRAMEBORDER 2 #define HTML_IFRAME_HEIGHT 3 #define HTML_IFRAME_ID 4 #define HTML_IFRAME_LONGDESC 5 #define HTML_IFRAME_MARGINHEIGHT 6 #define HTML_IFRAME_MARGINWIDTH 7 #define HTML_IFRAME_NAME 8 #define HTML_IFRAME_SCROLLING 9 #define HTML_IFRAME_SRC 10 #define HTML_IFRAME_STYLE 11 #define HTML_IFRAME_TITLE 12 #define HTML_IFRAME_WIDTH 13 #define HTML_IFRAME_ATTRIBUTES 14 #define HTML_IMG_ALIGN 0 #define HTML_IMG_ALT 1 #define HTML_IMG_BORDER 2 #define HTML_IMG_CLASS 3 #define HTML_IMG_CLEAR 4 #define HTML_IMG_DIR 5 #define HTML_IMG_HEIGHT 6 #define HTML_IMG_HSPACE 7 #define HTML_IMG_ID 8 #define HTML_IMG_ISMAP 9 #define HTML_IMG_ISOBJECT 10 #define HTML_IMG_LANG 11 #define HTML_IMG_LONGDESC 12 #define HTML_IMG_MD 13 #define HTML_IMG_NAME 14 #define HTML_IMG_SRC 15 #define HTML_IMG_STYLE 16 #define HTML_IMG_TITLE 17 #define HTML_IMG_UNITS 18 #define HTML_IMG_USEMAP 19 #define HTML_IMG_VSPACE 20 #define HTML_IMG_WIDTH 21 #define HTML_IMG_ATTRIBUTES 22 #define HTML_INPUT_ACCEPT 0 #define HTML_INPUT_ACCEPT_CHARSET 1 #define HTML_INPUT_ACCESSKEY 2 #define HTML_INPUT_ALIGN 3 #define HTML_INPUT_ALT 4 #define HTML_INPUT_CHECKED 5 #define HTML_INPUT_CLASS 6 #define HTML_INPUT_CLEAR 7 #define HTML_INPUT_DIR 8 #define HTML_INPUT_DISABLED 9 #define HTML_INPUT_ERROR 10 #define HTML_INPUT_HEIGHT 11 #define HTML_INPUT_ID 12 #define HTML_INPUT_ISMAP 13 #define HTML_INPUT_LANG 14 #define HTML_INPUT_MAX 15 #define HTML_INPUT_MAXLENGTH 16 #define HTML_INPUT_MD 17 #define HTML_INPUT_MIN 18 #define HTML_INPUT_NAME 19 #define HTML_INPUT_NOTAB 20 #define HTML_INPUT_ONBLUR 21 #define HTML_INPUT_ONCHANGE 22 #define HTML_INPUT_ONFOCUS 23 #define HTML_INPUT_ONSELECT 24 #define HTML_INPUT_READONLY 25 #define HTML_INPUT_SIZE 26 #define HTML_INPUT_SRC 27 #define HTML_INPUT_STYLE 28 #define HTML_INPUT_TABINDEX 29 #define HTML_INPUT_TITLE 30 #define HTML_INPUT_TYPE 31 #define HTML_INPUT_USEMAP 32 #define HTML_INPUT_VALUE 33 #define HTML_INPUT_WIDTH 34 #define HTML_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES 35 #define HTML_ISINDEX_ACTION 0 #define HTML_ISINDEX_CLASS 1 #define HTML_ISINDEX_DIR 2 #define HTML_ISINDEX_HREF 3 #define HTML_ISINDEX_ID 4 #define HTML_ISINDEX_LANG 5 #define HTML_ISINDEX_PROMPT 6 #define HTML_ISINDEX_STYLE 7 #define HTML_ISINDEX_TITLE 8 #define HTML_ISINDEX_ATTRIBUTES 9 #define HTML_KEYGEN_CHALLENGE 0 #define HTML_KEYGEN_CLASS 1 #define HTML_KEYGEN_DIR 2 #define HTML_KEYGEN_ID 3 #define HTML_KEYGEN_LANG 4 #define HTML_KEYGEN_NAME 5 #define HTML_KEYGEN_STYLE 6 #define HTML_KEYGEN_TITLE 7 #define