From 43daea26ca460eb877ae858ad7bbd165974a9c93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Silvino Silva Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2016 21:41:41 +0100 Subject: core added exim, tar and vim moved to tools --- core/exim.html | 223 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ core/index.html | 35 +++------ core/tar.html | 119 ----------------------------- core/vim.html | 159 --------------------------------------- tools/index.html | 27 +++++-- tools/tar.html | 119 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ tools/vim.html | 159 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 7 files changed, 532 insertions(+), 309 deletions(-) create mode 100644 core/exim.html delete mode 100644 core/tar.html delete mode 100644 core/vim.html create mode 100644 tools/tar.html create mode 100644 tools/vim.html diff --git a/core/exim.html b/core/exim.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf31a00 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/exim.html @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ + + + + + 2.5. Exim + + + Core OS Index +

2.5. Exim

+ +

2.5.1. Exim Configuration

+ +

Exim come with default configuration we will change to mach system settings + /etc/exim/exim.conf.

+ +

2.5.2. Certificates

+ +

Create private key;

+ +
+	$ sudo mkdir /etc/ssl/keys
+ +
+	$ sudo openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/keys/exim.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/exim.cert -days 9000 -nodes
+	Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
+	...........................................+++
+	..............+++
+	writing new private key to '/etc/ssl/keys/exim.key'
+	-----
+	You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
+	into your certificate request.
+	What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
+	There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
+	For some fields there will be a default value,
+	If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
+	-----
+	Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:PT
+	State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:
+	Locality Name (eg, city) []:
+	Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:
+	Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
+	Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []
+	Email Address []
+	#
+ +
+	# chown mail:mail /etc/ssl/keys/exim.key
+	# chmod 644 /etc/ssl/keys/exim.key
+	# chmod 644 /etc/ssl/certs/exim.cert
+ +

2.5.3. Aliases

+ +

Exim come with default aliases we will change to mach system settings + /etc/exim/aliases;

+ +
+        # Default aliases file, installed by Exim. This file contains no real aliases.
+        # You should edit it to taste.
+        # The following alias is required by the mail RFCs 2821 and 2822.
+        # Set it to the address of a HUMAN who deals with this system's mail problems.
+        postmaster: c1admin@localhost
+        # It is also common to set the following alias so that if anybody replies to a
+        # bounce message from this host, the reply goes to the postmaster.
+        mailer-daemon: postmaster
+        # You should also set up an alias for messages to root, because it is not
+        # usually a good idea to deliver mail as root.
+        root: postmaster
+        # It is a good idea to redirect any messages sent to system accounts so tha
+        # they don't just get ignored. Here are some common examples:
+        bin: root
+        daemon: root
+        ftp: root
+        nobody: root
+        operator: root
+        uucp: root
+        # You should check your /etc/passwd for any others.
+        # Other commonly enountered aliases are:
+        #
+        # abuse:       the person dealing with network and mail abuse
+        # hostmaster:  the person dealing with DNS problems
+        # webmaster:   the person dealing with your web site
+        ####
+ +

2.5.4. Smarthost

+ +

Tony Finch publish a nice + configuration reference. +

+ +

File /etc/exim/alias rewrite addresses when receiving, + return_path and headers_rewrite rewrite addresses in header + (envelop) while main rewrite apply rewriting to all.

+ +

Test sender rewriting;

+ +
+        # exim -brw bob@box
+        # exim -brw
+ +

Test routing;

+ +
+        # exim -bt bob@box
+        # exim -bt
+ +

2.5. Fetchmail

+ +
+        $ prt-get depinst fetchmail
+ +
+        $ sudo su
+        # mkdir /var/lib/fetchmail
+        # mkdir /var/run/fetchmail
+        # useradd -r fetchmail
+        # chown fetchmail /var/lib/fetchmail
+        # chown fetchmail /var/run/fetchmail
+ +

Create /etc/rc.d/fetchmail and add fetchmail to /etc/rc.conf;

