/* lith: a small interpreter written in C89: as a library */ #include "lith.h" #include #include #include static void *emalloc(lith_st *L, size_t len) { void *p; p = malloc(len); if (!p) { L->error = LITH_ERR_NOMEM; } return p; } static char *lith__strndup(lith_st *L, char *str, size_t len) { char *newstr, *p; newstr = emalloc(L, len + 1); if (!newstr) return NULL; p = newstr; while (len--) *p++ = *str++; *p = '\0'; return newstr; } static void print_string(lith_string string, FILE *file) { size_t i; char *s; s = string.buf; fputc('"', file); for (i = 0; i < string.len; s++, i++) { if ((*s == '\\') || (*s == '"')) { fputc('\\', file); fputc(*s, file); } else if (*s == '\n') { fprintf(file, "\\n"); } else if (*s == '\t') { fprintf(file, "\\t"); } else if (*s == '\0') { fprintf(file, "\\0"); } else if ((*s < 32) || (*s > 126)) { fprintf(file, "\\x%02X", (unsigned char)(*s)); } else { fputc(*s, file); } } fputc('"', file); } static char *skip(lith_st *L, char *input) { size_t len; while (*input) { if ((len = strspn(input, " \t\n")) > 0) { input += len; } else if (*input == ';') { if (!(input = strchr(input, '\n'))) break; } else { break; } } if (!input || !*input) { L->error = LITH_ERR_EOF; } return input; } static int ishexchar(int c) { return (('0' <= c) && (c <= '9')) || (('a' <= c) && (c <= 'f')) || (('A' <= c) && (c <= 'F')); } static void eat_string(lith_st *L, char *start, char **end) { for (*end = start; **end && (**end != '"'); ++*end) { if (**end == '\\') { ++*end; if (**end == 'x') { if (!((ishexchar(*++*end) && ishexchar(*++*end)))) { lith_simple_error(L, LITH_ERR_SYNTAX, "Invalid character escape literal, " "expecting two hexadecimal characters"); return; } } } } if (!**end) { lith_simple_error(L, LITH_ERR_EOF, "while reading a string literal"); } else { /* skip the string ending " character */ ++*end; } } static void lex(lith_st *L, char *input, char **start, char **end) { if (!(input = skip(L, input))) { *start = *end = NULL; return; } *start = input; if ((*input == '(') || (*input == ')') || (*input == '\'') || (*input == '@') || (*input == '`')) { *end = input + 1; } else if (*input == ',') { *end = input + ((input[1] == '@') ? 2 : 1); } else if (*input == '"') { /* +1 to skip the string starting " character */ eat_string(L, *start + 1, end); } else { *end = *start + strcspn(*start, " \t\n;()"); } } static char *read_string(lith_st *L, char *start, char *end, size_t *len) { char *string, *p; p = string = emalloc(L, end - start); if (!p) return NULL; for (start++; start < end; start++, p++) { if (*start == '\\') { switch (*++start) { case 'n': *p = '\n'; break; case 'r': *p = '\r'; break; case 't': *p = '\t'; break; case '0': *p = '\0'; break; case 'x': *p = (char) strtol(++start, NULL, 16); ++start; break; default: *p = *start; break; } } else { *p = *start; } } *len = p - string; return string; } static lith_value *read_atom(lith_st *L, char *start, char *end) { char *string, *next; int sign; size_t length; long integer; double number; lith_value *val; if (*start == '"') { /* -1 to skip the string ending " character */ string = read_string(L, start, end - 1, &length); if (LITH_IS_ERR(L)) return NULL; val = lith_make_string(L, string, length); free(string); return val; } if ((*start == '#') && ((end - start) == 2) && ((start[1] == 't') || (start[1] == 'f'))) { return (start[1] == 'f') ? L->False : L->True; } sign = (*start == '-') ? -1 : 1; integer = strtol(start, &next, 10); if (*next == '.') { number = strtod(next, &next); number *= sign; number += integer; return lith_make_number(L, number); } else if (next == end) { return lith_make_integer(L, integer); } else { string = lith__strndup(L, start, end - start); if (!string) return NULL; val = lith_get_symbol(L, string); free(string); return val; } } static lith_value *read_expr(lith_st *L, char *start, char **end); static lith_value *read_list_expr(lith_st *L, char *start, char **end) { lith_value *p, *expr, *list; char *t; *end = start; list = p = L->nil; for (;;) { lex(L, *end, &t, end); if (LITH_IS_ERR(L)) return