/* Lynx Document Reference List Support LYList.c ** ==================================== ** ** Author: FM Foteos Macrides (macrides@sci.wfbr.edu) ** */ #include "HTUtils.h" #include "tcp.h" #include "LYUtils.h" #include "LYList.h" #include "GridText.h" #include "LYSignal.h" #include "LYGlobalDefs.h" #include "LYCharUtils.h" #ifdef DIRED_SUPPORT #include "LYUpload.h" #include "LYLocal.h" #endif /* DIRED_SUPPORT */ #include "LYexit.h" #include "LYLeaks.h" #define FREE(x) if (x) {free(x); x = NULL;} /* showlist - F.Macrides (macrides@sci.wfeb.edu) ** -------- ** Create a temporary text/html file with a list of links to ** HyperText References in the current document. ** ** On entry ** titles Set: if we want titles where available ** Clear: we only get addresses. */ static char list_filename[256] = "\0"; PUBLIC char * LYlist_temp_url NOARGS { return list_filename; } PUBLIC int showlist ARGS2( char **, newfile, BOOLEAN, titles) { int cnt; int refs, hidden_links; static char tempfile[256]; static BOOLEAN first = TRUE; FILE *fp0; char *Address = NULL, *Title = NULL, *cp = NULL; char *desc = "unknown field or link"; refs = HText_sourceAnchors(HTMainText); hidden_links = HText_HiddenLinkCount(HTMainText); if (refs <= 0 && hidden_links > 0 && LYHiddenLinks != HIDDENLINKS_SEPARATE) { _statusline(NO_VISIBLE_REFS_FROM_DOC); sleep(MessageSecs); return(-1); } if (refs <= 0 && hidden_links <= 0) { _statusline(NO_REFS_FROM_DOC); sleep(MessageSecs); return(-1); } if (first) { tempname(tempfile, NEW_FILE); /* * Make the file a URL now. */ #if defined (VMS) || defined (DOSPATH) sprintf(list_filename, "file://localhost/%s", tempfile); #else sprintf(list_filename, "file://localhost%s", tempfile); #endif /* VMS */ first = FALSE; #ifdef VMS } else { remove(tempfile); /* Remove duplicates on VMS. */ #endif /* VMS */ } if ((fp0 = LYNewTxtFile(tempfile)) == NULL) { _statusline(CANNOT_OPEN_TEMP); sleep(MessageSecs); return(-1); } StrAllocCopy(*newfile, list_filename); LYforce_HTML_mode = TRUE; /* force this file to be HTML */ LYforce_no_cache = TRUE; /* force this file to be new */ fprintf(fp0, "\n"); #ifdef EXP_CHARTRANS LYAddMETAcharsetToFD(fp0, -1); #endif fprintf(fp0, "%s\n\n\n", LIST_PAGE_TITLE); fprintf(fp0, "

You have reached the List Page

\n"); fprintf(fp0, "

%s Version %s

\n", LYNX_NAME, LYNX_VERSION); fprintf(fp0, " References in this document:

\n"); if (refs > 0) { fprintf(fp0, "<%s compact>\n", ((keypad_mode == NUMBERS_AS_ARROWS) ? "ol" : "ul")); if (hidden_links > 0) fprintf(fp0, "Visible links:\n"); } if (hidden_links > 0) { if (LYHiddenLinks == HIDDENLINKS_IGNORE) hidden_links = 0; } for (cnt = 1; cnt <= refs; cnt++) { HTChildAnchor *child = HText_childNumber(cnt); HTAnchor *dest_intl; HTAnchor *dest; HTParentAnchor *parent; char *address; CONST char *title; if (child == 0) { /* * child should not be 0 unless form field numbering is on * and cnt is the number of a form input field. * HText_FormDescNumber() will set desc to a description * of what type of input field this is. We'll list it to * ensure that the link numbers on the list page match the * numbering in the original document, but won't create a * forward link to the form. - FM && LE */ if (keypad_mode == LINKS_AND_FORM_FIELDS_ARE_NUMBERED) { HText_FormDescNumber(cnt, (char **)&desc); fprintf(fp0, "

