#import "/template.typ": * #show: A => apply(A) #set raw(lang: "java-new") #assignment(5)[ Write a program to add two numbers by taking input from command line arguments, the `Scanner` class and the `BufferedReader` class. ] #scos("AddTwoNumbers") === Discussion #skind[Classes, interfaces and methods used from Java standard library] - `java.lang.Double` class: - `static double parseDouble(String)`: Try to parse the provided string as a `double` value. - `java.util.Scanner` class: - `double nextDouble()`: Scan a `double` value from the the input stream. - `java.io.BufferedReader` class provides for he efficient reading of characters, arrays, and lines from a character-input stream, buffering characters. - Constructor `BufferedReader(Reader)`: Creates a buffering character-input stream for the provided reader stream. - `String readLine()`: Returns a line of text from the input stream. - `java.io.InputStreamReader` class adapts a byte stream into character stream using a specific character set encoding. - Constructor `InputStreamReader(InputStream)`: Creates a reader stream for characters from the provided input stream with the default character set encoding. - `java.io.IOException` class represents the exception to be thrown when an error occurs while performing an I/O operation. - `java.util.InputMismatchException` is thrown by the methods of `Scanner` class when encountering invalid input. - `java.lang.NumberFormatExeption` is thrown by `parseDouble` method when the provided string does not constitute a valid `double` value. #skind[Classes and methods implemented in the program] - The `Number` class objects represents a `double` value. - Constructor `Number(double)`: Create a number object for the provided value. - `double valueOf()`: Returns the underlying number. - The `ArithmeticOperations` class has methods implementing operations on `Number`s. - `static Number add(Number, Number)`: Adds two `Number`s provided and returns the sum as a `Number`. - `AddTwoNumbers` class contains the operation of adding when the two numbers have been provided and orchestrates the main program with the `main()` method: - `static void process(double, double)`: Performs addition by creating `Number` objects from the two provided `double` values. - `public static void main(String[])`: Implements addition of two numbers by taking input: - From command line arguments, - Utilising `java.util.Scanner`, and - Using `java.io.BufferedReader`. #signature()