Welcome to tilde.institute! This is an OpenBSD machine whose purpose is to provide a space in the tildeverse for experimentation with and education of the OpenBSD operating system. A variety of editors, shells, and compilers are installed to allow for development in a native OpenBSD environment. OpenBSD's httpd(8) is configured with slowcgi(8) as the fastcgi provider and sqlite3 is available. This allows users to experiment with web development using compiled CGI in C (or any statically-linked binary), aka the BCHS Stack. In addition to php7.3, this provides an environment where the development of complex, responsive web apps is possible.

User sites are accessible via https://<user>.tilde.institute

A list of user gopher sites are available at gopher://tilde.institute

Mailing list now available for tilde.institute! Web archive and subscribing information available here. The mailing list will be the primary means of communication between tilde.institute and users regarding announcements and critical issues.

The list of compilers available are as follows:

We also provide non-HTTP access to various interpreted languages:

Your interactive shell can be changed with the chsh command. The shells available:

The IRC clients available by default are:

Feel free to contact the admins via admins@tilde.institute or on IRC in #institute if you need another package installed, or if you would like your homepage's index changed from index.html to something else (index.cgi, index.php, etc). We can also provide access to MariaDB by request.

News & Updates

2019 July 30

The server migration happened over the weekend, and there were very few issues resulting from the migration. Success!

2019 July 04

We'll be moving to a much larger and more powerful server soon! Currently building it. We're hoping to have everything ready for next week.

2019 June 06

Wow, we've hit 150 users! Also, we'll be upgrading to OpenBSD 6.5 on Monday evening around 10:00 PM US Eastern Time, or 2:00 AM UTC (Tuesday).

2019 March 14

Welcome to the team, Kneezle!