<leader> with default configuration is key \, so when you see <leader>-W means pressing \W
Read "A good vimrc" for more information.
Copy vimrc skeleton example, so that each user have a base to start personalizing it;
$ sudo cp ~/sysdoc/conf/etc/skel/.vimrc /etc/skel/ $ sudo mkdir /etc/skel/.vim $ sudo mkdir /etc/skel/.vim/swap $ sudo mkdir /etc/skel/.vim/views $ sudo mkdir /etc/skel/.vim/undodir $ sudo mkdir /etc/skel/.vim/backup $ wget -O wombat2mod.vim http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=40 $ mv wombat2mod.vim /usr/share/vim/colors/
Default vimrc skeleton is configured to use wombat2mod, which is installed by adduser skeleton.
Horizontal split;
Vertical split;
Change horizontal to vertical
ctrl+w H
Change vertical to horizontal
ctrl+w J
Move between window splits;
ctrl+w (k,j,l,h)
Use built in netrw to see directories and files;
Come from background;
$ fg
Moving page up and page down;
In vim you can apply predefined number of times to a operator, selection or object. For example to delete the next two words press: d + 2 + w. List of important operators objects, selections;
operator + count + object
Selections are like objects, for example d + i + w will delete "inner" word, c + a + w do the same plus the space;
Selection of useful combinations;
Press z= over the bad written word and select desired one.
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