// JonesForth ARM64 (ARMv8 AArch64) // Richard W.M. Jones' original x86 JonesForth available at http://git.annexia.org/?p=jonesforth.git // Pointers #define D x19 // Data stack pointer #define R x20 // Return stack pointer #define I x21 // Instruction pointer #define J x22 // Codeword pointer #define S x23 // State #define H x24 // Here pointer #define L x25 // Latest pointer #define D0 x26 // Data stack top pointer #define R0 x27 // Return stack top pointer #define PDOC x28 // DOCOL pointer #define PLIT x29 // LIT pointer #define W x12 // Word register #define F x13 // Find register #define N x14 // Number register #define B x15 // Buffer pointer #define K x16 // Key pointer #define E x17 // End pointer #define OUTB x11 // Output buffer pointer #define n x10 // Count register // Stack macros .macro push s,x; str \x,[\s,-8]!; .endm // e.g. push D,x0 pushes x0 to data stack .macro push2 s,x,y; stp \y,\x,[\s,-16]!; .endm // One instruction, two pushes! .macro pop s,x; ldr \x,[\s],8; .endm // e.g. pop R,I pops instruction pointer from return stack .macro pop2 s,x,y; ldp \x,\y,[\s],16; .endm // One instruction, two pops! // Definition macros .macro def x // Define assembly word .data; .align 3 "l\x": .xword link; .set link, "l\x" // Dictionary pointer (to last word defined) .ascii "\x"; .align 3 // 8-byte name "\x": .xword "c\x" // Codeword - points to assembly code defined below .text "c\x": ; .endm // Assembly code follows .macro defw x // Define Forth word .data; .align 3 "l\x": .xword link; .set link, "l\x" // Dictionary pointer .ascii "\x"; .align 3 // 8-byte name "\x": .xword docol; .endm // Codeword - docol points to code which runs the Forth words to follow .set link, 0 // link points to last defined word; it is updated by def and defw // Forthisms .macro NEXT; ldr J,[I],8; ldr x0,[J]; br x0; .endm // Run next word (ends assembly words) docol: push R,I; add I,J,8; NEXT // Code to run a Forth word (the one found after J) def EXIT; pop R,I; NEXT // Finish running a Forth word, run next word def LIT; ldr x0,[I],8; push D,x0; NEXT // Push following literal number to stack and skip it // Assembly functions // Stack manipulation def ↓; add D,D,8; NEXT; def ↑; ldr x0,[D]; push D,x0; NEXT def 2↓; add D,D,16; NEXT; def 2↑; ldp x0,x1,[D]; push2 D,x1,x0; NEXT def ⌽; pop2 D,x0,x1; pop D,x2; push2 D,x1,x0; push D,x2; NEXT; def -⌽; pop2 D,x0,x1; pop D,x2; push2 D,x0,x2; push D,x1; NEXT def ↕; pop2 D,x0,x1; push2 D,x0,x1; NEXT; def ⊤; ldr x0,[D,8]; push D,x0; NEXT; // Arithmetic def +; pop2 D,x0,x1; add x0,x1,x0; push D,x0; NEXT; def -; pop2 D,x0,x1; sub x0,x1,x0; push D,x0; NEXT def ×; pop2 D,x0,x1; mul x0,x1,x0; push D,x0; NEXT; def ÷; pop2 D,x0,x1; sdiv x0,x1,x0; push D,x0; NEXT def ⌈; pop2 D,x0,x1; cmp x1,x0; csel x0,x1,x0,gt; push D,x0; NEXT; def ⌊; pop2 D,x0,x1; cmp x1,x0; csel x0,x1,x0,lt; push D,x0; NEXT def 1+; pop D,x0; add x0,x0,1; push D,x0; NEXT; def 1-; pop D,x0; sub x0,x0,1; push D,x0; NEXT def 8+; pop