/* $LynxId: LYForms.c,v 1.97 2012/02/10 18:36:39 tom Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef USE_COLOR_STYLE #include #include #endif #if defined(VMS) && !defined(USE_SLANG) #define CTRL_W_HACK DO_NOTHING #else #define CTRL_W_HACK 23 /* CTRL-W refresh without clearok */ #endif /* VMS && !USE_SLANG */ static int form_getstr(int cur, int use_last_tfpos, int redraw_only); /* * Returns an array of pointers to the given list */ static char **options_list(OptionType * opt_ptr) { char **result = 0; size_t len; int pass; OptionType *tmp_ptr; for (pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) { for (tmp_ptr = opt_ptr, len = 0; tmp_ptr != 0; tmp_ptr = tmp_ptr->next) { if (pass != 0) result[len] = tmp_ptr->name; len++; } if (pass == 0) { len++; result = typecallocn(char *, len); } else { result[len] = 0; } } return result; } int change_form_link_ex(int cur, DocInfo *newdoc, BOOLEAN *refresh_screen, int use_last_tfpos, int immediate_submit, int redraw_only) { FormInfo *form = links[cur].l_form; char *link_name = form->name; char *link_value = form->value; int newdoc_changed = 0; int c = DO_NOTHING; int title_adjust = (no_title ? -TITLE_LINES : 0); char **my_data = 0; /* * If there is no form to perform action on, don't do anything. */ if (form == NULL) { return (c); } my_data = options_list(form->select_list); /* * Move to the link position. */ LYmove(links[cur].ly + title_adjust, links[cur].lx); switch (form->type) { case F_CHECKBOX_TYPE: if (FormIsReadonly(form)) break; LYSetHilite(cur, form->num_value ? unchecked_box : checked_box); form->num_value = !form->num_value; break; case F_OPTION_LIST_TYPE: if (form->select_list == 0) { HTAlert(BAD_HTML_NO_POPUP); c = DO_NOTHING; break; } if (FormIsReadonly(form)) { (void) LYhandlePopupList(form->num_value, links[cur].ly, links[cur].lx, (STRING2PTR) my_data, form->size, form->size_l, FormIsReadonly(form), FALSE); #if CTRL_W_HACK != DO_NOTHING if (!enable_scrollback) c = CTRL_W_HACK; /* CTRL-W refresh without clearok */ else #endif c = 12; /* CTRL-L for repaint */ break; } form->num_value = LYhandlePopupList(form->num_value, links[cur].ly, links[cur].lx, (STRING2PTR) my_data, form->size, form->size_l, FormIsReadonly(form), FALSE); { OptionType *opt_ptr = form->select_list; int i; for (i = 0; i < form->num_value; i++, opt_ptr = opt_ptr->next) ; /* null body */ /* * Set the name. */ form->value = opt_ptr->name; /* * Set the value. */ form->cp_submit_value = opt_ptr->cp_submit_value; /* * Set charset in which we have the submit value. - kw */ form->value_cs = opt_ptr->value_cs; } #if CTRL_W_HACK != DO_NOTHING if (!enable_scrollback) c = CTRL_W_HACK; /* CTRL-W refresh without clearok */ else #endif c = 12; /* CTRL-L for repaint */ break; case F_RADIO_TYPE: if (FormIsReadonly(form)) break; /* * Radio buttons must have one and only one down at a time! */ if (form->num_value) { if (user_mode == NOVICE_MODE) { HTUserMsg(NEED_CHECKED_RADIO_BUTTON); } } else { int i; /* * Run though list of the links on the screen and unselect any that * are selected. :) */ lynx_start_radio_color(); for (i = 0; i < nlinks; i++) { if (links[i].type == WWW_FORM_LINK_TYPE && links[i].l_form->type == F_RADIO_TYPE && links[i].l_form->number == form->number /* * If it has the same name and its on... */ && !strcmp(links[i].l_form->name, form->name) && links[i].l_form->num_value) { LYmove(links[i].ly, links[i].lx); LYaddstr(unchecked_radio); LYSetHilite(i, unchecked_radio); } } lynx_stop_radio_color(); /* * Will unselect other button and select this one. */ HText_activateRadioButton(form); /* * Now highlight this one. */ LYSetHilite(cur, checked_radio); } break; case F_FILE_TYPE: case F_TEXT_TYPE: case F_TEXTAREA_TYPE: case F_PASSWORD_TYPE: c = form_getstr(cur, use_last_tfpos, redraw_only); LYSetHilite(cur, ((form->type == F_PASSWORD_TYPE) ? STARS(LYstrCells(form->value)) : form->value)); break; case F_RESET_TYPE: if (FormIsReadonly(form)) break; HText_ResetForm(form); *refresh_screen = TRUE; break; case F_TEXT_SUBMIT_TYPE: if (redraw_only) { c = form_getstr(cur, use_last_tfpos, TRUE); break; } if (!immediate_submit) c = form_getstr(cur, use_last_tfpos, FALSE); if (FormIsReadonly(form) && (c == '\r' || c == '\n' || immediate_submit)) { if (peek_mouse_link() >= 0) c = LAC_TO_LKC0(LYK_ACTIVATE); else c = '\t'; break; } /* * If immediate_submit is set, we didn't enter the line editor above, * and will now try to call HText_SubmitForm() directly. If * immediate_submit is not set, c is the lynxkeycode returned from line * editing. Then if c indicates that a key was pressed that means we * should submit, but with some extra considerations (i.e. NOCACHE, * DOWNLOAD, different from simple Enter), or if we should act on some * *other* link selected with the mouse, we'll just return c and leave * it to mainloop() to do the right thing; if everything checks out, it * should call this function again, with immediate_submit set. * * If c indicates that line editing ended with Enter, we still defer to * mainloop() for further checking if the submit action URL could * require more checks than we do here. Only in the remaining cases do * we proceed to call HText_SubmitForm() directly before returning. - * kw */ if (immediate_submit || ((c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == LAC_TO_LKC0(LYK_SUBMIT)) && peek_mouse_link() == -1)) { LYSetHilite(cur, form->value); #ifdef TEXT_SUBMIT_CONFIRM_WANTED if (!immediate_submit && (c == '\r' || c == '\n') && !HTConfirmDefault(NO_SUBMIT_BUTTON_QUERY, YES)) { /* User was prompted and declined; if canceled with ^G * let mainloop stay on this field, otherwise move on to * the next field or link. - kw */ if (HTLastConfirmCancelled()) c = DO_NOTHING; else c = LAC_TO_LKC(LYK_NEXT_LINK); break; } #endif if (isEmpty(form->submit_action)) { HTUserMsg(NO_FORM_ACTION); c = DO_NOTHING; break; } else if (form->submit_method == URL_MAIL_METHOD && no_mail) { HTAlert(FORM_MAILTO_DISALLOWED); c = DO_NOTHING; break; } else if (!immediate_submit && ((no_file_url && isFILE_URL(form->submit_action)) || !strncasecomp(form->submit_action, "lynx", 4))) { c = LAC_TO_LKC0(LYK_SUBMIT); break; } else { if (form->no_cache && form->submit_method != URL_MAIL_METHOD) { LYforce_no_cache = TRUE; reloading = TRUE; } newdoc_changed = HText_SubmitForm(form, newdoc, link_name, form->value); } if (form->submit_method == URL_MAIL_METHOD) { *refresh_screen = TRUE; } else { /* * Returns new document URL. */ newdoc->link = 0; newdoc->internal_link = FALSE; } c = DO_NOTHING; break; } else { LYSetHilite(cur, form->value); } break; case