*/ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die('meh.'); /** * Generic handling of caching */ class cache { public $key = ''; // primary identifier for this item public $ext = ''; // file ext for cache data, secondary identifier for this item public $cache = ''; // cache file name public $depends = array(); // array containing cache dependency information, // used by _useCache to determine cache validity public $_event = ''; // event to be triggered during useCache public $_time; public $_nocache = false; // if set to true, cache will not be used or stored /** * @param string $key primary identifier * @param string $ext file extension */ public function __construct($key,$ext) { $this->key = $key; $this->ext = $ext; $this->cache = getCacheName($key,$ext); } /** * public method to determine whether the cache can be used * * to assist in centralisation of event triggering and calculation of cache statistics, * don't override this function override _useCache() * * @param array $depends array of cache dependencies, support dependecies: * 'age' => max age of the cache in seconds * 'files' => cache must be younger than mtime of each file * (nb. dependency passes if file doesn't exist) * * @return bool true if cache can be used, false otherwise */ public function useCache($depends=array()) { $this->depends = $depends; $this->_addDependencies(); if ($this->_event) { return $this->_stats(trigger_event($this->_event, $this, array($this,'_useCache'))); } else { return $this->_stats($this->_useCache()); } } /** * private method containing cache use decision logic * * this function processes the following keys in the depends array * purge - force a purge on any non empty value * age - expire cache if older than age (seconds) * files - expire cache if any file in this array was updated more recently than the cache * * Note that this function needs to be public as it is used as callback for the event handler * * can be overridden * * @return bool see useCache() */ public function _useCache() { if ($this->_nocache) return false; // caching turned off if (!empty($this->depends['purge'])) return false; // purge requested? if (!($this->_time = @filemtime($this->cache))) return false; // cache exists? // cache too old? if (!empty($this->depends['age']) && ((time() - $this->_time) > $this->depends['age'])) return false; if (!empty($this->depends['files'])) { foreach ($this->depends['files'] as $file) { if ($this->_time <= @filemtime($file)) return false; // cache older than files it depends on? } } return true; } /** * add dependencies to the depends array * * this method should only add dependencies, * it should not remove any existing dependencies and * it should only overwrite a dependency when the new value is more stringent than the old */ protected function _addDependencies() { global $INPUT; if ($INPUT->has('purge')) $this->depends['purge'] = true; // purge requested } /** * retrieve the cached data * * @param bool $clean true to clean line endings, false to leave line endings alone * @return string cache contents */ public function retrieveCache($clean=true) { return io_readFile($this->cache, $clean); } /** * cache $data * * @param string $data the data to be cached * @return bool true on success, false otherwise */ public function storeCache($data) { if ($this->_nocache) return false; return io_savefile($this->cache, $data); } /** * remove any cached data associated with this cache instance */ public function removeCache() { @unlink($this->cache); } /** * Record cache hits statistics. * (Only when debugging allowed, to reduce overhead.) * * @param bool $success result of this cache use attempt * @return bool pass-thru $success value */ protected function _stats($success) { global $conf; static $stats = null; static $file; if (!$conf['allowdebug']) { return $success; } if (is_null($stats)) { $file = $conf['cachedir'].'/cache_stats.txt'; $lines = explode("\n",io_readFile($file)); foreach ($lines as $line) { $i = strpos($line,','); $stats[substr($line,0,$i)] = $line; } } if (isset($stats[$this->ext])) { list($ext,$count,$hits) = explode(',',$stats[$this->ext]); } else { $ext = $this->ext; $count = 0; $hits = 0; } $count++; if ($success) $hits++; $stats[$this->ext] = "$ext,$count,$hits"; io_saveFile($file,join("\n",$stats)); return $success; } } /** * Parser caching */ class cache_parser extends cache { public $file = ''; // source file for cache public $mode = ''; // input mode (represents the processing the input file will undergo) public $page = ''; public $_event = 'PARSER_CACHE_USE'; /** * * @param string $id page id * @param string $file source file for cache * @param string $mode input mode */ public function __construct($id, $file, $mode) { if ($id) $this->page = $id; $this->file = $file; $this->mode = $mode; parent::__construct($file.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'],'.'.$mode); } /** * method contains cache use decision logic * * @return bool see useCache() */ public function _useCache() { if (!file_exists($this->file)) return false; // source exists? return parent::_useCache(); } protected function _addDependencies() { // parser cache file dependencies ... $files = array($this->file, // ... source DOKU_INC.'inc/parser/parser.php', // ... parser DOKU_INC.'inc/parser/handler.php', // ... handler ); $files = array_merge($files, getConfigFiles('main')); // ... wiki settings $this->depends['files'] = !empty($this->depends['files']) ? array_merge($files, $this->depends['files']) : $files; parent::_addDependencies(); } } /** * Caching of data of renderer */ class cache_renderer extends cache_parser { /** * method contains cache use decision logic * * @return bool see useCache() */ public function _useCache() { global $conf; if (!parent::_useCache()) return false; if (!isset($this->page)) { return true; } if ($this->_time < @filemtime(metaFN($this->page,'.meta'))) return false; // meta cache older than file it depends on? // check current link existence is consistent with cache version // first check the purgefile // - if the cache is more recent than the purgefile we know no links can have been updated if ($this->_time >= @filemtime($conf['cachedir'].'/purgefile')) { return true; } // for wiki pages, check metadata dependencies $metadata = p_get_metadata($this->page); if (!isset($metadata['relation']['references']) || empty($metadata['relation']['references'])) { return true; } foreach ($metadata['relation']['references'] as $id => $exists) { if ($exists != page_exists($id,'',false)) return false; } return true; } protected function _addDependencies() { global $conf; // default renderer cache file 'age' is dependent on 'cachetime' setting, two special values: // -1 : do not cache (should not be overridden) // 0 : cache never expires (can be overridden) - no need to set depends['age'] if ($conf['cachetime'] == -1) { $this->_nocache = true; return; } elseif ($conf['cachetime'] > 0) { $this->depends['age'] = isset($this->depends['age']) ? min($this->depends['age'],$conf['cachetime']) : $conf['cachetime']; } // renderer cache file dependencies ... $files = array( DOKU_INC.'inc/parser/'.$this->mode.'.php', // ... the renderer ); // page implies metadata and possibly some other dependencies if (isset($this->page)) { $valid = p_get_metadata($this->page, 'date valid'); // for xhtml this will render the metadata if needed if (!empty($valid['age'])) { $this->depends['age'] = isset($this->depends['age']) ? min($this->depends['age'],$valid['age']) : $valid['age']; } } $this->depends['files'] = !empty($this->depends['files']) ? array_merge($files, $this->depends['files']) : $files; parent::_addDependencies(); } } /** * Caching of parser instructions */ class cache_instructions extends cache_parser { /** * @param string $id page id * @param string $file source file for cache */ public function __construct($id, $file) { parent::__construct($id, $file, 'i'); } /** * retrieve the cached data * * @param bool $clean true to clean line endings, false to leave line endings alone * @return array cache contents */ public function retrieveCache($clean=true) { $contents = io_readFile($this->cache, false); return !empty($contents) ? unserialize($contents) : array(); } /** * cache $instructions * * @param array $instructions the instruction to be cached * @return bool true on success, false otherwise */ public function storeCache($instructions) { if ($this->_nocache) return false; return io_savefile($this->cache,serialize($instructions)); } }