+ +
+        #!/bin/sh
+        #
+        # /etc/rc.d/fetchmail: start/stop fetchmail daemon
+        #
+        SSD=/sbin/start-stop-daemon
+        PROG=/usr/bin/fetchmail
+        PID=/var/run/fetchmail/
+        IDS=/var/lib/fetchmail/.fetchids
+        PUID=45
+        PGID=100
+        OPTS="-f /etc/fetchmailrc -i $IDS --pidfile $PID --syslog -v"
+        case $1 in
+        start)
+                $SSD --chuid $PUID:$PGID --user $PUID --exec $PROG --start -- $OPTS
+                ;;
+        stop)
+                $SSD --stop --remove-pidfile --retry 10 --pidfile $PID
+                ;;
+        restart)
+                $0 stop
+                $0 start
+                ;;
+        reload)
+                $SSD --stop --signal HUP --pidfile $PID
+                ;;
+        status)
+                $SSD --status --pidfile $PID
+                case $? in
+                0) echo "$PROG is running with pid $(head -1 $PID)" ;;
+                1) echo "$PROG is not running but the pid file $PID exists" ;;
+                3) echo "$PROG is not running" ;;
+                4) echo "Unable to determine the program status" ;;
+                esac
+                ;;
+        *)
+                echo "usage: $0 [start|stop|restart|reload|status]"
+                ;;
+        esac
+        # End of file
+ +

Create /etc/fetchmailrc;

+ +
+        # This file must be chmod 0600, owner fetchmail
+        set daemon        300           # Pool every 5 minutes
+        set syslog                      # log through syslog facility
+        set postmaster  admin@box
+        set no bouncemail               # avoid loss on 4xx errors
+                                        # on the other hand, 5xx errors get
+                                        # more dangerous...
+        ##########################################################################
+        # Hosts to pool
+        ##########################################################################
+        # Defaults ===============================================================
+        # Set antispam to -1, since it is far safer to use that together with
+        # no bouncemail
+        defaults:
+        timeout 300
+        antispam -1
+        batchlimit 100
+        poll protocol POP3 user "" there with password "secretpass" is "bob@box" here
+ + Core OS Index +

+ This is part of the c9 Manual. + Copyright (C) 2016 + Silvino Silva. + See the file Gnu Free Documentation License + for copying conditions.

+ + + + + diff --git a/core/index.html b/core/index.html index 94e1f19..fce7170 100644 --- a/core/index.html +++ b/core/index.html @@ -101,37 +101,22 @@
  • 2.4. Terminals and shells
  • - - -

    3. System Tools

    - - +

    This is part of the c9-doc Manual. Copyright (C) 2016 diff --git a/core/tar.html b/core/tar.html deleted file mode 100644 index 876065a..0000000 --- a/core/tar.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ - - - - - 1. Tar - - - - Systolls Index -

    2. Tar

    - - -

    2.1. Create Backup

    - -

    Script in core/scripts/ use tldp - server backup - and restore - as a reference.

    - -
    -        #!/bin/sh
    -        echo -n "root directory you want backup (/mnt/): "
    -        read ROOT_DIR
    -        echo -n "where you want to save (/home/user): "
    -        read DEST_DIR
    -        echo -n "backup name (system_name): "
    -        read BCK_NAME
    -        echo $DES_DIR
    -        echo $ROOT_DIR
    -        tar --xattrs -zcpf $DEST_DIR/$BCK_NAME-`date '+%Y-%j-%H-%M-%S'`.tar.gz \
    -            --directory=$ROOT_DIR \
    -            --exclude=srv \
    -            --exclude=var/ports \
    -            --exclude=var/run \
    -            --exclude=usr/src \
    -            --exclude=mnt \
    -            --exclude=home \
    -            --exclude=dev \
    -            --exclude=run \
    -            --exclude=tmp \
    -            --exclude=proc \
    -            --exclude=sys .
    - -

    1.2. View content of tar

    - -

    List files inside tar;

    - -
    -        $tar -tvf backup.tar.gz
    - -

    To restore is better to use first t flag and then x, - this prevents any --absolute-paths problem;

    - -

    -        $ tar -ztvpf full-backup-11-November-2045.tar.gz > file.lst
    - -

    1.3. Extract content from tar

    - -

    If you want to extrat to different directory;

    - -
    -        $ tar xf full-backup-11-November-2045.tar.gz --directory=/mnt
    - -

    If path is fine, extract everything;

    - -
    -        $ tar --xattrs -xpvf full-backup-11-November-2045.tar.gz
    - -

    Extract just one file;

    - -
    -        $ tar --extract --file=core.tar.gz libidn#1.32-1.pkg.tar.gz
    - -

    1.4. Add content to tar

    - -

    Only uncompressed tar can append files without having - to extract and compress again.

