This program was first made to work 2023 May 7, Pacific Standard Time. From either stdin or a given file name, HTML is read. Hyphenated HTML is output, either to stdout or a given file name. This program in its current form depends upon a C library "hyphen" and an associated dictionary of hyphenation patterns "hyph_en_US.dic", those which are products of the hunspell hyphen project, derivative of Raph Levien's libHnj and the hyphenation algorithm used in Donald Knuth's TeX. They are distributed by OpenBSD as "hyphen", by Alpine Linux as "hyphen-en", and by Debian as "hyphen-en-us". This author does not pretend that sane dependency management is common on Windows installations, and so 64-bit Windows NT binaries are included in the 'win' directory. This author places their work on this program in the Public Domain. 'their work' may be considered 'hyp.c', 'config.h', and 'makefile'. The only assurance provided with this program is that it was programmed with Good Intent and a clear head.