import os import random import asyncpraw from dotenv import load_dotenv from discord import ChannelType from discord.ext import commands load_dotenv() reddit = asyncpraw.Reddit( client_id="2OTyJiFOZ1-lxXSO4-YZXw", client_secret=os.getenv("SECRET"), user_agent="mounderfod.tpbot:v1.0.0 (by u/mounderfod)" ) class Reddit(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot @commands.command(name="reddit", brief="Gets images from Reddit.", help=""" Fetches a random image or link from the 100 "hot" posts of the given subreddit. If the image/sub is NSFW then an NSFW Discord channel must be used. """, aliases=['redd', 'r']) async def redditimg(self, ctx, sub): sub = await reddit.subreddit(sub) img_posts = [i async for i in if not i.is_self and i.domain != ""] if len(img_posts) == 0: await ctx.reply("This subreddit has no image posts!", mention_author=False) else: post = random.choice(img_posts) nsfw = post.over_18 if nsfw and == ChannelType.text and not await ctx.reply("The selected post is NSFW, and this is not an NSFW channel.", mention_author=False) else: for i in get_image_embed(post): await ctx.send(i) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Reddit(bot)) def get_image_embed(post): result = ["Post by " + + ": " + post.title] if hasattr(post, "is_gallery"): result.append("\nhttps://i." + list(post.media_metadata.values())[0]["p"][0]["u"].split('?')[0][16:]) else: result.append("\n" + post.url) return result