F_SUBMIT_TYPE: case F_IMAGE_SUBMIT_TYPE: if (FormIsReadonly(form)) break; if (form->no_cache && form->submit_method != URL_MAIL_METHOD) { LYforce_no_cache = TRUE; reloading = TRUE; } newdoc_changed = HText_SubmitForm(form, newdoc, link_name, link_value); if (form->submit_method == URL_MAIL_METHOD) *refresh_screen = TRUE; else { /* returns new document URL */ newdoc->link = 0; newdoc->internal_link = FALSE; } break; } if (newdoc_changed) { c = LKC_DONE; } else { /* * These flags may have been set in mainloop, anticipating that a * request will be submitted. But if we haven't filled in newdoc, that * won't actually be the case, so unset them. - kw */ LYforce_no_cache = FALSE; reloading = FALSE; } FREE(my_data); return (c); } int change_form_link(int cur, DocInfo *newdoc, BOOLEAN *refresh_screen, int use_last_tfpos, int immediate_submit) { /*pass all our args and FALSE as last arg */ return change_form_link_ex(cur, newdoc, refresh_screen, use_last_tfpos, immediate_submit, FALSE /*redraw_only */ ); } static int LastTFPos = -1; /* remember last text field position */ static void LYSetLastTFPos(int pos) { LastTFPos = pos; } static int form_getstr(int cur, int use_last_tfpos, int redraw_only) { FormInfo *form = links[cur].l_form; char *link_value = form->value; int ch; int far_col; int startcol, startline; int action, repeat; int last_xlkc = -1; #ifdef SUPPORT_MULTIBYTE_EDIT BOOL refresh_mb = TRUE; #endif EditFieldData MyEdit, *edit = &MyEdit; BOOLEAN Edited = FALSE; /* Value might be updated? */ /* * Get the initial position of the cursor. */ LYGetYX(startline, startcol); if ((startcol + form->size) > LYcolLimit) far_col = LYcolLimit; else far_col = (startcol + form->size); /* * Make sure the form field value does not exceed our buffer. - FM */ if (form->maxlength != 0 && strlen(form->value) > form->maxlength) { /* * We can't fit the entire value into the editing buffer, so enter as * much of the tail as fits. - FM */ link_value += (strlen(form->value) - form->maxlength); if (!FormIsReadonly(form) && !(form->submit_method == URL_MAIL_METHOD && no_mail)) { /* * If we can edit it, report that we are using the tail. - FM */ HTUserMsg(FORM_VALUE_TOO_LONG); show_formlink_statusline(form, redraw_only ? FOR_PANEL : FOR_INPUT); LYmove(startline, startcol); } } /* * Print panned line */ LYSetupEdit(edit, link_value, form->maxlength, (far_col - startcol)); edit->pad = '_'; edit->hidden = (BOOL) (form->type == F_PASSWORD_TYPE); if (use_last_tfpos && LastTFPos >= 0 && LastTFPos < (int) edit->buffer_used) { #if defined(TEXTFIELDS_MAY_NEED_ACTIVATION) && defined(INACTIVE_INPUT_STYLE_VH) if (redraw_only) { if (!(edit->buffer_used >= edit->dspwdth && LastTFPos >= edit->dspwdth - edit->margin)) { edit->pos = LastTFPos; if (edit->buffer_used >= edit->dspwdth) textinput_redrawn = FALSE; } } else #endif /* TEXTFIELDS_MAY_NEED_ACTIVATION && INACTIVE_INPUT_STYLE_VH */ edit->pos = LastTFPos; #ifdef ENHANCED_LINEEDIT if (edit->pos == 0) /* Do not show the region. */ edit->mark = -(int) (1 + edit->buffer_used); #endif } /* Try to prepare for setting position based on the last mouse event */ #if defined(TEXTFIELDS_MAY_NEED_ACTIVATION) && defined(INACTIVE_INPUT_STYLE_VH) if (!redraw_only) { if (peek_mouse_levent()) { if (!use_last_tfpos && !textinput_redrawn) { edit->pos = 0; } } textinput_redrawn = FALSE; } #else if (peek_mouse_levent()) { if (!use_last_tfpos) edit->pos = 0; } #endif /* TEXTFIELDS_MAY_NEED_ACTIVATION && INACTIVE_INPUT_STYLE_VH */ LYRefreshEdit(edit); if (redraw_only) { LYFinishEdit(edit); return 0; /*return value won't be analysed */ } #ifdef FEPCTRL fep_on(); #endif /* * And go for it! */ for (;;) { again: repeat = -1; get_mouse_link(); /* Reset mouse_link. */ ch = LYgetch_input(); #ifdef SUPPORT_MULTIBYTE_EDIT if (!refresh_mb && (EditBinding(ch) != LYE_CHAR) #ifndef WIN_EX && (EditBinding(ch) != LYE_AIX) #endif ) goto again; #endif /* SUPPORT_MULTIBYTE_EDIT */ #ifdef VMS if (HadVMSInterrupt) { HadVMSInterrupt = FALSE; ch = LYCharINTERRUPT2; } #endif /* VMS */ action = 0; #ifdef USE_MOUSE # if defined(NCURSES) || defined(PDCURSES) if (ch != -1 && (ch & LKC_ISLAC) && !(ch & LKC_ISLECLAC)) /* already lynxactioncode? */ break; /* @@@ maybe move these 2 lines outside ifdef -kw */ if (ch == MOUSE_KEY) { /* Need to process ourselves */ #if defined(PDCURSES) int curx, cury; request_mouse_pos(); LYGetYX(cury, curx); if (MOUSE_Y_POS == cury) { repeat = MOUSE_X_POS - curx; if (repeat < 0) { action = LYE_BACK; repeat = -repeat; } else action = LYE_FORW; } #else MEVENT event; int curx, cury; getmouse(&event); LYGetYX(cury, curx); if (event.y == cury) { repeat = event.x - curx; if (repeat < 0) { action = LYE_BACK; repeat = -repeat; } else action = LYE_FORW; } #endif /* PDCURSES */ else { /* Mouse event passed to us as MOUSE_KEY, and apparently not on * this field's line? Something is not as it should be... * * A call to statusline() may have happened, possibly from * within a mouse menu. Let's at least make sure here that the * cursor position gets restored. - kw */ edit->dirty = TRUE; } } else # endif /* NCURSES || PDCURSES */ #endif /* USE_MOUSE */ { if (!(ch & LKC_ISLECLAC)) ch |= edit->current_modifiers; edit->current_modifiers = 0; if (last_xlkc != -1) { if (ch == last_xlkc) ch |= LKC_MOD3; } } if (peek_mouse_link() != -1) break; if (!action) action = EditBinding(ch); if ((action & LYE_DF) && !(action & LYE_FORM_LAC)) { last_xlkc = ch; action &= ~LYE_DF; } else { last_xlkc = -1; } if (action == LYE_SETM1) { /* * Set flag for modifier 1. */ edit->current_modifiers |= LKC_MOD1; continue; } if (action == LYE_SETM2) { /* * Set flag for modifier 2. */ edit->current_modifiers |= LKC_MOD2; continue; } /* * Filter out global navigation keys that should not be passed to line * editor, and LYK_REFRESH. */ if (action == LYE_ENTER) break; if (action == LYE_FORM_PASS) break; if (action & LYE_FORM_LAC) { ch = (action & LAC_MASK) | LKC_ISLAC; break; } if (action == LYE_LKCMD) { _statusline(ENTER_LYNX_COMMAND); ch = LYgetch(); #ifdef VMS if (HadVMSInterrupt) { HadVMSInterrupt = FALSE; ch = LYCharINTERRUPT2; } #endif /* VMS */ break; } #ifdef CAN_CUT_AND_PASTE /* 1998/10/01 (Thu) 19:19:22 */ if (action == LYE_PASTE) { unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *) get_clip_grab(), *e; char *buf = NULL; int len; if (!s) break; len = (int) strlen((const char *) s); e = s + len; if (len > 0) { unsigned char *e1 = s; while (e1 < e) { if (*e1 < ' ') { /* Stop here? */ if (e1 > s) LYEditInsert(edit, s, (int) (e1 - s), -1, TRUE); s = e1; if (*e1 == '\t') { /* Replace by space */ LYEditInsert(edit, (unsigned const char *) " ", 1, -1, TRUE); s = ++e1; } else break; } else ++e1; } if (e1 > s) LYEditInsert(edit, s, (int) (e1 - s), -1, TRUE); while (e1 < e && *e1 == '\r') e1++; if (e1 + 1 < e && *e1 == '\n') StrAllocCopy(buf, (char *) e1 + 1); /* Survive _release() */ get_clip_release(); _statusline(ENTER_TEXT_ARROWS_OR_TAB); if (strcmp(link_value, edit->buffer) != 0) { Edited = TRUE; } if (buf) { put_clip(buf); FREE(buf); ch = '\n'; /* Sometimes moves to the next line */ break; } LYRefreshEdit(edit); } else { HTInfoMsg(gettext("Clipboard empty or Not text data.")); #ifdef FEPCTRL fep_off(); #endif continue; } } #endif #ifndef WIN_EX if (action == LYE_AIX && (!IS_CJK_TTY && LYlowest_eightbit[current_char_set] > 0x97)) break; #endif if (action == LYE_TAB) { ch = (int) ('\t'); break; } if (action == LYE_ABORT) { #ifdef FEPCTRL fep_off(); #endif LYFinishEdit(edit); return (DO_NOTHING); } if (action == LYE_STOP) { #ifdef TEXTFIELDS_MAY_NEED_ACTIVATION textfields_need_activation = TRUE; break; #else #ifdef ENHANCED_LINEEDIT if (edit->mark >= 0) /* Disable. */ edit->mark = -(int) (1 + edit->buffer_used); #endif #endif } if (action == LYE_NOP && LKC_TO_LAC(keymap, ch) == LYK_REFRESH) break; #ifdef SH_EX /* ASATAKU emacskey hack 1997/08/26 (Tue) 09:19:23 */ if (emacs_keys && (EditBinding(ch) == LYE_FORWW || EditBinding(ch) == LYE_BACKW)) goto breakfor; /* ASATAKU emacskey hack */ #endif switch (ch) { default: /* [ 1999/04/14 (Wed) 15:01:33 ] * Left arrow in column 0 deserves special treatment here, else * you can get trapped in a form without submit button! */ if (action == LYE_BACK && edit->pos == 0 && repeat == -1) { int c = YES; /* Go back immediately if no changes */ if (textfield_prompt_at_left_edge) { c = HTConfirmDefault(PREV_DOC_QUERY, NO); } else if (strcmp(edit->buffer, link_value)) { c = HTConfirmDefault(PREV_DOC_QUERY, NO); } if (c == YES) { #ifdef FEPCTRL fep_off(); #endif LYFinishEdit(edit); return (ch); } else { if (FormIsReadonly(form)) _statusline(ARROWS_OR_TAB_TO_MOVE); else _statusline(ENTER_TEXT_ARROWS_OR_TAB); } } if (FormIsReadonly(form)) { /* * Allow actions that don't modify the contents even in * disabled form fields, so the user can scroll through the * line for reading if necessary. - kw */ switch (action) { case LYE_BOL: case LYE_EOL: case LYE_FORW: case LYE_FORW_RL: case LYE_BACK: case LYE_BACK_LL: case LYE_FORWW: case LYE_BACKW: #ifdef EXP_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT case LYE_SWMAP: #endif #ifdef ENHANCED_LINEEDIT case LYE_SETMARK: case LYE_XPMARK: #endif break; default: goto again; } } /* * Make sure the statusline uses editmode help. */ if (repeat < 0) repeat = 1; while (repeat--) { int rc = LYEdit1(edit, ch, action & ~LYE_DF, TRUE); if (rc < 0) { ch = -rc; /* FORW_RL and BACK_LL may require special attention. BACK_LL wanted to switch to the previous link on the same line. However, if there is no such link, then we would either disactivate the form (with -tna), or will reenter the form, thus we jump to the end of the line; both are counterintuitive. Unfortunately, we do not have access to curdoc.link, so we deduce it ourselves. We don't have the info to do it inside LYLineEdit(). This should work for prompts too. */ if ((action != LYE_BACK_LL && action != LYE_FORW_RL) || (cur >= 0 && cur < nlinks && (action == LYE_FORW_RL ? cur < nlinks - 1 : cur > 0) && links[cur + ((action == LYE_FORW_RL) ? 