#import "tpl.typ": * #import "@preview/tablex:0.0.6": tablex, vlinex, hlinex, colspanx #show: body => apply(body) #let semibold(body) = text(weight: 600, body) #text(size: 1.3em, align(center)[#semibold[Practical Assignments] \ _for_ \ #semibold[RDBMS Lab] \ _using_ \ #semibold[MySQL and PHP]]) #set enum(full: true, numbering: (..args) => { let patterns = ("1.", "(a)") let pattern = patterns.at(calc.min(args.pos().len(), patterns.len()) - 1) numbering(pattern, args.pos().last()) }) #set raw(lang: "php") + Create a table `Student` containing the fields `name`, `roll`, `city`, `email` and `date_of_birth`. Then, - Create a form to insert records into this table (and insert at least 5 of them), - Display all of the records, - Display records of those students who were born in between `01/01/2000` to `31/12/2005`, and - Take a valid E-mail address from the user, search for the student with the E-mail address and display the details of the student. + Design a `Login` table to take `username` and `password`, and - Show all records of the `Student` table for an authorized user, whose username and password exists in the `Login` table. - Allow the authenticated users to change their username and password. + Suppose a table `Food_Details` containing the fields `Food_items` and `Price_per_item`. Create another table `Customer_details` containing the fields `customer_name`, `total_amount_paid`, `date_of_payment`. Design a menu to select different food items and input the quantity ordered by customer. Generate a bill containing Customer name, Food items, quantity, and Total price. Also insert the record i.e. customer name, total amount paid and date of payment in `Customer_details` table. Net price should be the total price plus 15% GST of total price. + Suppose a table `Salary` contained the fields `EmpName`, `BasicPay`, `HRA`, `DA` and `Professional_tax`. Record should exists only for `EmpName` and `BasicPay`. Design a HTML form to take input for HRA percentage, DA percentage, and Professional tax. Now write a PHP script to generate the DA, HRA and Professional tax of every employee and store them into Salary table with respect to every employee. Now display the records. + Design a HTML form to take inputs from user and store the records into a table `Employee` using PHP script containing the following fields. #align(center, tablex( columns: 2, auto-lines: false, hlinex(), vlinex(), vlinex(), vlinex(), [*Fields*], [*Form input control*], hlinex(), [`Ename`], [textbox], [`Address`], [textarea], [`Phno`], [textbox], [`Salary`], [textbox], [`Category` \ (out of GEN, SC, ST, OBC)], [radio buttons], [`Language`], [checkbox], hlinex(), )) (Multiple languages have to be concatenate into a string separated by commas and then store into database like `Bengali, English, Hindi`.) + Write a PHP script to display the employee records of the above `Employee` table order by user’s choice field. The field have to be choices through drop down menu containing all fields of the table. + Create a table `Sports` in MySQL database containing the fields `Players`, `TestRuns`, `ODIRuns`, `T20IRuns`. Insert and display the record with total individual runs of every player (like `TestRun + ODIRun + T20IRun`) using PHP. + Display the record of highest run scorer in Test or T20I or ODI according to user’s choice through a drop down menu for the table in Question 13. Drop down menu contains the fields name `TestRuns`, `ODIRuns`, `T20IRuns`. + Design a HTML form to take records from user for the above table `Sports`. Now write PHP script to insert, update and delete records through PHP script. + Design a form to take input from user and store into a table containing the fields `name`, `city`, `phno`, `email`, `password`. Write a PHP script to take input and store into the table such that Phno and mail id of every person must be unique. + Create a MySQL database table `Employee` with fields `ename`, `eid`, `salary`, `dept` and `dob`. Perform all database operations like select, insert, delete and update through PHP. + Create a table `Marks` with the fields `stdname`, `roll`, `CompScMarks`, `PhysicsMarks`, `ChemistryMarks`. Design a form to insert records into database and display records with grade using PHP script. #align(center, tablex( columns: (8em, 4em), auto-lines: false, align: center + horizon, colspanx(2)[$ m = ""$average marks of all subjects.], hlinex(), vlinex(start: 1), vlinex(start: 1), vlinex(start: 1), [*Marks*], [*Grade*], hlinex(), [$80 <= m <= 100$], [A], [$60 <= m < 80$], [B], [$40 <= m < 60$], [C], [$0 <= m < 40$], [D], hlinex(), )) + Create MySQL database table `Dept` with field `dno`, `dname` where `dno` is the primary key. Create another table `Employee` with field `eno`, `ename`, `city`, `salary`, `join_date`, `dno` where `eno` is the primary key and `dno` is a foreign key reference to the `Dept` table. Include other constraints like `NOT NULL`, `CHECK` etc. Perform all database operation like select, insert, update, and delete using PHP. (Query may include `group by`, `having`, `order by`, aggregate functions, `like` operator.)