Prepare host system for virtual machines, this includes create new user, loading necessary modules and configure network. Load kvm module, in this example intel module is loaded but depends on host cpu;
# modprobe -a kvm-intel tun virtio
Add users to kvm group;
# usermod -a -G kvm c9admin # usermod -a -G kvm username
Qemu supports multiple disk images types.
Create hard disk image, there is different types, this describes how to create a qcow2 type;
$ qemu-img create -f qcow2 crux-img.qcow2 20G
Qemu disk images can be treated as regular disks using qemu disk network block device server;
$ sudo modprobe nbd $ sudo qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 /crux-img.qcow2
Information about preparing partitions and storage administration. You can use image as a normal disk, example how to use parted to create a gpt system table;
# parted --script $DEV \ mklabel gpt \ mkpart ESP fat32 1MiB 120MiB \ mkpart primary ext4 120MiB 720MiB \ mkpart primary ext4 720MiB 2720MiB \ mkpart primary ext4 2720MiB 5000MiB \ set 1 boot on
# kpartx -a -s -l -u /dev/nbd0
Use /dev/mapper/$(name_of_device) to assign correct blocks;
# mkfs.fat -F 32 $BLK_EFI # mkfs.ext4 $BLK_BOOT # mkfs.ext4 $BLK_ROOT # mkfs.ext4 $BLK_VAR
Mount partition;
# mount $BLK_ROOT $CHROOT # mkdir -p $CHROOT/boot # mount $BLK_BOOT $CHROOT/boot # mkdir -p $CHROOT/boot/efi # mount $BLK_EFI $CHROOT/boot/efi # mkdir -p $CHROOT/var # mount $BLK_VAR $CHROOT/var
Before disconnecting image, clean dev mappings;
$ sudo kpartx -d /dev/nbd0 $ sudo qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0
Network configuration;
KERNEL=="tun", GROUP="kvm", MODE="0660", OPTIONS+="static_node=net/tun"
Create interface with correct permissions set for kvm group.
# sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 # iptables -A INPUT -i br0 -j ACCEPT # iptables -A FORWARD -i br0 -j ACCEPT # iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -d -j ACCEPT # iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j MASQUERADE
Create bridge, create new tap and add it to bridge;
DEV="br0" ADDR= NET= GW= MASK=24 # one tap for each cpu core NTAPS=$((`/usr/bin/nproc`)) case $1 in start) /sbin/ip link add name ${DEV} type bridge /sbin/ip addr add ${ADDR}/${MASK} dev ${DEV} broadcast + /sbin/ip link set dev ${DEV} up /bin/sleep 0.2s for i in `/usr/bin/seq $NTAPS` do TAP="tap$i" echo "Setting up ${TAP} tap interface." /sbin/ip tuntap add ${TAP} mode tap group kvm /sbin/ip link set ${TAP} up /bin/sleep 0.2s /sbin/ip link set ${TAP} master ${DEV} done exit 0 ;; stop) for i in `/usr/bin/seq $NTAPS` do TAP="tap$i" echo "Deleting ${TAP} tap interface." /sbin/ip link del ${TAP} done /sbin/ip link set dev ${DEV} down /sbin/ip route flush dev ${DEV} /sbin/ip link del ${DEV} exit 0 ;; restart) $0 stop $0 start ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 [start|stop|restart]" ;; esac # End of file
See scripts/runvm/, as template. Example scripts;
iso=iso/crux-3.2.iso image=img/crux-img.qcow2 tap="tap1"
#!/bin/bash function rmac_addr (){ printf '54:60:BE:EF:%02X:%02X\n' $((RANDOM%256)) $((RANDOM%256)) } source profile/$1 boot=$2 mac=$(rmac_addr) qemu-system-x86_64 \ -enable-kvm \ -m 1024 \ -boot ${boot} \ -cdrom ${iso} \ -hda ${image} \ -vga std \ -display sdl \ -device e1000,netdev=t0,mac=${mac} \ -netdev tap,id=t0,ifname=${tap},script=no,downscript=no \ &
Set guests machines to run under the total resolution provided by host system configure grub on the guest with gfxmode;
This is part of the c9 Manual. Copyright (C) 2016 c9 team. See the file Gnu Free Documentation License for copying conditions.