HTML_KEYGEN_ATTRIBUTES 8 #define HTML_LABEL_ACCESSKEY 0 #define HTML_LABEL_CLASS 1 #define HTML_LABEL_CLEAR 2 #define HTML_LABEL_DIR 3 #define HTML_LABEL_FOR 4 #define HTML_LABEL_ID 5 #define HTML_LABEL_LANG 6 #define HTML_LABEL_ONBLUR 7 #define HTML_LABEL_ONFOCUS 8 #define HTML_LABEL_STYLE 9 #define HTML_LABEL_TITLE 10 #define HTML_LABEL_ATTRIBUTES 11 #define HTML_LI_CLASS 0 #define HTML_LI_CLEAR 1 #define HTML_LI_DINGBAT 2 #define HTML_LI_DIR 3 #define HTML_LI_ID 4 #define HTML_LI_LANG 5 #define HTML_LI_MD 6 #define HTML_LI_SKIP 7 #define HTML_LI_SRC 8 #define HTML_LI_STYLE 9 #define HTML_LI_TITLE 10 #define HTML_LI_TYPE 11 #define HTML_LI_VALUE 12 #define HTML_LI_ATTRIBUTES 13 #define HTML_LINK_CHARSET 0 #define HTML_LINK_CLASS 1 #define HTML_LINK_DIR 2 #define HTML_LINK_HREF 3 #define HTML_LINK_HREFLANG 4 #define HTML_LINK_ID 5 #define HTML_LINK_LANG 6 #define HTML_LINK_MEDIA 7 #define HTML_LINK_REL 8 #define HTML_LINK_REV 9 #define HTML_LINK_STYLE 10 #define HTML_LINK_TARGET 11 #define HTML_LINK_TITLE 12 #define HTML_LINK_TYPE 13 #define HTML_LINK_ATTRIBUTES 14 #define HTML_MAP_CLASS 0 #define HTML_MAP_CLEAR 1 #define HTML_MAP_DIR 2 #define HTML_MAP_ID 3 #define HTML_MAP_LANG 4 #define HTML_MAP_NAME 5 #define HTML_MAP_STYLE 6 #define HTML_MAP_TITLE 7 #define HTML_MAP_ATTRIBUTES 8 #define HTML_MATH_BOX 0 #define HTML_MATH_CLASS 1 #define HTML_MATH_CLEAR 2 #define HTML_MATH_DIR 3 #define HTML_MATH_ID 4 #define HTML_MATH_LANG 5 #define HTML_MATH_STYLE 6 #define HTML_MATH_TITLE 7 #define HTML_MATH_ATTRIBUTES 8 #define HTML_META_CHARSET 0 #define HTML_META_CONTENT 1 #define HTML_META_HTTP_EQUIV 2 #define HTML_META_NAME 3 #define HTML_META_SCHEME 4 #define HTML_META_ATTRIBUTES 5 #define HTML_NEXTID_N 0 #define HTML_NEXTID_ATTRIBUTES 1 #define HTML_NOTE_CLASS 0 #define HTML_NOTE_CLEAR 1 #define HTML_NOTE_DIR 2 #define HTML_NOTE_ID 3 #define HTML_NOTE_LANG 4 #define HTML_NOTE_MD 5 #define HTML_NOTE_ROLE 6 #define HTML_NOTE_SRC 7 #define HTML_NOTE_STYLE 8 #define HTML_NOTE_TITLE 9 #define HTML_NOTE_ATTRIBUTES 10 #define HTML_OBJECT_ALIGN 0 #define HTML_OBJECT_ARCHIVE 1 #define HTML_OBJECT_BORDER 2 #define HTML_OBJECT_CLASS 3 #define HTML_OBJECT_CLASSID 4 #define HTML_OBJECT_CODEBASE 5 #define HTML_OBJECT_CODETYPE 6 #define HTML_OBJECT_DATA 7 #define HTML_OBJECT_DECLARE 8 #define HTML_OBJECT_DIR 9 #define HTML_OBJECT_HEIGHT 10 #define HTML_OBJECT_HSPACE 11 #define HTML_OBJECT_ID 12 #define HTML_OBJECT_ISMAP 13 #define HTML_OBJECT_LANG 14 #define HTML_OBJECT_NAME 15 #define HTML_OBJECT_NOTAB 16 #define