#import "/template.typ": * #show: A => apply(A) #set raw(lang: "java-new") #set par(leading: 0.5em) #assignment(15, block: true)[ Write a program to create a class `Parent` having instance variables `id`, `name` and `address`; a class `ChildOne` having instance variables `id`, `name`, `address` and `marks`; another class `ChildTwo` with instance variables `id`, `name`, `address`, `qualification` and `salary`. Design the program using `super` call with proper parameters within each class and define your own method to display values of the member variable and use an object of each class from `main()` to display their properties. ] #scos("ParentWithTwoChildren") === Discussion #skind[Classes, interfaces and methods used from Java standard library] - `java.lang.Object` class: - `Class getClass()`: Returns the `Class` object representing the class of the object. - `java.lang.Class` class: - `String getSimpleName()`: Returns the simple name of the underlying class as a string. #skind[Classes and methods implemented in the program] - `Parent`: Base class with `id`, `name`, and `address`, displaying all information dynamically using the `display` method. - `ChildOne`: Inherits from `Parent`, adds `marks`, and displays them after parent data using the `display` method. - `ChildTwo`: Inherits from `Parent`, adds `qualification` and `salary`, and displays them after parent data using the `display` method. - `Main`: Creates and showcases `Parent`, `ChildOne`, and `ChildTwo` object details using the `main` method. #signature()