Tools Index

Dnscrypt and Dnsmasq

Configure your resolver with a server that don't censorship there for respect your freedom and privacy. Read Tor Dns Resolver for more information.

        $ sudo useradd -M -r -s /bin/false -g net net

1. Dnscrypt

        $ prt-get depinst dnscrypt

Dnscrypt by default resolves to, check file /usr/share/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-resolvers.csv for a list of compatible servers. Dnscrypt-proxy port from machine-ports contains dnscrypt-proxy init script configured to use resolver and run as nobody user. Basic usage example;

        $ sudo -u net  dnscrypt-proxy --daemonize --resolver-name=<resolver name>

2. Dnsmasq

Edit resolv.conf;

        # /etc/resolv.conf.head can replace this line
        # CCC server
        # nameserver
        # OpenNIC Servers
        # nameserver
        # nameserver

Make sure daemons like dhcpd don't change it, turn on immutable attribute;

        $chattr +i resolv.conf

Dnsmasq provides dns caching and dhcpd, example configuration files: dnsmasq.conf (change interface), hosts.dnsmasq.

Check /var/lib/dhcp/dnsmasq.leases to get list of dhcp leases assigned.

Tools Index

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