HTML_OBJECT_SHAPES 17 #define HTML_OBJECT_STANDBY 18 #define HTML_OBJECT_STYLE 19 #define HTML_OBJECT_TABINDEX 20 #define HTML_OBJECT_TITLE 21 #define HTML_OBJECT_TYPE 22 #define HTML_OBJECT_USEMAP 23 #define HTML_OBJECT_VSPACE 24 #define HTML_OBJECT_WIDTH 25 #define HTML_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES 26 #define HTML_OL_CLASS 0 #define HTML_OL_CLEAR 1 #define HTML_OL_COMPACT 2 #define HTML_OL_CONTINUE 3 #define HTML_OL_DIR 4 #define HTML_OL_ID 5 #define HTML_OL_LANG 6 #define HTML_OL_SEQNUM 7 #define HTML_OL_START 8 #define HTML_OL_STYLE 9 #define HTML_OL_TITLE 10 #define HTML_OL_TYPE 11 #define HTML_OL_ATTRIBUTES 12 #define HTML_OPTION_CLASS 0 #define HTML_OPTION_CLEAR 1 #define HTML_OPTION_DIR 2 #define HTML_OPTION_DISABLED 3 #define HTML_OPTION_ERROR 4 #define HTML_OPTION_ID 5 #define HTML_OPTION_LABEL 6 #define HTML_OPTION_LANG 7 #define HTML_OPTION_SELECTED 8 #define HTML_OPTION_SHAPE 9 #define HTML_OPTION_STYLE 10 #define HTML_OPTION_TITLE 11 #define HTML_OPTION_VALUE 12 #define HTML_OPTION_ATTRIBUTES 13 #define HTML_OVERLAY_CLASS 0 #define HTML_OVERLAY_HEIGHT 1 #define HTML_OVERLAY_ID 2 #define HTML_OVERLAY_IMAGEMAP 3 #define HTML_OVERLAY_MD 4 #define HTML_OVERLAY_SRC 5 #define HTML_OVERLAY_STYLE 6 #define HTML_OVERLAY_TITLE 7 #define HTML_OVERLAY_UNITS 8 #define HTML_OVERLAY_WIDTH 9 #define HTML_OVERLAY_X 10 #define HTML_OVERLAY_Y 11 #define HTML_OVERLAY_ATTRIBUTES 12 #define HTML_P_ALIGN 0 #define HTML_P_CLASS 1 #define HTML_P_CLEAR 2 #define HTML_P_DIR 3 #define HTML_P_ID 4 #define HTML_P_LANG 5 #define HTML_P_NOWRAP 6 #define HTML_P_STYLE 7 #define HTML_P_TITLE 8 #define HTML_P_ATTRIBUTES 9 #define HTML_PARAM_ACCEPT 0 #define HTML_PARAM_ACCEPT_CHARSET 1 #define HTML_PARAM_ACCEPT_ENCODING 2 #define HTML_PARAM_CLASS 3 #define HTML_PARAM_CLEAR 4 #define HTML_PARAM_DATA 5 #define HTML_PARAM_DIR 6 #define HTML_PARAM_ID 7 #define HTML_PARAM_LANG 8 #define HTML_PARAM_NAME 9 #define HTML_PARAM_OBJECT 10 #define HTML_PARAM_REF 11 #define HTML_PARAM_STYLE 12 #define HTML_PARAM_TITLE 13 #define HTML_PARAM_TYPE 14 #define HTML_PARAM_VALUE 15 #define HTML_PARAM_VALUEREF 16 #define HTML_PARAM_VALUETYPE 17 #define HTML_PARAM_ATTRIBUTES 18 #define HTML_Q_CITE 0 #define HTML_Q_CLASS 1 #define HTML_Q_CLEAR 2 #define HTML_Q_DIR 3 #define HTML_Q_ID 4 #define HTML_Q_LANG 5 #define HTML_Q_STYLE 6 #define HTML_Q_TITLE 7 #define HTML_Q_ATTRIBUTES 8 #define HTML_SCRIPT_CHARSET 0 #define HTML_SCRIPT_CLASS 1 #define HTML_SCRIPT_CLEAR 2 #define HTML_SCRIPT_DEFER 3 #define HTML_SCRIPT_DIR 