Core OS Index

1.1. Install Crux 3.4

Installation of minimal Crux 3.4 Gnu\Linux system, with selected packages from core, opt and contrib ports. Process of installation documented can be executed from iso or from existing gnu\linux installation. Read Hand book 3.4, .

If you are booting from crux iso and is not your keyboard layout of choice run;

        # loadkeys dvorak

1.1.1. Download iso

Visit crux download page for more notes before downloading iso. Script downloads iso from master repo and checks md5sum.

        $ curl -k -O
        $ curl -k -O
        $ md5sum crux-3.4.iso
        73bf4d301e2dcfb0636cb7fc2a9e8fde crux-3.4.iso

1.1.2. Prepare target

Prepare disk or target location where new system will be installed. Follow steps describe how to create efi and separate partitions such as; bios grub, EFI, boot, root, var, usr, swap and home. For more information about gpt partitions table read devil-detail grub2 on gpt. Script creates follow partitions;

Create gpt label and set unit size to use;

        (parted) mklabel gpt
        (parted) unit mib


Partition used by grub boot loader. Partition size 2M;

        mkpart primary 2 4
        name 1 grub
        set 1 bios_grub on


EFI System Partition, ESP type EF00. Partition with between 500M and 100M is recommended for standard installations. Partition size 128M;

        (parted) mkpart ESP fat32 4 125
        (parted) name 2 efi
        (parted) set 2 boot on


Boot partition. Partition with 1G provide room for kernels and crux iso that can be directly boot from grub (without root partition). Partition size 1G;

        (parted) mkpart primary ext4 125 1128
        (parted) name 3 boot


Normal core crux installation root partition uses approximately 2G, without /usr 200MB-500M. Minimum 2G is recommended to give room to root home directory with dedicated (separated) usr and var partition. Partition size 4G;

        (parted) mkpart primary ext4 1128 5128
        (parted) name 4 root


Var partition is recommended 1G-5G depending on how system is configured. Partition size 1G;

        (parted) mkpart primary ext4 5128 6128
        (parted) name 5 var


User partition with 4G-8G is recommended for a desktop setup, with dedicated partition for ports. Partition size 8G;

        (parted) mkpart primary ext4 6128 14128
        (parted) name 6 usr

Swap (ram)

Swap partition general advice is to have the same size as memory ram, ports system will be configured to build on ram. To build firefox is necessary at least 34G, swap partitions will be added to lvm and this partition removed. Partition size 4G;

        (parted) mkpart primary linux-swap 14128 18128
        (parted) name 3 swap


Home partition general advice is to fill the rest of disk space. Home partition will be added later to lvm and this partition removed. Fill the rest of disk space;

        (parted) mkpart primary ext4 18128 100%
        (parted) name 8 home

1.1.3. Prepare Install

From now on script create file systems, install packages, configure host metadata and setup ports;

        $ export CHROOT=/mnt

Create filesystems

        $ export DEV=/dev/sda
        $ export BLK_EFI="${DEV}2"
        $ export BLK_BOOT="${DEV}3"
        $ export BLK_ROOT="${DEV}4"
        $ export BLK_VAR="${DEV}5"
        $ export BLK_USR="${DEV}6"
        $ export BLK_SWP="${DEV}7"
        $ export BLK_HOME="${DEV}8"
        $ sudo mkfs.fat -F 32  $BLK_EFI
        $ sudo mkfs.ext4 $BLK_BOOT
        $ sudo mkfs.ext4 $BLK_ROOT
        $ sudo mkfs.ext4 $BKL_VAR
        $ sudo mkfs.ext4 $BKL_USR
        $ sudo mkswap $BLK_SWAP
        $ sudo mkfs.ext4 $BKL_HOME
        $ sudo mount $BLK_ROOT $CHROOT

Create directories and mount target partitions;

        $ sudo mkdir -p $CHROOT/boot
        $ sudo mkdir -p $CHROOT/var
        $ sudo mkdir -p $CHROOT/usr
        $ sudo mkdir -p $CHROOT/media
        $ sudo mkdir -p $CHROOT/home

        $ sudo mkdir -p $CHROOT/dev
        $ sudo mkdir -p $CHROOT/tmp
        $ sudo mkdir -p $CHROOT/proc
        $ sudo mkdir -p $CHROOT/sys

        $ sudo mount $BLK_BOOT $CHROOT/boot
        $ sudo mkdir -p $CHROOT/boot/efi
        $ sudo mount $BLK_EFI $CHROOT/boot/efi

        $ sudo mount $BLK_VAR $CHROOT/var
        $ sudo mkdir -p $CHROOT/var/lib/pkg

        $ sudo mount $BLK_USR $CHROOT/usr

        $ sudo mount $BLK_HOME $CHROOT/home

Activate Chroot;

        $ sudo mount --bind /dev $CHROOT/dev
        $ sudo mount -vt devpts devpts $CHROOT/dev/pts
        $ sudo mount -vt tmpfs shm $CHROOT/dev/shm
        $ sudo mount -vt proc proc $CHROOT/proc
        $ sudo mount -vt sysfs sysfs $CHROOT/sys

Mount iso on target partition;

        # modprobe isofs
        # modprobe loop
        # mount -o loop crux-3.4.iso $CHROOT/media

1.1.4. Install Crux

Create file $CHROOT/core.lst containing list of binary packages present in $CHROOT/media/crux/core/;

        $ sudo for p in $CHROOT/media/crux/core/*; do echo $p << $CHROOT/core.lst; done

Install temporary pkgadd on $CHROOT;

        $ sudo tar xf /media/crux/core/pkgutils#5.40-1.pkg.tar.xz usr/bin/pkgadd -O > $CHROOT/pkgadd
        $ sudo chmod +x $CHROOT/pkgadd

Edit $CHROOT/core.lst with your preferences, you can remove or add packages from opt collection. Remove lilo if you want grub.

Create package database, it will contain a list of installed packages files.

        $ sudo touch $CHROOT/var/lib/pkg/db

Install all packages listed in $CHROOT/core.lst;

        $ su
        # cd $CHROOT
        while read line; do
                printf "Installing $line;\n"
                $CHROOT/pkgadd -f -r $CHROOT $line
        done < core.lst

1.1.5. Install extra packages

Install additional ports like wireless-tools, grub2 and fakeroot;

        cp $CHROOT/media/crux/opt/* $CHROOT/usr/ports/packages
        cp $CHROOT/media/crux/xorg/* $CHROOT/usr/ports/packages
        # chroot $CHROOT /bin/bash
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/fakeroot#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/dbus#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/expat#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/libnl#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/libpng#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/freetype#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/libffi#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/sqlite3#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/python#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/glib#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/grub2#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/grub2-efi#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/wireless-tools#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/wpa_supplicant#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/lvm2#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/mdadm#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/efivar#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/efibootmgr#*
        pkgadd /usr/ports/packages/dosfstools#*
        # exit
        $ sudo rm $CHROOT/pkgadd
        $ sudo rm $CHROOT/core.lst

1.1.6. Install extra ports

Create c9 ports;

        $ sudo mkdir $CHROOT/usr/ports/c9-ports

Copy ports from c9-doc/core/ports;

        $ sudo cp -r ports/* $CHROOT/usr/ports/c9-ports/

1.1.7. DNS Resolver

        $ sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf $CHROOT/etc

1.1.8. Install Handbook

        $ sudo cp $CHROOT/media/crux/handbook.txt $CHROOT/home/root/

1.1.9. Basic Skeleton

Copy skeletons from c9-doc/core/conf;

        $ sudo cp -R  conf/skel $CHROOT/etc/
Core OS Index

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