Variable names, functions, data types and preprocessor macros. Are allowed letters, decimal digits and underscore.
Reserved identifiers part of C language.;
auto break case char const continue default do double else enum extern float for goto if int long register return short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile while
restrict inline _Bool _Complex _Imaginary
__FUNCTION__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ __alignof __alignof__ __asm __asm__ __attribute __attribute__ __builtin_offsetof __builtin_va_arg __complex __complex__ __const __extension__ __func__ __imag __imag__ __inline __inline__ __label__ __null __real __real__ __restrict __restrict__ __signed __signed__ __thread __typeof __volatile __volatile__
Constants are identifiers with fixed values that can't change during execution. Data types of constants; integer, character, double, strings.
Operators do operations such as; addition or subtraction.
Language elements separators;
{} [] () ; , . :
White space is ignored except when separating elements.
C IndexThis is part of the Hive System Documentation. Copyright (C) 2019 Hive Team. See the file Gnu Free Documentation License for copying conditions.