D,x0; add x0,x0,8; push D,x0; NEXT; def 8-; pop D,x0; sub x0,x0,8; push D,x0; NEXT def ÷MOD; pop2 D x0,x1; sdiv x2,x1,x0; msub x1,x0,x2,x1; push2 D,x1,x2; NEXT // Logic def "="; pop2 D,x0,x1; cmp x1,x0; cset x0,eq; push D,x0; NEXT; def ≠; pop2 D,x0,x1; cmp x1,x0; cset x0,ne; push D,x0; NEXT def <; pop2 D,x0,x1; cmp x1,x0; cset x0,lt; push D,x0; NEXT; def >; pop2 D,x0,x1; cmp x1,x0; cset x0,gt; push D,x0; NEXT def ≤; pop2 D,x0,x1; cmp x1,x0; cset x0,le; push D,x0; NEXT; def ≥; pop2 D,x0,x1; cmp x1,x0; cset x0,ge; push D,x0; NEXT def "0="; pop D,x0; cmp x0,0; cset x0,eq; push D,x0; NEXT; def 0≠; pop D,x0; cmp x0,0; cset x0,ne; push D,x0; NEXT def 0<; pop D,x0; cmp x0,0; cset x0,lt; push D,x0; NEXT; def 0>; pop D,x0; cmp x0,0; cset x0,gt; push D,x0; NEXT def 0≤; pop D,x0; cmp x0,0; cset x0,le; push D,x0; NEXT; def 0≥; pop D,x0; cmp x0,0; cset x0,ge; push D,x0; NEXT def ∧; pop2 D,x0,x1; and x0,x1,x0; push D,x0; NEXT; def ∨; pop2 D,x0,x1; orr x0,x1,x0; push D,x0; NEXT def ~; pop D,x0; mvn x0,x0; push D,x0; NEXT; def ⊕; pop2 D,x0,x1; eor x0,x1,x0; push D,x0; NEXT // Bitwise operations def 40⌽; pop D,x0; rev x0,x0; push D,x0; NEXT; def 20⌽; pop D,x0; rev32 x0,x0; push D,x0; NEXT def 10⌽; pop D,x0; rev16 x0,x0; push D,x0; NEXT; def 1⌽; pop D,x0; rbit x0,x0; push D,x0; NEXT def >>; pop2 D,x0,x1; lsr x0,x1,x0; push D,x0; NEXT; def <<; pop2 D,x0,x1; lsl x0,x1,x0; push D,x0; NEXT def ⌽>; pop2 D,x0,x1; ror x0,x1,x0; push D,x0; NEXT // Memory def !; pop2 D,x0,x1; str x1,[x0]; NEXT; def @; pop D,x0; ldr x0,[x0]; push D,x0; NEXT def +!; pop2 D,x0,x1; ldr x2,[x0]; add x1,x2,x1; str x1,[x0]; NEXT; def -!; pop2 D,x0,x1; ldr x2,[x0]; sub x1,x2,x1; str x1,[x0]; NEXT def C!; pop2 D,x0,x1; strb w1,[x0]; NEXT; def C@; pop D,x0; ldrb w0,[x0]; push D,x0; NEXT def MOVE; pop2 D,x0,x1; pop D,x2; 1:ldr x3,[x1],8; str x3,[x2],8; sub x0,x0,1; cbnz x0,1b; NEXT def CMOVE; pop2 D,x0,x1; pop D,x2; 1:ldrb w3,[x1],1; strb w3,[x2],1; sub x0,x0,1; cbnz x0,1b; NEXT // Return stack def ">R"; pop D,x0; push R,x0; NEXT; def "R>"; pop R,x0; push D,x0; NEXT def "R↓"; add R,R,8; NEXT; def "R↑"; ldr x0,[R]; push R,x0; NEXT // Register values def "D"; mov x0,D; push D,x0; NEXT; def "D!"; pop D,x0; mov D,x0; NEXT def "R"; push D,R; NEXT; def "R!"; pop D,R; NEXT def "H"; push D,H; NEXT; def "H!"; pop D,H; NEXT def "L"; push D,L; NEXT; def "L!"; pop D,L; NEXT def "S"; push D,S; NEXT; def "S!"; pop D,S; NEXT def "D0"; push D,D0; NEXT def "R0"; push D,R0; NEXT def DOCOL; push D,PDOC; NEXT def "n"; push D,n; NEXT; def "n!"; pop D,n; NEXT def "n+"; add n,n,1; NEXT; def "n-"; sub n,n,1; NEXT def "n0"; mov n,0; NEXT def KEY; bl key; push D,x0; NEXT; key: cmp K,E; b.ge fill; ldrb w0,[K],1; ret // Fill buffer if exhausted and read next character fill: mov x0,0; mov x1,B; mov x2,4096; mov x8,63; svc 0 // stdin, buffer start, buffer size, read syscall add E,B,x0; mov K,B // Update E, reset K cbnz x0,key; mov x8,93; svc 0 // Exit 0 if no characters read .bss b: .space 4096 // Input buffer outb: .space 16 // Output buffer def EMIT; mov x0,1; mov x1,D; mov x2,1; mov x8,64; svc 0; add D,D,8; NEXT // Write top of stack to stdout // The word macro loads next the next input word into W register // It leaves N register ready to convert the word into a number (byte order ready to treat 42 as 00000042) .macro word mov N,0 // Zero number register 1: bl key; cmp w0,' '; ble 1b; // Skip leading whitespace 2: add N,x0,N,lsl 8; bl key; cmp w0,' '; bgt 2b // Add bytes until next whitespace 3: clz x0,N; and x0,x0,~7; lsl W,N,x0; rev W,W; .endm // Match byte arrangement of names loaded from memory in W def WORD; word; NEXT // Vector registers holding constants (for ASCII ←→ number conversion) #define VC0A v8 #define VC0F v9 #define VC20 v10 #define VC30 v11 #define VC37 v12 #define VC41 v13 .macro number // characters → number mov v2.2d[0],N; cmeq v0.8b,v2.8b,0; bsl v0.8b,VC30.8b,v2.8b // Fill null bytes with '0' sub v1.8b,v0.8b,VC30.8b; sub v2.8b,v0.8b,VC37.8b // Calculate values from characters cmge v3.8b,v0.8b,VC41.8b; bsl v3.8b,v2.8b,v1.8b // Conditionally select values from 0-9 or A-F ushr v4.2d,v3.2d,4; add v3.8b,v3.8b,v4.8b; uzp1 v3.8b,v3.8b,v3.8b // Pack half bytes into bytes (01 0A → 1A) mov w14,v3.s[1]; .endm // Store number in lower half of N .macro unnumber // number → characters orr x0,N,1; clz x0,x0; and x0,x0,~7; movn x1,0; lsl x0,x1,x0; mov v2.2d[0],x0; zip1 v2.16b,v2.16b,v2.16b rev N,N; mov v0.2d[0],N ushr v1.8b,v0.8b,4; zip1 v0.16b,v1.16b,v0.16b; and v0.16b,v0.16b,VC0F.16b cmge v1.16b,v0.16b,VC0A.16b; bsl v1.16b,VC37.16b,VC30.16b; add v1.16b,v0.16b,v1.16b bsl v2.16b,v1.16b,VC20.16b; st1 {v2.16b},[OUTB]; .endm def NUMBER; number; push D,N; NEXT def U.; pop D,N; unnumber // Print number on top of stack mov x0,1; mov x1,OUTB; mov x2,16; mov x8,64; svc 0 NEXT .set FIMMED, 0x80 // Immediate flag (stored in top bit of last byte of a name) .macro find // Search dictionary for word in W mov F,L // Start searching at latest word defined 1: cbz F,2f // Stop if end of dictionary reached ldr x0,[F,8]; bic x0,x0,FIMMED<<56 // Load name and zero immediate bit cmp x0,W; beq 2f // Stop if word matches ldr F,[F]; b 1b // Otherwise loop 2: ; .endm def FIND; find; push D,F; NEXT def MINTERP // Minimal interpreter - no compiling (not used below) word; find; cbz F,mnum // Search for word; if not found convert it to a number add J,F,16; ldr x0,[J]; br x0 // If word found, get its codeword and execute mnum: number; push D,N; NEXT defw QUIT; .xword "R0","R!",INTERP,BR,-16 // Top loop - Reset return stack, interpret, repeat def ALIGN; add H,H,7; and H,H,~7; NEXT // Round H up to next word boundary def CREATE; stp L,W,[H],16; sub L,H,16; NEXT // Store link pointer and name Here, updating Here and Latest def ","; pop D,x0; str x0,[H],8; NEXT // Store word at H def ",,"; pop D,x0; str w0,[H],4; NEXT // Store half word at H def "C,"; pop D,x0; strb w0,[H],1; NEXT // Store byte at H def "[\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x80"; mov S,0; NEXT // [ starts compiling (defined with immediate flag) def "]"; mov S,1; NEXT // ] Stops compiling // : creates a Forth word header (like defw) and starts compiling defw ":"; .xword ALIGN,WORD,CREATE,LIT,docol,",","]",EXIT // ; appends EXIT and stops compiling (immediate) defw ";\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x80"; .xword LIT,EXIT,",","[\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x80",EXIT // I sets immediate flag of latest word defined (I is itself immediate) def "I\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x80"; ldr x0,[L,8]; eor x0,x0,FIMMED<<56; str x0,[L,8]; NEXT def "'"; ldr x0,[I],8; push D,x0; NEXT // ' pushes next word to data stack and skips it def BR; ldr x0,[I]; add I,x0,I; NEXT // Unconditional branch def BZ; pop D,x0; cbz x0,cBR; add I,I,8; NEXT // Branch if zero def BNZ; pop D,x0; cbnz x0,cBR; add I,I,8; NEXT // Branch if non-zero def LITS; ldr x0,[I],8; push2 D,I,x0; add I,I,x0; add I,I,8; and I,I,~7; NEXT // Push string literal address+length to stack def TELL; mov x0,1; pop2 D,x2,x1; mov x8,64; svc 0; NEXT // Print string def INTERP word; find; cbz F,num // Search for word; if not found, it is a number add J,F,16; cbz S,ex // Get codeword pointer; if not compiling, execute word ldr x0,[J,-8]; tbnz x0,63,ex // Check if word is immediate; if so execute it str J,[H],8; NEXT // Else just compile word num: number; cbnz S,lit; push D,N; NEXT // Convert to number; if compiling, compile literal, else push to stack lit: stp PLIT,N,[H],16; NEXT // Compile two words LIT N ex: ldr x0,[J]; br x0 // Get codeword and execute it def CHAR; word; and x0,W,0xFF; push D,x0; NEXT // Push first character of next input word def ⍎; pop D,J; ldr x0,[J]; br x0 // Execute (use top of stack as a codeword pointer) def "/\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x80"; skip: bl key; cmp x0,'/'; bne skip; NEXT // Use / for comments, e.g. / comment / def SYS // n SYS performs syscall with n arguments pop2 D,x9,x8; ldp x0,x1,[D]; ldp x2,x3,[D,16]; ldp x4,x5,[D,32] svc 0; add D,D,x9,lsl 3; push D,x0; NEXT .text .globl _start _start: mov D,sp // Initialize Data stack pointer adr R,Rtop; // Initialize Return stack pointer adr I,first // Initialize Instruction pointer mov S,0 // Initialize State adr H,Dstart; adr L,lSYS // Initialize Here and Latest pointers adr B,b; mov K,B; mov E,B // Initialize Buffer, Key, End pointers adr OUTB,outb // Initialize output buffer pointer mov D0,D; mov R0,R // Initialize stack top pointers mov n,0; // Initialize count register adr PLIT,LIT; adr PDOC,docol // Initialize LIT and DOCOL pointers movi VC0A.16b,10; movi VC0F.16b,0x0F // Initialize constant vector registers movi VC20.16b,32; movi VC30.16b,'0' movi VC37.16b,55; movi VC41.16b,65 NEXT // Start interpreter .data first: .xword QUIT .bss .align 3; Dstart: .space 16384; Rtop: // Space for data area (pointed to by H) and return stack