From a3628fc49db4d88ff3e4067268650710d1da3f6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Silvino Silva Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2021 03:59:34 +0000 Subject: initial openbsd support --- tools/tmux.html | 118 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 118 insertions(+) create mode 100644 tools/tmux.html (limited to 'tools/tmux.html') diff --git a/tools/tmux.html b/tools/tmux.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6bf7a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/tmux.html @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ + + + + + 2.5.3. Tmux + + + + + Core OS Index +

2.5.3. Tmux

+ +

Install tmux, improves cli work efficiency;

+ +
+        $ sudo prt-get depinst tmux
+ +

Create skeleton configuration file for users;

+ +
+        $ sudo vim /etc/skel/.tumx.conf
+ +
+        set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
+        set-window-option -g mode-keys vi
+        # Vim style
+        # copy tmux's selection buffer into the primary X selection with PREFIX+CTRL+Y
+        bind-key u run "tmux save-buffer - | xsel -ib"
+        # copy primary X selection into tmux's selection buffer with PREFIX+CTRL+P
+        bind-key e run "xsel -o | tmux load-buffer -"
+        bind-key -t vi-copy 'v' begin-selection
+        bind-key -t vi-copy 'y' copy-selection
+        set-option -g set-titles on
+        set-option -g set-titles-string '#S> #I.#P #W'
+        set -g visual-activity on
+        set -g monitor-activity on
+        set -g visual-bell on
+        set -g bell-action any
+        ## Join windows:  s,  j
+        bind-key j command-prompt -p "join pane from:"  "join-pane -s '%%'"
+        bind-key s command-prompt -p "send pane to:"  "join-pane -t '%%'"
+ +

Copy to your current home and start tmux;

+ +
+        $ cp /etc/skel/.tmux.conf ~/
+        $ tmux
+ +

Get help;

+ +
+        ctrl + b ?
+ +
+        key = bind-key (default ctrl + b)
+        Window
+        key	c   new window
+        key	" 	split-window
+        key	n	next window
+        key	p	previous window
+        Panes
+        key	; 	last-pane
+        key	space	next-layout
+        key	!	break-pane
+        key	{	swap pane
+        key	}	swap pane
+ + Copy paste

+ +

This instructions are valid if tmux.conf file discribed + in this document is used;

+ +
+        1) enter copy mode using Control+b [
+        2) navigate to beginning of text, you want to select and hit v
+        3) move around using arrow keys to select region
+        4) when you reach end of region simply hit y to copy the region
+        5) now Control+b ] will paste the selection
+ +

Paste in X with xsel;

+ +
+        6) update buffer of xsel using Control+b u
+ +

Copy from X with xsel;

+ +
+        0) update tmux buffer Control+b e
+ +

Before pasting on vim, set paste mode and then set nopaste.

+ + Core OS Index +

+ This is part of the Tribu System Documentation. + Copyright (C) 2020 + Tribu Team. + See the file Gnu Free Documentation License + for copying conditions.

+ + + -- cgit 1.4.1-2-gfad0