#ifndef NO_RULES #include #else #include #endif #include /* 'reloading' flag */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DIRED_SUPPORT #include #endif /* DIRED_SUPPORT */ #include #include #ifndef DISABLE_NEWS #include #endif BOOLEAN have_read_cfg = FALSE; BOOLEAN LYUseNoviceLineTwo = TRUE; /* * Translate a TRUE/FALSE field in a string buffer. */ static BOOL is_true(char *string) { if (!strcasecomp(string, "TRUE") || !strcasecomp(string, "ON")) return (TRUE); else return (FALSE); } /* * Find an unescaped colon in a string buffer. */ static char *find_colon(char *buffer) { char ch, *buf = buffer; if (buf == NULL) return NULL; while ((ch = *buf) != 0) { if (ch == ':') return buf; if (ch == '\\') { buf++; if (*buf == 0) break; } buf++; } return NULL; } static void free_item_list(lynx_list_item_type **ptr) { lynx_list_item_type *cur = *ptr; lynx_list_item_type *next; while (cur) { next = cur->next; FREE(cur->name); FREE(cur->command); FREE(cur); cur = next; } *ptr = NULL; } /* * Function for freeing the DOWNLOADER and UPLOADER menus list. - FM */ static void free_all_item_lists(void) { free_item_list(&printers); free_item_list(&downloaders); #ifdef DIRED_SUPPORT free_item_list(&uploaders); #endif /* DIRED_SUPPORT */ #ifdef USE_EXTERNALS free_item_list(&externals); #endif /* USE_EXTERNALS */ return; } /* * Process string buffer fields for DOWNLOADER or UPLOADER menus. */ static void add_item_to_list(char *buffer, lynx_list_item_type **list_ptr, int special) { char *colon, *next_colon; lynx_list_item_type *cur_item, *prev_item; /* * Make a linked list */ if (*list_ptr == NULL) { /* * First item. */ cur_item = typecalloc(lynx_list_item_type); if (cur_item == NULL) outofmem(__FILE__, "read_cfg"); *list_ptr = cur_item; #ifdef LY_FIND_LEAKS atexit(free_all_item_lists); #endif } else { /* * Find the last item. */ for (prev_item = *list_ptr; prev_item->next != NULL; prev_item = prev_item->next) ; /* null body */ cur_item = typecalloc(lynx_list_item_type); if (cur_item == NULL) outofmem(__FILE__, "read_cfg"); else prev_item->next = cur_item; } cur_item->next = NULL; cur_item->name = NULL; cur_item->command = NULL; cur_item->always_enabled = FALSE; cur_item->override_primary_action = FALSE; cur_item->pagelen = 66; /* * Find first unescaped colon and process fields */ if ((colon = find_colon(buffer)) != NULL) { /* * Process name field */ cur_item->name = typecallocn(char, colon - buffer + 1); if (cur_item->name == NULL) outofmem(__FILE__, "read_cfg"); LYstrncpy(cur_item->name, buffer, (int) (colon - buffer)); remove_backslashes(cur_item->name); /* * Find end of command string and beginning of TRUE/FALSE option field. * If we do not find a colon that ends the command string, leave the * always_enabled option flag as FALSE. In any case, we want the * command string. */ if ((next_colon = find_colon(colon + 1)) == NULL) { next_colon = colon + strlen(colon); } if (next_colon - (colon + 1) > 0) { cur_item->command = typecallocn(char, next_colon - colon); if (cur_item->command == NULL) outofmem(__FILE__, "read_cfg"); LYstrncpy(cur_item->command, colon + 1, (int) (next_colon - (colon + 1))); remove_backslashes(cur_item->command); } if (*next_colon++) { colon = next_colon; if ((next_colon = strchr(colon, ':')) != 0) *next_colon++ = '\0'; cur_item->always_enabled = is_true(colon); if (next_colon) { if (special) { cur_item->pagelen = atoi(next_colon); } else { cur_item->override_primary_action = is_true(next_colon); } } } } } lynx_list_item_type *find_item_by_number(lynx_list_item_type *list_ptr, char *number) { int value = atoi(number); while (value-- >= 0 && list_ptr != 0) { list_ptr = list_ptr->next; } return list_ptr; } int match_item_by_name(lynx_list_item_type *ptr, char *name, BOOLEAN only_overriders) { return (ptr->command != 0 && !strncasecomp(ptr->name, name, strlen(ptr->name)) && (only_overriders ? ptr->override_primary_action : 1)); } #if defined(USE_COLOR_STYLE) || defined(USE_COLOR_TABLE) #ifndef COLOR_WHITE #define COLOR_WHITE 7 #endif #ifndef COLOR_BLACK #define COLOR_BLACK 0 #endif #ifdef USE_DEFAULT_COLORS int default_fg = DEFAULT_COLOR; int default_bg = DEFAULT_COLOR; #else int default_fg = COLOR_WHITE; int default_bg = COLOR_BLACK; #endif static const char *Color_Strings[16] = { "black", "red", "green", "brown", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "lightgray", "gray", "brightred", "brightgreen", "yellow", "brightblue", "brightmagenta", "brightcyan", "white" }; #if defined(PDCURSES) && !defined(XCURSES) /* * PDCurses (and possibly some other implementations) use a non-ANSI set of * codes for colors. */ static int ColorCode(int color) { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static int map[] = { 0, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5, 3, 7, 8, 12, 10, 14, 9, 13, 11, 15 }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ return map[color]; } #else #define ColorCode(color) (color) #endif BOOL default_color_reset = FALSE; /* * Validator for COLOR fields. */ int check_color(char *color, int the_default) { int i; CTRACE2(TRACE_STYLE, (tfp, "check_color(%s,%d)\n", color, the_default)); if (!strcasecomp(color, "default")) { #ifdef USE_DEFAULT_COLORS if (LYuse_default_colors && !default_color_reset) the_default = DEFAULT_COLOR; #endif /* USE_DEFAULT_COLORS */ CTRACE2(TRACE_STYLE, (tfp, "=> default %d\n", the_default)); return the_default; } if (!strcasecomp(color, "nocolor")) return NO_COLOR; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (!strcasecomp(color, Color_Strings[i])) { int c = ColorCode(i); CTRACE2(TRACE_STYLE, (tfp, "=> %d\n", c)); return c; } } CTRACE2(TRACE_STYLE, (tfp, "=> ERR_COLOR\n")); return ERR_COLOR; } const char *lookup_color(int code) { unsigned n; for (n = 0; n < 16; n++) { if ((int) ColorCode(n) == code) return Color_Strings[n]; } return "default"; } #endif /* USE_COLOR_STYLE || USE_COLOR_TABLE */ #if defined(USE_COLOR_TABLE) || defined(EXP_ASSUMED_COLOR) /* * Exit routine for failed COLOR parsing. */ static void exit_with_color_syntax(char *error_line) { unsigned int i; fprintf(stderr, gettext("\ Syntax Error parsing COLOR in configuration file:\n\ The line must be of the form:\n\ COLOR:INTEGER:FOREGROUND:BACKGROUND\n\ \n\ Here FOREGROUND and BACKGROUND must be one of:\n\ The special strings 'nocolor' or 'default', or\n") ); for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 4) { fprintf(stderr, "%16s %16s %16s %16s\n", Color_Strings[i], Color_Strings[i + 1], Color_Strings[i + 2], Color_Strings[i + 3]); } fprintf(stderr, "%s\n%s\n", gettext("Offending line:"), error_line); exit_immediately(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif /* defined(USE_COLOR_TABLE) || defined(EXP_ASSUMED_COLOR) */ #if defined(USE_COLOR_TABLE) /* * Process string buffer fields for COLOR setting. */ static void parse_color(char *buffer) { int color; char *fg, *bg; char *temp = 0; StrAllocCopy(temp, buffer); /* save a copy, for error messages */ /* * We are expecting a line of the form: * INTEGER:FOREGROUND:BACKGROUND */ color = atoi(buffer); if (NULL == (fg = find_colon(buffer))) exit_with_color_syntax(temp); *fg++ = '\0'; if (NULL == (bg = find_colon(fg))) exit_with_color_syntax(temp); *bg++ = '\0'; #if defined(USE_SLANG) if ((check_color(fg, default_fg) == ERR_COLOR) || (check_color(bg, default_bg) == ERR_COLOR)) exit_with_color_syntax(temp); SLtt_set_color(color, NULL, fg, bg); #else if (lynx_chg_color(color, check_color(fg, default_fg), check_color(bg, default_bg)) < 