  • [%d](%s)\n", cnt, desc); } continue; } dest_intl = HTAnchor_followTypedLink((HTAnchor *)child, LINK_INTERNAL); dest = dest_intl ? dest_intl : HTAnchor_followMainLink((HTAnchor *)child); parent = HTAnchor_parent(dest); address = HTAnchor_address(dest); title = titles ? HTAnchor_title(parent) : NULL; StrAllocCopy(Address, address); FREE(address); LYEntify(&Address, TRUE); if (title && *title) { StrAllocCopy(Title, title); if (*Title) LYEntify(&Title, TRUE); else FREE(Title); cp = strchr(Address, '#'); } fprintf(fp0, "
  • %s%s%s%s%s\n", Address, dest_intl ? " TYPE=\"internal link\"" : "", dest_intl ? "(internal) " : "", ((HTAnchor*)parent != dest) && Title ? "in " : "", (char *)(Title ? Title : Address), (Title && cp) ? " - " : "", (Title && cp) ? (cp+1) : ""); FREE(Address); FREE(Title); } if (hidden_links > 0) { if (refs > 0) fprintf(fp0, "\n\n\n

    \n", ((keypad_mode == NUMBERS_AS_ARROWS) ? "ol" : "ul")); fprintf(fp0, "<%s compact>\n", ((keypad_mode == NUMBERS_AS_ARROWS) ? "ol continue" : "ul")); fprintf(fp0, "Hidden links:\n"); } for (cnt = 0; cnt < hidden_links; cnt++) { StrAllocCopy(Address, HText_HiddenLinkAt(HTMainText, cnt)); LYEntify(&Address, FALSE); if (!(Address && *Address)) { FREE(Address); continue; } fprintf(fp0, "

  • %s\n", Address, Address); FREE(Address); } fprintf(fp0,"\n\n\n", ((keypad_mode == NUMBERS_AS_ARROWS) ? "ol" : "ul")); fclose(fp0); return(0); } /* printlist - F.Macrides (macrides@sci.wfeb.edu) ** --------- ** Print a text/plain list of HyperText References ** in the current document. ** ** On entry ** titles Set: if we want titles where available ** Clear: we only get addresses. */ PUBLIC void printlist ARGS2( FILE *, fp, BOOLEAN, titles) { #ifdef VMS extern BOOLEAN HadVMSInterrupt; #endif /* VMS */ int cnt; int refs, hidden_links; char *address = NULL; char *desc = "unknown field or link"; refs = HText_sourceAnchors(HTMainText); if (refs <= 0 && LYHiddenLinks != HIDDENLINKS_SEPARATE) return; hidden_links = HText_HiddenLinkCount(HTMainText); if (refs <= 0 && hidden_links <= 0) { return; } else { fprintf(fp, "\n%s\n\n", "References"); if (hidden_links > 0) { fprintf(fp, " Visible links:\n"); if (LYHiddenLinks == HIDDENLINKS_IGNORE) hidden_links = 0; } for (cnt = 1; cnt <= refs; cnt++) { HTChildAnchor *child = HText_childNumber(cnt); HTAnchor *dest; HTParentAnchor *parent; CONST char *title; if (child == 0) { /* * child should not be 0 unless form field numbering is on * and cnt is the number of a form intput field. * HText_FormDescNumber() will set desc to a description * of what type of input field this is. We'll list it to * ensure that the link numbers on the list page match the * numbering in the original document. - FM && LE */ if (keypad_mode == LINKS_AND_FORM_FIELDS_ARE_NUMBERED) { HText_FormDescNumber(cnt, (char **)&desc); fprintf(fp, "%4d. (%s)\n", cnt, desc); } continue; } dest = HTAnchor_followMainLink((HTAnchor *)child); parent = HTAnchor_parent(dest); title = titles ? HTAnchor_title(parent) : NULL; address = HTAnchor_address(dest); fprintf(fp, "%4d. %s%s\n", cnt, ((HTAnchor*)parent != dest) && title ? "in " : "", (title ? title : address)); FREE(address); #ifdef VMS if (HadVMSInterrupt) break; #endif /* VMS */ } if (hidden_links > 0) fprintf(fp, "%s Hidden links:\n", ((refs > 0) ? "\n" : "")); for (cnt = 0; cnt < hidden_links; cnt++) { StrAllocCopy(address, HText_HiddenLinkAt(HTMainText, cnt)); if (!(address && *address)) { FREE(address); continue; } fprintf(fp, "%4d. %s\n", ((cnt + 1) + refs), address); FREE(address); #ifdef VMS if (HadVMSInterrupt) break; #endif /* VMS */ } } return; }