/* * $LynxId: LYMail.c,v 1.90 2012/07/07 13:48:13 tom Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* to get current charset for mail header */ #include #define MAX_SUBJECT 70 BOOLEAN term_letter; /* Global variable for async i/o. */ static void terminate_letter(int sig GCC_UNUSED) { term_letter = TRUE; /* Reassert the AST */ signal(SIGINT, terminate_letter); #if USE_VMS_MAILER || defined(PDCURSES) /* * Refresh the screen to get rid of the "interrupt" message. */ if (!dump_output_immediately) { lynx_force_repaint(); LYrefresh(); } #endif /* VMS */ } /* HTUnEscape with control-code nuking */ static void SafeHTUnEscape(char *string) { int i; int flg = FALSE; HTUnEscape(string); for (i = 0; string[i] != '\0'; i++) { /* FIXME: this is no longer explicitly 7-bit ASCII, but are there portability problems? */ if ((!LYIsASCII(string[i])) || !isprint(UCH(string[i]))) { string[i] = '?'; flg = TRUE; } } if (flg) HTAlert(MAILTO_SQUASH_CTL); } static void remove_tildes(char *string) { /* * Change the first character to a space if it is a '~'. */ if (*string == '~') *string = ' '; } static void comma_append(char **dst, char *src) { if (*src) { while (*src == ',' || isspace(UCH(*src))) src++; if (*src) { if (isEmpty(*dst)) { StrAllocCopy(*dst, src); } else { StrAllocCat(*dst, ","); StrAllocCat(*dst, src); } } } } static void extract_field(char **dst, char *src, const char *keyword) { int len = (int) strlen(keyword); char *cp, *cp1; cp = (src + 1); while (*cp != '\0') { if ((*(cp - 1) == '?' || *(cp - 1) == '&') && !strncasecomp(cp, keyword, len)) { cp += len; if ((cp1 = strchr(cp, '&')) != NULL) { *cp1 = '\0'; } comma_append(dst, cp); if (cp1) { *cp1 = '&'; cp = cp1; cp1 = NULL; } else { break; } } cp++; } CTRACE((tfp, "extract_field(%s) = '%s'\n", keyword, NONNULL(*dst))); } /* * Seek and handle a subject=foo. - FM */ static void extract_subject(char *dst, char *src) { const char *keyword = "subject="; int len = (int) strlen(keyword); char *cp, *cp1; cp = (src + 1); while (*cp != '\0') { if ((*(cp - 1) == '?' || *(cp - 1) == '&') && !strncasecomp(cp, keyword, len)) break; cp++; } if (*cp) { cp += len; if ((cp1 = strchr(cp, '&')) != NULL) { *cp1 = '\0'; } if (*cp) { StrNCpy(dst, cp, MAX_SUBJECT); dst[MAX_SUBJECT] = '\0'; SafeHTUnEscape(dst); } if (cp1) { *cp1 = '&'; cp1 = NULL; } } CTRACE((tfp, "extract_subject(%s) = '%s'\n", keyword, NONNULL(dst))); } /* * Seek and handle body=foo fields. - FM */ static void extract_body(char **dst, char *src) { const char *keyword = "body="; int len = (int) strlen(keyword); int i; char *cp, *cp0, *cp1, *temp = 0; cp = (src + 1); while (*cp != '\0') { if ((*(cp - 1) == '?' || *(cp - 1) == '&') && !strncasecomp(cp, keyword, len)) { cp += len; if ((cp1 = strchr(cp, '&')) != NULL) { *cp1 = '\0'; } if (*cp) { /* * Break up the value into lines with a maximum length of 78. * - FM */ StrAllocCopy(temp, cp); HTUnEscape(temp); cp0 = temp; while ((cp = strchr(cp0, '\n')) != NULL) { *cp = '\0'; if (cp > cp0) { if (*(cp - 1) == '\r') { *(cp - 1) = '\0'; } } i = 0; len = (int) strlen(cp0); while (len > 78) { HTSprintf(dst, "%.78s\n", &cp0[i]); i += 78; len = (int) strlen(&cp0[i]); } HTSprintf(dst, "%s\n", &cp0[i]); cp0 = (cp + 1); } i = 0; len = (int) strlen(cp0); while (len > 78) { HTSprintf(dst, "%.78s\n", &cp0[i]); i += 78; len = (int) strlen(&cp0[i]); } if (len) { HTSprintf(dst, "%s\n", &cp0[i]); } FREE(temp); } if (cp1) { *cp1 = '&'; cp = cp1; cp1 = NULL; } else { break; } } cp++; } CTRACE((tfp, "extract_body(%s) = '%s'\n", keyword, NONNULL(*dst))); } /* * Convert any Explorer semi-colon Internet address separators to commas - FM */ static BOOLEAN trim_comma(char *address) { if (address[(strlen(address) - 1)] == ',') address[(strlen(address) - 1)] = '\0'; return (BOOL) (*address == '\0'); } /* * Convert any Explorer semi-colon Internet address separators to commas - FM */ static BOOLEAN convert_explorer(char *address) { char *cp = address; char *cp0; char *cp1; while ((cp1 = strchr(cp, '@')) != NULL) { cp1++; if ((cp0 = strchr(cp1, ';')) != NULL) { *cp0 = ','; cp1 = cp0 + 1; } cp = cp1; } return trim_comma(address); } /* * reply_by_mail() prompts line-by-line for header information, allowing * scrolling of the screen. */ static int header_prompt(const char *label, char **result, unsigned limit) { char buffer[LINESIZE]; int ok; if (*result != 0) { LYaddstr(CTRL_U_TO_ERASE); LYStrNCpy(buffer, *result, sizeof(buffer) - 1); } else *buffer = 0; if (limit > sizeof(buffer)) limit = sizeof(buffer); LYaddstr(gettext(label)); LYaddstr(": "); ok = (LYGetStr(buffer, VISIBLE, limit, NORECALL) >= 0 && !term_letter); LYaddstr("\n"); if (ok) { remove_tildes(buffer); StrAllocCopy(*result, buffer); } term_letter = FALSE; return ok; } static void show_addresses(char *addresses) { char *cp = addresses; char *cp1; while ((cp1 = strchr(cp, ',')) != NULL) { *cp1 = '\0'; while (*cp == ' ') cp++; if (*cp) { LYaddstr(cp); LYaddstr(",\n "); } *cp1 = ','; cp = (cp1 + 1); } if (*cp) { LYaddstr(cp); } } #if USE_BLAT_MAILER /* * blat's options-file parser (see makeargv.cpp) treats backslash and double * quote characters specially. lynx doesn't. Do a conversion as we write the * option. * * Other quirks (reading blat 3.06): * + Whitespace not in quotes terminates a line. * + Blat allows a comment-character to terminate a line. By default, that * is a semicolon. * * Given that, the simplest thing to do is to always quote the string, using * escaping to handle special cases. */ static void blat_option(FILE *fp, const char *option, const char *value) { if (non_empty(value)) { char *result = malloc(strlen(option) + 4 + 4 * strlen(value)); char *working = result; CTRACE((tfp, "blat_option(opt=\"%s\", value=\"%s\")\n", option, value)); sprintf(working, "%s \"", option); working += strlen(working); while (*value != '\0') { unsigned ch = UCH(*value); switch (ch) { case '\\': *working++ = '\\'; *working++ = '\\'; break; case '"': *working++ = '\\'; *working++ = '"'; break; default: if (ch < ' ' || ch > '~') { sprintf(working, "\\%03o", ch); } else { *working++ = ch; } break; } ++value; } *working++ = '"'; *working++ = '\n'; *working = 0; CTRACE((tfp, "->%s", result)); fputs(result, fp); FREE(result); } } /* syntax for blat 2.6.2: Blat -t [optional switches (see below)] -bodyF : file with the message body -t : recipient list (comma separated) -s : subject line -f : overrides the default sender address (must be known to server) -i : a 'From:' address, not necessarily known to the SMTP server. -c : carbon copy recipient list (comma separated) -b : blind carbon copy recipient list (comma separated) -help : displays the help message. -mime : MIME Quoted-Printable Content-Transfer-Encoding. -q : supresses *all* output. -server : overrides the default SMTP server to be used. */ static char *blat_cmd(char *filename, char *address, char *subject, char *ccaddr, char *mail_addr) { char *b_cmd = NULL; if (mail_is_altblat) { const char *format = "%s %s -t %s -s %s %s%s%s"; HTAddParam(&b_cmd, format, 1, ALTBLAT_MAIL); HTAddParam(&b_cmd, format, 2, filename); HTAddParam(&b_cmd, format, 3, address); HTAddParam(&b_cmd, format, 4, subject); HTAddToCmd(&b_cmd, format, 5, ALTBLAT_MAIL_FLAGS); if (non_empty(ccaddr)) { HTAddToCmd(&b_cmd, format, 6, " -c "); HTAddParam(&b_cmd, format, 7, NonNull(ccaddr)); } HTEndParam(&b_cmd, format, 8); } else { const char *format = "%s -of %s"; char bl_cmd_file[LY_MAXPATH]; FILE *fp; #ifdef __CYGWIN__ char dosname[LY_MAXPATH]; #else char *dosname; #endif bl_cmd_file[0] = '\0'; if ((fp = LYOpenTemp(bl_cmd_file, ".blt", "w")) == NULL) { HTAlert(FORM_MAILTO_FAILED); return NULL; } HTAddParam(&b_cmd, format, 1, BLAT_MAIL); ConvertToWin32Path(filename, dosname); blat_option(fp, "-bodyF", dosname); blat_option(fp, "-t", address); blat_option(fp, "-s", subject); blat_option(fp, "-f", mail_addr); blat_option(fp, "-c", ccaddr); LYCloseOutput(fp); ConvertToWin32Path(bl_cmd_file, dosname); HTAddParam(&b_cmd, format, 2, dosname); HTEndParam(&b_cmd, format, 3); } return b_cmd; } #endif /* USE_BLAT_MAILER */ #if USE_VMS_MAILER BOOLEAN LYMailPMDF(void) { return (system_mail != 0) ? !strncasecomp(system_mail, "PMDF SEND", 9) : FALSE; } /* * Add all of the people in the address field to the command */ static void vms_append_addrs(char **cmd, char *address, char *option) { BOOLEAN first = TRUE; char *cp; char *address_ptr1; char *address_ptr2; address_ptr1 = address; do { if ((cp = strchr(address_ptr1, ',')) != NULL) { address_ptr2 = (cp + 1); *cp = '\0'; } else { address_ptr2 = NULL; } /* * 4 letters is arbitrarily the smallest possible mail address, at * least for lynx. That way extra spaces won't confuse the mailer and * give a blank address. */ if (strlen(address_ptr1) > 3) { if (!first) { StrAllocCat(*cmd, ","); } HTSprintf(cmd, mail_adrs, address_ptr1); if (*option && LYMailPMDF()) StrAllocCat(*cmd, option); first = FALSE; } address_ptr1 = address_ptr2; } while (address_ptr1 != NULL); } static void remove_quotes(char *string) { while (*string != 0) { if (strchr("\"&|", *string) != 0) *string = ' '; string++; } } #else #if CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER /* * Open a pipe to the mailer */ FILE *LYPipeToMailer(void) { char *buffer = NULL; FILE *fp = NULL; if (LYSystemMail()) { HTSprintf0(&buffer, "%s %s", system_mail, system_mail_flags); fp = popen(buffer, "w"); CTRACE((tfp, "popen(%s) %s\n", buffer, fp != 0 ? "OK" : "FAIL")); FREE(buffer); } return fp; } #else /* DOS, Win32, etc. */ int LYSendMailFile(char *the_address, char *the_filename, char *the_subject GCC_UNUSED, char *the_ccaddr GCC_UNUSED, char *message) { char *cmd = NULL; int code; if (!LYSystemMail()) return 0; #if USE_BLAT_MAILER if (mail_is_blat) { cmd = blat_cmd(the_filename, the_address, the_subject, the_ccaddr, personal_mail_address); } else #endif #ifdef __DJGPP__ if (LYGetEnv("SHELL")) { extern int dj_is_bash; extern char *shell; const char *c_option; const char *format = "%s %s %s -t %s -F %s"; if (dj_is_bash) { c_option = "-c"; } else { c_option = "/c"; } HTAddParam(&cmd, format, 1, shell); HTAddParam(&cmd, format, 2, c_option); HTAddParam(&cmd, format, 3, system_mail); HTAddParam(&cmd, format, 4, the_address); HTAddParam(&cmd, format, 5, the_filename); HTEndParam(&cmd, format, 6); } else #endif /* __DJGPP__ */ { const char *format = "%s -t %s -F %s"; HTAddParam(&cmd, format, 1, system_mail); HTAddParam(&cmd, format, 2, the_address); HTAddParam(&cmd, format, 3, the_filename); HTEndParam(&cmd, format, 4); } stop_curses(); SetOutputMode(O_TEXT); printf("%s\n\n$ %s\n\n%s", *message ? message : gettext("Sending"), cmd, PLEASE_WAIT); code = LYSystem(cmd); LYSleepMsg(); start_curses(); SetOutputMode(O_BINARY); FREE(cmd); return code; } #endif /* CAN_PIPE_TO_FILE */ #endif /* USE_VMS_MAILER */ /* * mailform() sends form content to the mailto address(es). - FM */ void mailform(const char *mailto_address, const char *mailto_subject, const char *mailto_content, const char *mailto_type) { FILE *fd; char *address = NULL; char *ccaddr = NULL; char *keywords = NULL; char *cp = NULL; char self[MAX_SUBJECT + 10]; char subject[MAX_SUBJECT + 10]; char *searchpart = NULL; char buf[512]; int len, i; #if USE_VMS_MAILER static char *cmd; char *command = NULL; BOOLEAN isPMDF = LYMailPMDF(); char hdrfile[LY_MAXPATH]; #endif #if !CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER char my_tmpfile[LY_MAXPATH]; #endif CTRACE((tfp, "mailto_address: \"%s\"\n", NONNULL(mailto_address))); CTRACE((tfp, "mailto_subject: \"%s\"\n", NONNULL(mailto_subject))); CTRACE((tfp, "mailto_content: \"%s\"\n", NONNULL(mailto_content))); CTRACE((tfp, "mailto_type: \"%s\"\n", NONNULL(mailto_type))); if (!LYSystemMail()) return; if (!mailto_address || !mailto_content) { HTAlert(BAD_FORM_MAILTO); return; } subject[0] = '\0'; self[0] = '\0'; if ((cp = (char *) strchr(mailto_address, '\n')) != NULL) *cp = '\0'; StrAllocCopy(address, mailto_address); /* * Check for a ?searchpart. - FM */ if ((cp = strchr(address, '?')) != NULL) { StrAllocCopy(searchpart, cp); *cp = '\0'; cp = (searchpart + 1); if (*cp != '\0') { /* * Seek and handle a subject=foo. - FM */ extract_subject(subject, searchpart); /* * Seek and handle to=address(es) fields. Appends to address. - * FM */ extract_field(&address, searchpart, "to="); /* * Seek and handle cc=address(es) fields. Excludes Bcc=address(es) * as unsafe. We may append our own cc (below) as a list for the * actual mailing. - FM */ extract_field(&ccaddr, searchpart, "cc="); /* * Seek and handle keywords=term(s) fields. - FM */ extract_field(&keywords, searchpart, "keywords="); if (keywords != NULL) { if (*keywords != '\0') { SafeHTUnEscape(keywords); } else { FREE(keywords); } } FREE(searchpart); } } if (convert_explorer(address)) { HTAlert(BAD_FORM_MAILTO); goto cleanup; } if (ccaddr != NULL) { if (convert_explorer(ccaddr)) { FREE(ccaddr); } } /* * Unescape the address and ccaddr fields. - FM */ SafeHTUnEscape(address); if (ccaddr != NULL) { SafeHTUnEscape(ccaddr); } /* * Allow user to edit the default Subject - FM */ if (subject[0] == '\0') { if (non_empty(mailto_subject)) { LYStrNCpy(subject, mailto_subject, MAX_SUBJECT); } else { sprintf(subject, "mailto:%.63s", address); } } _statusline(SUBJECT_PROMPT); if (LYGetStr(subject, VISIBLE, MAX_SUBJECT, NORECALL) < 0) { /* * User cancelled via ^G. - FM */ HTInfoMsg(FORM_MAILTO_CANCELLED); goto cleanup; } /* * Allow user to specify a self copy via a CC: entry, if permitted. - FM */ if (!LYNoCc) { sprintf(self, "%.