0) exit_with_color_syntax(temp); #endif FREE(temp); } #endif /* USE_COLOR_TABLE */ /* *INDENT-OFF* */ #ifdef USE_SOURCE_CACHE static Config_Enum tbl_source_cache[] = { { "FILE", SOURCE_CACHE_FILE }, { "MEMORY", SOURCE_CACHE_MEMORY }, { "NONE", SOURCE_CACHE_NONE }, { NULL, -1 }, }; static Config_Enum tbl_abort_source_cache[] = { { "KEEP", SOURCE_CACHE_FOR_ABORTED_KEEP }, { "DROP", SOURCE_CACHE_FOR_ABORTED_DROP }, { NULL, -1 }, }; #endif /* *INDENT-ON* */ #define PARSE_ADD(n,v) {n, CONF_ADD_ITEM, UNION_ADD(v), 0} #define PARSE_SET(n,v) {n, CONF_BOOL, UNION_SET(v), 0} #define PARSE_ENU(n,v,t) {n, CONF_ENUM, UNION_INT(v), t} #define PARSE_INT(n,v) {n, CONF_INT, UNION_INT(v), 0} #define PARSE_TIM(n,v) {n, CONF_TIME, UNION_INT(v), 0} #define PARSE_STR(n,v) {n, CONF_STR, UNION_STR(v), 0} #define PARSE_PRG(n,v) {n, CONF_PRG, UNION_DEF(v), 0} #define PARSE_Env(n,v) {n, CONF_ENV, UNION_ENV(v), 0} #define PARSE_ENV(n,v) {n, CONF_ENV2, UNION_ENV(v), 0} #define PARSE_FUN(n,v) {n, CONF_FUN, UNION_FUN(v), 0} #define PARSE_REQ(n,v) {n, CONF_INCLUDE, UNION_FUN(v), 0} #define PARSE_DEF(n,v) {n, CONF_ADD_TRUSTED, UNION_DEF(v), 0} #define PARSE_NIL {NULL, CONF_NIL, UNION_DEF(0), 0} typedef enum { CONF_NIL = 0 ,CONF_BOOL /* BOOLEAN type */ ,CONF_FUN ,CONF_TIME ,CONF_ENUM ,CONF_INT ,CONF_STR ,CONF_PRG ,CONF_ENV /* from environment variable */ ,CONF_ENV2 /* from environment VARIABLE */ ,CONF_INCLUDE /* include file-- handle special */ ,CONF_ADD_ITEM ,CONF_ADD_TRUSTED } Conf_Types; typedef struct { const char *name; Conf_Types type; ParseData; Config_Enum *table; } Config_Type; static int assume_charset_fun(char *value) { UCLYhndl_for_unspec = safeUCGetLYhndl_byMIME(value); StrAllocCopy(UCAssume_MIMEcharset, LYCharSet_UC[UCLYhndl_for_unspec].MIMEname); /* this may be a memory for bogus typo - StrAllocCopy(UCAssume_MIMEcharset, value); LYLowerCase(UCAssume_MIMEcharset); */ return 0; } static int assume_local_charset_fun(char *value) { UCLYhndl_HTFile_for_unspec = safeUCGetLYhndl_byMIME(value); return 0; } static int assume_unrec_charset_fun(char *value) { UCLYhndl_for_unrec = safeUCGetLYhndl_byMIME(value); return 0; } static int character_set_fun(char *value) { int i = UCGetLYhndl_byAnyName(value); /* by MIME or full name */ if (i < 0) { #ifdef CAN_AUTODETECT_DISPLAY_CHARSET if (auto_display_charset >= 0 && (!strnicmp(value, "AutoDetect ", 11) || !strnicmp(value, "AutoDetect-2 ", 13))) current_char_set = auto_display_charset; #endif /* do nothing here: so fallback to userdefs.h */ } else current_char_set = i; return 0; } static int outgoing_mail_charset_fun(char *value) { outgoing_mail_charset = UCGetLYhndl_byMIME(value); /* -1 if NULL or not recognized value: no translation (compatibility) */ return 0; } #ifdef EXP_ASSUMED_COLOR /* * Process string buffer fields for ASSUMED_COLOR setting. */ static int assumed_color_fun(char *buffer) { char *fg = buffer, *bg; char *temp = 0; if (LYuse_default_colors) { StrAllocCopy(temp, buffer); /* save a copy, for error messages */ /* * We are expecting a line of the form: * FOREGROUND:BACKGROUND */ if (NULL == (bg = find_colon(fg))) exit_with_color_syntax(temp); *bg++ = '\0'; default_fg = check_color(fg, default_fg); default_bg = check_color(bg, default_bg); if (default_fg == ERR_COLOR || default_bg == ERR_COLOR) exit_with_color_syntax(temp); #ifdef USE_SLANG /* * Sorry - the order of initialization of slang precludes setting the * default colors from the lynx.cfg file, since slang is already * initialized before the file is read, and there is no interface * defined for setting it from the application (that's one of the * problems with using environment variables rather than a programmable * interface) -TD */ #endif FREE(temp); } else { CTRACE((tfp, "...ignored since DEFAULT_COLORS:off\n")); } return 0; } #endif /* EXP_ASSUMED_COLOR */ #ifdef USE_COLOR_TABLE static int color_fun(char *value) { parse_color(value); return 0; } #endif #ifdef USE_DEFAULT_COLORS static int default_colors_fun(char *value) { LYuse_default_colors = is_true(value); if (LYuse_default_colors) { default_fg = DEFAULT_COLOR; default_bg = DEFAULT_COLOR; } else { default_color_reset = TRUE; if (default_fg == DEFAULT_COLOR || default_bg == DEFAULT_COLOR) { default_fg = COLOR_WHITE; default_bg = COLOR_BLACK; lynx_setup_colors(); } } return 0; } #endif static int default_bookmark_file_fun(char *value) { set_default_bookmark_page(value); return 0; } static int default_cache_size_fun(char *value) { HTCacheSize = atoi(value); if (HTCacheSize < 2) HTCacheSize = 2; return 0; } static int default_editor_fun(char *value) { if (!system_editor) StrAllocCopy(editor, value); return 0; } static int numbers_as_arrows_fun(char *value) { if (is_true(value)) keypad_mode = NUMBERS_AS_ARROWS; else keypad_mode = LINKS_ARE_NUMBERED; return 0; } #ifdef DIRED_SUPPORT static int dired_menu_fun(char *value) { add_menu_item(value); return 0; } #endif static int jumpfile_fun(char *value) { char *buffer = NULL; HTSprintf0(&buffer, "JUMPFILE:%s", value); if (!LYJumpInit(buffer)) CTRACE((tfp, "Failed to register %s\n", buffer)); FREE(buffer); return 0; } #ifdef EXP_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT static int keyboard_layout_fun(char *key) { if (!LYSetKbLayout(key)) CTRACE((tfp, "Failed to set keyboard layout %s\n", key)); return 0; } #endif /* EXP_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT */ static int keymap_fun(char *key) { char *func, *efunc; if ((func = strchr(key, ':')) != NULL) { *func++ = '\0'; efunc = strchr(func, ':'); /* Allow comments on the ends of key remapping lines. - DT */ /* Allow third field for line-editor action. - kw */ if (efunc == func) { /* have 3rd field, but 2nd field empty */ func = NULL; } else if (efunc && strncasecomp(efunc + 1, "DIRED", 5) == 0) { if (!remap(key, strtok(func, " \t\n:#"), TRUE)) { fprintf(stderr, gettext("key remapping of %s to %s for %s failed\n"), key, func, efunc + 1); } else if (func && !strcmp("TOGGLE_HELP", func)) { LYUseNoviceLineTwo = FALSE; } return 0; } else if (!remap(key, strtok(func, " \t\n:#"), FALSE)) { fprintf(stderr, gettext("key remapping of %s to %s failed\n"), key, func); } else { if (func && !strcmp("TOGGLE_HELP", func)) LYUseNoviceLineTwo = FALSE; } if (efunc) { efunc++; if (efunc == strtok((func ? NULL : efunc), " \t\n:#") && *efunc) { BOOLEAN success = FALSE; int lkc = lkcstring_to_lkc(key); int lec = -1; int select_edi = 0; char *sselect_edi = strtok(NULL, " \t\n:#"); char **endp = &sselect_edi; if (sselect_edi) { if (*sselect_edi) select_edi = strtol(sselect_edi, endp, 10); if (**endp != '\0') { fprintf(stderr, gettext("invalid line-editor selection %s for key %s, selecting all\n"), sselect_edi, key); select_edi = 0; } } /* * PASS! tries to enter the key into the LYLineEditors * bindings in a different way from PASS, namely as binding * that maps to the specific lynx actioncode (rather than to * LYE_FORM_PASS). That only works for lynx keycodes with * modifier bit set, and we have no documented/official way to * specify this in the KEYMAP directive, although it can be * made to work e.g. by specifying a hex value that has the * modifier bit set. But knowledge about the bit pattern of * modifiers should remain in internal matter subject to * change... At any rate, if PASS! fails try it the same way * as for PASS. - kw */ if (!success && strcasecomp(efunc, "PASS!") == 0) { if (func) { lec = LYE_FORM_LAC | lacname_to_lac(func); success = (BOOL) LYRemapEditBinding(lkc, lec, select_edi); } if (!success) fprintf(stderr, gettext("setting