/* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 Marco Peereboom * Copyright (c) 2011 Stevan Andjelkovic * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 Edd Barrett * Copyright (c) 2011 Todd T. Fries * Copyright (c) 2011 Raphael Graf * Copyright (c) 2011 Michal Mazurek * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "xxxterm.h" gchar * find_domain(const gchar *s, int toplevel) { SoupURI *uri; gchar *ret, *p; if (s == NULL) return (NULL); uri = soup_uri_new(s); if (uri == NULL || !SOUP_URI_VALID_FOR_HTTP(uri)) { return (NULL); } if (toplevel && !isdigit(uri->host[strlen(uri->host) - 1])) { if ((p = strrchr(uri->host, '.')) != NULL) { while(--p >= uri->host && *p != '.'); p++; } else p = uri->host; } else p = uri->host; ret = g_strdup_printf(".%s", p); soup_uri_free(uri); return (ret); } struct domain * wl_find(const gchar *search, struct domain_list *wl) { int i; struct domain *d = NULL, dfind; gchar *s = NULL; if (search == NULL || wl == NULL) return (NULL); if (strlen(search) < 2) return (NULL); if (search[0] != '.') s = g_strdup_printf(".%s", search); else s = g_strdup(search); for (i = strlen(s) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (s[i] == '.') { dfind.d = &s[i]; d = RB_FIND(domain_list, wl, &dfind); if (d) goto done; } } done: if (s) g_free(s); return (d); } int wl_save(struct tab *t, struct karg *args, int list) { char file[PATH_MAX], *lst_str = NULL; FILE *f; char *line = NULL, *lt = NULL, *dom = NULL; size_t linelen; const gchar *uri; struct karg a; struct domain *d; GSList *cf; SoupCookie *ci, *c; if (t == NULL || args == NULL) return (1); if (runtime_settings[0] == '\0') return (1); snprintf(file, sizeof file, "%s/%s", work_dir, runtime_settings); if ((f = fopen(file, "r+")) == NULL) return (1); switch (list) { case XT_WL_JAVASCRIPT: lst_str = "JavaScript"; lt = g_strdup_printf("js_wl=%s", dom); break; case XT_WL_COOKIE: lst_str = "Cookie"; lt = g_strdup_printf("cookie_wl=%s", dom); break; case XT_WL_PLUGIN: lst_str = "Plugin"; lt = g_strdup_printf("pl_wl=%s", dom); break; default: show_oops(t, "Invalid list id: %d", list); return (1); } uri = get_uri(t); dom = find_domain(uri, args->i & XT_WL_TOPLEVEL); if (uri == NULL || dom == NULL || webkit_web_view_get_load_status(t->wv) == WEBKIT_LOAD_FAILED) { show_oops(t, "Can't add domain to %s white list", lst_str); goto done; } while (!feof(f)) { line = fparseln(f, &linelen, NULL, NULL, 0); if (line == NULL) continue; if (!strcmp(line, lt)) goto done; free(line); line = NULL; } fprintf(f, "%s\n", lt); a.i = XT_WL_ENABLE; a.i |= args->i; switch (list) { case XT_WL_JAVASCRIPT: d = wl_find(dom, &js_wl); if (!d) { settings_add("js_wl", dom); d = wl_find(dom, &js_wl); } toggle_js(t, &a); break; case XT_WL_COOKIE: d = wl_find(dom, &c_wl); if (!d) { settings_add("cookie_wl", dom); d = wl_find(dom, &c_wl); } toggle_cwl(t, &a); /* find and add to persistent jar */ cf = soup_cookie_jar_all_cookies(s_cookiejar); for (;cf; cf = cf->next) { ci = cf->data; if (!strcmp(dom, ci->domain) || !strcmp(&dom[1], ci->domain)) /* deal with leading . */ { c = soup_cookie_copy(ci); _soup_cookie_jar_add_cookie(p_cookiejar, c); } } soup_cookies_free(cf); break; case XT_WL_PLUGIN: d = wl_find(dom, &pl_wl); if (!d) { settings_add("pl_wl", dom); d = wl_find(dom, &pl_wl); } toggle_pl(t, &a); break; default: abort(); /* can't happen */ } if (d) d->handy = 1; done: if (line) free(line); if (dom) g_free(dom); if (lt) g_free(lt); fclose(f); return (0); } void wl_add(char *str, struct domain_list *wl, int handy) { struct domain *d; int add_dot = 0; char *p; if (str == NULL || wl == NULL || strlen(str) < 2) return; DNPRINTF(XT_D_COOKIE, "wl_add in: %s\n", str); /* treat *.moo.com the same as .moo.com */ if (str[0] == '*' && str[1] == '.') str = &str[1]; else if (str[0] == '.') str = &str[0]; else add_dot = 1; /* slice off port number */ p = g_strrstr(str, ":"); if (p) *p = '\0'; d = g_malloc(sizeof *d); if (add_dot) d->d = g_strdup_printf(".