{ "variables": { "visibility%": "hidden", # V8"s visibility setting "target_arch%": "ia32", # set v8"s target architecture "host_arch%": "ia32", # set v8"s host architecture "library%": "static_library", # allow override to "shared_library" for DLL/.so builds "uv_library%": "static_library", # allow override to "shared_library" for DLL/.so builds "component%": "static_library", # NB. these names match with what V8 expects "msvs_multi_core_compile": "0", # we do enable multicore compiles, but not using the V8 way "gcc_version%": "unknown", "clang%": 1, "openssl_fips%": "false", "bud_asan%": "false", "conditions": [ ["GENERATOR == 'ninja'", { "OBJ_DIR": "<(PRODUCT_DIR)/obj", }, { "OBJ_DIR": "<(PRODUCT_DIR)/obj.target", }], ], }, "target_defaults": { "default_configuration": "Release", "configurations": { "Debug": { "defines": [ "DEBUG", "_DEBUG" ], "cflags": [ "-g", "-O0", "-fwrapv", "-Wno-parentheses-equality" ], "xcode_settings": { "GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL": "0" }, }, "Release": { "defines": [ "NDEBUG" ], "cflags": [ "-g" ], } }, "xcode_settings": { "GCC_VERSION": "com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0", "GCC_WARN_ABOUT_MISSING_NEWLINE": "YES", # -Wnewline-eof "PREBINDING": "NO", # No -Wl,-prebind "OTHER_CFLAGS": [ "-fstrict-aliasing", "-g", ], "WARNING_CFLAGS": [ "-Wall", "-Wendif-labels", "-W", "-Wno-unused-parameter", "-Wundeclared-selector", "-Wno-parentheses-equality", ], }, "conditions": [ ["target_arch=='ia32'", { "xcode_settings": {"ARCHS": ["i386"]}, }], ["target_arch=='x64'", { "xcode_settings": {"ARCHS": ["x86_64"]}, }], [ "OS in 'linux freebsd openbsd solaris'", { "target_conditions": [ ["_type=='static_library'", { "standalone_static_library": 1, # disable thin archive which needs binutils >= 2.19 }], ], "conditions": [ [ "target_arch=='ia32'", { "cflags": [ "-m32" ], "ldflags": [ "-m32" ], }], [ "target_arch=='x64'", { "cflags": [ "-m64" ], "ldflags": [ "-m64" ], }], ], }], ] }, }