of line-editor binding for key %s (0x%x) to 0x%x for %s failed\n"), key, lkc, lec, efunc); else return 0; } if (!success) { lec = lecname_to_lec(efunc); success = (BOOL) LYRemapEditBinding(lkc, lec, select_edi); } if (!success) { if (lec != -1) { fprintf(stderr, gettext("setting of line-editor binding for key %s (0x%x) to 0x%x for %s failed\n"), key, lkc, lec, efunc); } else { fprintf(stderr, gettext("setting of line-editor binding for key %s (0x%x) for %s failed\n"), key, lkc, efunc); } } } } } return 0; } static int localhost_alias_fun(char *value) { LYAddLocalhostAlias(value); return 0; } #ifdef LYNXCGI_LINKS static int lynxcgi_environment_fun(char *value) { add_lynxcgi_environment(value); return 0; } #endif static int lynx_sig_file_fun(char *value) { char temp[LY_MAXPATH]; LYstrncpy(temp, value, sizeof(temp) - 1); if (LYPathOffHomeOK(temp, sizeof(temp))) { StrAllocCopy(LynxSigFile, temp); LYAddPathToHome(temp, sizeof(temp), LynxSigFile); StrAllocCopy(LynxSigFile, temp); CTRACE((tfp, "LYNX_SIG_FILE set to '%s'\n", LynxSigFile)); } else { CTRACE((tfp, "LYNX_SIG_FILE '%s' is bad. Ignoring.\n", LYNX_SIG_FILE)); } return 0; } #ifndef DISABLE_NEWS static int news_chunk_size_fun(char *value) { HTNewsChunkSize = atoi(value); /* * If the new HTNewsChunkSize exceeds the maximum, * increase HTNewsMaxChunk to this size. - FM */ if (HTNewsChunkSize > HTNewsMaxChunk) HTNewsMaxChunk = HTNewsChunkSize; return 0; } static int news_max_chunk_fun(char *value) { HTNewsMaxChunk = atoi(value); /* * If HTNewsChunkSize exceeds the new maximum, * reduce HTNewsChunkSize to this maximum. - FM */ if (HTNewsChunkSize > HTNewsMaxChunk) HTNewsChunkSize = HTNewsMaxChunk; return 0; } static int news_posting_fun(char *value) { LYNewsPosting = is_true(value); no_newspost = (BOOL) (LYNewsPosting == FALSE); return 0; } #endif /* DISABLE_NEWS */ #ifndef NO_RULES static int cern_rulesfile_fun(char *value) { char *rulesfile1 = NULL; char *rulesfile2 = NULL; if (HTLoadRules(value) >= 0) { return 0; } StrAllocCopy(rulesfile1, value); LYTrimLeading(value); LYTrimTrailing(value); StrAllocCopy(rulesfile2, value); LYTildeExpand(&rulesfile2, FALSE); if (strcmp(rulesfile1, rulesfile2) && HTLoadRules(rulesfile2) >= 0) { FREE(rulesfile1); FREE(rulesfile2); return 0; } fprintf(stderr, gettext("Lynx: cannot start, CERN rules file %s is not available\n"), non_empty(rulesfile2) ? rulesfile2 : gettext("(no name)")); exit_immediately(EXIT_FAILURE); return 0; /* though redundant, for compiler-warnings */ } #endif /* NO_RULES */ static int printer_fun(char *value) { add_item_to_list(value, &printers, TRUE); return 0; } static int referer_with_query_fun(char *value) { if (!strncasecomp(value, "SEND", 4)) LYRefererWithQuery = 'S'; else if (!strncasecomp(value, "PARTIAL", 7)) LYRefererWithQuery = 'P'; else LYRefererWithQuery = 'D'; return 0; } static int suffix_fun(char *value) { char *mime_type, *p; char *encoding = NULL; char *sq = NULL; char *description = NULL; double q = 1.0; if ((strlen(value) < 3) || (NULL == (mime_type = strchr(value, ':')))) { CTRACE((tfp, "Invalid SUFFIX:%s ignored.\n", value)); return 0; } *mime_type++ = '\0'; if (*mime_type) { if ((encoding = strchr(mime_type, ':')) != NULL) { *encoding++ = '\0'; if ((sq = strchr(encoding, ':')) != NULL) { *sq++ = '\0'; if ((description = strchr(sq, ':')) != NULL) { *description++ = '\0'; if ((p = strchr(sq, ':')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; LYTrimTail(description); } LYRemoveBlanks(sq); if (!*sq) sq = NULL; } LYRemoveBlanks(encoding); LYLowerCase(encoding); if (!*encoding) encoding = NULL; } } LYRemoveBlanks(mime_type); /* * mime-type is not converted to lowercase on input, to make it possible to * reproduce the equivalent of some of the HTInit.c defaults that use mixed * case, although that is not recomended. - kw */ if (!*mime_type) { /* that's ok now, with an encoding! */ CTRACE((tfp, "SUFFIX:%s without MIME type for %s\n", value, encoding ? encoding : "what?")); mime_type = NULL; /* that's ok now, with an encoding! */ if (!encoding) return 0; } if (!encoding) { if (strstr(mime_type, "tex") != NULL || strstr(mime_type, "postscript") != NULL || strstr(mime_type, "sh") != NULL || strstr(mime_type, "troff") != NULL || strstr(mime_type, "rtf") != NULL) encoding = "8bit"; else encoding = "binary"; } if (!sq) { q = 1.0; } else { double df = strtod(sq, &p); if (p == sq && df == 0.0) { CTRACE((tfp, "Invalid q=%s for SUFFIX:%s, using -1.0\n", sq, value)); q = -1.0; } else { q = df; } } HTSetSuffix5(value, mime_type, encoding, description, q); return 0; } static int suffix_order_fun(char *value) { char *p = value; char *optn; BOOLEAN want_file_init_now = FALSE; LYUseBuiltinSuffixes = TRUE; while ((optn = HTNextTok(&p, ", ", "", NULL)) != NULL) { if (!strcasecomp(optn, "NO_BUILTIN")) { LYUseBuiltinSuffixes = FALSE; } else if (!strcasecomp(optn, "PRECEDENCE_HERE")) { want_file_init_now = TRUE; } else if (!strcasecomp(optn, "PRECEDENCE_OTHER")) { want_file_init_now = FALSE; } else { CTRACE((tfp, "Invalid SUFFIX_ORDER:%s\n", optn)); break; } } if (want_file_init_now && !FileInitAlreadyDone) { HTFileInit(); FileInitAlreadyDone = TRUE; } return 0; } static int system_editor_fun(char *value) { StrAllocCopy(editor, value); system_editor = TRUE; return 0; } #define SetViewer(mime_type, viewer) \ HTSetPresentation(mime_type, viewer, 0, 1.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0, mediaCFG) static int viewer_fun(char *value) { char *mime_type; char *viewer; char *environment; mime_type = value; if ((strlen(value) < 3) || (NULL == (viewer = strchr(mime_type, ':')))) return 0; *viewer++ = '\0'; LYRemoveBlanks(mime_type); LYLowerCase(mime_type); environment = strrchr(viewer, ':'); if ((environment != NULL) && (strlen(viewer) > 1) && *(environment - 1) != '\\') { *environment++ = '\0'; remove_backslashes(viewer); /* * If environment equals xwindows then only assign the presentation if * there is a $DISPLAY variable. */ if (!strcasecomp(environment, "XWINDOWS")) { if (LYgetXDisplay() != NULL) SetViewer(mime_type, viewer); } else if (!strcasecomp(environment, "NON_XWINDOWS")) { if (LYgetXDisplay() == NULL) SetViewer(mime_type, viewer); } else { SetViewer(mime_type, viewer); } } else { remove_backslashes(viewer); SetViewer(mime_type, viewer); } return 0; } static int nonrest_sigwinch_fun(char *value) { if (!strncasecomp(value, "XWINDOWS", 8)) { LYNonRestartingSIGWINCH = (BOOL) (LYgetXDisplay() != NULL); } else { LYNonRestartingSIGWINCH = is_true(value); } return 0; } #ifdef EXP_CHARSET_CHOICE static void matched_charset_choice(BOOL display_charset, int i) { int j; if (display_charset && !custom_display_charset) { for (custom_display_charset = TRUE, j = 0; j < LYNumCharsets; ++j) charset_subsets[j].hide_display = TRUE; } else if (!display_charset && !custom_assumed_doc_charset) { for (custom_assumed_doc_charset = TRUE, j = 0; j < LYNumCharsets; ++j) charset_subsets[j].hide_assumed = TRUE; } if (display_charset) charset_subsets[i].hide_display = FALSE; else charset_subsets[i].hide_assumed = FALSE; } static int parse_charset_choice(char *p, BOOL display_charset) /*if FALSE, then assumed doc charset */ { int len, i; int matches = 0; /*only one charset choice is allowed per line! */ LYTrimHead(p); LYTrimTail(p); CTRACE((tfp, "parsing charset choice for %s:\"%s\"", (display_charset ? "display charset" : "assumed doc charset"), p)); len = strlen(p); if (!len) { CTRACE((tfp, " - EMPTY STRING\n")); return 1; } if (*p == '*' && len == 1) { if (display_charset) for (custom_display_charset = TRUE, i = 0; i < LYNumCharsets; ++i) charset_subsets[i].hide_display = FALSE; else for (custom_assumed_doc_charset = TRUE, i = 0; i < LYNumCharsets; ++i) charset_subsets[i].hide_assumed = FALSE; CTRACE((tfp, " - all unhidden\n")); return 0; } if (p[len - 1] == '*') { --len; for (i = 0; i < LYNumCharsets; ++i) { if ((!strncasecomp(p, LYchar_set_names[i], len)) || (!strncasecomp(p, LYCharSet_UC[i].MIMEname, len))) { ++matches; matched_charset_choice(display_charset, i); } } CTRACE((tfp, " - %d matches\n", matches)); return 0; } else { for (i = 0; i < LYNumCharsets; ++i) { if ((!strcasecomp(p, LYchar_set_names[i])) || (!strcasecomp(p, LYCharSet_UC[i].MIMEname))) { matched_charset_choice(display_charset, i); CTRACE((tfp, " - OK\n")); ++matches; return 0; } } CTRACE((tfp, " - NOT recognised\n")); return 1; } } static int parse_display_charset_choice(char *p) { return parse_charset_choice(p, 1); } static int parse_assumed_doc_charset_choice(char *p) { return parse_charset_choice(p, 0); } #endif /* EXP_CHARSET_CHOICE */ #ifdef USE_PRETTYSRC static void html_src_bad_syntax(char *value, char *option_name) { char *buf = 0; HTSprintf0(&buf, "HTMLSRC_%s", option_name); LYUpperCase(buf); fprintf(stderr, "Bad syntax in TAGSPEC %s:%s\n", buf, value); exit_immediately(EXIT_FAILURE); } static int parse_html_src_spec(HTlexeme lexeme_code, char *value, char *option_name) { /* Now checking the value for being correct. Since HTML_dtd is not * initialized completely (member tags points to non-initiailized data), we * use tags_old. If the syntax is incorrect, then lynx will exit with error * message. */ char *ts2; if (isEmpty(value)) return 0; /* silently ignoring */ #define BS() html_src_bad_syntax(value,option_name) ts2 = strchr(value, ':'); if (!ts2) BS(); *ts2 = '\0'; CTRACE((tfp, "ReadCFG - parsing tagspec '%s:%s' for option '%s'\n", value, ts2, option_name)); html_src_clean_item(lexeme_code); if (!html_src_parse_tagspec(value, lexeme_code, TRUE, TRUE) || !html_src_parse_tagspec(ts2, lexeme_code, TRUE, TRUE)) { *ts2 = ':'; BS(); } *ts2 = ':'; StrAllocCopy(HTL_tagspecs[lexeme_code], value); #undef BS return 0; } static int psrcspec_fun(char *s) { char *e; /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static Config_Enum lexemnames[] = { { "comm", HTL_comm }, { "tag", HTL_tag }, { "attrib", HTL_attrib }, { "attrval", HTL_attrval }, { "abracket", HTL_abracket }, { "entity", HTL_entity }, { "href", HTL_href }, { "entire", HTL_entire }, { "badseq", HTL_badseq }, { "badtag", HTL_badtag }, { "badattr", HTL_badattr }, { "sgmlspecial", HTL_sgmlspecial }, { NULL, -1 } }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ int found; e = strchr(s, ':'); if (!e) { CTRACE((tfp, "bad format of PRETTYSRC_SPEC setting value, ignored %s\n", s)); return 0; } *e = '\0'; if (!LYgetEnum(lexemnames, s, &found)) { CTRACE((tfp, "bad format of PRETTYSRC_SPEC setting value, ignored %s:%s\n", s, e + 1)); return 0; } parse_html_src_spec((HTlexeme) found, e + 1, s); return 0; } static int read_htmlsrc_attrname_xform(char *str) { int val; if (1 == sscanf(str, "%d", &val)) { if (val < 0 || val > 2) { CTRACE((tfp, "bad value for htmlsrc_attrname_xform (ignored - must be one of 0,1,2): %d\n", val)); } else attrname_transform = val; } else { CTRACE((tfp, "bad value for htmlsrc_attrname_xform (ignored): %s\n", str)); } return 0; } static int read_htmlsrc_tagname_xform(char *str) { int val; if (1 == sscanf(str, "%d", &val)) { if (val < 0 || val > 2) { CTRACE((tfp, "bad value for htmlsrc_tagname_xform (ignored - must be one of 0,1,2): %d\n", val)); } else tagname_transform = val; } else { CTRACE((tfp, "bad value for htmlsrc_tagname_xform (ignored): %s\n", str)); } return 0; } #endif #if defined(PDCURSES) && defined(PDC_BUILD) && PDC_BUILD >= 2401 static int screen_size_fun(char *value) { char *cp; if ((cp = strchr(value, ',')) != 0) { *cp++ = '\0'; /* Terminate ID */ scrsize_x = atoi(value); scrsize_y = atoi(cp); if ((scrsize_x <= 1) || (scrsize_y <= 1)) { scrsize_x = scrsize_y = 0; } if ((scrsize_x > 0) && (scrsize_x < 80)) { scrsize_x = 80; } if ((scrsize_y > 0) && (scrsize_y < 4)) { scrsize_y = 4; } CTRACE((tfp, "scrsize: x=%d, y=%d\n", scrsize_x, scrsize_y)); } return 0; } #endif /* This table is searched ignoring case */ /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static Config_Type Config_Table [] = { PARSE_SET(RC_ACCEPT_ALL_COOKIES, LYAcceptAllCookies), PARSE_TIM(RC_ALERTSECS, AlertSecs), PARSE_SET(RC_ALWAYS_RESUBMIT_POSTS, LYresubmit_posts), #ifdef EXEC_LINKS PARSE_DEF(RC_ALWAYS_TRUSTED_EXEC, ALWAYS_EXEC_PATH), #endif PARSE_FUN(RC_ASSUME_CHARSET, assume_charset_fun), PARSE_FUN(RC_ASSUME_LOCAL_CHARSET, assume_local_charset_fun), PARSE_FUN(RC_ASSUME_UNREC_CHARSET, assume_unrec_charset_fun), #ifdef EXP_ASSUMED_COLOR PARSE_FUN(RC_ASSUMED_COLOR, assumed_color_fun), #endif #ifdef EXP_CHARSET_CHOICE PARSE_FUN(RC_ASSUMED_DOC_CHARSET_CHOICE, parse_assumed_doc_charset_choice), #endif #ifdef DIRED_SUPPORT PARSE_INT(RC_AUTO_UNCACHE_DIRLISTS, LYAutoUncacheDirLists), #endif #ifndef DISABLE_BIBP PARSE_STR(RC_BIBP_BIBHOST, BibP_bibhost), PARSE_STR(RC_BIBP_GLOBALSERVER, BibP_globalserver), #endif PARSE_SET(RC_BLOCK_MULTI_BOOKMARKS, LYMBMBlocked), PARSE_SET(RC_BOLD_H1, bold_H1), PARSE_SET(RC_BOLD_HEADERS, bold_headers), PARSE_SET(RC_BOLD_NAME_ANCHORS, bold_name_anchors), PARSE_PRG(RC_BZIP2_PATH, ppBZIP2), PARSE_SET(RC_CASE_SENSITIVE_ALWAYS_ON, case_sensitive), PARSE_FUN(RC_CHARACTER_SET, character_set_fun), #ifdef CAN_SWITCH_DISPLAY_CHARSET PARSE_STR(RC_CHARSET_SWITCH_RULES, charset_switch_rules), PARSE_STR(RC_CHARSETS_DIRECTORY, charsets_directory), #endif PARSE_SET(RC_CHECKMAIL, check_mail), PARSE_PRG(RC_CHMOD_PATH, ppCHMOD), PARSE_SET(RC_COLLAPSE_BR_TAGS, LYCollapseBRs), #ifdef USE_COLOR_TABLE PARSE_FUN(RC_COLOR, color_fun), #endif #ifdef USE_COLOR_STYLE PARSE_STR(RC_COLOR_STYLE, lynx_lss_file), #endif PARSE_PRG(RC_COMPRESS_PATH, ppCOMPRESS), PARSE_PRG(RC_COPY_PATH, ppCOPY), PARSE_INT(RC_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, connect_timeout), PARSE_STR(RC_COOKIE_ACCEPT_DOMAINS, LYCookieSAcceptDomains), #ifdef USE_PERSISTENT_COOKIES PARSE_STR(RC_COOKIE_FILE, LYCookieFile), #endif /* USE_PERSISTENT_COOKIES */ PARSE_STR(RC_COOKIE_LOOSE_INVALID_DOMAINS, LYCookieSLooseCheckDomains), PARSE_STR(RC_COOKIE_QUERY_INVALID_DOMAINS, LYCookieSQueryCheckDomains), PARSE_STR(RC_COOKIE_REJECT_DOMAINS, LYCookieSRejectDomains), #ifdef USE_PERSISTENT_COOKIES PARSE_STR(RC_COOKIE_SAVE_FILE, LYCookieSaveFile), #endif /* USE_PERSISTENT_COOKIES */ PARSE_STR(RC_COOKIE_STRICT_INVALID_DOMAIN, LYCookieSStrictCheckDomains), PARSE_Env(RC_CSO_PROXY, 0), #ifdef VMS PARSE_PRG(RC_CSWING_PATH, ppCSWING), #endif PARSE_TIM(RC_DELAYSECS, DebugSecs), PARSE_FUN(RC_DEFAULT_BOOKMARK_FILE, default_bookmark_file_fun), PARSE_FUN(RC_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, default_cache_size_fun), #ifdef USE_DEFAULT_COLORS PARSE_FUN(RC_DEFAULT_COLORS, default_colors_fun), #endif PARSE_FUN(RC_DEFAULT_EDITOR, default_editor_fun), PARSE_STR(RC_DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE, indexfile), PARSE_ENU(RC_DEFAULT_KEYPAD_MODE, keypad_mode, tbl_keypad_mode), PARSE_FUN(RC_DEFAULT_KEYPAD_MODE_NUMARO, numbers_as_arrows_fun), PARSE_ENU(RC_DEFAULT_USER_MODE, user_mode, tbl_user_mode), #if defined(VMS) && defined(VAXC) && !defined(__DECC) PARSE_INT(RC_DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_SIZE, HTVirtualMemorySize), #endif #ifdef