4 #define HTML_SCRIPT_EVENT 5 #define HTML_SCRIPT_FOR 6 #define HTML_SCRIPT_ID 7 #define HTML_SCRIPT_LANG 8 #define HTML_SCRIPT_LANGUAGE 9 #define HTML_SCRIPT_NAME 10 #define HTML_SCRIPT_SCRIPTENGINE 11 #define HTML_SCRIPT_SRC 12 #define HTML_SCRIPT_STYLE 13 #define HTML_SCRIPT_TITLE 14 #define HTML_SCRIPT_TYPE 15 #define HTML_SCRIPT_ATTRIBUTES 16 #define HTML_SELECT_ALIGN 0 #define HTML_SELECT_CLASS 1 #define HTML_SELECT_CLEAR 2 #define HTML_SELECT_DIR 3 #define HTML_SELECT_DISABLED 4 #define HTML_SELECT_ERROR 5 #define HTML_SELECT_HEIGHT 6 #define HTML_SELECT_ID 7 #define HTML_SELECT_LANG 8 #define HTML_SELECT_MD 9 #define HTML_SELECT_MULTIPLE 10 #define HTML_SELECT_NAME 11 #define HTML_SELECT_NOTAB 12 #define HTML_SELECT_ONBLUR 13 #define HTML_SELECT_ONCHANGE 14 #define HTML_SELECT_ONFOCUS 15 #define HTML_SELECT_SIZE 16 #define HTML_SELECT_STYLE 17 #define HTML_SELECT_TABINDEX 18 #define HTML_SELECT_TITLE 19 #define HTML_SELECT_UNITS 20 #define HTML_SELECT_WIDTH 21 #define HTML_SELECT_ATTRIBUTES 22 #define HTML_STYLE_CLASS 0 #define HTML_STYLE_DIR 1 #define HTML_STYLE_ID 2 #define HTML_STYLE_LANG 3 #define HTML_STYLE_MEDIA 4 #define HTML_STYLE_NOTATION 5 #define HTML_STYLE_STYLE 6 #define HTML_STYLE_TITLE 7 #define HTML_STYLE_TYPE 8 #define HTML_STYLE_ATTRIBUTES 9 #define HTML_TAB_ALIGN 0 #define HTML_TAB_CLASS 1 #define HTML_TAB_CLEAR 2 #define HTML_TAB_DIR 3 #define HTML_TAB_DP 4 #define HTML_TAB_ID 5 #define HTML_TAB_INDENT 6 #define HTML_TAB_LANG 7 #define HTML_TAB_STYLE 8 #define HTML_TAB_TITLE 9 #define HTML_TAB_TO 10 #define HTML_TAB_ATTRIBUTES 11 #define HTML_TABLE_ALIGN 0 #define HTML_TABLE_BACKGROUND 1 #define HTML_TABLE_BORDER 2 #define HTML_TABLE_CELLPADDING 3 #define HTML_TABLE_CELLSPACING 4 #define HTML_TABLE_CLASS 5 #define HTML_TABLE_CLEAR 6 #define HTML_TABLE_COLS 7 #define HTML_TABLE_COLSPEC 8 #define HTML_TABLE_DIR 9 #define HTML_TABLE_DP 10 #define HTML_TABLE_FRAME 11 #define HTML_TABLE_ID 12 #define HTML_TABLE_LANG 13 #define HTML_TABLE_NOFLOW 14 #define HTML_TABLE_NOWRAP 15 #define HTML_TABLE_RULES 16 #define HTML_TABLE_STYLE 17 #define HTML_TABLE_SUMMARY 18 #define HTML_TABLE_TITLE 19 #define HTML_TABLE_UNITS 20 #define HTML_TABLE_WIDTH 21 #define HTML_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES 22 #define HTML_TD_ABBR 0 #define HTML_TD_ALIGN 1 #define HTML_TD_AXES 2 #define HTML_TD_AXIS 3 #define HTML_TD_BACKGROUND 4 #define HTML_TD_CHAR 5 #define HTML_TD_CHAROFF 6 #define HTML_TD_CLASS 7 #define HTML_TD_CLEAR 8 #define HTML_TD_COLSPAN 9 #define HTML_TD_DIR 