#include "state.h" #include "cmds.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define LAST stack.val[stack.count-1] #define PREV stack.val[stack.count-2] #define REDUCE stack.val[--stack.count] = 0 stack fceil(stack stack) { LAST = ceil(PREV); return stack; } stack ffloor(stack stack) { LAST = floor(LAST); return stack; } stack flogB(stack stack) { PREV = log2(PREV)/log2(LAST); REDUCE; return stack; } stack fnegate(stack stack) { LAST *= -1; return stack; } stack fpop(stack stack) { REDUCE; return stack; } stack fsqrt(stack stack) { LAST = sqrt(LAST); return stack; } stack finv(stack stack) { LAST = 1/LAST; return stack; } command CMD_LIST[] = { {"p", &fpop, "pop last element", 1}, {"ceil", &fceil, "truncate to the next integer", 1}, {"floor", &ffloor, "truncate to the previous integer", 1}, {"log", &flogB, "calculate logarithm using last element as a base and the previous as the argument", 2}, {"neg", &fnegate, "change last element's sign", 1}, {"sqrt", &fsqrt, "calculate the square root", 1}, {"inv", &finv, "invert last number", 1}, }; int compare(const void *s1, const void *s2) { char *left = *(char **)s1; char *right = *(char **)s2; return strcmp(left, right); } int search(const void *s1, const void *s2) { char *name = *(char **)s1; command c = *(command *)s2; return (strcmp(name, c.name)); } void init_state(state *s) { int numel = sizeof(CMD_LIST)/sizeof(CMD_LIST[0]); qsort(&CMD_LIST, numel, sizeof(CMD_LIST[0]), compare); s->numel = numel; s->sorted = CMD_LIST; } void exec(char *buf, state *s) { command *c = bsearch(&buf, s->sorted, sizeof(CMD_LIST)/sizeof(s->sorted[0]), sizeof(s->sorted[0]), search); if (c == NULL) { fprintf(s->defout, "error: function '%s' not found\n", buf); return; } if (c->required_args > s->stk.count) { fprintf(s->defout,"this function requires %d arguments\n", c->required_args); return; } fprintf(s->defout, "executing function: %s\n", c->name); s->stk = c->exec(s->stk); }