DIRED_SUPPORT PARSE_FUN(RC_DIRED_MENU, dired_menu_fun), #endif #ifdef EXP_CHARSET_CHOICE PARSE_FUN(RC_DISPLAY_CHARSET_CHOICE, parse_display_charset_choice), #endif PARSE_ADD(RC_DOWNLOADER, downloaders), PARSE_SET(RC_EMACS_KEYS_ALWAYS_ON, emacs_keys), PARSE_FUN(RC_ENABLE_LYNXRC, enable_lynxrc), PARSE_SET(RC_ENABLE_SCROLLBACK, enable_scrollback), #ifdef USE_EXTERNALS PARSE_ADD(RC_EXTERNAL, externals), #endif PARSE_Env(RC_FINGER_PROXY, 0), #if defined(_WINDOWS) /* 1998/10/05 (Mon) 17:34:15 */ PARSE_SET(RC_FOCUS_WINDOW, focus_window), #endif PARSE_SET(RC_FORCE_8BIT_TOUPPER, UCForce8bitTOUPPER), PARSE_ENU(RC_FORCE_COOKIE_PROMPT, cookie_noprompt, tbl_force_prompt), PARSE_SET(RC_FORCE_EMPTY_HREFLESS_A, force_empty_hrefless_a), PARSE_SET(RC_FORCE_SSL_COOKIES_SECURE, LYForceSSLCookiesSecure), #ifdef USE_SSL PARSE_ENU(RC_FORCE_SSL_PROMPT, ssl_noprompt, tbl_force_prompt), #endif #if !defined(NO_OPTION_FORMS) && !defined(NO_OPTION_MENU) PARSE_SET(RC_FORMS_OPTIONS, LYUseFormsOptions), #endif PARSE_SET(RC_FTP_PASSIVE, ftp_passive), PARSE_Env(RC_FTP_PROXY, 0), PARSE_STR(RC_GLOBAL_EXTENSION_MAP, global_extension_map), PARSE_STR(RC_GLOBAL_MAILCAP, global_type_map), PARSE_Env(RC_GOPHER_PROXY, 0), PARSE_SET(RC_GOTOBUFFER, goto_buffer), PARSE_PRG(RC_GZIP_PATH, ppGZIP), PARSE_STR(RC_HELPFILE, helpfile), #ifdef MARK_HIDDEN_LINKS PARSE_STR(RC_HIDDEN_LINK_MARKER, hidden_link_marker), #endif PARSE_SET(RC_HISTORICAL_COMMENTS, historical_comments), #ifdef USE_PRETTYSRC PARSE_FUN(RC_HTMLSRC_ATTRNAME_XFORM, read_htmlsrc_attrname_xform), PARSE_FUN(RC_HTMLSRC_TAGNAME_XFORM, read_htmlsrc_tagname_xform), #endif PARSE_Env(RC_HTTP_PROXY, 0), PARSE_Env(RC_HTTPS_PROXY, 0), PARSE_REQ(RC_INCLUDE, 0), PARSE_PRG(RC_INFLATE_PATH, ppINFLATE), PARSE_TIM(RC_INFOSECS, InfoSecs), PARSE_PRG(RC_INSTALL_PATH, ppINSTALL), PARSE_STR(RC_JUMP_PROMPT, jumpprompt), PARSE_SET(RC_JUMPBUFFER, jump_buffer), PARSE_FUN(RC_JUMPFILE, jumpfile_fun), #ifdef EXP_JUSTIFY_ELTS PARSE_SET(RC_JUSTIFY, ok_justify), PARSE_INT(RC_JUSTIFY_MAX_VOID_PERCENT, justify_max_void_percent), #endif #ifdef EXP_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT PARSE_FUN(RC_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT, keyboard_layout_fun), #endif PARSE_FUN(RC_KEYMAP, keymap_fun), PARSE_SET(RC_LEFTARROW_IN_TEXTFLD_PROMPT, textfield_prompt_at_left_edge), #ifndef VMS PARSE_STR(RC_LIST_FORMAT, list_format), #endif #ifndef DISABLE_NEWS PARSE_SET(RC_LIST_NEWS_DATES, LYListNewsDates), PARSE_SET(RC_LIST_NEWS_NUMBERS, LYListNewsNumbers), #endif #ifdef EXP_LOCALE_CHARSET PARSE_SET(RC_LOCALE_CHARSET, LYLocaleCharset), #endif PARSE_STR(RC_LOCAL_DOMAIN, LYLocalDomain), PARSE_FUN(RC_LOCALHOST_ALIAS, localhost_alias_fun), #if defined(EXEC_LINKS) || defined(EXEC_SCRIPTS) PARSE_SET(RC_LOCAL_EXECUTION_LINKS_ALWAYS, local_exec), PARSE_SET(RC_LOCAL_EXECUTION_LINKS_LOCAL, local_exec_on_local_files), #endif PARSE_STR(RC_LYNX_HOST_NAME, LYHostName), PARSE_FUN(RC_LYNX_SIG_FILE, lynx_sig_file_fun), #ifdef LYNXCGI_LINKS #ifndef VMS PARSE_STR(RC_LYNXCGI_DOCUMENT_ROOT, LYCgiDocumentRoot), #endif PARSE_FUN(RC_LYNXCGI_ENVIRONMENT, lynxcgi_environment_fun), #endif #if USE_VMS_MAILER PARSE_STR(RC_MAIL_ADRS, mail_adrs), #endif PARSE_SET(RC_MAIL_SYSTEM_ERROR_LOGGING, error_logging), PARSE_SET(RC_MAKE_LINKS_FOR_ALL_IMAGES, clickable_images), PARSE_SET(RC_MAKE_PSEUDO_ALTS_FOR_INLINES, pseudo_inline_alts), PARSE_INT(RC_MAX_COOKIES_BUFFER, max_cookies_buffer), PARSE_INT(RC_MAX_COOKIES_DOMAIN, max_cookies_domain), PARSE_INT(RC_MAX_COOKIES_GLOBAL, max_cookies_global), PARSE_TIM(RC_MESSAGESECS, MessageSecs), PARSE_SET(RC_MINIMAL_COMMENTS, minimal_comments), PARSE_PRG(RC_MKDIR_PATH, ppMKDIR), PARSE_ENU(RC_MULTI_BOOKMARK_SUPPORT, LYMultiBookmarks, tbl_multi_bookmarks), PARSE_PRG(RC_MV_PATH, ppMV), PARSE_SET(RC_NCR_IN_BOOKMARKS, UCSaveBookmarksInUnicode), #ifdef EXP_NESTED_TABLES PARSE_SET(RC_NESTED_TABLES, nested_tables), #endif #ifndef DISABLE_NEWS PARSE_FUN(RC_NEWS_CHUNK_SIZE, news_chunk_size_fun), PARSE_FUN(RC_NEWS_MAX_CHUNK, news_max_chunk_fun), PARSE_FUN(RC_NEWS_POSTING, news_posting_fun), PARSE_Env(RC_NEWS_PROXY, 0), PARSE_Env(RC_NEWSPOST_PROXY, 0), PARSE_Env(RC_NEWSREPLY_PROXY, 0), PARSE_Env(RC_NNTP_PROXY, 0), PARSE_ENV(RC_NNTPSERVER, 0), /* actually NNTPSERVER */ #endif PARSE_SET(RC_NUMBER_FIELDS_ON_LEFT,number_fields_on_left), PARSE_SET(RC_NUMBER_LINKS_ON_LEFT, number_links_on_left), PARSE_SET(RC_NO_DOT_FILES, no_dotfiles), PARSE_SET(RC_NO_FILE_REFERER, no_filereferer), #ifndef VMS PARSE_SET(RC_NO_FORCED_CORE_DUMP, LYNoCore), #endif PARSE_SET(RC_NO_FROM_HEADER, LYNoFromHeader), PARSE_SET(RC_NO_ISMAP_IF_USEMAP, LYNoISMAPifUSEMAP), PARSE_SET(RC_NO_MARGINS, no_margins), PARSE_Env(RC_NO_PROXY, 0), PARSE_SET(RC_NO_REFERER_HEADER, LYNoRefererHeader), PARSE_SET(RC_NO_TABLE_CENTER, no_table_center), PARSE_SET(RC_NO_TITLE, no_title), PARSE_FUN(RC_NONRESTARTING_SIGWINCH, nonrest_sigwinch_fun), PARSE_FUN(RC_OUTGOING_MAIL_CHARSET, outgoing_mail_charset_fun), #ifdef DISP_PARTIAL PARSE_SET(RC_PARTIAL, display_partial_flag), PARSE_INT(RC_PARTIAL_THRES, partial_threshold), #endif #ifdef USE_PERSISTENT_COOKIES PARSE_SET(RC_PERSISTENT_COOKIES, persistent_cookies), #endif /* USE_PERSISTENT_COOKIES */ PARSE_STR(RC_PERSONAL_EXTENSION_MAP, personal_extension_map), PARSE_STR(RC_PERSONAL_MAILCAP, personal_type_map), PARSE_STR(RC_PREFERRED_CHARSET, pref_charset), PARSE_ENU(RC_PREFERRED_ENCODING, LYAcceptEncoding, tbl_preferred_encoding), PARSE_STR(RC_PREFERRED_LANGUAGE, language), PARSE_ENU(RC_PREFERRED_MEDIA_TYPES, LYAcceptMedia, tbl_preferred_media), PARSE_SET(RC_PREPEND_BASE_TO_SOURCE, LYPrependBaseToSource), PARSE_SET(RC_PREPEND_CHARSET_TO_SOURCE, LYPrependCharsetToSource), #ifdef USE_PRETTYSRC PARSE_SET(RC_PRETTYSRC, LYpsrc), PARSE_FUN(RC_PRETTYSRC_SPEC, psrcspec_fun), PARSE_SET(RC_PRETTYSRC_VIEW_NO_ANCHOR_NUM, psrcview_no_anchor_numbering), #endif PARSE_FUN(RC_PRINTER, printer_fun), PARSE_SET(RC_QUIT_DEFAULT_YES, LYQuitDefaultYes), PARSE_FUN(RC_REFERER_WITH_QUERY, referer_with_query_fun), #ifdef EXP_CMD_LOGGING PARSE_TIM(RC_REPLAYSECS, ReplaySecs), #endif PARSE_SET(RC_REUSE_TEMPFILES, LYReuseTempfiles), PARSE_PRG(RC_RLOGIN_PATH, ppRLOGIN), PARSE_PRG(RC_RM_PATH, ppRM), #ifndef NO_RULES PARSE_FUN(RC_RULE, HTSetConfiguration), PARSE_FUN(RC_RULESFILE, cern_rulesfile_fun), #endif /* NO_RULES */ PARSE_STR(RC_SAVE_SPACE, lynx_save_space), PARSE_SET(RC_SCAN_FOR_BURIED_NEWS_REFS, scan_for_buried_news_references), #if defined(PDCURSES) && defined(PDC_BUILD) && PDC_BUILD >= 2401 PARSE_FUN(RC_SCREEN_SIZE, screen_size_fun), #endif #ifdef USE_SCROLLBAR PARSE_SET(RC_SCROLLBAR, LYShowScrollbar), PARSE_SET(RC_SCROLLBAR_ARROW, LYsb_arrow), #endif PARSE_SET(RC_SEEK_FRAG_AREA_IN_CUR, LYSeekFragAREAinCur), PARSE_SET(RC_SEEK_FRAG_MAP_IN_CUR, LYSeekFragMAPinCur), PARSE_SET(RC_SET_COOKIES, LYSetCookies), PARSE_SET(RC_SHOW_CURSOR, LYShowCursor), PARSE_STR(RC_SHOW_KB_NAME, LYTransferName), PARSE_ENU(RC_SHOW_KB_RATE, LYTransferRate, tbl_transfer_rate), PARSE_Env(RC_SNEWS_PROXY, 0), PARSE_Env(RC_SNEWSPOST_PROXY, 0), PARSE_Env(RC_SNEWSREPLY_PROXY, 0), PARSE_SET(RC_SOFT_DQUOTES, soft_dquotes), #ifdef USE_SOURCE_CACHE PARSE_ENU(RC_SOURCE_CACHE, LYCacheSource, tbl_source_cache), PARSE_ENU(RC_SOURCE_CACHE_FOR_ABORTED, LYCacheSourceForAborted, tbl_abort_source_cache), #endif PARSE_STR(RC_STARTFILE, startfile), PARSE_SET(RC_STRIP_DOTDOT_URLS, LYStripDotDotURLs), PARSE_SET(RC_SUBSTITUTE_UNDERSCORES, use_underscore), PARSE_FUN(RC_SUFFIX, suffix_fun), PARSE_FUN(RC_SUFFIX_ORDER, suffix_order_fun), #ifdef