#import "/template.typ": * #show: A => apply(A) #set raw(lang: "java-new") #set par(leading: 0.4em) #assignment(10, reduce-gap: true, pad: true)[ Write a program to implement a singleton class. ] #v(-1em) #scos("SingletonExample") === Discussion #skind[Classes and methods implemented in the program] - The `Singleton` class implements the Singleton design pattern to ensure a single instance of the class is created. - `private static Singleton instance`: Private static variable to hold the single instance of the class. - `private Singleton()`: Private constructor to prevent external instantiation and prints a message when the instance is created. - `public static Singleton getInstance()`: Public method to retrieve the singleton instance. If the instance does not exist, it creates one and prints a message. - The `SingletonExample` class contains the main program to demonstrate the Singleton pattern: - `public static void main(String[])`: Creates two instances of `Singleton` using the `getInstance()` method and checks if they refer to the same instance. - If `s1` and `s2` reference the same object, it prints "The singleton instances are identical." #signature()