Andrew Yu

Andrew Yu, a fellow Free Computing activist, welcomes you to their Website.

Current Note

There is no current note at the moment.

About me

I am Andrew Yu, a 14-year-old in Shanghai, China, currently studying at YK Pao School (link requires JavaScript to function, will discuss replacements). My main fields of interest are philosophy (especially political philosophy), metamathematics, programming fundamentals and molecular biology. I'm also a Free Computing activist.


Pages for other projects (i.e. Evosaur) are not listed—only independent articles are listed here. These are sorted from newest to oldest. Some do not come with HTML anchors: these articles are not published online, but are still listed here. For these, you may ask me for a copy in real life, but it is within my rights to decline such requests.

I'm still adding them back here, might take a while for me to find my articles. If you have any that I missed, please inform me. Thanks.

Personal Subsites

These are articles that I've read that I believe is worth sharing here.

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