NULL; if (*t == ')') return list; if (*t == '.' && (*end - t == 1)) { if (LITH_IS_NIL(p)) { lith_simple_error(L, LITH_ERR_SYNTAX, "improper lists do not start with '.'"); lith_free_value(list); return NULL; } expr = read_expr(L, *end, end); if (LITH_IS_ERR(L)) { lith_free_value(list); return NULL; } LITH_CDR(p) = expr; lex(L, *end, &t, end); if (LITH_IS_ERR(L) || (*t != ')')) { lith_simple_error(L, LITH_ERR_SYNTAX, "expecting ')' at the end of this improper list"); lith_free_value(list); return NULL; } return list; } expr = read_expr(L, t, end); if (LITH_IS_ERR(L)) { lith_free_value(list); return NULL; } if (LITH_IS_NIL(p)) { list = LITH_CONS(L, expr, L->nil); p = list; } else { LITH_CDR(p) = LITH_CONS(L, expr, L->nil); p = LITH_CDR(p); } } } static lith_value *read_expr(lith_st *L, char *start, char **end) { lith_value *p, *q, *v; char *t, *s; lex(L, start, &t, end); if (LITH_IS_ERR(L)) return NULL; if (*t == '(') { return read_list_expr(L, *end, end); } else if (*t == ')') { lith_simple_error(L, LITH_ERR_SYNTAX, "unbalanced parenthesis, expected an expression"); return NULL; } else if ((*t == '\'') || (*t == '@') || (*t == ',') || (*t == '`')) { if (*t == '\'') s = "quote"; else if ((*t == '@') || (*t == '`')) s = "quasiquote"; else if (*t == ',') s = (t[1] == '@') ? "unquote-splicing" : "unquote"; p = LITH_CONS(L, lith_get_symbol(L, s), L->nil); v = read_expr(L, *end, end); if (!v) { lith_free_value(p); return NULL; } q = LITH_CONS(L, v, L->nil); if (!q) { lith_free_value(v); lith_free_value(p); return NULL; } LITH_CDR(p) = q; return p; } else { return read_atom(L, t, *end); } } static int is_proper_list(lith_value *list) { while (!LITH_IS_NIL(list)) { list = LITH_CDR(list); if (!(LITH_IS_NIL(list) || LITH_IS(list, LITH_TYPE_PAIR))) { return 0; } } return 1; } static size_t list_length(lith_value *v) { size_t len; for (len = 0; !LITH_IS_NIL(v); len++) v = LITH_CDR(v); return len; } /* builtin functions of lith */ /* car[1] :: (car '(a . b)) -> a */ static lith_value *builtin__car(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { lith_value *list; list = LITH_CAR(args); if (!lith_expect_type(L, "car", 1, LITH_TYPE_PAIR, list)) return NULL; return LITH_CAR(list); } /* cdr[1] :: (cdr '(a . b)) -> b */ static lith_value *builtin__cdr(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { lith_value *pair; pair = LITH_CAR(args); if (!lith_expect_type(L, "cdr", 1, LITH_TYPE_PAIR, pair)) return NULL; return LITH_CDR(pair); } /* cons[2] :: (cons a b) -> (a . b) */ static lith_value *builtin__cons(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { lith_value *head, *tail; head = LITH_CAR(args); tail = LITH_CAR(LITH_CDR(args)); return LITH_CONS(L, head, tail); } static void lith__print(lith_st *L, lith_value *v) { if (LITH_IS(v, LITH_TYPE_STRING)) { fwrite(v->value.string.buf, 1, v->value.string.len, stdout); } else { lith_print_value(L, v, stdout); } } /* print[1+] :: * (print ...) -> () * and prints the values * separated by ' ' * and a newline ('\n') */ static lith_value *builtin__print(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { lith_value *v; v = args; lith__print(L, LITH_CAR(v)); v = LITH_CDR(v); while (!LITH_IS_NIL(v)) { putchar(' '); lith__print(L, LITH_CAR(v)); v = LITH_CDR(v); } putchar('\n'); return L->nil; } #define COMMON1(fname) \ int n1_is_integer, n1_is_number, \ n2_is_integer, n2_is_number, \ n1_is_numeric, n2_is_numeric; \ lith_value *arg1, *arg2; \ arg1 = LITH_CAR(args); \ arg2 = LITH_CAR(LITH_CDR(args)); \ n1_is_integer = LITH_IS(arg1, LITH_TYPE_INTEGER); \ n1_is_number = LITH_IS(arg1, LITH_TYPE_NUMBER); \ n1_is_numeric = n1_is_integer || n1_is_number; \ n2_is_integer = LITH_IS(arg2, LITH_TYPE_INTEGER); \ n2_is_number = LITH_IS(arg2, LITH_TYPE_NUMBER); \ n2_is_numeric = n2_is_integer || n2_is_number; \ if (!n1_is_numeric || !n2_is_numeric) { \ lith_simple_error(L, LITH_ERR_TYPE, \ "expected numeric types (integers or numbers) as argument"); \ return NULL; \ } #define COMMON2(op) \ if (n1_is_integer && n2_is_integer) { \ return