.TH rf 1 .SH NAME rf \- A tiny and simple file finder .SH SYNOPSIS .B rf [OPTIONS] PATTERNS... .SH DESCRIPTION .B rf will find files based on simple substring patterns. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B "\-h, \-\-help" .br Show help message. .TP .B "\-V, \-\-version" .br Show version. .TP .B "\-b, \-\-basename" .br Only show the basename of results. .TP .B "\-v, \-\-invert" .br Invert matches. .TP .B "\-\-limit [n]" .br Limit to [n] matches. The default is 0 which will return all matches. .SH PATTERNS Files and directories can be found using very simple patterns. .TP .B "Substrings" .br A simple string is basically a substring match. So if you supply a pattern of 'js', rf will match any file that contains the string 'js' anywhere in the filename. If the pattern is '.js' it will match any \'.js' or even '.json' files for example, as well as the filename \'script.js.backup', in other words the character '.' is just that, it doesn't have any special significance such as in regular expressions. It also doesn't have any kind of implicit positional information, it will just match at any point in the filename. .TP .B "Beginning and end" .br .SH SEE ALSO .BR find (1), .BR rg (1) .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright \(co 2019 Rory Bradford .