1 : -1)].ly == links[cur].ly)) goto breakfor; } #ifdef SUPPORT_MULTIBYTE_EDIT if (rc == 0) { if (IS_CJK_TTY && (0x80 <= ch) && (ch <= 0xfe) && refresh_mb) refresh_mb = FALSE; else refresh_mb = TRUE; } else { if (!refresh_mb) { LYEdit1(edit, 0, LYE_DELP, TRUE); } } #endif /* SUPPORT_MULTIBYTE_EDIT */ } _statusline(ENTER_TEXT_ARROWS_OR_TAB); if (strcmp(link_value, edit->buffer)) { Edited = TRUE; } #ifdef SUPPORT_MULTIBYTE_EDIT if (refresh_mb) #endif LYRefreshEdit(edit); LYSetLastTFPos(edit->pos); } } breakfor: if (Edited) { /* * Load the new value. */ if (link_value == form->value) { /* * The previous value did fit in the line buffer, so replace it * with the new value. - FM */ StrAllocCopy(form->value, edit->buffer); } else { int old_len = (int) strlen(form->value); int new_len = (int) strlen(link_value); /* * Combine the modified tail with the unmodified head. - FM */ form->value[(old_len > new_len) ? (old_len - new_len) : 0] = '\0'; StrAllocCat(form->value, edit->buffer); HTUserMsg(FORM_TAIL_COMBINED_WITH_HEAD); } /* 2.8.4pre.3 - most browsers appear to preserve trailing spaces -VH */ /* * Remove trailing spaces * * Do we really need to do that here? Trailing spaces will only be * there if user keyed them in. Rather rude to throw away their hard * earned spaces. Better deal with trailing spaces when submitting the * form???? */ if (LYtrimInputFields) { LYTrimTrailing(form->value); } /* * If the field has been changed, assume that it is now in current * display character set, even if for some reason it wasn't! Hopefully * a user will only submit the form if the non-ASCII characters are * displayed correctly, which means (assuming that the display * character set has been set truthfully) the user confirms by changing * the field that the character encoding is right. - kw */ if (non_empty(form->value)) form->value_cs = current_char_set; } #ifdef FEPCTRL fep_off(); #endif LYFinishEdit(edit); return (ch); } /* * Display statusline info tailored for the current form field. */ void show_formlink_statusline(const FormInfo * form, int for_what) { switch (form->type) { case F_PASSWORD_TYPE: if (FormIsReadonly(form)) statusline(FORM_LINK_PASSWORD_UNM_MSG); else #ifdef TEXTFIELDS_MAY_NEED_ACTIVATION if (for_what == FOR_PANEL) statusline(FORM_LINK_PASSWORD_MESSAGE_INA); else #endif statusline(FORM_LINK_PASSWORD_MESSAGE); break; case F_OPTION_LIST_TYPE: if (FormIsReadonly(form)) statusline(FORM_LINK_OPTION_LIST_UNM_MSG); else statusline(FORM_LINK_OPTION_LIST_MESSAGE); break; case F_CHECKBOX_TYPE: if (FormIsReadonly(form)) statusline(FORM_LINK_CHECKBOX_UNM_MSG); else statusline(FORM_LINK_CHECKBOX_MESSAGE); break; case F_RADIO_TYPE: if (FormIsReadonly(form)) statusline(FORM_LINK_RADIO_UNM_MSG); else statusline(FORM_LINK_RADIO_MESSAGE); break; case F_TEXT_SUBMIT_TYPE: if (FormIsReadonly(form)) { statusline(FORM_LINK_TEXT_SUBMIT_UNM_MSG); } else if (form->submit_method == URL_MAIL_METHOD) { if (no_mail) statusline(FORM_LINK_TEXT_SUBMIT_MAILTO_DIS_MSG); else #ifdef TEXTFIELDS_MAY_NEED_ACTIVATION if (for_what == FOR_PANEL) statusline(FORM_TEXT_SUBMIT_MAILTO_MSG_INA); else #endif statusline(FORM_LINK_TEXT_SUBMIT_MAILTO_MSG); } else