lith_make_integer(L, arg1->value.integer op arg2->value.integer); \ } else { \ return lith_make_number(L, \ (n1_is_integer \ ? ((double) (arg1->value.integer)) \ : arg1->value.number) \ op \ (n2_is_integer \ ? ((double) (arg2->value.integer)) \ : arg2->value.number)); \ } /* op1[2] ::: op1 <- (:+), (:-), (:*) * (op1 int int) -> int * (op1 int num) -> num * (op1 num int) -> num * (op1 num num) -> num */ static lith_value *builtin__add(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { COMMON1(":+") COMMON2(+) } static lith_value *builtin__subtract(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { COMMON1(":-") COMMON2(-) } static lith_value *builtin__multiply(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { COMMON1(":*") COMMON2(*) } #define COMMON3(op, q) \ if (q && (arg2->value.integer == 0L)) { \ lith_simple_error(L, LITH_ERR_TYPE, "cannot " op " by zero!!"); \ return NULL; \ } /* type int_n0 = int \ {0} ; hah! * :/[2] :: * (:/ int int_n0) -> int * (:/ int num) -> num * (:/ num int) -> num * (:/ num num) -> num */ static lith_value *builtin__divide(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { COMMON1(":/") COMMON3("divide", n2_is_integer) COMMON2(/) } /* :%[2] (:% int int) -> int */ static lith_value *builtin__modulus(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { lith_value *arg1, *arg2; arg1 = LITH_CAR(args); arg2 = LITH_CAR(LITH_CDR(args)); if (!LITH_IS(arg1, LITH_TYPE_INTEGER) || !LITH_IS(arg2, LITH_TYPE_INTEGER)) { lith_simple_error(L, LITH_ERR_TYPE, "can calculate modulus with integral arguments only"); return NULL; } COMMON3("mod", 1) return lith_make_integer(L, arg1->value.integer % arg2->value.integer); } #define COMMON4(op) \ if (n1_is_integer && n2_is_integer) { \ return LITH_IN_BOOL(arg1->value.integer op arg2->value.integer); \ } else { \ return LITH_IN_BOOL( \ (n1_is_integer \ ? ((double) (arg1->value.integer)) \ : arg1->value.number) \ op \ (n2_is_integer \ ? ((double) (arg2->value.integer)) \ : arg2->value.number) \ ); \ } /* type numeric = int U num ; huh! * op2[2] :: op2 <- (:<, :==, :>) * (op2 numeric numeric) -> bool */ static lith_value *builtin__is_less_than(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { COMMON1(":<") COMMON4(<) } static lith_value *builtin__is_num_equal(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { COMMON1(":==") COMMON4(==) } static lith_value *builtin__is_greater_than(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { COMMON1(":>") COMMON4(>) } #undef COMMON4 #undef COMMON3 #undef COMMON2 #undef COMMON1 /* eq?[2] :: (eq? a b) -> bool */ static lith_value *builtin__is_eq(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { int eq; lith_value *arg1, *arg2; arg1 = LITH_CAR(args); arg2 = LITH_CAR(LITH_CDR(args)); if (arg1->type != arg2->type) return L->False; switch (arg1->type) { case LITH_TYPE_NIL: return L->True; case LITH_TYPE_INTEGER: eq = arg1->value.integer == arg2->value.integer; break; case LITH_TYPE_NUMBER: eq = arg1->value.number == arg2->value.number; break; case LITH_TYPE_STRING: if (arg1->value.string.len != arg2->value.string.len) return L->False; eq = !memcmp(arg1->value.string.buf, arg2->value.string.buf, arg2->value.string.len); break; default: eq = arg1 == arg2; break; } return LITH_IN_BOOL(eq); } /* typeof[1] :: (typeof a) -> sym */ static lith_value *builtin__typeof(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { lith_value *val; val = LITH_CAR(args); return lith_get_symbol(L, L->types[val->type]); } /* nil?[1] :: (nil? a) -> bool */ static lith_value *builtin__is_nil(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { return LITH_IN_BOOL(LITH_IS_NIL(LITH_CAR(args))); } /* list?