/* Routines to upload files to the local filesystem */ /* Created by: Rick Mallett, Carleton University */ /* Report problems to rmallett@ccs.carleton.ca */ /* Modified 15-Dec-95 George Lindholm (lindholm@ucs.ubc.ca): Reread the upload menu page every time, in case the "upload" directory has changed (make the current directory that for the upload process). Prompt for the upload file name if there is no "%s" in the command string. Most protocols allow the user to specify the file name from the client side. Xmodem appears to be the only that can't figure out the filename from the transfer data so it needs the information from lynx (or an upload script which prompts for it). On the other hand, zmodem aborts when you give it a filename on the command line (great way of bypassing the nodotfile code :=( ). */ #include "HTUtils.h" #include "tcp.h" #include "HTParse.h" #include "HTAlert.h" #include "LYCurses.h" #include "LYUtils.h" #include "LYGlobalDefs.h" #include "LYSignal.h" #include "LYStrings.h" #include "LYClean.h" #include "LYGetFile.h" #include "LYUpload.h" #include "LYSystem.h" #include "LYLocal.h" #include "LYexit.h" #include "LYLeaks.h" #define FREE(x) if (x) {free(x); x = NULL;} /* * LYUpload uploads a file to a given location using a * specified upload method. */ /* it parses an incoming link that looks like * * LYNXDIRED://UPLOAD=<#>/TO= */ PUBLIC int LYUpload ARGS1(char *,line) { char *method, *directory, *dir; int method_number; int count; char tmpbuf[256]; char buffer[256]; lynx_html_item_type *upload_command=0; int c; char *cp; FILE *fp; char cmd[512]; #ifdef VMS extern BOOLEAN HadVMSInterrupt; #endif /* VMS */ /* use configured upload commands */ if((directory = (char *)strstr(line, "TO=")) == NULL) goto failed; *(directory-1) = '\0'; /* go past "Directory=" */ directory+=3; if((method = (char *)strstr(line, "UPLOAD=")) == NULL) goto failed; /* go past "Method=" */ method+=7; method_number = atoi(method); for(count=0, upload_command=uploaders; count < method_number; count++, upload_command = upload_command->next) ; /* null body */ /* Parsed out the Method and the Location? */ if(upload_command->command == NULL) { _statusline("ERROR! - upload command is misconfigured"); sleep(AlertSecs); goto failed; } /* Care about the local name? */ if (strstr(upload_command->command, "%s")) { /* * Commands have the form "command %s [etc]" * where %s is the filename. */ _statusline("Enter a filename: "); retry: *tmpbuf = '\0'; if(LYgetstr(tmpbuf, VISIBLE, sizeof(tmpbuf), NORECALL) < 0) goto cancelled; if(*tmpbuf=='\0') goto cancelled; if (strstr(tmpbuf,"../") != NULL) { _statusline( "Illegal redirection \"../\" found! Request ignored. "); sleep(AlertSecs); goto cancelled; } else if(strchr(tmpbuf,'/') != NULL) { _statusline("Illegal character \"/\" found! Request ignored. "); sleep(AlertSecs); goto cancelled; } else if (tmpbuf[0] == '~') { _statusline( "Illegal redirection using \"~\" found! Request ignored. "); sleep(AlertSecs); goto cancelled; } sprintf(buffer,"%s/%s",directory,tmpbuf); if (no_dotfiles || !show_dotfiles) { if (*buffer == '.' || #ifdef VMS ((cp = strrchr(buffer, ':')) && *(cp+1) == '.') || ((cp = strrchr(buffer, ']')) && *(cp+1) == '.') || #endif /* VMS */ ((cp = strrchr(buffer, '/')) && *(cp+1) == '.')) { _statusline( "File name may not begin with dot. Enter a new filename: "); goto retry; } } /* See if it already exists. */ if((fp = fopen(buffer,"r")) != NULL) { fclose(fp); #ifdef VMS _statusline("File exists. Create higher version? (y/n)"); #else _statusline("File exists. Overwrite? (y/n)"); #endif /* VMS */ c = 0; while(TOUPPER(c)!