# rf > A tiny and simple cross-platform file finder ## Installation ### Platform Support Following platforms are supported: * Linux glibc/musl * macOS * Win32 * FreeBSD * OpenBSD ### From Source __Requirements:__ Minimum requirements are a C99 compiler. __Building on POSIX:__ ``` $ make ``` __Building on Windows:__ Setup your environment with `vcvars64.bat`, then: ``` > make ``` ## Usage ### Command Line Let's start with a few simple examples. If you want to find all `.c` files recursively from the current directory: rf *.c rf uses [`fnmatch`](https://man.openbsd.org/fnmatch)/[`PathMatchSpecA`](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/shlwapi/nf-shlwapi-pathmatchspeca) so all the usual glob rules apply. You can also use substring matching instead, something like: rf -s hello This would match any files with 'hello' anywhere in the name. Although this is less flexible, it can potentially make things easier and faster depending on the particular use case.