GeoIP-1.6.12p2 find the country where IP address/hostname originates from
acme-client-0.1.16 privilege-separated letsencrypt client
acme-tiny-4.0.4p0v0 small 3rd-party letsencrypt client
alpine-2.21p3 UW e-mail client
angband-4.1.3-no_x11 rogue-like game
asciidoc-8.6.9p1 text document format for writing documents and man pages
aspell- spell checker designed to eventually replace Ispell
autoconf-2.69p2 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
automake-1.16.1 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
autossh-1.4g SSH monitoring
bash-5.0.11 GNU Bourne Again Shell
bison-3.3.2p1 GNU parser generator
brainfuck-2.7.1 Brainfuck interpreter written in C
bzr-2.4.2p1 distributed version control system by Canonical
cairo-1.16.0 vector graphics library
cbindgen-0.9.1p0 C bindings generator from rust code
certbot-1.3.0 client for certificate authorities using ACME protocols
clisp-2.49p4 ANSI Common Lisp implementation
clojure- Lisp-1 dialect for the Java Virtual Machine
cmake-3.15.3v0 portable build system
colorls-6.5 ls(1) that can use color to display file attributes
compcert-3.6 high assurance C compiler
coreutils-8.31p1 file, shell and text manipulation utilities
cowsay-3.04 speaking ascii cow
crystal-0.30.1 statically typed object oriented language
curl-7.66.0 get files from FTP, Gopher, HTTP or HTTPS servers
dash- Debian Almquist shell, POSIX-compliant
desktop-file-utils-0.24p0 utilities for dot.desktop entries
dkimproxy-1.4.1p1 SMTP proxy to verify or add DKIM signatures
dopewars-1.5.12p14-no_x11 game where you deal drugs on the streets of NY
dovecot- compact IMAP/POP3 server
dtach-0.9 tiny program emulating the detach feature of screen
dungeon-2.7sp1 text adventure game
elixir-1.9.1 functional language for building scalable applications
elvish-0.12 cross-platform, friendly, and expressive shell
emacs-26.3-no_x11 GNU editor: extensible, customizable, self-documenting
exa-0.9.0 ls alternative written in Rust
figlet-2.2.5 generates ASCII banner art
fish-3.0.2p1 friendly interactive shell
fossil-2.10v0 simple distributed software configuration management
g++-8.3.0p4 GNU compiler collection: C++ compiler
g95-8.3.0p4 GNU compiler collection: f95 compiler
gcc-8.3.0p4 GNU compiler collection: core C compiler
gcc-libs-8.3.0p4 GNU compiler collection: support libs
gdbm-1.18.1p0 GNU dbm
gdiff-3.7p0 GNU versions of the diff utilities
gettext-runtime-0.20.1p0 GNU gettext runtime libraries and programs
gettext-tools-0.20.1p2 GNU gettext development and translation tools
gforth-0.7.3p3 ANSI/200x Forth interpreter and compiler
ggrep-3.3p1 GNU versions of grep pattern matching utilities
ghc-8.6.4 compiler for the functional language Haskell
git-2.24.2 distributed version control system
glib2-2.60.7p0 general-purpose utility library
gmake-4.2.1p4 GNU make
gnat-8.3.0p4 GNU compiler collection: Ada compiler
gnugetopt-1.1.6p2 GNU getopt(1) utility
gnupg-1.4.23p3 GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
gnupg-2.2.12p0 GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
gnustep-base-1.26.0p0 GNUstep base library
gnutls-3.6.10p0 GNU Transport Layer Security library
go-1.13.1 Go programming language
go-cs-0.9p1 concurrent ssh client
go-ipfs-0.4.22p0 global, versioned, peer-to-peer filesystem
goaccess-1.3p2 realtime console web log analyzer
gobjc-8.3.0p4 GNU compiler collection: obj C compiler
gopher-3.0.11p3 distributed document delivery client
