:: Informational API for tilde.institute :: This allows one to query information and stats via HTTP requests. GET and HEAD methods are allowed. All others will receive a 405 response. Responses will be cached for a short period of time (5m?). Subsequent queries in that time frame will be served from the cache. Not finished. Currently planning: / - Information on endpoints and purpose /[plain|json] - Response formats /$FMT/osversion - OpenBSD version /$FMT/pkgs - Installed packages /$FMT/query ?pkg=[a-zA-Z0-9+] - Check if a package is installed. /$FMT/uptime - Uptime and Load /$FMT/usercount - Number of registered user accounts /$FMT/users - List of users (maybe CSV for plaintext?) and ancillary information Probably going to add more endpoints.