#import "/tpl.typ": * #show: A => apply(A) #set raw(lang: "php") #set par(leading: 0.725em) #assignment(1)[ Create a table `Student` in a MySQL database containing the fields `name`, `roll`, `city`, `email` and `date_of_birth` and insert some records into this table and display them using PHP. ] #scos(1)[ === Menu page #align(center, image("/output/1/1.png", width: 80%)) === Form page #align(center, image("/output/1/2.png", width: 70%)) #v(4em) === Display record #image("/output/1/3.png", width: 80%) === Display record (2000--2005) #image("/output/1/4.png", width: 80%) === Search record by email ==== Form #align(center, image("/output/1/5.png", width: 50%)) #v(3em) ==== Record found #align(center, image("/output/1/6.png", width: 70%)) ==== Record not found #align(center, image("/output/1/7.png", width: 80%)) ] == Records in `STUDENTS_DB.STUDENT` #table( columns: 5, [*`ROLL`*], [*`NAME`*], [*`CITY`*], [*`EMAIL`*], [*`DATE_OF_BIRTH`*], [`24354946`], [`Hu Shengti`], [`Chengdu`], [`hst@m15342.cn`], [`2001-05-10`], [`35464647`], [`Albert Rechtsburger`], [`Düsseldorf`], [`arb@gmx.de`], [`1999-06-17`], [`76879140`], [`Nora Akagami`], [`Nara`], [`norakiki@mail.co.jp`], [`2002-07-04`], [`78324598`], [`Grzegorz Brzezinski`], [`Łódź`], [`grzbrzski@fastmail.com`], [`1997-07-04`], [`89764243`], [`Park Jihoon`], [`Busan`], [`pjh2346@naver.com`], [`2002-10-01`], [`97381425`], [`Mark Sanders`], [`San Francisco`], [`marksanders@gmail.com`], [`2004-03-24`], )