got-0.17 game of trees version control system
gpgme-1.13.1p0 GnuPG Made Easy
gtar-1.32p1 GNU version of the traditional tape archiver
guile-1.8.8p8 GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
hs-HUnit- unit testing framework for Haskell
hs-QuickCheck-2.8.2p2 automatic testing of Haskell programs
hs-ansi-terminal-0.8.2 ANSI terminal package for Haskell
hs-ansi-wl-pprint- ANSI Wadler/Leijen pretty printer
hs-colour-2.3.4 model for human colour/color perception
hs-extensible-exceptions- extensible exceptions for Haskell
hs-hostname-1.0p9 Haskell package for determining the hostname
hs-json-0.9.2p1 JSON library
hs-old-locale- old locale library
hs-old-time- old time library
hs-primitive- primitive memory-related operations
hs-random-1.1p5 random number library
hs-regex-base-0.93.2p14 interface API for regex-posix,pcre,parsec,tdfa,dfa
hs-regex-posix-0.95.2p8 posix regex backend for regex-base
hs-regex-tdfa- tagged DFA regex engine
hs-shellcheck-0.4.7p3 ShellCheck library
hs-syb-0.7p1 Scrap Your Boilerplate library for generic programming
hs-test-framework- framework for running and organising tests
hs-test-framework-hunit- HUnit support for hs-test-framework
hs-test-framework-quickcheck2- QuickCheck2 support for hs-test-framework
hs-tf-random-0.5p5 high-quality splittable PRNG
hs-xml-1.3.7p14 simple XML library
htop-2.2.0p13 interactive process viewer
hugo-0.53p0 fast and flexible static site generator
iftop-1.0pre4p2 display bandwidth usage on an interface
inotify-tools-3.14pl0 programs providing a simple interface to inotify
intel-firmware-20191115v0 microcode update binaries for Intel CPUs
ircII-20190117 Internet Relay Chat client
irssi-1.2.2 modular IRC client with many features
jdk- OpenJDK Software Development Kit v11.0.5+8-1
jed-0.99.19p2-no_x11 text editor
joe-4.6 Joe's Own Editor
jq-1.6p0 lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
kcgi-0.10.11 minimal CGI library for web applications
kona- open source implementation of the K programming language
kore-3.3.1 web application framework for writing scalable web APIs in C
ksql-0.3.5 yet another SQLite wrapper
libassuan-2.5.1p0 IPC library used by GnuPG and gpgme
libexif-0.6.21p2 extract digital camera info tags from JPEG images
libgcrypt-1.8.5 crypto library based on code used in GnuPG
libgdiplus-4.2p4 GDI+ comptible API
libgpg-error-1.36p0 error codes for GnuPG related software
libident-0.32p1 library to interface the ident protocol server (rfc1413)
libksba-1.3.5p2 X.509 library
libpsl-0.20.2p0 public suffix list library
libsecret-0.18.8p0 library for storing and retrieving passwords and secrets
libslang-2.2.4p5 stack-based interpreter for terminal applications
libtool-2.4.2p0 generic shared library support script
libxslt-1.1.33 XSLT C Library for GNOME
links-1.03p0 text browser, displays while downloading
llvm-8.0.1p0 modular, fast C/C++/ObjC compiler, static analyzer and tools
lowdown-0.4.3 simple markdown translator
lua-5.3.5 powerful, light-weight programming language (version 5.3.5)
lumail-0.26p6 console-based e-mail client with Lua scripting support
lynx-2.8.9rel1p0 text web browser
lzlib-1.11 lzip compression library
mercurial-5.0.2 fast, lightweight source control management
mono- cross platform, open source .NET developement framework
moria-5.5.2p5 The Dungeons of Moria
mosh-1.3.2p3 mobile shell
most-5.1.0 browse or page through a text file
