To list of settings by category EOF . (defined $opt_a && defined $opt_m ? "
Support for all settings suffixed with '*' was disabled at compile time.\n" : "") . <<'EOF' EOF ;print FP $str; close(FP); } # This uses the associative array $cats{} to store HREF values pointing into # the cattoc file. # # We could generate this file in alphabetic order as well, but choose to use # the order of entries in lynx.cfg, since some people expect that arrangement. sub gen_body { my @input = @_; my ($n, $c); my @h2; my $output = "body.html"; open(FP,">$output") || do { print STDERR "Can't open $output: $!\n"; return; }; print FP <<'EOF';
\n"; $nf = $count; } elsif ( $c =~ /^\.fi/ ) { printf FP "\n"; $nf = 0; } elsif ( $c =~ /^$/ ) { if ( $m > 1 ) { my $j; for $j (1..$#h2) { close(FP);++$curfilename; push @optnames,$h2[$j]; open(FP,">$tmpdir/$curfilename") || do { print STDERR "Can't open tmpfile: $!\n"; return; }; $optname_to_fname{$h2[$j]} = $curfilename; printf FP "
$c = "" . $c . "
if ( ! $nf ) {
$c .= "
printf FP "%s\n", $c;
$d = $n + 1;
} else {
if ( $p && ! $nf ) {
printf FP "\n";
$p = 0;
if ( $input[$n+1] =~ /^#\s*==/ ) {
$c = "
if ( ! $nf ) {
$c .= "
printf FP "%s\n", $c;
if ( $nf != 0 && $nf-- == 0 ) {
printf FP "\n";
# Here we collect files with description of needed lynx.cfg
# options in the proper (natural or sorted) order.
open(FP,">>$output") || do {
print STDERR "Can't open $output: $!\n";
my @ordered = (defined $opt_s ? (sort keys(%optname_to_fname)) : @optnames);
if (defined $opt_s) {
print FP "Options are sorted by name.\n";
} else {
print FP "Options are in the same order as lynx.cfg.\n";
foreach $l (@ordered) {
my $fnm = $tmpdir . $optname_to_fname{$l};
open(FP1,"<$fnm") || do {
print STDERR "Can't open $fnm: $!\n";
my $avail = ok($l);
if (defined $opt_a || $avail) {
my @lines = ;
print FP @lines;
if (!$avail && defined $opt_m) {
print FP <<'EOF';
Support for this setting was disabled at compile-time.
foreach $l (values(%optname_to_fname)) {
unlink $l;
print FP <<'EOF';
sub gen_cattoc {
my @input = @_;
my @major;
my %descs;
my %index;
my ($n, $m, $c, $d, $found, $h1, $nf, $ex, $count, $once);
my $output = "cattoc.html";
open(FP,">$output") || do {
print STDERR "Can't open $output: $!\n";
print FP <<'EOF';
Settings by category
Settings by category
These are the major categories of configuration settings in Lynx:
$m = -1;
$h1 = 0;
$nf = 0;
for $n (0..$#input) {
my $count = $#input;
my $once = 1;
$c = $input[$n];
if ( $input[$n] =~ /^\.h1\s/ ) {
$h1 = 1;
$c =~ s/^.h1\s*//;
$m = $#major + 1;
$d = 0;
$found = 0;
while ( $d <= $#major && ! $found ) {
if ( $major[$d] eq $c ) {
$m = $d;
$found = 1;
if ( ! $found ) {
$major[$m] = $c;
$descs{$major[$m]} = "";
$index{$major[$m]} = "";
} elsif ( $h1 != 0 ) {
if ( $c =~ /^\.(nf|ex)/ ) {
my $s = $c;
$s =~ s/^\.[a-z]+\s//;
if ( $s =~ /^[0-9]+$/ ) {
$count = $s;
$once = $s;
if ( $input[$n] =~ /^$/ ) {
$h1 = 0;
} elsif ( $input[$n] =~ /^\.nf/ ) {
$descs{$major[$m]} .= "
" . "\n";
$nf = $count;
} elsif ( $input[$n] =~ /^\.fi/ ) {
$descs{$major[$m]} .= "
" . "\n";
$nf = 0;
} elsif ( $input[$n] =~ /^\.ex/ ) {
$ex = $once;
$descs{$major[$m]} .=
($ex > 1 ? "s" : "")
. "\n";
} elsif ( $input[$n] =~ /^\s*#/ ) {
$c = $input[$n];
$c =~ s/^\s*#\s*//;
$descs{$major[$m]} .= $c . "\n";
if ( $m >= 0 && $input[$n] =~ /^\.h2\s/ ) {
$c = $input[$n];
$c =~ s/^.h2\s*//;
$index{$major[$m]} .= $c . "\n"
if (defined $opt_a || ok($c));
$h1 = 0;
if ( $nf != 0 && $nf-- == 0 ) {
$descs{$major[$m]} .= "\n";
@major = sort @major;
for $n (0..$#major) {
$cats{$major[$n]} = sprintf("header%03d", $n);
printf FP "%s\n", $cats{$major[$n]}, $major[$n];
printf FP "\n";
for $n (0..$#major) {
printf FP "\n";
printf FP "%s
\n", $cats{$major[$n]}, $major[$n];
if ($descs{$major[$n]} !~ /^$/) {
printf FP "Description
\n%s\n", $descs{$major[$n]};
$c = $index{$major[$n]};
if ( $c ne "" ) {
my @c = split(/\n/, $c);
@c = sort @c;
printf FP "Here is a list of settings that belong to this category\n";
printf FP "
for $m (0..$#c) {
my $avail = ok($c[$m]);
my $mark = (!$avail && defined $opt_m) ? "*" : "";
printf FP "- %s\n", $c[$m], $c[$m] . $mark;
printf FP "
my $str = <<'EOF'
To list of settings by name
. (defined $opt_a && defined $opt_m ?
Support for all settings suffixed with '*' was disabled at compile time." :
"") . <<'EOF'
;print FP $str;
return @cats;