Tools Index


1. Maintenance

SMART provides statistics of disk firmware, this system handle errors has their occur. Badblocks detect bad blocks by writing and reading from disk in a destructive test. Example of how to view SMART statistics of a disk;

        # smartctl -t long /dev/sdb1
        # smartctl -a /dev/sdb1 | less

Search for bad blocks using non destructive test;

        # badblocks -nsv /dev/sdb1

2. Moving data

Temp partition with 20M-50M;

        (parted) mkpart primary ext4 4000MiB 4050MiB

Ports partition with 120G allows to host sources, package backups and ports;

        (parted) mkpart primary ext4 192000MiB 312000MiB

Reboot into single-user mode where services aren't started and networking is offline.

        # init 1

Copy the data:

        # cp -apx /srv/* /mnt/srv

Rename directory, for later backup;

        # mv /srv /srv.old
        # mkdir /srv

Edit the /etc/fstabfile:

        # Temporary Data /tmp
        UUID=50bf6e55-6461-4dd4-b315-65b53cac0995 /tmp            ext4    defaults,nodev,nosuid,noexec	0	0

        # Server Data /srv
        UUID=6fadcb98-e442-4af7-a5f2-1ddb6100a8c4 /srv            ext4    defaults        0       2

        # Ports Data /usr/ports
        UUID=d1df6743-d3cb-4d5a-badb-96cef3181095 /usr/ports       ext4    defaults,nodev,nosuid,noexec	0       0

Reboot in normal mode.

2. Resize filesystem

If partition is using lvm read lvm resize, if you are using qemu images read resize images

        # resize2fs /dev/sda3
        # e2fsck /dev/sda3
Tools Index

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