Welcome to the xxxterm site.

XXXTerm is a minimalists web browser. It strives to be vi-like for heavy keyboard users while maintaining traditional web browser behavior.

Major features are:

  • Tabbed browsing
  • Cookie support
  • vim keybindings
  • Text based config file
  • Search engine entry box
  • Search on page
  • basic MIME support
  • favorites

    Version numbers are based the cvs tag. For example: $xxxterm$

    It is based on webkit using GTK+ Please refer to the man page for more details.

    You can download the source via anoncvs at:

    Alternatively you can download periodic snapshots here.

    To subscribe to CVS changes send an email to majordomo@freedaemon.com and in the email body say: subscribe xxxterm-changes.

    Copyright (c) 2010 Marco Peereboom <marco@peereboom.us>