SYSLOG_REQUESTED_URLS PARSE_SET(RC_SYSLOG_REQUESTED_URLS, syslog_requested_urls), PARSE_SET(RC_SYSLOG_TEXT, syslog_txt), #endif PARSE_FUN(RC_SYSTEM_EDITOR, system_editor_fun), PARSE_STR(RC_SYSTEM_MAIL, system_mail), PARSE_STR(RC_SYSTEM_MAIL_FLAGS, system_mail_flags), PARSE_FUN(RC_TAGSOUP, get_tagsoup), PARSE_PRG(RC_TAR_PATH, ppTAR), PARSE_PRG(RC_TELNET_PATH, ppTELNET), #ifdef TEXTFIELDS_MAY_NEED_ACTIVATION PARSE_SET(RC_TEXTFIELDS_NEED_ACTIVATION, textfields_activation_option), #endif PARSE_PRG(RC_TN3270_PATH, ppTN3270), #if defined(_WINDOWS) PARSE_INT(RC_TIMEOUT, lynx_timeout), #endif PARSE_PRG(RC_TOUCH_PATH, ppTOUCH), PARSE_SET(RC_TRIM_INPUT_FIELDS, LYtrimInputFields), #ifdef EXEC_LINKS PARSE_DEF(RC_TRUSTED_EXEC, EXEC_PATH), #endif #ifdef LYNXCGI_LINKS PARSE_DEF(RC_TRUSTED_LYNXCGI, CGI_PATH), #endif PARSE_PRG(RC_UNCOMPRESS_PATH, ppUNCOMPRESS), PARSE_SET(RC_UNDERLINE_LINKS, LYUnderlineLinks), PARSE_PRG(RC_UNZIP_PATH, ppUNZIP), #ifdef DIRED_SUPPORT PARSE_ADD(RC_UPLOADER, uploaders), #endif PARSE_STR(RC_URL_DOMAIN_PREFIXES, URLDomainPrefixes), PARSE_STR(RC_URL_DOMAIN_SUFFIXES, URLDomainSuffixes), #ifdef VMS PARSE_SET(RC_USE_FIXED_RECORDS, UseFixedRecords), #endif #if defined(USE_MOUSE) PARSE_SET(RC_USE_MOUSE, LYUseMouse), #endif PARSE_SET(RC_USE_SELECT_POPUPS, LYSelectPopups), PARSE_PRG(RC_UUDECODE_PATH, ppUUDECODE), PARSE_SET(RC_VERBOSE_IMAGES, verbose_img), PARSE_SET(RC_VI_KEYS_ALWAYS_ON, vi_keys), PARSE_FUN(RC_VIEWER, viewer_fun), PARSE_Env(RC_WAIS_PROXY, 0), PARSE_STR(RC_XLOADIMAGE_COMMAND, XLoadImageCommand), PARSE_PRG(RC_ZCAT_PATH, ppZCAT), PARSE_PRG(RC_ZIP_PATH, ppZIP), PARSE_NIL }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ static char *lynxcfginfo_url = NULL; /* static */ #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) && !defined(NO_CONFIG_INFO) static char *configinfo_url = NULL; /* static */ #endif /* * Free memory allocated in 'read_cfg()' */ void free_lynx_cfg(void) { Config_Type *tbl; for (tbl = Config_Table; tbl->name != 0; tbl++) { ParseUnionPtr q = ParseUnionOf(tbl); switch (tbl->type) { case CONF_ENV: if (q->str_value != 0) { char *name = *(q->str_value); char *eqls = strchr(name, '='); if (eqls != 0) { *eqls = 0; #ifdef VMS Define_VMSLogical(name, NULL); #else # ifdef HAVE_UNSETENV unsetenv(name); # else if (putenv(name)) break; # endif #endif } FREE(*(q->str_value)); FREE(q->str_value); /* is it enough for reload_read_cfg() to clean up * the result of putenv()? No for certain platforms. */ } break; default: break; } } free_all_item_lists(); #ifdef DIRED_SUPPORT reset_dired_menu(); /* frees and resets dired menu items - kw */ #endif FREE(lynxcfginfo_url); #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) && !defined(NO_CONFIG_INFO) FREE(configinfo_url); #endif } static Config_Type *lookup_config(char *name) { Config_Type *tbl = Config_Table; char ch = (char) TOUPPER(*name); while (tbl->name != 0) { char ch1 = tbl->name[0]; if ((ch == TOUPPER(ch1)) && (0 == strcasecomp(name, tbl->name))) break; tbl++; } return tbl; } /* * If the given value is an absolute path (by syntax), or we can read it, use * the value as given. Otherwise, assume it must be in the same place we read * the parent configuration file from. * * Note: only read files from the current directory if there's no parent * filename, otherwise it leads to user surprise. */ static char *actual_filename(const char *cfg_filename, const char *parent_filename, const char *dft_filename) { char *my_filename = NULL; if (!LYisAbsPath(cfg_filename) && !(parent_filename == 0 && LYCanReadFile(cfg_filename))) { if (LYIsTilde(cfg_filename[0]) && LYIsPathSep(cfg_filename[1])) { HTSprintf0(&my_filename, "%s%s", Home_Dir(), cfg_filename + 1); } else { if (parent_filename != 0) { StrAllocCopy(my_filename, parent_filename); *LYPathLeaf(my_filename) = '\0'; StrAllocCat(my_filename, cfg_filename); } if (my_filename == 0 || !LYCanReadFile(my_filename)) { StrAllocCopy(my_filename, dft_filename); *LYPathLeaf(my_filename) = '\0'; StrAllocCat(my_filename, cfg_filename); if (!LYCanReadFile(my_filename)) { StrAllocCopy(my_filename, cfg_filename); } } } } else { StrAllocCopy(my_filename, cfg_filename); } return my_filename; } FILE *LYOpenCFG(const char *cfg_filename, const char *parent_filename, const char *dft_filename) { char *my_file = actual_filename(cfg_filename, parent_filename, dft_filename); FILE *result; CTRACE((tfp, "opening config file %s\n", my_file)); result = fopen(my_file, TXT_R); FREE(my_file); return result; } #define NOPTS_ ( TABLESIZE(Config_Table) - 1 ) typedef BOOL (optidx_set_t)[NOPTS_]; /* if element is FALSE, then it's allowed in the current file */ #define optidx_set_AND(r,a,b) \ {\ unsigned i1;\ for (i1 = 0; i1 < NOPTS_; ++i1) \ (r)[i1]= (a)[i1] || (b)[i1]; \ } /* * For simple (boolean, string, integer, time) values, set the corresponding * configuration variable. */ void LYSetConfigValue(char *name, char *value) { Config_Type *tbl = lookup_config(name); ParseUnionPtr q = ParseUnionOf(tbl); char *temp = 0; switch (tbl->type) { case CONF_BOOL: if (q->set_value != 0) *(q->set_value) = is_true(value); break; case CONF_FUN: if (q->fun_value != 0) (*(q->fun_value)) (value); break; case CONF_TIME: if (q->int_value != 0) { float ival; if (1 == sscanf(value, "%f", &ival)) { *(q->int_value) = (int) SECS2Secs(ival); } } break; case CONF_ENUM: if (tbl->table != 0) LYgetEnum(tbl->table, value, q->int_value); break; case CONF_INT: if (q->int_value != 0) { int ival; if (1 == sscanf(value, "%d", &ival)) *(q->int_value) = ival; } break; case CONF_STR: if (q->str_value != 0) StrAllocCopy(*(q->str_value), value); break; case CONF_ENV: case CONF_ENV2: if (tbl->type == CONF_ENV) LYLowerCase(name); else LYUpperCase(name); if (LYGetEnv(name) == 0) { #ifdef VMS Define_VMSLogical(name, value); #else if (q->str_value == 0) q->str_value = typecalloc(char *); HTSprintf0(q->str_value, "%s=%s", name, value); putenv(*(q->str_value)); #endif } break; case CONF_ADD_ITEM: if (q->add_value != 0) add_item_to_list(value, q->add_value, FALSE); break; #if defined(EXEC_LINKS) || defined(LYNXCGI_LINKS) case CONF_ADD_TRUSTED: add_trusted(value, q->def_value); break; #endif case CONF_PRG: if (StrAllocCopy(temp, value)) HTSetProgramPath((ProgramPaths) (q->def_value), temp); break; default: break; } } /* * Process the configuration file (lynx.cfg). * * 'allowed' is a pointer to HTList of allowed options. Since the included * file can also include other files with a list of acceptable options, these * lists are ANDed. */ static void do_read_cfg(const char *cfg_filename, const char *parent_filename, int nesting_level, FILE *fp0, optidx_set_t * allowed) { FILE *fp; char *buffer = 0; CTRACE((tfp, "Loading cfg file '%s'.\n", cfg_filename)); /* * Don't get hung up by an include file loop. Arbitrary max depth * of 10. - BL */ if (nesting_level > 10) { fprintf(stderr, gettext("More than %d nested lynx.cfg includes -- perhaps there is a loop?!?\n"), nesting_level - 1); fprintf(stderr, gettext("Last attempted include was '%s',\n"), cfg_filename); fprintf(stderr, gettext("included from '%s'.\n"), parent_filename); exit_immediately(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* * Locate and open the file. */ if (!cfg_filename || strlen(cfg_filename) == 0) { CTRACE((tfp, "No filename following -cfg switch!