%s", str); else d->d = g_strdup(str); d->handy = handy; if (RB_INSERT(domain_list, wl, d)) goto unwind; DNPRINTF(XT_D_COOKIE, "wl_add: %s\n", d->d); return; unwind: if (d) { if (d->d) g_free(d->d); g_free(d); } } int add_cookie_wl(struct settings *s, char *entry) { wl_add(entry, &c_wl, 1); return (0); } int add_js_wl(struct settings *s, char *entry) { wl_add(entry, &js_wl, 1 /* persistent */); return (0); } int add_pl_wl(struct settings *s, char *entry) { wl_add(entry, &pl_wl, 1 /* persistent */); return (0); } int toggle_cwl(struct tab *t, struct karg *args) { struct domain *d; const gchar *uri; char *dom = NULL; int es; if (args == NULL) return (1); uri = get_uri(t); dom = find_domain(uri, args->i & XT_WL_TOPLEVEL); if (uri == NULL || dom == NULL || webkit_web_view_get_load_status(t->wv) == WEBKIT_LOAD_FAILED) { show_oops(t, "Can't toggle domain in cookie white list"); goto done; } d = wl_find(dom, &c_wl); if (d == NULL) es = 0; else es = 1; if (args->i & XT_WL_TOGGLE) es = !es; else if ((args->i & XT_WL_ENABLE) && es != 1) es = 1; else if ((args->i & XT_WL_DISABLE) && es != 0) es = 0; if (es) /* enable cookies for domain */ wl_add(dom, &c_wl, 0); else { /* disable cookies for domain */ if (d) RB_REMOVE(domain_list, &c_wl, d); } if (args->i & XT_WL_RELOAD) webkit_web_view_reload(t->wv); done: g_free(dom); return (0); } int toggle_js(struct tab *t, struct karg *args) { int es; const gchar *uri; struct domain *d; char *dom = NULL; if (args == NULL) return (1); g_object_get(G_OBJECT(t->settings), "enable-scripts", &es, (char *)NULL); if (args->i & XT_WL_TOGGLE) es = !es; else if ((args->i & XT_WL_ENABLE) && es != 1) es = 1; else if ((args->i & XT_WL_DISABLE) && es != 0) es = 0; else return (1); uri = get_uri(t); dom = find_domain(uri, args->i & XT_WL_TOPLEVEL); if (uri == NULL || dom == NULL || webkit_web_view_get_load_status(t->wv) == WEBKIT_LOAD_FAILED) { show_oops(t, "Can't toggle domain in JavaScript white list"); goto done; } if (es) { button_set_stockid(t->js_toggle, GTK_STOCK_MEDIA_PLAY); wl_add(dom, &js_wl, 0 /* session */); } else { d = wl_find(dom, &js_wl); if (d) RB_REMOVE(domain_list, &js_wl, d); button_set_stockid(t->js_toggle, GTK_STOCK_MEDIA_PAUSE); } g_object_set(G_OBJECT(t->settings), "enable-scripts", es, (char *)NULL); g_object_set(G_OBJECT(t->settings), "javascript-can-open-windows-automatically", es, (char *)NULL); webkit_web_view_set_settings(t->wv, t->settings); if (args->i & XT_WL_RELOAD) webkit_web_view_reload(t->wv); done: if (dom) g_free(dom); return (0); } int toggle_pl(struct tab *t, struct karg *args) { int es; const gchar *uri; struct domain *d; char *dom = NULL; if (args == NULL) return (1); g_object_get(G_OBJECT(t->settings), "enable-plugins", &es, (char *)NULL); if (args->i & XT_WL_TOGGLE) es = !es; else if ((args->i & XT_WL_ENABLE) && es != 1) es = 1; else if ((args->i & XT_WL_DISABLE) && es != 0) es = 0; else return (1); uri = get_uri(t); dom = find_domain(uri, args->i & XT_WL_TOPLEVEL); if (uri == NULL || dom == NULL || webkit_web_view_get_load_status(t->wv) == WEBKIT_LOAD_FAILED) { show_oops(t, "Can't toggle domain in plugins white list"); goto done; } if (es) wl_add(dom, &pl_wl, 0 /* session */); else { d = wl_find(dom, &pl_wl); if (d) RB_REMOVE(domain_list, &pl_wl, d); } g_object_set(G_OBJECT(t->settings), "enable-plugins", es, (char *)NULL); webkit_web_view_set_settings(t->wv, t->settings); if (args->i & XT_WL_RELOAD) webkit_web_view_reload(t->wv); done: if (dom) g_free(dom); return (0); }