# Non-empty-sites List apparently non-empty sites at tilde.institute. ## site-scan ``` Usage: site-scan [outfile] [backup-count] ``` A Korn Shell script that looks at each directory in `/var/www/users` and writes its name into a file if it is not empty. The output file is named `sites` by default, but may be given a different name on the command line. By default, the script makes up to five backup copies of the output file. The number of backups can also be specified on the command line. ## non-empty-sites.sh A Python script that generates a web page with links to the sites in the file generated by `site-scan.` As written, this script expects the list of sites to be in a file named `sites.` ## non-empty-sites.css A stylesheet used by `non-empty-sites.cgi`. # Instructions Generate the list of apparently non-empty sites ``` $ ./site-scan ``` Generate the web page ``` $ ./non-empty-sites.sh >non-empty-sites.html ``` Deploy the web page ``` $ cp ./non-empty-sites.html ~/public_html ```