\n")); return; } if ((fp = LYOpenCFG(cfg_filename, parent_filename, LYNX_CFG_FILE)) == 0) { CTRACE((tfp, "lynx.cfg file not found as '%s'\n", cfg_filename)); return; } have_read_cfg = TRUE; /* * Process each line in the file. */ #ifdef SH_EX if (show_cfg) { time_t t; time(&t); printf("### %s %s, at %s", LYNX_NAME, LYNX_VERSION, ctime(&t)); } #endif while (LYSafeGets(&buffer, fp) != 0) { char *name, *value; char *cp; Config_Type *tbl; ParseUnionPtr q; /* Most lines in the config file are comment lines. Weed them out * now. Also, leading whitespace is ok, so trim it. */ name = LYSkipBlanks(buffer); if (ispunct(UCH(*name))) continue; LYTrimTrailing(name); if (*name == 0) continue; /* Significant lines are of the form KEYWORD:WHATEVER */ if ((value = strchr(name, ':')) == 0) { /* fprintf (stderr, "Bad line-- no :\n"); */ CTRACE((tfp, "LYReadCFG: missing ':' %s\n", name)); continue; } /* skip past colon, but replace ':' with 0 to make name meaningful */ *value++ = 0; /* * Trim off any trailing comments. * * (Apparently, the original code considers a trailing comment valid * only if preceded by a space character but is not followed by a * colon. -- JED) */ if ((cp = strrchr(value, ':')) == 0) cp = value; if ((cp = strchr(cp, '#')) != 0) { cp--; if (isspace(UCH(*cp))) *cp = 0; } CTRACE2(TRACE_CFG, (tfp, "LYReadCFG %s:%s\n", name, value)); tbl = lookup_config(name); if (tbl->name == 0) { /* lynx ignores unknown keywords */ CTRACE((tfp, "LYReadCFG: ignored %s:%s\n", name, value)); continue; } #ifdef SH_EX if (show_cfg) printf("%s:%s\n", name, value); #endif if (allowed && (*allowed)[tbl - Config_Table]) { if (fp0 == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "%s is not allowed in the %s\n", name, cfg_filename); /*FIXME: we can do something wiser if we are generating the html representation of lynx.cfg - say include this line in bold, or something... */ continue; } q = ParseUnionOf(tbl); switch ((fp0 != 0 && tbl->type != CONF_INCLUDE) ? CONF_NIL : tbl->type) { case CONF_BOOL: case CONF_FUN: case CONF_TIME: case CONF_ENUM: case CONF_INT: case CONF_STR: case CONF_ENV: case CONF_ENV2: case CONF_PRG: case CONF_ADD_ITEM: case CONF_ADD_TRUSTED: LYSetConfigValue(name, value); break; case CONF_INCLUDE:{ /* include another file */ optidx_set_t cur_set, anded_set; optidx_set_t *resultant_set = NULL; char *p1, *p2, savechar; BOOL any_optname_found = FALSE; char *url = NULL; char *cp1 = NULL; const char *sep = NULL; if ((p1 = strstr(value, sep = " for ")) != 0 #if defined(UNIX) && !defined(USE_DOS_DRIVES) || (p1 = strstr(value, sep = ":")) != 0 #endif ) { *p1 = '\0'; p1 += strlen(sep); } #ifndef NO_CONFIG_INFO if (fp0 != 0 && !no_lynxcfg_xinfo) { char *my_file = actual_filename(value, cfg_filename, LYNX_CFG_FILE); LYLocalFileToURL(&url, my_file); FREE(my_file); StrAllocCopy(cp1, value); if (strchr(value, '&') || strchr(value, '<')) { LYEntify(&cp1, TRUE); } fprintf(fp0, "%s:%s\n\n", name, url, cp1); fprintf(fp0, " #<begin %s>\n", cp1); } #endif if (p1) { while (*(p1 = LYSkipBlanks(p1)) != 0) { Config_Type *tbl2; p2 = LYSkipNonBlanks(p1); savechar = *p2; *p2 = 0; tbl2 = lookup_config(p1); if (tbl2->name == 0) { if (fp0 == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "unknown option name %s in %s\n", p1, cfg_filename); } else { unsigned i; if (!any_optname_found) { any_optname_found = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < NOPTS_; ++i) cur_set[i] = TRUE; } cur_set[tbl2 - Config_Table] = FALSE; } if (savechar && p2[1]) p1 = p2 + 1; else break; } } if (!allowed) { if (!any_optname_found) resultant_set = NULL; else resultant_set = &cur_set; } else { if (!any_optname_found) resultant_set = allowed; else { optidx_set_AND(anded_set, *allowed, cur_set); resultant_set = &anded_set; } } #ifndef NO_CONFIG_INFO /* * Now list the opts that are allowed in included file. If all * opts are allowed, then emit nothing, else emit an effective set * of allowed options in
    . Option names will be uppercased. * FIXME: uppercasing option names can be considered redundant. */ if (fp0 != 0 && !no_lynxcfg_xinfo && resultant_set) { char *buf = NULL; unsigned i; fprintf(fp0, " Options allowed in this file:\n"); for (i = 0; i < NOPTS_; ++i) { if ((*resultant_set)[i]) continue; StrAllocCopy(buf, Config_Table[i].name); LYUpperCase(buf); fprintf(fp0, " * %s\n", buf); } FREE(buf); } #endif do_read_cfg(value, cfg_filename, nesting_level + 1, fp0, resultant_set); #ifndef NO_CONFIG_INFO if (fp0 != 0 && !no_lynxcfg_xinfo) { fprintf(fp0, " #<end of %s>\n\n", cp1); FREE(url); FREE(cp1); } #endif } break; default: if (fp0 != 0) { if (strchr(value, '&') || strchr(value, '<')) { char *cp1 = NULL; StrAllocCopy(cp1, value); LYEntify(&cp1, TRUE); fprintf(fp0, "%s:%s\n", name, cp1); FREE(cp1); } else { fprintf(fp0, "%s:%s\n", name, value); } } break; } } LYCloseInput(fp); /* * If any DOWNLOADER: commands have always_enabled set (:TRUE), make * override_no_download TRUE, so that other restriction settings will not * block presentation of a download menu with those always_enabled options * still available. - FM */ if (downloaders != 0) { lynx_list_item_type *cur_download; cur_download = downloaders; while (cur_download != 0) { if (cur_download->always_enabled) { override_no_download = TRUE; break; } cur_download = cur_download->next; } } /* * If any COOKIE_{ACCEPT,REJECT}_DOMAINS have been defined, * process them. These are comma delimited lists of * domains. - BJP * * And for query/strict/loose invalid cookie checking. - BJP */ LYConfigCookies(); } /* this is a public interface to do_read_cfg */ void read_cfg(const char *cfg_filename, const char *parent_filename, int nesting_level, FILE *fp0) { HTInitProgramPaths(); do_read_cfg(cfg_filename, parent_filename, nesting_level, fp0, NULL); } #ifndef NO_CONFIG_INFO static void extra_cfg_link(FILE *fp, const char *href, const char *name) { fprintf(fp, "%s", href, name); } #endif /* NO_CONFIG_INFO */ /* * Show rendered lynx.cfg data without comments, LYNXCFG:/ internal page. * Called from getfile() cycle: we create and load the page just in place and * return to mainloop(). */ int lynx_cfg_infopage(DocInfo *newdoc) { static char tempfile[LY_MAXPATH] = "\0"; DocAddress WWWDoc; /* need on exit */ char *temp = 0; char *cp1 = NULL; FILE *fp0; #ifndef NO_CONFIG_INFO /*------------------------------------------------- * kludge a link from LYNXCFG:/, the URL was: * " RELOAD THE CHANGES\n" *--------------------------------------------------*/ if (!no_lynxcfg_xinfo && (strstr(newdoc->address, "LYNXCFG://reload"))) { /* * Some stuff to reload read_cfg(), but also load options menu items * and command-line options to make things consistent. Implemented in * LYMain.c */ reload_read_cfg(); /* * now pop-up and return to updated LYNXCFG:/ page, remind * postoptions() but much simpler: */ /* * But check whether the top history document is really the expected * LYNXCFG: page. - kw */ if (HTMainText && nhist > 0 && !strcmp(HTLoadedDocumentTitle(), LYNXCFG_TITLE) && !strcmp(HTLoadedDocumentURL(), HDOC(nhist - 1).address) && LYIsUIPage(HDOC(nhist - 1).address, UIP_LYNXCFG) && (!lynxcfginfo_url || strcmp(HTLoadedDocumentURL(), lynxcfginfo_url))) { /* the page was pushed, so pop-up. */ LYpop(newdoc); WWWDoc.address = newdoc->address; WWWDoc.post_data = newdoc->post_data; WWWDoc.post_content_type = newdoc->post_content_type; WWWDoc.bookmark = newdoc->bookmark; WWWDoc.isHEAD = newdoc->isHEAD; WWWDoc.safe = newdoc->safe; LYforce_no_cache = FALSE; /* ! */ LYoverride_no_cache = TRUE; /* ! */ /* * Working out of getfile() cycle we reset *no_cache manually here * so HTLoadAbsolute() will return "Document already in memory": * it was forced reloading obsolete file again without this * (overhead). * * Probably *no_cache was set in a wrong position because of the * internal page... */ if (!HTLoadAbsolute(&WWWDoc)) return (NOT_FOUND); HTuncache_current_document(); /* will never use again */ LYUnRegisterUIPage(UIP_LYNXCFG); } /* now set up the flag and fall down to create a new LYNXCFG:/ page */ FREE(lynxcfginfo_url); /* see below */ } #endif /* !NO_CONFIG_INFO */ /* * We regenerate the file if reloading has been requested (with LYK_NOCACHE * key). If we did not regenerate, there would be no way to recover in a * session from a situation where the file is corrupted (for example * truncated because the file system was full when it was first created - * lynx doesn't check for write errors below), short of manual complete * removal or perhaps forcing regeneration with LYNXCFG://reload. * Similarly, there would be no simple way to get a different page if * user_mode has changed to Advanced after the file was first generated in * a non-Advanced mode (the difference being in whether the page includes * the link to LYNXCFG://reload or not). * * We also try to regenerate the file if lynxcfginfo_url is set, indicating * that tempfile is valid, but the file has disappeared anyway. This can * happen to a long-lived lynx process if for example some system script * periodically cleans up old files in the temp file space. - kw */ if (LYforce_no_cache && reloading) { FREE(lynxcfginfo_url); /* flag to code below to regenerate - kw */ } else if (lynxcfginfo_url != NULL) { if (!LYCanReadFile(tempfile)) { /* check existence */ FREE(lynxcfginfo_url); /* flag to code below to try again - kw */ } } if (lynxcfginfo_url == 0) { if ((fp0 = InternalPageFP(tempfile, TRUE)) == 0) return (NOT_FOUND); LYLocalFileToURL(&lynxcfginfo_url, tempfile); LYforce_no_cache = TRUE; /* don't cache this doc */ BeginInternalPage(fp0, LYNXCFG_TITLE, NULL); fprintf(fp0, "
    #ifndef NO_CONFIG_INFO
    	if (!no_lynxcfg_xinfo) {
    #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) || defined(VMS)
    	    if (strcmp(lynx_cfg_file, LYNX_CFG_FILE)) {
    		fprintf(fp0, "%s\n%s",
    			gettext("The following is read from your lynx.cfg file."),
    			gettext("Please read the distribution"));
    		LYLocalFileToURL(&temp, LYNX_CFG_FILE);
    		fprintf(fp0, " lynx.cfg ",
    		fprintf(fp0, "%s\n\n",
    			gettext("for more comments."));
    	    } else
    #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
    		/* no absolute path... for lynx.cfg on DOS/Win32 */
    		fprintf(fp0, "%s\n%s",
    			gettext("The following is read from your lynx.cfg file."),
    			gettext("Please read the distribution"));
    		fprintf(fp0, " lynx.cfg ");
    		fprintf(fp0, "%s\n",
    			gettext("for more comments."));
    #ifndef NO_CONFIG_INFO
    #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) && defined(USE_COLOR_STYLE)
    	    if (!no_compileopts_info && !no_lynxcfg_xinfo) {
    		fprintf(fp0, "%s
    • ", SEE_ALSO); extra_cfg_link(fp0, STR_LYNXCFLAGS, COMPILE_OPT_SEGMENT); fprintf(fp0, "
    • "); LYLocalFileToURL(&temp, lynx_lss_file); extra_cfg_link(fp0, temp, COLOR_STYLE_SEGMENT); fprintf(fp0, "
    	    } else
    		fprintf(fp0, "%s ", SEE_ALSO);
    #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
    		if (!no_compileopts_info) {
    		    extra_cfg_link(fp0, STR_LYNXCFLAGS, COMPILE_OPT_SEGMENT);
    #if defined(USE_COLOR_STYLE)
    		if (!no_lynxcfg_xinfo) {
    		    LYLocalFileToURL(&temp, lynx_lss_file);
    		    extra_cfg_link(fp0, temp, COLOR_STYLE_SEGMENT);
    		fprintf(fp0, "\n\n");
    #endif /* NO_CONFIG_INFO */
    	    /** a new experimental link ... **/
    	    if (user_mode == ADVANCED_MODE)
    		fprintf(fp0, "  %s\n",
    			gettext("RELOAD THE CHANGES"));
    	    LYLocalFileToURL(&temp, lynx_cfg_file);
    	    StrAllocCopy(cp1, lynx_cfg_file);
    	    if (strchr(lynx_cfg_file, '&') || strchr(lynx_cfg_file, '<')) {
    		LYEntify(&cp1, TRUE);
    	    fprintf(fp0, "\n    #%s %s\n",
    		    gettext("Your primary configuration"),
    	} else
    #endif /* !NO_CONFIG_INFO */
    	    fprintf(fp0, "%s\n\n",
    		    gettext("The following is read from your lynx.cfg file."));
    	 * Process the configuration file.
    	read_cfg(lynx_cfg_file, "main program", 1, fp0);
    	fprintf(fp0, "
    \n"); EndInternalPage(fp0); LYCloseTempFP(fp0); LYRegisterUIPage(lynxcfginfo_url, UIP_LYNXCFG); } /* return to getfile() cycle */ StrAllocCopy(newdoc->address, lynxcfginfo_url); WWWDoc.address = newdoc->address; WWWDoc.post_data = newdoc->post_data; WWWDoc.post_content_type = newdoc->post_content_type; WWWDoc.bookmark = newdoc->bookmark; WWWDoc.isHEAD = newdoc->isHEAD; WWWDoc.safe = newdoc->safe; if (!HTLoadAbsolute(&WWWDoc)) return (NOT_FOUND); #ifdef DIRED_SUPPORT lynx_edit_mode = FALSE; #endif /* DIRED_SUPPORT */ return (NORMAL); } #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) && !defined(NO_CONFIG_INFO) /* * Compile-time definitions info, LYNXCOMPILEOPTS:/ internal page, from * getfile() cycle. */ int lynx_compile_opts(DocInfo *newdoc) { static char tempfile[LY_MAXPATH] = "\0"; #define PutDefs(table, N) fprintf(fp0, "%-35s %s\n", table[N].name, table[N].value) #include unsigned n; DocAddress WWWDoc; /* need on exit */ FILE *fp0; /* In general, create the page only once - compile-time data will not * change... But we will regenerate the file anyway, in a few situations: * * (a) configinfo_url has been FREEd - this can happen if free_lynx_cfg() * was called as part of a LYNXCFG://reload action. * * (b) reloading has been requested (with LYK_NOCACHE key). If we did not * regenerate, there would be no way to recover in a session from a * situation where the file is corrupted (for example truncated because the * file system was full when it was first created - lynx doesn't check for * write errors below), short of manual complete removal or forcing * regeneration with LYNXCFG://reload. * * (c) configinfo_url is set, indicating that tempfile is valid, but the * file has disappeared anyway. This can happen to a long-lived lynx * process if for example some system script periodically cleans up old * files in the temp file space. - kw */ if (LYforce_no_cache && reloading) { FREE(configinfo_url); /* flag to code below to regenerate - kw */ } else if (configinfo_url != NULL) { if (!LYCanReadFile(tempfile)) { /* check existence */ FREE(configinfo_url); /* flag to code below to try again - kw */ } } if (configinfo_url == NULL) { if ((fp0 = InternalPageFP(tempfile, TRUE)) == 0) return (NOT_FOUND); LYLocalFileToURL(&configinfo_url, tempfile); BeginInternalPage(fp0, CONFIG_DEF_TITLE, NULL); fprintf(fp0, "
    	fprintf(fp0, "\n%s
    \nconfig.cache\n", AUTOCONF_CONFIG_CACHE); for (n = 0; n < TABLESIZE(config_cache); n++) { PutDefs(config_cache, n); } fprintf(fp0, "\n%s
    \nlynx_cfg.h\n", AUTOCONF_LYNXCFG_H); for (n = 0; n < TABLESIZE(config_defines); n++) { PutDefs(config_defines, n); } fprintf(fp0, "
    \n"); EndInternalPage(fp0); LYCloseTempFP(fp0); LYRegisterUIPage(configinfo_url, UIP_CONFIG_DEF); } /* exit to getfile() cycle */ StrAllocCopy(newdoc->address, configinfo_url); WWWDoc.address = newdoc->address; WWWDoc.post_data = newdoc->post_data; WWWDoc.post_content_type = newdoc->post_content_type; WWWDoc.bookmark = newdoc->bookmark; WWWDoc.isHEAD = newdoc->isHEAD; WWWDoc.safe = newdoc->safe; if (!HTLoadAbsolute(&WWWDoc)) return (NOT_FOUND); #ifdef DIRED_SUPPORT lynx_edit_mode = FALSE; #endif /* DIRED_SUPPORT */ return (NORMAL); } #endif /* !NO_CONFIG_INFO */