10 #define HTML_TD_DP 11 #define HTML_TD_HEADERS 12 #define HTML_TD_HEIGHT 13 #define HTML_TD_ID 14 #define HTML_TD_LANG 15 #define HTML_TD_NOWRAP 16 #define HTML_TD_ROWSPAN 17 #define HTML_TD_SCOPE 18 #define HTML_TD_STYLE 19 #define HTML_TD_TITLE 20 #define HTML_TD_VALIGN 21 #define HTML_TD_WIDTH 22 #define HTML_TD_ATTRIBUTES 23 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_ACCEPT_CHARSET 0 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_ACCESSKEY 1 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_ALIGN 2 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_CLASS 3 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_CLEAR 4 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_COLS 5 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_DIR 6 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_DISABLED 7 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_ERROR 8 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_ID 9 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_LANG 10 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_NAME 11 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_NOTAB 12 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_ONBLUR 13 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_ONCHANGE 14 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_ONFOCUS 15 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_ONSELECT 16 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_READONLY 17 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_ROWS 18 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_STYLE 19 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_TABINDEX 20 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_TITLE 21 #define HTML_TEXTAREA_ATTRIBUTES 22 #define HTML_TR_ALIGN 0 #define HTML_TR_CHAR 1 #define HTML_TR_CHAROFF 2 #define HTML_TR_CLASS 3 #define HTML_TR_CLEAR 4 #define HTML_TR_DIR 5 #define HTML_TR_DP 6 #define HTML_TR_ID 7 #define HTML_TR_LANG 8 #define HTML_TR_NOWRAP 9 #define HTML_TR_STYLE 10 #define HTML_TR_TITLE 11 #define HTML_TR_VALIGN 12 #define HTML_TR_ATTRIBUTES 13 #define HTML_UL_CLASS 0 #define HTML_UL_CLEAR 1 #define HTML_UL_COMPACT 2 #define HTML_UL_DINGBAT 3 #define HTML_UL_DIR 4 #define HTML_UL_ID 5 #define HTML_UL_LANG 6 #define HTML_UL_MD 7 #define HTML_UL_PLAIN 8 #define HTML_UL_SRC 9 #define HTML_UL_STYLE 10 #define HTML_UL_TITLE 11 #define HTML_UL_TYPE 12 #define HTML_UL_WRAP 13 #define HTML_UL_ATTRIBUTES 14 #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* hdr_HTMLDTD_H */