='Y' && TOUPPER(c)!='N' && c != 7 && c != 3) c = LYgetch(); #ifdef VMS if(HadVMSInterrupt) { HadVMSInterrupt = FALSE; goto cancelled; } #endif /* VMS */ if(c == 7 || c == 3) { /* Control-G or Control-C */ goto cancelled; } if(TOUPPER(c) == 'N') { _statusline("Enter a filename: "); goto retry; } } /* see if we can write to it */ if((fp = fopen(buffer,"w")) != NULL) { fclose(fp); remove(buffer); } else { _statusline("Cannot write to file. Enter a new filename: "); goto retry; } #ifdef VMS sprintf(tmpbuf,upload_command->command,buffer); #else cp = quote_pathname(buffer); /* to prevent spoofing of the shell */ sprintf(tmpbuf,upload_command->command,cp); FREE(cp); #endif /* VMS */ } else { /* No substitution, no changes */ strcpy(tmpbuf, upload_command->command); } dir = quote_pathname(directory); sprintf(cmd, "cd %s ; %s", dir, tmpbuf); FREE(dir); stop_curses(); if(TRACE) fprintf(stderr,"command: %s\n",cmd); system(cmd); fflush(stdout); start_curses(); /* don't remove(file); */ return 1; failed: _statusline("Unable to upload file."); sleep(AlertSecs); return 0; cancelled: _statusline("Cancelling."); sleep(InfoSecs); return 0; } /* * LYUpload_options writes out the current upload choices to a file * so that the user can select printers in the same way that * they select all other links * upload links look like * LYNXDIRED//UPLOAD=<#>/TO= */ PUBLIC int LYUpload_options ARGS2 (char **,newfile, char *,directory) { char upload_filename[256]; static char tempfile[128]; static BOOLEAN first = TRUE; FILE *fp0; lynx_html_item_type *cur_upload; int count; static char curloc[256]; char *cp; if (first) { tempname(tempfile, NEW_FILE); first = FALSE; #ifdef VMS } else { remove(tempfile); /* Remove duplicates on VMS. */ #endif /* VMS */ } if ((fp0 = fopen(tempfile,"w")) == NULL) { HTAlert(CANNOT_OPEN_TEMP); return(-1); } #ifdef VMS strcpy(curloc, "/sys$login"); #else cp = directory; if (!strncmp(cp,"file://localhost",16)) cp += 16; else if (!strncmp(cp,"file:",5)) cp += 5; strcpy(curloc,cp); HTUnEscape(curloc); if (curloc[strlen(curloc)-1] == '/') curloc[strlen(curloc)-1] = '\0'; #endif /* VMS */ /* make the file a URL now */ #ifdef VMS sprintf(upload_filename,"file://localhost/%s",tempfile); #else sprintf(upload_filename,"file://localhost%s",tempfile); #endif /* VMS */ StrAllocCopy(*newfile, upload_filename); fprintf(fp0,"\n%s\n\n\n", UPLOAD_OPTIONS_TITLE); fprintf(fp0,"

Upload Options (%s Version %s)

\n", LYNX_NAME, LYNX_VERSION); fputs("You have the following upload choices.
\n", fp0); fputs("Please select one:
\n", fp0);

    if(uploaders != NULL) {

       for(count=0, cur_upload=uploaders; cur_upload != NULL; 
	   cur_upload = cur_upload->next, count++) {

	  fprintf(fp0, "   ",

	  fprintf(fp0, (cur_upload->name ? 
			cur_upload->name : "No Name Given"));
	  fprintf(fp0, "\n");
    } else {
	fprintf(fp0, "\n   \
No other upload methods have been defined yet.  You may define\n   \
an unlimited number of upload methods using the lynx.cfg file.\n");

    fprintf(fp0, "
\n\n"); fclose(fp0); LYforce_no_cache = TRUE; return(0); }