    - -

    First create a tar with all files in the current directory;

    - -
    -        $ tar cpf core.tar *.tar.gz
    - -

    List files before appending new file and after;

    - -
    -        $ tar -tvf core.tar
    -        $ tar --append --file=core.tar libidn#1.32-1.pkg.tar.gz
    -        $ tar -tvf core.tar
    - -

    1.5. Remove content of tar

    - -
    -        $ tar -tvf core.tar
    -        $ tar --delete --file=core.tar libidn#1.32-1.pkg.tar.gz
    -        $ tar -tvf core.tar
    - - Systolls Index -

    - This is part of the c9-doc Manual. - Copyright (C) 2016 - Silvino Silva. - See the file Gnu Free Documentation License for copying conditions.

    - - diff --git a/core/vim.html b/core/vim.html deleted file mode 100644 index e633670..0000000 --- a/core/vim.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,159 +0,0 @@ - - - - - 5. Vim - - - - Systools Index -

    5. Vim

    - -

    <leader> with default configuration is key \, so when - you see <leader>-W means pressing \W

    - -

    5.1. Vim RC

    - -

    Read - "A good vimrc" - for more information.

    - -
    System wide Vim initializations.
    Your personal Vim initializations.
    - -

    Copy vimrc skeleton example, so that each user have a base to start - personalizing it;

    - -
    -        $ sudo cp ~/sysdoc/conf/etc/skel/.vimrc /etc/skel/
    -        $ sudo mkdir /etc/skel/.vim
    -        $ sudo mkdir /etc/skel/.vim/swap
    -        $ sudo mkdir /etc/skel/.vim/views
    -        $ sudo mkdir /etc/skel/.vim/undodir
    -        $ sudo mkdir /etc/skel/.vim/backup
    -        $ wget -O wombat256mod.vim
    -        $ mv wombat256mod.vim /usr/share/vim/colors/
    - -

    5.2. Color schemes

    - -

    Default vimrc skeleton is configured to use wombat256mod, - which is installed by adduser skeleton.

    - -

    5.3. Split and tab

    - -


    - -

    5.4. Editing files

    - -


    - -

    To enter visual block mode press ctrl-v. To insert block - first select area then press I, insert text normally, when - you pres ESC the text will be inserted on previously selected - area.

    - -

    Come from background;

    - -
    -        $ fg
    - -

    Moving in vim

    - -

    Moving page up and page down;

    - -
    Move back one full screen
    Move forward one full screen
    Move forward 1/2 screen
    Move back (up) 1/2 screen
    - -

    How to use vim

    - -

    In vim you can apply predefined number of times to a operator, - selection or object. For example to delete the next - two words press: d + 2 + w. List of important operators objects, - selections;

    -        operator + count + object
    - -


    - -
    Change (d + i)
    Visual Select
    - -


    - -

    Selections are like objects, for example d + i + w - will delete "inner" word, c + a + w do the same plus - the space;

    - -
    Find forward
    Find backward
    - -

    Selection of useful combinations;

    Select whole tag block. -
    Change inside tag. -
    Copy whole tag.
    - -

    5.5. Spell check

    - -

    Press z= over the bad written word and select desired one.

    - -

    5.6. Plugins

    - - Systools Index -

    This is part of the c9-doc Manual. - Copyright (C) 2016 - Silvino Silva. - See the file Gnu Free Documentation License - for copying conditions.

    - - - diff --git a/tools/index.html b/tools/index.html index 182b9ad..b4f4d35 100644 --- a/tools/index.html +++ b/tools/index.html @@ -12,17 +12,32 @@ Documentation Index -

    User Applications

    + +

    System Tools

    - -

    System Tools

    - -