*s", MAX_SUBJECT, isEmpty(personal_mail_address) ? "" : personal_mail_address); _statusline("Cc: "); if (LYGetStr(self, VISIBLE, MAX_SUBJECT, NORECALL) < 0) { /* * User cancelled via ^G. - FM */ HTInfoMsg(FORM_MAILTO_CANCELLED); goto cleanup; } remove_tildes(self); if (ccaddr == NULL) { StrAllocCopy(ccaddr, self); } else { StrAllocCat(ccaddr, ","); StrAllocCat(ccaddr, self); } } #if CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER if ((fd = LYPipeToMailer()) == 0) { HTAlert(FORM_MAILTO_FAILED); goto cleanup; } if (non_empty(mailto_type)) { fprintf(fd, "Mime-Version: 1.0\n"); fprintf(fd, "Content-Type: %s\n", mailto_type); } fprintf(fd, "To: %s\n", address); if (non_empty(personal_mail_address)) fprintf(fd, "From: %s\n", personal_mail_address); if (non_empty(ccaddr)) fprintf(fd, "Cc: %s\n", ccaddr); fprintf(fd, "Subject: %s\n\n", subject); if (non_empty(keywords)) fprintf(fd, "Keywords: %s\n", keywords); _statusline(SENDING_FORM_CONTENT); #else /* e.g., VMS, DOS */ if ((fd = LYOpenTemp(my_tmpfile, ".txt", "w")) == NULL) { HTAlert(FORM_MAILTO_FAILED); goto cleanup; } #if USE_VMS_MAILER if (isPMDF) { FILE *hfd; if ((hfd = LYOpenTemp(hdrfile, ".txt", "w")) == NULL) { HTAlert(FORM_MAILTO_FAILED); LYCloseTempFP(fd); goto cleanup; } if (non_empty(mailto_type)) { fprintf(hfd, "Mime-Version: 1.0\n"); fprintf(hfd, "Content-Type: %s\n", mailto_type); if (non_empty(personal_mail_address)) fprintf(hfd, "From: %s\n", personal_mail_address); } /* * For PMDF, put any keywords and the subject in the header file and * close it. - FM */ if (non_empty(keywords)) { fprintf(hfd, "Keywords: %s\n", keywords); } fprintf(hfd, "Subject: %s\n\n", subject); LYCloseTempFP(hfd); } else if (mailto_type && !strncasecomp(mailto_type, "multipart/form-data", 19)) { /* * Ugh! There's no good way to include headers while we're still using * "generic" VMS MAIL, so we'll put this in the body of the message. - * FM */ fprintf(fd, "X-Content-Type: %s\n\n", mailto_type); } #else /* !VMS (DOS) */ #if USE_BLAT_MAILER if (mail_is_blat) { if (strlen(subject) > MAX_SUBJECT) subject[MAX_SUBJECT] = '\0'; } else #endif { if (non_empty(mailto_type)) { fprintf(fd, "Mime-Version: 1.0\n"); fprintf(fd, "Content-Type: %s\n", mailto_type); } fprintf(fd, "To: %s\n", address); if (non_empty(personal_mail_address)) fprintf(fd, "From: %s\n", personal_mail_address); fprintf(fd, "Subject: %.70s\n\n", subject); } #endif /* VMS */ #endif /* CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER */ /* * Break up the content into lines with a maximum length of 78. If the * ENCTYPE was text/plain, we have physical newlines and should take them * into account. Otherwise, the actual newline characters in the content * are hex escaped. - FM */ while ((cp = strchr(mailto_content, '\n')) != NULL) { *cp = '\0'; i = 0; len = (int) strlen(mailto_content); while (len > 78) { StrNCpy(buf, &mailto_content[i], 78); buf[78] = '\0'; fprintf(fd, "%s\n", buf); i += 78; len = (int) strlen(&mailto_content[i]); } fprintf(fd, "%s\n", &mailto_content[i]); mailto_content = (cp + 1); } i = 0; len = (int) strlen(mailto_content); while (len > 78) { StrNCpy(buf, &mailto_content[i], 78); buf[78] = '\0'; fprintf(fd, "%s\n", buf); i += 78; len = (int) strlen(&mailto_content[i]); } if (len) fprintf(fd, "%s\n", &mailto_content[i]); #if CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER pclose(fd); LYSleepMsg(); #else LYCloseTempFP(fd); #if USE_VMS_MAILER /* * Set the mail command. - FM */ if (isPMDF) { /* * Now set up the command. - FM */ HTSprintf0(&cmd, "%s %s %s,%s ", system_mail, system_mail_flags, hdrfile, my_tmpfile); } else { /* * For "generic" VMS MAIL, include the subject in the command, and * ignore any keywords to minimize risk of them making the line too * long or having problem characters. - FM */ HTSprintf0(&cmd, "%s %s%s/subject=\"%s\" %s ", system_mail, system_mail_flags, (strncasecomp(system_mail, "MAIL", 4) ? "" : "/noself"), subject, my_tmpfile); } StrAllocCopy(command, cmd); vms_append_addrs(&command, address, ""); if (non_empty(ccaddr)) { vms_append_addrs(&command, ccaddr, "/CC"); } stop_curses(); printf("%s\n\n$ %s\n\n%s", SENDING_FORM_CONTENT, command, PLEASE_WAIT); LYSystem(command); /* Mail (VMS) */ FREE(command); LYSleepAlert(); start_curses(); LYRemoveTemp(my_tmpfile); if (isPMDF) LYRemoveTemp(hdrfile); #else /* DOS */ LYSendMailFile(address, my_tmpfile, subject, ccaddr, SENDING_FORM_CONTENT); LYRemoveTemp(my_tmpfile); #endif /* USE_VMS_MAILER */ #endif /* CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER */ cleanup: FREE(address); FREE(ccaddr); FREE(keywords); return; } /* * mailmsg() sends a message to the owner of the file, if one is defined, * telling of errors (i.e., link not available). */ void mailmsg(int cur, char *owner_address, char *filename, char *linkname) { FILE *fd, *fp; char *address = NULL; char *searchpart = NULL; char *cmd = NULL, *cp; #ifdef ALERTMAIL BOOLEAN skip_parsing = FALSE; #endif #if !CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER char *ccaddr; char subject[128]; char my_tmpfile[LY_MAXPATH]; #endif #if USE_VMS_MAILER BOOLEAN isPMDF = LYMailPMDF(); char hdrfile[LY_MAXPATH]; char *command = NULL; CTRACE((tfp, "mailmsg(%d, \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\")\n", cur, NONNULL(owner_address), NONNULL(filename), NONNULL(linkname))); #endif /* VMS */ if (!LYSystemMail()) return; #ifdef ALERTMAIL if (owner_address == NULL) { owner_address = ALERTMAIL; skip_parsing = TRUE; } #endif if (isEmpty(owner_address)) return; if ((cp = (char *) strchr(owner_address, '\n')) != NULL) { #ifdef ALERTMAIL if (skip_parsing) return; /* invalidly defined - ignore - kw */ #else *cp = '\0'; #endif } if (!strncasecomp(owner_address, "lynx-dev@", 9)) { /* * Silently refuse sending bad link messages to lynx-dev. */ return; } StrAllocCopy(address, owner_address); #ifdef ALERTMAIL /* * If we are using a fixed address given by ALERTMAIL, it is supposed to * already be in usable form, without URL-isms like ?-searchpart and * URL-escaping. So skip some code. - kw */ if (!skip_parsing) #endif { /* * Check for a ?searchpart. - FM */ if ((cp = strchr(address, '?')) != NULL) { StrAllocCopy(searchpart, cp); *cp = '\0'; cp = (searchpart + 1); if (*cp != '\0') { /* * Seek and handle to=address(es) fields. * Appends to address. We ignore any other * headers in the ?searchpart. - FM */ extract_field(&address, searchpart, "to="); } } convert_explorer(address); /* * Unescape the address field. - FM */ SafeHTUnEscape(address); } if (trim_comma(address)) { FREE(address); CTRACE((tfp, "mailmsg: No address in '%s'.\n", owner_address)); return; } #if CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER if ((fd = LYPipeToMailer()) == 0) { FREE(address); CTRACE((tfp, "mailmsg: '%s' failed.\n", cmd)); return; } fprintf(fd, "To: %s\n", address); fprintf(fd, "Subject: Lynx Error in %s\n", filename); if (non_empty(personal_mail_address)) { fprintf(fd, "Cc: %s\n", personal_mail_address); } fprintf(fd, "X-URL: %s\n", filename); fprintf(fd, "X-Mailer: %s, Version %s\n\n", LYNX_NAME, LYNX_VERSION); #else if ((fd = LYOpenTemp(my_tmpfile, ".txt", "w")) == NULL) { CTRACE((tfp, "mailmsg: Could not fopen '%s'.\n", my_tmpfile)); FREE(address); return; } sprintf(subject, "Lynx Error in %.56s", filename); ccaddr = personal_mail_address; #if USE_VMS_MAILER if (isPMDF) { FILE *hfd; if ((hfd = LYOpenTemp(hdrfile, ".txt", "w")) == NULL) { CTRACE((tfp, "mailmsg: Could not fopen '%s'.\n", hdrfile)); FREE(address); return; } if (non_empty(personal_mail_address)) { fprintf(fd, "Cc: %s\n", personal_mail_address); } fprintf(fd, "X-URL: %s\n", filename); fprintf(fd, "X-Mailer: %s, Version %s\n\n", LYNX_NAME, LYNX_VERSION); /* * For PMDF, put the subject in the header file and close it. - FM */ fprintf(hfd, "Subject: Lynx Error in %.56s\n\n", filename); LYCloseTempFP(hfd); } #endif /* USE_VMS_MAILER */ #endif /* CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER */ fprintf(fd, gettext("The link %s :?: %s \n"), links[cur].lname, links[cur].target); fprintf(fd, gettext("called \"%s\"\n"), LYGetHiliteStr(cur, 0)); fprintf(fd, gettext("in the file \"%s\" called \"%s\"\n"), filename, linkname); fprintf(fd, "%s\n\n", gettext("was requested but was not available.")); fprintf(fd, "%s\n\n", gettext("Thought you might want to know.")); fprintf(fd, "%s\n", gettext("This message was automatically generated by")); fprintf(fd, "%s %s", LYNX_NAME, LYNX_VERSION); if ((LynxSigFile != NULL) && (fp = fopen(LynxSigFile, TXT_R)) != NULL) { fputs("-- \n", fd); while (LYSafeGets(&cmd, fp) != NULL) fputs(cmd, fd); LYCloseInput(fp); } #if CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER pclose(fd); #else LYCloseTempFP(fd); #if USE_VMS_MAILER if (isPMDF) { /* * Now set up the command. - FM */ HTSprintf0(&command, "%s %s %s,%s ", system_mail, system_mail_flags, hdrfile, my_tmpfile); } else { /* * For "generic" VMS MAIL, include the subject in the command. - FM */ HTSprintf0(&command, "%s %s/self/subject=\"Lynx Error in %.56s\" %s ", system_mail, system_mail_flags, filename, my_tmpfile); } vms_append_addrs(&command, address, ""); LYSystem(command); /* VMS */ FREE(command); FREE(cmd); LYRemoveTemp(my_tmpfile); if (isPMDF) { LYRemoveTemp(hdrfile); } #else /* DOS */ LYSendMailFile(address, my_tmpfile, subject, ccaddr, ""); LYRemoveTemp(my_tmpfile); #endif /* USE_VMS_MAILER */ #endif /* CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER */ if (traversal) { FILE *ofp; if ((ofp = LYAppendToTxtFile(TRAVERSE_ERRORS)) == NULL) { if ((ofp = LYNewTxtFile(TRAVERSE_ERRORS)) == NULL) { perror(NOOPEN_TRAV_ERR_FILE); exit_immediately(EXIT_FAILURE); } } fprintf(ofp, "%s\t%s \tin %s\n", links[cur].lname, links[cur].target, filename); LYCloseOutput(ofp); } FREE(address); return; } /* * reply_by_mail() invokes sendmail on Unix or mail on VMS to