[1] :: (list? a) -> bool */ static lith_value *builtin__is_list(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { lith_value *val; val = LITH_CAR(args); return LITH_IN_BOOL(LITH_IS(val, LITH_TYPE_PAIR) && is_proper_list(val)); } /* apply[2] :: (apply (i... -> a) (i...)) -> a */ static lith_value *builtin__apply(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { lith_value *f, *aargs, *cargs; f = LITH_CAR(args); aargs = LITH_CAR(LITH_CDR(args)); cargs = lith_copy_value(L, aargs); if (!cargs) return NULL; return lith_apply(L, f, cargs); } /* error[1] :: (error str) -> _|_ */ static lith_value *builtin__error(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { lith_value *arg; arg = LITH_CAR(args); if (!lith_expect_type(L, "error", 1, LITH_TYPE_STRING, arg)) return NULL; L->error = LITH_ERR_CUSTOM; L->error_state.msg = arg->value.string.buf; return NULL; } /* load[1] :: (load str) -> () * the contents of the file given by * the string containing the path of that file is executed */ static lith_value *builtin__load(lith_st *L, lith_value *args) { lith_value *filename; filename = LITH_CAR(args); if (!lith_expect_type(L, "load", 1, LITH_TYPE_STRING, filename)) return NULL; lith_run_file(L, L->global, filename->value.string.buf); if (LITH_IS_ERR(L)) return NULL; else return L->nil; } /* some more utilities */ static char *slurp(lith_st *L, char *filename) { FILE *file; char *buffer; long length; file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!file) { lith_simple_error(L, LITH_ERR_CUSTOM, "could not open the file to be read"); return NULL; } fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); length = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); buffer = emalloc(L, length + 1); if (!buffer) return NULL; fread(buffer, 1, length, file); buffer[length] = '\0'; fclose(file); return buffer; } static void init_types(char **types) { types[LITH_TYPE_NIL] = "nil"; types[LITH_TYPE_PAIR] = "pair"; types[LITH_TYPE_BOOLEAN] = "boolean"; types[LITH_TYPE_INTEGER] = "integer"; types[LITH_TYPE_NUMBER] = "number"; types[LITH_TYPE_SYMBOL] = "symbol"; types[LITH_TYPE_STRING] = "string"; types[LITH_TYPE_BUILTIN] = "builtin"; types[LITH_TYPE_CLOSURE] = "closure"; types[LITH_TYPE_MACRO] = "macro"; } struct lith_lib_fn lith_builtins[] = { {"car", 1, 1, builtin__car}, {"cdr", 1, 1, builtin__cdr}, {"cons", 2, 1, builtin__cons}, {"typeof", 1, 1, builtin__typeof}, {"print", 1, 0, builtin__print}, {":+", 2, 1, builtin__add}, {":-", 2, 1, builtin__subtract}, {":*", 2, 1, builtin__multiply}, {":/", 2, 1, builtin__divide}, {":%", 2, 1, builtin__modulus}, {":<", 2, 1, builtin__is_less_than}, {":==", 2, 1, builtin__is_num_equal}, {":>", 2, 1, builtin__is_greater_than}, {"eq?", 2, 1, builtin__is_eq}, {"nil?", 1, 1, builtin__is_nil}, {"list?", 1, 1, builtin__is_list}, {"apply", 2, 1, builtin__apply}, {"error", 1, 1, builtin__error}, {"load", 1, 1, builtin__load}, {NULL, 0, 0, NULL} }; /* Public functions */ void lith_init(lith_st *L) { L->error = LITH_ERR_OK; L->error_state.manual = 0; L->error_state.success = 1; L->error_state.sym = L->error_state.msg = L->error_state.name = NULL; L->error_state.expr = NULL; L->nil = lith_new_value(L); L->nil->type = LITH_TYPE_NIL; L->True = lith_new_value(L); L->False = lith_new_value(L); L->True->type = L->False->type = LITH_TYPE_BOOLEAN; L->True->value.boolean = 1; L->False->value.boolean = 0; L->symbol_table = L->nil; L->global = lith_new_env(L, L->nil); L->global = lith_new_env(L, L->global); L->filename = "<>"; init_types(L->types); lith_fill_env(L, lith_builtins); } void lith_free(lith_st *L) { lith_value *p, *v; lith_free_value(L->global); p = L->symbol_table; while (!LITH_IS_NIL(p)) { v = LITH_CAR(p); free(v->value.symbol); free(v); p = LITH_CDR(p); } if (L->error_state.expr) lith_free_value(L->error_state.expr); free(L->False); free(L->True); free(L->nil); } void lith_clear_error_state(lith_st *L) { L->error = LITH_ERR_OK; L->error_state.success = 1; L->error_state.manual = 0; L->error_state.msg = L->error_state.sym = L->error_state.name = NULL; if (L->error_state.expr) { lith_free_value(L->error_state.expr); L->error_state.expr = NULL; } } lith_value *lith_new_value(lith_st *L) { return emalloc(L, sizeof(lith_value)); } lith_value *lith_make_integer(lith_st *L, long integer) { lith_value *val; val = lith_new_value(L); if (!val) return NULL; val->type = LITH_TYPE_INTEGER; val->value.integer = integer; return