mutt-1.12.2v3-gpgme-sasl tty-based e-mail client
nano-4.4 simple editor, inspired by Pico
nasm-2.14.02p1 general-purpose multi-platform x86 assembler
ncdu-1.14.1 ncurses-based du(1)
neomutt-20180716p1-gpgme-sasl tty-based e-mail client, Mutt with patches
neovim-0.3.8 continuation and extension of Vim
nethack-3.6.2-no_x11 dungeon explorin', hackin', game. Piece of cake
ninja-1.9.0 small build system with a focus on speed
nn-6.7.3p5 menu-based Usenet newsreader
node-10.16.3 V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
ocaml-4.09.0 ML language with complete class-based objective system
ocamlbuild-0.14.0p1 ocamlbuild
opam-2.0.5p1 OCaml source-based package manager
opendkim-2.10.3p1 library and milter for DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail)
openradtool-0.7.8 application source generator
openssl-1.0.2t TLS/SSL library and tools
openssl-1.1.1d TLS/SSL library and tools
p11-kit- library for loading and enumerating PKCS#11 modules
p5-BerkeleyDB-0.55p0 Berkeley DB module
p5-GD-2.56p0 module to interface with the GD graphics library
p5-MIME-Base32-1.303 Base32 encoder/decoder
p5-MIME-Charset-1.012.2 charset Informations for MIME
p5-MIME-EncWords-1.014.3 perl module to deal with RFC 2047 encoded words
p5-MIME-Lite-3.030 low-calorie MIME generator
p5-MIME-Lite-HTML-1.24 transform a HTML page in a MIME-Lite mail
p5-MIME-Types-2.17 perl module to manage MIME types
p5-MIME-tools-5.509 modules for parsing (and creating) MIME entities
p5-News-Newsrc-1.11p0 module for managing newsrc files
p7zip-16.02p6 file archiver with high compression ratio
p7zip-rar-16.02p3 rar modules for p7zip
password-store-1.7.3 simple password store
pear-1.10.9 base classes for common PHP tasks
php-7.1.33 server-side HTML-embedded scripting language
php-7.3.16 server-side HTML-embedded scripting language
php-awl-0.59p1 Andrews web libraries for PHP
php-bz2-7.3.16 bzip2 compression extensions for php
php-cgi-7.3.16 php CGI binary
php-curl-7.3.16 curl URL library extensions for php
php-dba-7.3.16 dba GDBM access extensions for php
php-dbg-7.3.16 interactive php debugger
php-gmp-7.3.16 gmp math library support for php
php-imap-7.3.16 imap, pop3 and nntp extensions for php
php-intl-7.3.16 intl library support for php
php-ldap-7.3.16 ldap protocol extensions for php
php-markdown-1.6.0p0 Markdown implementation for PHP
php-mcrypt-7.1.33 mcrypt encryption/decryption extensions for php
php-odbc-7.3.16 odbc database access extensions for php
php-pcntl-7.3.16 PCNTL extensions for php
php-pspell-7.3.16 pspell library extensions for php
php-shmop-7.3.16 shared memory extensions for php
php-snmp-7.3.16 snmp protocol extensions for php
php-soap-7.3.16 SOAP functions for php
php-sqlite3-7.1.33 sqlite3 database access extension for php
php-sqlite3-7.3.16 sqlite3 database access extension for php
php-tidy-7.3.16 tidy HTML cleaner bindings
php-xmlrpc-7.3.16 XML RPC functions for php
php-xsl-7.3.16 XSL functions for php
php-zip-7.3.16 zip functions for php
pico-5.09p20 UW text editor
pigz-2.4p0 parallel implementation of gzip utilizing multiple cores
pinentry-1.1.0p0 PIN or passphrase entry dialog (ncurses interface)
plan9port-20190619p0 Plan 9 from user space
portslist-7.26 full list of pkgpaths in ports
pwgen-2.08 simple password generator
py-acme-1.3.0 ACME protocol implementation
py-future-0.16.0p1 compatibility layer between Python 2 and Python 3
py-futures-3.2.0 futures implementation for Python
py-pip-19.1.1 tool for installing Python packages
py-psutil-5.4.3p0 library to retrieve system information and utilisation
py3-acme-1.3.0 ACME protocol implementation
py3-click-6.7 command line library for Python
py3-click-log-0.3.2 logging integration for Python click
py3-click-plugins-1.0.4 register CLI commands via setuptools entry-points
py3-click-threading-0.4.3 multithreading in Python click
py3-neovim-0.3.2 Python plugin support for Neovim
py3-pip-19.1.1 tool for installing Python packages
py3-psutil-5.4.3p0 library to retrieve system information and utilisation
python-2.7.16p1 interpreted object-oriented programming language
python-3.6.9 interpreted object-oriented programming language
python-3.7.4 interpreted object-oriented programming language
quirks-3.185 exceptions to pkg_add rules
racket-minimal-7.4 multi-paradigm programming language
rakudo-2018.12 Rakudo Perl 6 compiler
ranger-1.9.2p0 minimalistic console file manager
ripgrep-0.10.0 line oriented search tool using Rust's regex library
rlwrap-0.43p0 generic readline wrapper for various programs
ruby-2.6.6 object oriented script language with threads
rust-1.38.0 compiler for Rust Language
rust-clippy-1.38.0 Rust linter
rust-doc-1.33.0 html documentation for rustc
rust-gdb-1.38.0 Rust debugger through gdb
rust-rustfmt-1.38.0 Rust code formatter
s-nail-14.9.15 SysV mail/BSD Mail/POSIX mailx: send and receive mail
scala-2.12.9 general purpose multi-paradigm programming language
scheme48-1.9.2 Scheme Underground's implementation of R5RS
screen-4.8.0 multi-screen window manager
shellcheck-0.4.7p1 shell script analysis tool
sic-1.2p1 simple irc client
sl-5.02p1 Steam Locomotive
slrn-1.0.2p2 SLang-based newsreader
sqlite3-3.29.0 embedded SQL implementation
starlanes-1.2.2 classic space-age stock trading game
stow-2.3.1 manages software package installations with symlinks
stunnel-5.44p2 SSL encryption wrapper for standard network daemons
subversion-1.12.2 subversion revision control system
tarsnap-1.0.39 client for the tarsnap.com online encrypted backup service
tarsnapper-0.4.0p0 tarsnap wrapper which automatically expires backups
tcsh-6.20.00p1 extended C-shell with many useful features
tidy-5.7.24v0 correct and clean up HTML and XML
tin-2.4.3p0 threaded NNTP- and spool-based UseNet newsreader
tintin-2.01.7 client program for playing muds with advanced features
tinyfugue-4.0s1p5 programmable MUD client, with macro support and more
tinyscheme-1.41 lightweight Scheme implementation with subset of R5RS
trn-4.0.77p2 threaded newsreader
ttyrec-1.0.8p3 tty recorder
universal-ctags-0.20180928-iconv multilanguage reimplementation of the Unix ctags utility
unrar-5.71v2 extract, list, and test RAR archives
unzip-6.0p13 extract, list & test files in a ZIP archive
uucp-1.07p4 UUCP suite
uucpd-1.0 UUCP inetd program
vf1-0.0.11 command line gopher client
vim-8.1.2061-no_x11-perl-python3-ruby vi clone, many additional features
vnu-18.11.5p1 HTML5 validator
wget-1.20.3p1 retrieve files from the web via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP
yasm-1.3.0p1 complete rewrite of the NASM assembler
youtube-dl-2019.03.01 CLI program to download videos from YouTube and other sites
ytalk-3.1.1p4-no_x11 enhanced talk that allows for multiple parties
zangband-2.6.2p6-no_x11 Zangband (Zelazny Angband) with color, X11 support
zsh-5.7.1 Z shell, Bourne shell-compatible