# # Unicode mapping table for ISO 8859-6 fonts iso06.* # [use: unicode_start iso06.f16 iso06] # #The MIME name of this charset. Miso-8859-6 #Name as a Display Charset (used on Options screen). OISO 8859-6 Arabic 0x20-0x7e idem #0x7f U+2302 # #0x00 U+fffd #0x01 U+263A #0x02 U+263B #0x03 U+2665 #0x04 U+2666 #0x05 U+2663 #0x06 U+2660 #0x07 U+2022 #0x08 U+25D8 #0x09 U+25CB #0x0A U+25D9 #0x0B U+2642 #0x0C U+2640 #0x0D U+266A #0x0E U+266B #0x0E U+266C #0x0F U+263C #0x10 U+25B6 #0x10 U+25BA #0x11 U+25C0 #0x11 U+25C4 #0x12 U+2195 #0x13 U+203C #0x14 U+00B6 #0x15 U+00A7 #0x16 U+25AC #0x17 U+21A8 #0x18 U+2191 #0x19 U+2193 #0x1A U+2192 #0x1B U+2190 #0x1C U+221F #0x1C U+2319 #0x1D U+2194 #0x1E U+25B2 #0x1F U+25BC # 0xa0 U+00a0 0xa4 U+00a4 0xac U+060c 0xad U+00ad 0xbb U+061b 0xbf U+061f 0xc1 U+0621 0xc2 U+0622 0xc3 U+0623 0xc4 U+0624 0xc5 U+0625 0xc6 U+0626 0xc7 U+0627 0xc8 U+0628 0xc9 U+0629 0xca U+062a 0xcb U+062b 0xcc U+062c 0xcd U+062d 0xce U+062e 0xcf U+062f 0xd0 U+0630 0xd1 U+0631 0xd2 U+0632 0xd3 U+0633 0xd4 U+0634 0xd5 U+0635 0xd6 U+0636 0xd7 U+0637 0xd8 U+0638 0xd9 U+0639 0xda U+063a 0xe0 U+0640 0xe1 U+0641 0xe2 U+0642 0xe3 U+0643 0xe4 U+0644 0xe5 U+0645 0xe6 U+0646 0xe7 U+0647 0xe8 U+0648 0xe9 U+0649 0xea U+064a 0xeb U+064b 0xec U+064c 0xed U+064d 0xee U+064e 0xef U+064f 0xf0 U+0650 0xf1 U+0651 0xf2 U+0652 # TRADE MARK SIGN: U+2122:(TM) 0x60 U+2018 # left single quotation mark <`> 0x27 U+2019-U+201b # various single quotation marks <'> 0x22 U+201c-U+201f # various double quotation marks <"> # Let's try to show a question mark for character that cannot # be shown. U+fffd is used for invalid characters. U+fffd:?