val; } lith_value *lith_make_number(lith_st *L, double number) { lith_value *val; val = lith_new_value(L); if (!val) return NULL; val->type = LITH_TYPE_NUMBER; val->value.number = number; return val; } lith_value *lith_make_symbol(lith_st *L, char *symbol) { lith_value *val; char *sym; val = lith_new_value(L); if (!val) return NULL; val->type = LITH_TYPE_SYMBOL; sym = lith__strndup(L, symbol, strlen(symbol)); if (!sym) { free(val); return NULL; } val->value.symbol = sym; return val; } lith_value *lith_make_builtin(lith_st *L, lith_value *name, lith_builtin_function function, size_t expect, int exact) { lith_value *val; lith_callable *f; val = lith_new_value(L); if (!val) return NULL; f = emalloc(L, sizeof(*f)); if (!f) { free(val); return NULL; } f->name = name; f->function = function; f->expect = expect; f->exact = exact; val->type = LITH_TYPE_BUILTIN; val->value.callable = f; return val; } lith_value *lith_make_closure(lith_st *L, lith_env *parent_env, lith_value *name, lith_value *arg_names, lith_value *body, size_t expect, int exact ) { lith_value *val; lith_callable *f; val = lith_new_value(L); if (!val) return NULL; f = emalloc(L, sizeof(*f)); if (!f) { free(val); return NULL; } arg_names = lith_copy_value(L, arg_names); if (!arg_names) { free(val); free(f); return NULL; } body = lith_copy_value(L, body); if (!body) { free(val); free(f); lith_free_value(arg_names); return NULL; } f->name = name; f->parent = parent_env; f->args = arg_names; f->body = body; f->expect = expect; f->exact = exact; val->type = LITH_TYPE_CLOSURE; val->value.callable = f; return val; } lith_value *lith_make_string(lith_st *L, char *string, size_t len) { lith_value *val; char *str; val = lith_new_value(L); if (!val) return NULL; val->type = LITH_TYPE_STRING; str = lith__strndup(L, string, len); if (!str) { free(val); return NULL; } val->value.string.len = len; val->value.string.buf = str; return val; } lith_value *lith_make_pair(lith_st *L, lith_value *car, lith_value *cdr) { lith_value *val; val = lith_new_value(L); if (!val) return NULL; val->type = LITH_TYPE_PAIR; LITH_CAR(val) = car; LITH_CDR(val) = cdr; return val; } void lith_free_value(lith_value *val) { if (LITH_IS(val, LITH_TYPE_PAIR)) { lith_free_value(LITH_CAR(val)); lith_free_value(LITH_CDR(val)); } else if (LITH_IS(val, LITH_TYPE_BUILTIN)) { free(val->value.callable); } else if (LITH_IS(val, LITH_TYPE_CLOSURE) || LITH_IS(val, LITH_TYPE_MACRO)) { lith_free_value(val->value.callable->args); lith_free_value(val->value.callable->body); free(val->value.callable); } else if (LITH_IS(val, LITH_TYPE_STRING)) { free(val->value.string.buf); } else if (LITH_IS_NIL(val) || LITH_IS(val, LITH_TYPE_BOOLEAN) || LITH_IS(val, LITH_TYPE_SYMBOL)) { return; } free(val); } lith_value *lith_get_symbol(lith_st *L, char *name) { lith_value *sym, *p; p = L->symbol_table; while (!LITH_IS_NIL(p)) { sym = LITH_CAR(p); if (LITH_SYM_EQ(sym, name)) return sym; p = LITH_CDR(p); } sym = lith_make_symbol(L, name); if (!sym) return NULL; p = LITH_CONS(L, sym, L->symbol_table); if (!p) { lith_free_value(sym); return NULL; } L->symbol_table = p; return sym; } void lith_print_value(lith_st *L, lith_value *val, FILE *file) { lith_callable *fn; if (LITH_IS_NIL(val)) { fprintf(file, "()"); } else if (LITH_IS(val, LITH_TYPE_SYMBOL)) { fprintf(file, "%s", val->value.symbol); } else if (LITH_IS(val, LITH_TYPE_STRING)) { print_string(val->value.string, file); } else if (LITH_IS(val, LITH_TYPE_BOOLEAN)) { fprintf(file, "#%c", val->value.boolean ? 