import sys message = input('Enter message: ') key = None try: key = int(input('Enter key (1-25, -1 - -25): ')) except ValueError: print('Invalid key, must be an integer') sys.exit(1) if key < 0: key += 26 if not (1 <= key <= 25): print('Invalid key, must be an integer with absolute value between 1 and 25, inclusive') sys.exit(2) marr = bytearray(message, 'ascii') for i in range(len(marr)): c = marr[i] if 64 < c < 64 + 27: c = ((c - 65) + key) % 26 + 65 elif 96 < c < 96 + 27: c = ((c - 97) + key) % 26 + 97 marr[i] = c print('Ceesar cipher with k =', key, 'applied to the given message:') print(str(marr, encoding='ascii'))