if (form->no_cache) { #ifdef TEXTFIELDS_MAY_NEED_ACTIVATION if (for_what == FOR_PANEL) statusline(FORM_TEXT_RESUBMIT_MESSAGE_INA); else #endif statusline(FORM_LINK_TEXT_RESUBMIT_MESSAGE); } else { char *submit_str = NULL; char *xkey_info = key_for_func_ext(LYK_NOCACHE, for_what); if (non_empty(xkey_info)) { #ifdef TEXTFIELDS_MAY_NEED_ACTIVATION if (for_what == FOR_PANEL) HTSprintf0(&submit_str, FORM_TEXT_SUBMIT_MESSAGE_INA_X, xkey_info); else #endif HTSprintf0(&submit_str, FORM_LINK_TEXT_SUBMIT_MESSAGE_X, xkey_info); statusline(submit_str); FREE(submit_str); } else { #ifdef TEXTFIELDS_MAY_NEED_ACTIVATION if (for_what == FOR_PANEL) statusline(FORM_LINK_TEXT_SUBMIT_MESSAGE_INA); else #endif statusline(FORM_LINK_TEXT_SUBMIT_MESSAGE); } FREE(xkey_info); } break; case F_SUBMIT_TYPE: case F_IMAGE_SUBMIT_TYPE: if (FormIsReadonly(form)) { statusline(FORM_LINK_SUBMIT_DIS_MSG); } else if (form->submit_method == URL_MAIL_METHOD) { if (no_mail) { statusline(FORM_LINK_SUBMIT_MAILTO_DIS_MSG); } else { if (user_mode == ADVANCED_MODE) { char *submit_str = NULL; StrAllocCopy(submit_str, FORM_LINK_SUBMIT_MAILTO_PREFIX); StrAllocCat(submit_str, form->submit_action); statusline(submit_str); FREE(submit_str); } else { statusline(FORM_LINK_SUBMIT_MAILTO_MSG); } } } else if (form->no_cache) { if (user_mode == ADVANCED_MODE) { char *submit_str = NULL; StrAllocCopy(submit_str, FORM_LINK_RESUBMIT_PREFIX); StrAllocCat(submit_str, form->submit_action); statusline(submit_str); FREE(submit_str); } else { statusline(FORM_LINK_RESUBMIT_MESSAGE); } } else { if (user_mode == ADVANCED_MODE) { char *submit_str = NULL; StrAllocCopy(submit_str, FORM_LINK_SUBMIT_PREFIX); StrAllocCat(submit_str, form->submit_action); statusline(submit_str); FREE(submit_str); } else { statusline(FORM_LINK_SUBMIT_MESSAGE); } } break; case F_RESET_TYPE: if (FormIsReadonly(form)) statusline(FORM_LINK_RESET_DIS_MSG); else statusline(FORM_LINK_RESET_MESSAGE); break; case F_BUTTON_TYPE: if (FormIsReadonly(form)) statusline(FORM_LINK_BUTTON_DIS_MSG); else statusline(FORM_LINK_BUTTON_MESSAGE); break; case F_FILE_TYPE: if (FormIsReadonly(form)) statusline(FORM_LINK_FILE_UNM_MSG); else statusline(FORM_LINK_FILE_MESSAGE); break; case F_TEXT_TYPE: if (FormIsReadonly(form)) statusline(FORM_LINK_TEXT_UNM_MSG); else #ifdef TEXTFIELDS_MAY_NEED_ACTIVATION if (for_what == FOR_PANEL) statusline(FORM_LINK_TEXT_MESSAGE_INA); else #endif statusline(FORM_LINK_TEXT_MESSAGE); break; case F_TEXTAREA_TYPE: if (FormIsReadonly(form)) { statusline(FORM_LINK_TEXT_UNM_MSG); } else { char *submit_str = NULL; char *xkey_info = NULL; if (!no_editor && non_empty(editor)) { xkey_info = key_for_func_ext(LYK_EDIT_TEXTAREA, for_what); #ifdef TEXTAREA_AUTOEXTEDIT if (!xkey_info) xkey_info = key_for_func_ext(LYK_DWIMEDIT, for_what); #endif } if (non_empty(xkey_info)) { #ifdef TEXTFIELDS_MAY_NEED_ACTIVATION if (for_what == FOR_PANEL) HTSprintf0(&submit_str, FORM_LINK_TEXTAREA_MESSAGE_INA_E, xkey_info); else #endif HTSprintf0(&submit_str, FORM_LINK_TEXTAREA_MESSAGE_E, xkey_info); statusline(submit_str); FREE(submit_str); } else { #ifdef TEXTFIELDS_MAY_NEED_ACTIVATION if (for_what == FOR_PANEL) statusline(FORM_LINK_TEXTAREA_MESSAGE_INA); else #endif statusline(FORM_LINK_TEXTAREA_MESSAGE); } FREE(xkey_info); } break; } }