send * a comment from the users to the owner */ void reply_by_mail(char *mail_address, char *filename, const char *title, const char *refid) { char user_input[LINESIZE]; FILE *fd, *fp; const char *label = NULL; char *from_address = NULL; char *cc_address = NULL; char *to_address = NULL; char *the_subject = NULL; char *ccaddr = NULL; char *keywords = NULL; char *searchpart = NULL; char *body = NULL; char *cp = NULL, *cp1 = NULL; int i; int c = 0; /* user input */ char my_tmpfile[LY_MAXPATH]; char default_subject[MAX_SUBJECT + 10]; #if USE_VMS_MAILER char *command = NULL; BOOLEAN isPMDF = LYMailPMDF(); char hdrfile[LY_MAXPATH]; FILE *hfd = 0; #else #if !CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER char tmpfile2[LY_MAXPATH]; #endif char buf[4096]; /* 512 */ char *header = NULL; size_t nbytes; #endif /* USE_VMS_MAILER */ CTRACE((tfp, "reply_by_mail(\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\")\n", NONNULL(mail_address), NONNULL(filename), NONNULL(title), NONNULL(refid))); term_letter = FALSE; if (!LYSystemMail()) return; if (isEmpty(mail_address)) { HTAlert(NO_ADDRESS_IN_MAILTO_URL); return; } StrAllocCopy(to_address, mail_address); if ((fd = LYOpenTemp(my_tmpfile, ".txt", "w")) == NULL) { HTAlert(MAILTO_URL_TEMPOPEN_FAILED); return; } #if USE_VMS_MAILER if (isPMDF) { if ((hfd = LYOpenTemp(hdrfile, ".txt", "w")) == NULL) { HTAlert(MAILTO_URL_TEMPOPEN_FAILED); return; } } #endif /* VMS */ default_subject[0] = '\0'; /* * Check for a ?searchpart. - FM */ if ((cp = strchr(to_address, '?')) != NULL) { StrAllocCopy(searchpart, cp); *cp = '\0'; cp = (searchpart + 1); if (*cp != '\0') { /* * Seek and handle a subject=foo. - FM */ extract_subject(default_subject, searchpart); /* * Seek and handle to=address(es) fields. Appends to address. - * FM */ extract_field(&to_address, searchpart, "to="); /* * Seek and handle cc=address(es) fields. Excludes Bcc=address(es) * as unsafe. We may append our own cc (below) as a list for the * actual mailing. - FM */ extract_field(&ccaddr, searchpart, "cc="); /* * Seek and handle keywords=term(s) fields. - FM */ extract_field(&keywords, searchpart, "keywords="); if (keywords != NULL) { if (*keywords != '\0') { SafeHTUnEscape(keywords); } else { FREE(keywords); } } /* * Seek and handle body=foo fields. - FM */ extract_body(&body, searchpart); FREE(searchpart); } } if (convert_explorer(to_address)) { HTAlert(NO_ADDRESS_IN_MAILTO_URL); goto cancelled; } if (ccaddr != NULL) { if (convert_explorer(ccaddr)) { FREE(ccaddr); } } /* * Unescape the address and ccaddr fields. - FM */ SafeHTUnEscape(to_address); if (ccaddr != NULL) { SafeHTUnEscape(ccaddr); } /* * Set the default subject. - FM */ if ((default_subject[0] == '\0') && non_empty(title)) { StrNCpy(default_subject, title, MAX_SUBJECT); default_subject[MAX_SUBJECT] = '\0'; } /* * Use ^G to cancel mailing of comment and don't let SIGINTs exit lynx. */ signal(SIGINT, terminate_letter); #if USE_VMS_MAILER if (isPMDF || !body) { /* * Put the X-URL and X-Mailer lines in the hdrfile for PMDF or * my_tmpfile for VMS MAIL. - FM */ fprintf((isPMDF ? hfd : fd), "X-URL: %s%s\n", isEmpty(filename) ? STR_MAILTO_URL : filename, isEmpty(filename) ? to_address : ""); fprintf((isPMDF ? hfd : fd), "X-Mailer: %s, Version %s\n", LYNX_NAME, LYNX_VERSION); #ifdef NO_ANONYMOUS_EMAIL if (!isPMDF) { fprintf(fd, "\n"); } #endif /* NO_ANONYMOUS_EMAIL */ } #else /* Unix/DOS/Windows */ /* * Put the To: line in the header. */ #ifndef DOSPATH HTSprintf(&header, "To: %s\n", to_address); #endif /* * Put the Mime-Version, Content-Type and Content-Transfer-Encoding in the * header. This assumes that the same character set is used for composing * the mail which is currently selected as display character set... Don't * send a charset if we have a CJK character set selected, since it may not * be appropriate for mail... Also don't use an unofficial "x-" charset. * Also if the charset would be "us-ascii" (7-bit replacements selected, * don't send any MIME headers. - kw */ if (strncasecomp(LYCharSet_UC[current_char_set].MIMEname, "us-ascii", 8) != 0) { StrAllocCat(header, "Mime-Version: 1.0\n"); if (!LYHaveCJKCharacterSet && strncasecomp(LYCharSet_UC[current_char_set].MIMEname, "x-", 2) != 0) { HTSprintf(&header, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%s\n", LYCharSet_UC[current_char_set].MIMEname); } StrAllocCat(header, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"); } /* * Put the X-URL and X-Mailer lines in the header. */ if (non_empty(filename)) { HTSprintf(&header, "X-URL: %s\n", filename); } else { HTSprintf(&header, "X-URL: mailto:%s\n", to_address); } HTSprintf(&header, "X-Mailer: %s, Version %s\n", LYNX_NAME, LYNX_VERSION); if (non_empty(refid)) { HTSprintf(&header, "In-Reply-To: <%s>\n", refid); } #endif /* VMS */ /* * Clear the screen and inform the user. */ LYclear(); LYmove(2, 0); scrollok(LYwin, TRUE); /* Enable scrolling. */ if (body) LYaddstr(SENDING_MESSAGE_WITH_BODY_TO); else LYaddstr(SENDING_COMMENT_TO); show_addresses(to_address); if ( #if USE_VMS_MAILER (isPMDF == TRUE) && #endif /* VMS */ (cp = ccaddr) != NULL) { if (strchr(cp, ',') != NULL) { LYaddstr(WITH_COPIES_TO); } else { LYaddstr(WITH_COPY_TO); } show_addresses(ccaddr); } LYaddstr(CTRL_G_TO_CANCEL_SEND); #if USE_VMS_MAILER if (isPMDF || !body) { #endif /* USE_VMS_MAILER */ #ifndef NO_ANONYMOUS_EMAIL /* * Get the user's personal name. */ LYaddstr(ENTER_NAME_OR_BLANK); #if USE_VMS_MAILER if (isPMDF) { label = "Personal_name"; } else { label = "X-Personal_name"; } #else label = "X-Personal_Name"; #endif /* USE_VMS_MAILER */ if (!header_prompt(label, &personal_mail_name, LINESIZE)) { goto cancelled; } if (*personal_mail_name) { #if USE_VMS_MAILER fprintf((isPMDF ? hfd : fd), "%s: %s\n", label, personal_mail_name); #else HTSprintf(&header, "%s: %s\n", label, personal_mail_name); #endif /* VMS */ } /* * Get the user's return address. */ LYaddstr(ENTER_MAIL_ADDRESS_OR_OTHER); LYaddstr(MEANS_TO_CONTACT_FOR_RESPONSE); #if USE_VMS_MAILER if (isPMDF) { label = "From"; } else { label = "X-From"; } #else label = "From"; #endif /* VMS */ /* Add the personal mail address if there is one. */ if (personal_mail_address) StrAllocCopy(from_address, personal_mail_address); if (!header_prompt(label, &from_address, LINESIZE)) { goto cancelled; } #if USE_VMS_MAILER if (*from_address) { fprintf(isPMDF ? hfd : fd, "%s: %s\n", label, from_address); } if (!isPMDF) { fprintf(fd, "\n"); } #else HTSprintf(&header, "%s: %s\n", label, from_address); #endif /* USE_VMS_MAILER */ #endif /* !NO_ANONYMOUS_EMAIL */ #if USE_VMS_MAILER } #endif /* USE_VMS_MAILER */ /* * Get the subject line. */ LYaddstr(ENTER_SUBJECT_LINE); label = "Subject"; if (*default_subject) { StrAllocCopy(the_subject, default_subject); } else if (non_empty(filename)) { HTSprintf(&the_subject, "%s", filename); } else { HTSprintf(&the_subject, "mailto:%s", to_address); } if (!header_prompt(label, &the_subject, MAX_SUBJECT)) { goto cancelled; } /* * Offer a CC line, if permitted. - FM */ if (!LYNoCc) { LYaddstr(ENTER_ADDRESS_FOR_CC); LYaddstr(BLANK_FOR_NO_COPY); if (personal_mail_address) StrAllocCopy(cc_address, personal_mail_address); if (!header_prompt("Cc", &cc_address, LINESIZE)) { goto cancelled; } comma_append(&ccaddr, cc_address); } #if !USE_VMS_MAILER HTSprintf(&header, "%s: %s\n", label, the_subject); #if !CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER if (*to_address) { HTSprintf(&header, "To: %s\n", to_address); } #endif /* * Add the Cc: header. - FM */ if (non_empty(ccaddr)) { HTSprintf(&header, "Cc: %s\n", ccaddr); } /* * Add the Keywords: header. - FM */ if (non_empty(keywords)) { HTSprintf(&header, "Keywords: %s\n", keywords); } /* * Terminate the header. */ StrAllocCat(header, "\n"); CTRACE((tfp, "**header==\n%s", header)); #endif /* !VMS */ if (!no_editor && non_empty(editor)) { if (body) { cp1 = body; while ((cp = strchr(cp1, '\n')) != NULL) { *cp++ = '\0'; fprintf(fd, "%s\n", cp1); cp1 = cp; } } else if (strcmp(HTLoadedDocumentURL(), "")) { /* * Ask if the user wants to include the original message. */ BOOLEAN is_preparsed = (BOOL) (LYPreparsedSource && HTisDocumentSource()); if (HTConfirm(is_preparsed ? INC_PREPARSED_MSG_PROMPT : INC_ORIG_MSG_PROMPT) == YES) { print_wwwfile_to_fd(fd, TRUE, (BOOL) !is_preparsed); } } LYCloseTempFP(fd); /* Close the tmpfile. */ scrollok(LYwin, FALSE); /* Stop scrolling. */ if (term_letter || LYCharIsINTERRUPT(c)) goto cleanup; /* * Spawn the users editor on the mail file */ edit_temporary_file(my_tmpfile, "", SPAWNING_EDITOR_FOR_MAIL); } else if (body) { /* * Let user review the body. - FM */ LYclear(); LYmove(0, 0); LYaddstr(REVIEW_MESSAGE_BODY); LYrefresh(); cp1 = body; i = (LYlines - 5); while ((cp = strchr(cp1, '\n')) != NULL) { if (i <= 0) { LYaddstr(RETURN_TO_CONTINUE); LYrefresh(); c = LYgetch(); LYaddstr("\n"); if (term_letter || LYCharIsINTERRUPT(c)) { goto cancelled; } i = (LYlines - 2); } *cp++ = '\0'; fprintf(fd, "%s\n", cp1); LYaddstr(cp1); LYaddstr("\n"); cp1 = cp; i--; } while (i >= 0) { LYaddstr("\n"); i--; } LYrefresh(); LYCloseTempFP(fd); /* Close the tmpfile. */ scrollok(LYwin, FALSE); /* Stop scrolling. */ } else { /* * Use the internal line editor for the message. */ LYaddstr(ENTER_MESSAGE_BELOW); LYaddstr(ENTER_PERIOD_WHEN_DONE_A); LYaddstr(ENTER_PERIOD_WHEN_DONE_B); LYaddstr(CTRL_G_TO_CANCEL_SEND); LYaddstr("\n\n"); LYrefresh(); *user_input = '\0'; if (LYGetStr(user_input, VISIBLE, sizeof(user_input), NORECALL) < 0 || term_letter || STREQ(user_input, ".")) { goto cancelled; } while (!STREQ(user_input, ".") && !term_letter) { LYaddstr("\n"); remove_tildes(user_input); fprintf(fd, "%s\n", user_input); *user_input = '\0'; if (LYGetStr(user_input, VISIBLE, sizeof(user_input), NORECALL) < 0) { goto cancelled; } } fprintf(fd, "\n"); /* Terminate the message. */ LYCloseTempFP(fd); /* Close the tmpfile. */ scrollok(LYwin, FALSE); /* Stop scrolling. */ } #if !USE_VMS_MAILER /* * Ignore CTRL-C on this last question. */ signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); #endif /* !VMS */ LYStatusLine = (LYlines - 1); c = HTConfirm(body ? SEND_MESSAGE_PROMPT : SEND_COMMENT_PROMPT); LYStatusLine = -1; if (c != YES) { LYclear(); /* clear the screen */ goto cleanup; } if ((body == NULL && LynxSigFile != NULL) && (fp = fopen(LynxSigFile, TXT_R)) != NULL) { LYStatusLine = (LYlines - 1); if (term_letter) { _user_message(APPEND_SIG_FILE, LynxSigFile); c = 0; } else { char *msg = NULL; HTSprintf0(&msg, APPEND_SIG_FILE, LynxSigFile); c = HTConfirm(msg); FREE(msg); } LYStatusLine = -1; if (c == YES) { if ((fd = fopen(my_tmpfile, TXT_A)) != NULL) { char *buffer = NULL; fputs("-- \n", fd); while (LYSafeGets(&buffer, fp) != NULL) { fputs(buffer, fd); } LYCloseOutput(fd); FREE(buffer); } } LYCloseInput(fp); } LYclear(); /* Clear the screen. */ /* * Send the message. */ #if USE_VMS_MAILER /* * Set the mail command. - FM */ if (isPMDF) { /* * For PMDF, put any keywords and the subject in the header file and * close it. - FM */ if (non_empty(keywords)) { fprintf(hfd, "Keywords: %s\n", keywords); } fprintf(hfd, "Subject: %s\n\n", the_subject); LYCloseTempFP(hfd); /* * Now set up the command. - FM */ HTSprintf0(&command, "%s %s %s,%s ", system_mail, system_mail_flags, hdrfile, my_tmpfile); } else { /* * For "generic" VMS MAIL, include the subject in the command, and * ignore any keywords to minimize risk of them making the line too * long or having problem characters. - FM */ HTSprintf0(&command, "%s %s%s/subject=\"%s\" %s ", system_mail, system_mail_flags, (strncasecomp(system_mail, "MAIL", 4) ? "" : "/noself"), the_subject, my_tmpfile); } vms_append_addrs(&command, to_address, ""); if (non_empty(ccaddr)) { vms_append_addrs(&command, ccaddr, "/CC"); } stop_curses(); printf("%s\n\n$ %s\n\n%s", SENDING_COMMENT, command, PLEASE_WAIT); LYSystem(command); /* SENDING COMMENT (VMS) */ FREE(command); LYSleepAlert(); start_curses(); #else /* Unix/DOS/Windows */ /* * Send the tmpfile into sendmail. */ _statusline(SENDING_YOUR_MSG); #if CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); if ((fp = LYPipeToMailer()) == 0) { HTInfoMsg(CANCELLED); } #else if ((fp = LYOpenTemp(tmpfile2, ".txt", "w")) == NULL) { HTAlert(MAILTO_URL_TEMPOPEN_FAILED); } #endif /* CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER */ if (fp != 0) { fd = fopen(my_tmpfile, TXT_R); if (fd == NULL) { HTInfoMsg(CANCELLED); #if CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER pclose(fp); #else LYCloseTempFP(fp); #endif /* CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER */ } else { #if USE_BLAT_MAILER if (!mail_is_blat) fputs(header, fp); #else fputs(header, fp); #endif while ((nbytes = fread(buf, (size_t) 1, sizeof(buf), fd)) != 0) { if (fwrite(buf, (size_t) 1, (size_t) nbytes, fp) < nbytes) break; } #if CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER pclose(fp); #else LYCloseTempFP(fp); /* Close the tmpfile. */ LYSendMailFile(to_address, tmpfile2, the_subject, ccaddr, SENDING_COMMENT); LYRemoveTemp(tmpfile2); /* Delete the tmpfile. */ #endif /* CAN_PIPE_TO_MAILER */ LYCloseInput(fd); /* Close the tmpfile. */ } } #endif /* USE_VMS_MAILER */ goto cleanup; /* * Come here to cleanup and exit. */ cancelled: HTInfoMsg(CANCELLED); LYCloseTempFP(fd); /* Close the tmpfile. */ scrollok(LYwin, FALSE); /* Stop scrolling. */ cleanup: signal(SIGINT, cleanup_sig); term_letter = FALSE; #if USE_VMS_MAILER while (LYRemoveTemp(my_tmpfile) == 0) ; /* Delete the tmpfile(s). */ if (isPMDF) { LYRemoveTemp(hdrfile); /* Delete the hdrfile. */ } #else FREE(header); LYRemoveTemp(my_tmpfile); /* Delete the tmpfile. */ #endif /* VMS */ FREE(from_address); FREE(the_subject); FREE(cc_address); FREE(to_address); FREE(ccaddr); FREE(keywords); FREE(body); return; } /* * Check that we have configured values for system mailer. */ BOOLEAN LYSystemMail(void) { if (system_mail == 0 || !strcmp(system_mail, "unknown")) { HTAlert(gettext("No system mailer configured")); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }