#include #include #include "test-common.h" static int fds[2]; static uv_loop_t* loop; static uv_pipe_t pair_right; static uv_link_source_t source; static int write_cb_called; static int alloc_cb_called; static int read_cb_called; static void read_one() { char buf[1024]; int err; do err = read(fds[0], buf, sizeof(buf)); while (err == -1 && errno == EINTR); CHECK_EQ(err, 1, "read() == 1"); CHECK_EQ(buf[0], 'x', "data should match"); } static void source_write_cb(uv_link_t* link, int status) { CHECK_EQ(link, &source.link, "link == &source.link"); write_cb_called++; read_one(); } static void test_writes() { uv_buf_t buf; /* .write() should work */ buf = uv_buf_init("x", 1); CHECK_EQ(uv_link_write(&source.link, &source.link, &buf, 1, NULL, source_write_cb), 0, "source.link.write() should return 0"); CHECK_EQ(uv_run(loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT), 0, "uv_run()"); CHECK_EQ(write_cb_called, 1, "source_write_cb() must be called"); /* .try_write() should work too */ CHECK_EQ(uv_link_try_write(&source.link, &buf, 1), 1, "source.link.try_write() should return 1"); read_one(); } static void source_alloc_cb(uv_link_t* link, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t* buf) { static char storage[1024]; CHECK_EQ(link, &source.link, "link == &source.link"); alloc_cb_called++; buf->base = storage; buf->len = sizeof(storage); } static void source_read_cb(uv_link_t* link, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf) { CHECK_EQ(link, &source.link, "link == &source.link"); read_cb_called++; CHECK_EQ(nread, 1, "source_read_cb must read one byte"); CHECK_EQ(buf->base[0], 'x', "source_read_cb must read correct one byte"); CHECK_EQ(uv_link_read_stop(&source.link), 0, "source.link.read_stop()"); } static void test_reads() { int err; /* alloc_cb/read_cb */ source.link.alloc_cb = source_alloc_cb; source.link.read_cb = source_read_cb; do err = write(fds[0], "x", 1); while (err == -1 && errno == EINTR); CHECK_EQ(err, 1, "write() == 1"); CHECK_EQ(uv_link_read_start(&source.link), 0, "source.link.read_start()"); CHECK_EQ(uv_run(loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT), 0, "uv_run()"); CHECK_EQ(alloc_cb_called, 1, "alloc_cb must be called once"); CHECK_EQ(read_cb_called, 1, "read_cb must be called once"); } TEST_IMPL(uv_link_source_t) { CHECK_NE(loop = uv_default_loop(), NULL, "uv_default_loop()"); CHECK_EQ(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fds), 0, "socketpair()"); CHECK_EQ(uv_pipe_init(loop, &pair_right, 0), 0, "uv_pipe_init(pair_right)"); CHECK_EQ(uv_pipe_open(&pair_right, fds[1]), 0, "uv_pipe_open(pair_right)"); CHECK_EQ(uv_link_source_init(&source, (uv_stream_t*) &pair_right), 0, "uv_link_source_init()"); test_writes(); test_reads(); uv_link_source_close(&source); uv_close((uv_handle_t*) &pair_right, NULL); CHECK_EQ(close(fds[0]), 0, "close(fds[0])"); }