't' : 'f'); } else if (LITH_IS(val, LITH_TYPE_INTEGER)) { fprintf(file, "%ld", val->value.integer); } else if (LITH_IS(val, LITH_TYPE_NUMBER)) { fprintf(file, "%.15g", val->value.number); } else if (LITH_IS_CALLABLE(val)) { fn = val->value.callable; fprintf(file, "#<%s ", L->types[val->type]); if (fn->name) lith_print_value(L, fn->name, file); else fprintf(file, "[anon]"); fprintf(file, "[%zu%s]", fn->expect, fn->exact ? "" : "+"); fprintf(file, " at %p>", (void *)fn); } else if (!LITH_IS(val, LITH_TYPE_PAIR)) { fprintf(file, "#", (void *)val); } else { fputc('(', file); lith_print_value(L, LITH_CAR(val), file); val = LITH_CDR(val); while (!LITH_IS_NIL(val)) { if (LITH_IS(val, LITH_TYPE_PAIR)) { fputc(' ', file); lith_print_value(L, LITH_CAR(val), file); val = LITH_CDR(val); } else { fprintf(file, " . "); lith_print_value(L, val, file); break; } } fputc(')', file); } } lith_value *lith_copy_value(lith_st *L, lith_value *val) { lith_value *head, *pair, *p, *v, *w; lith_callable *f; if (!val) return NULL; switch (val->type) { case LITH_TYPE_INTEGER: return lith_make_integer(L, val->value.integer); case LITH_TYPE_NUMBER: return lith_make_number(L, val->value.number); case LITH_TYPE_STRING: return lith_make_string(L, val->value.string.buf, val->value.string.len); case LITH_TYPE_BUILTIN: f = val->value.callable; return lith_make_builtin(L, lith_copy_value(L, f->name), f->function, f->expect, f->exact); case LITH_TYPE_MACRO: case LITH_TYPE_CLOSURE: f = val->value.callable; v = lith_make_closure(L, f->parent, lith_copy_value(L, f->name), f->args, f->body, f->expect, f->exact); if (LITH_IS(val, LITH_TYPE_MACRO)) v->type = LITH_TYPE_MACRO; return v; case LITH_TYPE_PAIR: head = lith_copy_value(L, LITH_CAR(val)); if (!head) return NULL; pair = LITH_CONS(L, head, L->nil); if (!pair) { lith_free_value(head); return NULL; } val = LITH_CDR(val); for (p = pair; LITH_IS(val, LITH_TYPE_PAIR); val = LITH_CDR(val), p = LITH_CDR(p)) { v = lith_copy_value(L, LITH_CAR(val)); if (!v) { lith_free_value(pair); return NULL; } w = LITH_CONS(L, v, L->nil); if (!w) { lith_free_value(pair); lith_free_value(v); } LITH_CDR(p) = w; } if (!LITH_IS_NIL(val)) { v = lith_copy_value(L, val); if (!v) { lith_free_value(v); return NULL; } LITH_CDR(p) = v; } return pair; default: return val; } } void lith_simple_error(lith_st *L, enum lith_error errtype, char *msg) { L->error = errtype; L->error_state.msg = msg; if (errtype == LITH_ERR_EOF) L->error_state.success = 0; else if (errtype == LITH_ERR_TYPE) L->error_state.manual = 1; } void lith_print_error(lith_st *L, int full) { struct lith_error_state E = L->error_state; if (full) fprintf(stderr, "lith: %s: ", L->filename); switch (L->error) { case LITH_ERR_OK: fprintf(stderr, "none"); break; case LITH_ERR_EOF: if (!E.success) fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected "); fprintf(stderr, "End of File"); if (!E.success) fprintf(stderr, ": %s", E.msg); break; case LITH_ERR_SYNTAX: fprintf(stderr, "syntax error: %s", E.msg); break; case LITH_ERR_NOMEM: fprintf(stderr, "out of memory"); break; case LITH_ERR_UNBOUND: fprintf(stderr, "unbound symbol: '%s'", E.sym); break; case LITH_ERR_REDEFINE: fprintf(stderr, "trying to redefine already defined symbol: '%s'", E.sym); break; case LITH_ERR_NARGS: fprintf(stderr, "wrong number of arguments: " "expected %s%zu argument(s) but given %zu argument(s)", (E.nargs.exact ? "" : "at least "), E.nargs.expected, E.nargs.got); break; case LITH_ERR_TYPE: fprintf(stderr, "type error: "); if (E.manual) fprintf(stderr, "%s", E.msg); else fprintf(stderr, "expecting %s instead of %s as the argument number %zu", L->types[E.type.expected], L->types[E.type.got], E.type.narg); break; case LITH_ERR_CUSTOM: fprintf(stderr, "error: %s", E.msg); break; } if (E.name) fprintf(stderr, " [in '%s']", E.name); if (E.expr) { fprintf(stderr, "\noccured in: "); lith_print_value(L, E.expr, stderr); } fputc('\n', stderr); } lith_value *lith_read_expr(lith_st *L, char *start, char **end) { return read_expr(L, start, end); } lith_env *lith_new_env(lith_st *L, lith_env *parent) { return LITH_CONS(L, parent, L->nil); } void lith_free_env(lith_env *V) { lith_free_value(LITH_CDR(V)); } lith_value *lith_env_get(lith_st *L, lith_env *V, lith_value *name) { lith_env *parent; lith_value *kvs, *kv; parent = V; do { kvs = LITH_CDR(parent); parent = LITH_CAR(parent); while (!LITH_IS_NIL(kvs)) { kv = LITH_CAR(kvs); if (LITH_CAR(kv) == name) return LITH_CDR(kv); kvs = LITH_CDR(kvs); } } while (!LITH_IS_NIL(parent)); L->error = LITH_ERR_UNBOUND; L->error_state.sym = name->value.symbol; return