#!/usr/bin/php setHelp( 'Outputs a list of wanted pages (pages that do not exist yet) and their origin pages ' . ' (the pages that are linkin to these missing pages).' ); $options->registerArgument( 'namespace', 'The namespace to lookup. Defaults to root namespace', false ); $options->registerOption( 'sort', 'Sort by wanted or origin page', 's', '(wanted|origin)' ); $options->registerOption( 'skip', 'Do not show the second dimension', 'k' ); } /** * Your main program * * Arguments and options have been parsed when this is run * * @param Options $options * @return void */ protected function main(Options $options) { $args = $options->getArgs(); if($args) { $startdir = dirname(wikiFN($args[0] . ':xxx')); } else { $startdir = dirname(wikiFN('xxx')); } $this->skip = $options->getOpt('skip'); $this->sort = $options->getOpt('sort'); $this->info("searching $startdir"); foreach($this->get_pages($startdir) as $page) { $this->internal_links($page); } ksort($this->result); foreach($this->result as $main => $subs) { if($this->skip) { print "$main\n"; } else { $subs = array_unique($subs); sort($subs); foreach($subs as $sub) { printf("%-40s %s\n", $main, $sub); } } } } /** * Determine directions of the search loop * * @param string $entry * @param string $basepath * @return int */ protected function dir_filter($entry, $basepath) { if($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { return WantedPagesCLI::DIR_CONTINUE; } if(is_dir($basepath . '/' . $entry)) { if(strpos($entry, '_') === 0) { return WantedPagesCLI::DIR_CONTINUE; } return WantedPagesCLI::DIR_NS; } if(preg_match('/\.txt$/', $entry)) { return WantedPagesCLI::DIR_PAGE; } return WantedPagesCLI::DIR_CONTINUE; } /** * Collects recursively the pages in a namespace * * @param string $dir * @return array * @throws DokuCLI_Exception */ protected function get_pages($dir) { static $trunclen = null; if(!$trunclen) { global $conf; $trunclen = strlen($conf['datadir'] . ':'); } if(!is_dir($dir)) { throw new DokuCLI_Exception("Unable to read directory $dir"); } $pages = array(); $dh = opendir($dir); while(false !== ($entry = readdir($dh))) { $status = $this->dir_filter($entry, $dir); if($status == WantedPagesCLI::DIR_CONTINUE) { continue; } else if($status == WantedPagesCLI::DIR_NS) { $pages = array_merge($pages, $this->get_pages($dir . '/' . $entry)); } else { $page = array( 'id' => pathID(substr($dir . '/' . $entry, $trunclen)), 'file' => $dir . '/' . $entry, ); $pages[] = $page; } } closedir($dh); return $pages; } /** * Parse instructions and add the non-existing links to the result array * * @param array $page array with page id and file path */ function internal_links($page) { global $conf; $instructions = p_get_instructions(file_get_contents($page['file'])); $cns = getNS($page['id']); $exists = false; $pid = $page['id']; foreach($instructions as $ins) { if($ins[0] == 'internallink' || ($conf['camelcase'] && $ins[0] == 'camelcaselink')) { $mid = $ins[1][0]; resolve_pageid($cns, $mid, $exists); if(!$exists) { list($mid) = explode('#', $mid); //record pages without hashes if($this->sort == 'origin') { $this->result[$pid][] = $mid; } else { $this->result[$mid][] = $pid; } } } } } } // Main $cli = new WantedPagesCLI(); $cli->run();