--- layout: default title: Links permalink: /links/ --- [⟸ Back to homepage](/) # Links Various cool stuff I've found on the Internet ## Neat personal sites - [Comfitu.re](https://comfitu.re/) (I really like the design of this page) - [houl@floof](https://houl.floof.company/) (another really nice design) - [MystSaphyr](https://mystsaphyr.me/) (lovely site, though sadly many of the buttons in their collection aren't working) - [fkfd](https://fkfd.me/) (like xkcd but even more niche, very cool) - [Mew151](https://mew151.net) (90s Windows, is that you?) ## Smolnet resources - [Cool Capsule of the Week](https://dj-chase.com/documents/cap-of-week/) (a nice way of finding cool Gemini capsules) - [gemi.dev](gemini://gemi.dev/) `gemini://gemi.dev/` (Gemini news, search, etc.) - [Floodgap](gopher://floodgap.com/) `gopher://floodgap.com/` (Gopher clients and search functionality) ## Other cool stuff - [tildeverse](https://tildeverse.org) (Unix computing for all, plus some useful Fedi services) - [SDF](https://sdf.org) (Similar to tildeverse but older) - [DRM-Free Guide](https://www.defectivebydesign.org/guide) (buy all your shit without stupid DRM) - [Global Greens](https://globalgreens.org/) (non-apocalyptic politics)