XXXTERM(1)                 OpenBSD Reference Manual                 XXXTERM(1)

     xxxterm - lightweight web browser with vi key bindings

     xxxterm [-STtV] [-f file] [uri ...]

     xxxterm is a minimalistic web browser that tries to stay out of the way
     so that valuable screen real estate can be used for much more important
     stuff.  It has sane defaults and does not require one to learn a language
     to do any configuration.  It was written by hackers for hackers and it
     strives to be small, compact and fast.

     When xxxterm starts up, it reads settings from its configuration file,
     xxxterm.conf.  See the CONFIGURATION FILES section below.

     The following notation is used throughout this page:

           M       Meta
           S       Shift
           C       Control
           M1      Mouse button 1

     xxxterm is very simple in its use.  Most of the actions are initiated via
     key or mouse bindings.  See the BINDINGS section below for defaults and

     The options are as follows:

     -f file
             Use alternate config file.

     -S      Disable the toolbar.

     -T      Disable visualization of tabs.

     -t      Disable tabs.

     -V      Display version and exit.

     xxxterm tries to open the user specific file, ~/.xxxterm.conf.  If that
     file is unavailable, it then uses built-in defaults.

     The format of the file is <keyword> = <setting>.  For example:

           http_proxy =

     Enabling or disabling an option is done by using 1 or 0 respectively.

     The file supports the following keywords:

           ctrl_click_focus        Give focus in newly created tab instead of
                                   opening it in the background.
           read_only_cookies       Mark cookies file read-only and discard all
                                   cookies once the sessions is terminated.
           cookies_enabled         Enable cookies.
           enable_scripts          Enable scripts.
           enable_plugins          Enable plugins.
           default_font_size       Set the default browsing font size.
           http_proxy              Proxy server in URI format.
           download_dir            Locations where files are downloaded to.
                                   This directory must exist and xxxterm vali-
                                   dates that during startup.
           fancy_bar               Enables a backward, forward and stop button
                                   to the toolbar.  Additionally if
                                   search_string is set it'll enable an entry
                                   box for searches.
           search_string           Default search engine string.  See
                                   xxxterm.conf file for details.
           mime_type               Sets an action for a specific or default
                                   MIME type.  For example, to download and
                                   view a pdf using kpdf set mime_type = ap-
                                   plication/pdf,kpdf.  To set a default value
                                   use *, for example mime_type =
                                   video/*,mplayer.  Note that the action is
                                   only passed the URI and not all applica-
                                   tions are capable of downloading content
                                   and therefore one might have to create a
                                   wrapper script to download the content

     xxxterm overrides http_proxy if it is specified as an environment vari-

     xxxterm provides many functions (or actions) accessed via key or mouse

     The current mouse bindings are described below:

           C-M1                         Open new tab with the clicked link.

     The default key bindings are described below.


           /                            Start a search
           ?                            Start a backwards search
           n                            Next item matching search
           N                            Previous item matching search


           F6                           Focus on URI entry


           F5, C-r, C-l                 Refresh page
           Backspace                    Previous page
           M-Left                       Previous page
           S-BackSpace, M-Right         Forward page
           j, Down                      Next line on page
           k, Up                        Previous line on page
           G, End                       Bottom of page
           gg, Home                     Top of page
           Space, C-f, PageDown         Page down
           C-b, PageUp                  Page up
           l, Right                     Page right
           h, Left                      Page left
           $                            Page far right
           0                            Page far left

     Tab Manipulation:

           C-T                          Create new tab with focus in URI entry
           C-W                          Destroy current tab
           C-[1..0]                     Jump to page N
           C-minus                      Shrink font size by one point.
           C-plus, C-equal              Grow font size by one point.


           C-Q                          Quit

     Note: WebKit & GTK+ have many default key bindings that are not overruled
     and therefore are available as-is.

     Command mode is entered by typing a colon and exited by typing Esc.  The
     commands and descriptions are listed below:

           qa, qa!, q!                  Quit xxxterm
           fav                          Show favorites
           favadd                       Add current page to favorites
           help                         Show help file.
           open, op, o <URI>            Open URI.
           tabnew, tabedit, tabe [URI]  Create new tab and optionally open
                                        provided URI
           tabclose, tabc               Close current tab.
           quit, q                      Close current tab and quit xxxterm if
                                        it is the last tab.
           tabprevious, tabp            Go to the previous tab.
           tabnext, tabn                Go to the next tab.

     ~/.xxxterm.conf       xxxterm user specific settings.
     ~/.xxxterm            xxxterm scratch directory.

     xxxterm was inspired by vimprobable2 and the bloat in other UNIX web

     xxxterm was written by Marco Peereboom <>

OpenBSD 4.7                    February 28, 2010                             3