NULL; } void lith_env_set(lith_st *L, lith_env *V, lith_value *name, lith_value *value) { lith_env *parent; lith_value *kvs, *kv; parent = V; do { kvs = LITH_CDR(parent); parent = LITH_CAR(parent); while (!LITH_IS_NIL(kvs)) { kv = LITH_CAR(kvs); if (LITH_CAR(kv) == name) { LITH_CDR(kv) = value; return; } kvs = LITH_CDR(kvs); } } while (!LITH_IS_NIL(parent)); L->error = LITH_ERR_UNBOUND; L->error_state.sym = name->value.symbol; } void lith_env_put(lith_st *L, lith_env *V, lith_value *name, lith_value *value) { lith_value *kvs, *kv; kvs = LITH_CDR(V); while (!LITH_IS_NIL(kvs)) { kv = LITH_CAR(kvs); if (name == LITH_CAR(kv)) { L->error = LITH_ERR_REDEFINE; L->error_state.sym = name->value.symbol; return; } kvs = LITH_CDR(kvs); } kv = LITH_CONS(L, name, value); if (!kv) return; LITH_CDR(V) = LITH_CONS(L, kv, LITH_CDR(V)); } void lith_fill_env(lith_st *L, lith_lib lib) { lith_env *V; lith_value *name; struct lith_lib_fn *fns; V = L->global; for (fns = lib; fns->name; ++fns) { name = lith_get_symbol(L, fns->name); if (!name) return; lith_env_put(L, V, name, lith_make_builtin(L, name, fns->fn, fns->expect, fns->exact)); } } int lith_expect_nargs(lith_st *L, char *name, size_t expect, lith_value *args, int exact) { size_t len; struct lith_error_state *E; E = &L->error_state; len = list_length(args); if (exact ? (len != expect) : (len < expect)) { L->error = LITH_ERR_NARGS; E->name = name; E->nargs.expected = expect; E->nargs.exact = exact; E->nargs.got = len; E->expr = lith_copy_value(L, args); return 0; } else { return 1; } } int lith_expect_type(lith_st *L, char *name, size_t narg, lith_valtype type, lith_value *val) { struct lith_error_state *E; E = &L->error_state; if (LITH_IS(val, type)) return 1; L->error = LITH_ERR_TYPE; E->name = name; E->type.expected = type; E->type.got = val->type; E->type.narg = narg; E->expr = lith_copy_value(L, val); return 0; } lith_value *lith_eval_expr(lith_st *L, lith_env *V, lith_value *expr) { size_t i; lith_value *f, *rest, *sym, *val, *args, *p, *q, *r; if (LITH_IS(expr, LITH_TYPE_SYMBOL)) { return lith_copy_value(L, lith_env_get(L, V, expr)); } else if (!LITH_IS(expr, LITH_TYPE_PAIR)) { return lith_copy_value(L, expr); } else if (!is_proper_list(expr)) { lith_simple_error(L, LITH_ERR_SYNTAX, "atom or proper list expected as expression"); return NULL; } f = LITH_CAR(expr); rest = LITH_CDR(expr); if (LITH_IS(f, LITH_TYPE_SYMBOL)) { if (LITH_SYM_EQ(f, "quote")) { if (!lith_expect_nargs(L, "quote", 1, rest, 1)) return NULL; return lith_copy_value(L, LITH_CAR(rest)); } else if (LITH_SYM_EQ(f, "eval!")) { if (!lith_expect_nargs(L, "eval!", 1, rest, 1)) return NULL; val = lith_eval_expr(L, V, LITH_CAR(rest)); if (!val) return NULL; return lith_eval_expr(L, V, val); } else if (LITH_SYM_EQ(f, "if")) { if (!lith_expect_nargs(L, "if", 3, rest, 1)) return NULL; val = lith_eval_expr(L, V, LITH_CAR(rest)); if (LITH_IS_ERR(L)) return NULL; p = LITH_CDR(rest); return lith_eval_expr(L, V, LITH_CAR(LITH_TO_BOOL(val) ? p : LITH_CDR(p))); } else if (LITH_SYM_EQ(f, "def")) { if (!lith_expect_nargs(L, "def", 2, rest, 1)) return NULL; sym = LITH_CAR(rest); p = LITH_CDR(rest); if (!lith_expect_type(L, "def", 1, LITH_TYPE_SYMBOL, sym)) return NULL; val = lith_eval_expr(L, V, LITH_CAR(p)); if (LITH_IS_CALLABLE(val)) val->value.callable->name = sym; if (!val) return NULL; lith_env_put(L, V, sym, val); return L->nil; } else if (LITH_SYM_EQ(f, "set!")) { if (!lith_expect_nargs(L, "set!", 2, rest, 1)) return NULL; sym = LITH_CAR(rest); val = LITH_CAR(LITH_CDR(rest)); if (!lith_expect_type(L, "set!", 1, LITH_TYPE_SYMBOL, sym)) return NULL; val = lith_eval_expr(L, V, val); if (!val) return NULL; lith_env_set(L, V, sym, val); if (LITH_IS_CALLABLE(val)) val->value.callable->name = sym; return L->nil; } else if (LITH_SYM_EQ(f, "macro")) { if (!lith_expect_nargs(L, "macro", 2, rest, 0)) return NULL; args = LITH_CAR(rest); p = LITH_CDR(rest); if (!lith_expect_type(L, "macro", 1, LITH_TYPE_PAIR, args)) return NULL; sym = LITH_CAR(args); if (!lith_expect_type(L, "macro", 1, LITH_TYPE_SYMBOL, sym)) return NULL; q = LITH_CONS(L, LITH_CDR(args), p); if (!q) return NULL; r = LITH_CONS(L, lith_get_symbol(L, "lambda"), q); if (!r) { lith_free_value(q); return NULL; } val = lith_eval_expr(L, V, r); if (!val) return NULL; val->type = LITH_TYPE_MACRO; val->value.callable->name = sym; lith_env_put(L, V, sym, val); return L->nil; } else if (LITH_SYM_EQ(f, "lambda")) { if (!lith_expect_nargs(L, "{lambda}", 2, rest, 0)) return NULL; args = LITH_CAR(rest); p = LITH_CDR(rest); if (!is_proper_list(p)) { lith_simple_error(L, LITH_ERR_SYNTAX, "body of lambda expression must be proper list"); return NULL; } for (i = 0, q = args; LITH_IS(q, LITH_TYPE_PAIR); q = LITH_CDR(q), i++) { if (!LITH_IS(LITH_CAR(q), LITH_TYPE_SYMBOL)) { lith_simple_error(L, LITH_ERR_SYNTAX, "arguments in lambda expression must be symbols"); return NULL; } } if (!LITH_IS_NIL(q) && !LITH_IS(q, LITH_TYPE_SYMBOL)) { lith_simple_error(L, LITH_ERR_SYNTAX, "arguments in lambda expression must be symbols"); return NULL; } return lith_make_closure(L, V, NULL, args, p, i, LITH_IS_NIL(q)); } } f = lith_eval_expr(L, V, f); if (!f) return NULL; args = lith_copy_value(L, rest); if (!args) return NULL; if (LITH_IS(f, LITH_TYPE_MACRO)) { val = lith_apply(L, f, args); if (!val) return NULL; return lith_eval_expr(L, V, val); } if (!LITH_IS_NIL(args)) { rest = args; val = lith_eval_expr(L, V, LITH_CAR(rest)); if (!val) return NULL; args = LITH_CONS(L, val, L->nil); if (!args) { lith_free_value(val); return NULL; } rest = LITH_CDR(rest); for (p = args; !LITH_IS_NIL(rest); p = LITH_CDR(p), rest = LITH_CDR(rest)) { val = lith_eval_expr(L, V, LITH_CAR(rest)); if (!val) { lith_free_value(args); return NULL; } q = LITH_CONS(L, val, L->nil); if (!q) { lith_free_value(args); lith_free_value(val); return NULL; } LITH_CDR(p) = q; } } return lith_apply(L, f, args); } lith_value *lith_apply(lith_st *L, lith_value *f, lith_value *args) { lith_env *env; lith_value *expected_args, *body, *r; lith_callable *fn; if (!LITH_IS_CALLABLE(f)) { lith_simple_error(L, LITH_ERR_TYPE, "can not call non-callable"); L->error_state.name = "{apply}"; return NULL; } fn = f->value.callable; if (!lith_expect_nargs(L, fn->name ? fn->name->value.symbol : "{lambda}", fn->expect, args, fn->exact)) return NULL; if (LITH_IS(f, LITH_TYPE_BUILTIN)) return (*fn->function)(L, args); env = lith_new_env(L, fn->parent); body = fn->body; expected_args = fn->args; while (LITH_IS(expected_args, LITH_TYPE_PAIR)) { lith_env_put(L, env, LITH_CAR(expected_args), LITH_CAR(args)); expected_args = LITH_CDR(expected_args); args = LITH_CDR(args); } if (!LITH_IS_NIL(expected_args)) lith_env_put(L, env, expected_args, args); r = NULL; while (!LITH_IS_NIL(body)) { if (r) lith_free_value(r); r = lith_eval_expr(L, env, LITH_CAR(body)); body = LITH_CDR(body); } return r; } void lith_run_string(lith_st *L, lith_env *V, char *input, int repl) { char *end; lith_value *expr, *res; end = input; L->filename = repl ? "<>" : "<>"; while (!LITH_IS_ERR(L)) { if ((expr = lith_read_expr(L, end, &end))) { if (!repl) { printf(">> "); lith_print_value(L, expr, stdout); putchar('\n'); } if ((res = lith_eval_expr(L, V, expr))) { printf("-> "); lith_print_value(L, res, stdout); lith_free_value(res); putchar('\n'); } lith_free_value(expr); } } if (LITH_AT_END_NO_ERR(L)) lith_clear_error_state(L); else lith_print_error(L, 1); } void lith_run_file(lith_st *L, lith_env *V, char *filename) { char *contents, *end; lith_value *expr, *result; L->filename = filename; contents = slurp(L, filename); if (!contents) { lith_print_error(L, 1); return; } end = contents; while (!LITH_IS_ERR(L)) { if ((expr = lith_read_expr(L, end, &end))) { if ((result = lith_eval_expr(L, V, expr))) { lith_free_value(result); } else { break; } lith_free_value(expr); } } free(contents); if (LITH_AT_END_NO_ERR(L)) { lith_clear_error_state(L); return; } lith_print_error(L, 1); if (expr) { fprintf(stderr, "error occurred when evaluating the expression:\n\t"); lith_print_value(L, expr, stderr); fputc('\n', stderr); lith_free_value(expr); } }