* @author Chris Smith * @author Matthias Grimm * @author Jan Schumann */ class auth_plugin_authmysql extends DokuWiki_Auth_Plugin { /** @var resource holds the database connection */ protected $dbcon = 0; /** @var int database version*/ protected $dbver = 0; /** @var int database revision */ protected $dbrev = 0; /** @var int database subrevision */ protected $dbsub = 0; /** @var array cache to avoid re-reading user info data */ protected $cacheUserInfo = array(); /** * Constructor * * checks if the mysql interface is available, otherwise it will * set the variable $success of the basis class to false * * @author Matthias Grimm */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); if(!function_exists('mysql_connect')) { $this->_debug("MySQL err: PHP MySQL extension not found.", -1, __LINE__, __FILE__); $this->success = false; return; } // set capabilities based upon config strings set if(!$this->getConf('server') || !$this->getConf('user') || !$this->getConf('database')) { $this->_debug("MySQL err: insufficient configuration.", -1, __LINE__, __FILE__); $this->success = false; return; } $this->cando['addUser'] = $this->_chkcnf( array( 'getUserInfo', 'getGroups', 'addUser', 'getUserID', 'getGroupID', 'addGroup', 'addUserGroup' ), true ); $this->cando['delUser'] = $this->_chkcnf( array( 'getUserID', 'delUser', 'delUserRefs' ), true ); $this->cando['modLogin'] = $this->_chkcnf( array( 'getUserID', 'updateUser', 'UpdateTarget' ), true ); $this->cando['modPass'] = $this->cando['modLogin']; $this->cando['modName'] = $this->cando['modLogin']; $this->cando['modMail'] = $this->cando['modLogin']; $this->cando['modGroups'] = $this->_chkcnf( array( 'getUserID', 'getGroups', 'getGroupID', 'addGroup', 'addUserGroup', 'delGroup', 'getGroupID', 'delUserGroup' ), true ); /* getGroups is not yet supported $this->cando['getGroups'] = $this->_chkcnf(array('getGroups', 'getGroupID'),false); */ $this->cando['getUsers'] = $this->_chkcnf( array( 'getUsers', 'getUserInfo', 'getGroups' ), false ); $this->cando['getUserCount'] = $this->_chkcnf(array('getUsers'), false); if($this->getConf('debug') >= 2) { $candoDebug = ''; foreach($this->cando as $cd => $value) { if($value) { $value = 'yes'; } else { $value = 'no'; } $candoDebug .= $cd . ": " . $value . " | "; } $this->_debug("authmysql cando: " . $candoDebug, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } /** * Check if the given config strings are set * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string[] $keys * @param bool $wop is this a check for a write operation? * @return bool */ protected function _chkcnf($keys, $wop = false) { foreach($keys as $key) { if(!$this->getConf($key)) return false; } /* write operation and lock array filled with tables names? */ if($wop && (!is_array($this->getConf('TablesToLock')) || !count($this->getConf('TablesToLock'))) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Checks if the given user exists and the given plaintext password * is correct. Furtheron it might be checked wether the user is * member of the right group * * Depending on which SQL string is defined in the config, password * checking is done here (getpass) or by the database (passcheck) * * @param string $user user who would like access * @param string $pass user's clear text password to check * @return bool * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Matthias Grimm */ public function checkPass($user, $pass) { global $conf; $rc = false; if($this->_openDB()) { $sql = str_replace('%{user}', $this->_escape($user), $this->getConf('checkPass')); $sql = str_replace('%{pass}', $this->_escape($pass), $sql); $sql = str_replace('%{dgroup}', $this->_escape($conf['defaultgroup']), $sql); $result = $this->_queryDB($sql); if($result !== false && count($result) == 1) { if($this->getConf('forwardClearPass') == 1) { $rc = true; } else { $rc = auth_verifyPassword($pass, $result[0]['pass']); } } $this->_closeDB(); } return $rc; } /** * Return user info * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string $user user login to get data for * @param bool $requireGroups when true, group membership information should be included in the returned array; * when false, it maybe included, but is not required by the caller * @return array|bool */ public function getUserData($user, $requireGroups=true) { if($this->_cacheExists($user, $requireGroups)) { return $this->cacheUserInfo[$user]; } if($this->_openDB()) { $this->_lockTables("READ"); $info = $this->_getUserInfo($user, $requireGroups); $this->_unlockTables(); $this->_closeDB(); } else { $info = false; } return $info; } /** * Create a new User. Returns false if the user already exists, * null when an error occurred and true if everything went well. * * The new user will be added to the default group by this * function if grps are not specified (default behaviour). * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Chris Smith * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string $user nick of the user * @param string $pwd clear text password * @param string $name full name of the user * @param string $mail email address * @param array $grps array of groups the user should become member of * @return bool|null */ public function createUser($user, $pwd, $name, $mail, $grps = null) { global $conf; if($this->_openDB()) { if(($info = $this->_getUserInfo($user)) !== false) { msg($this->getLang('userexists'), -1); return false; // user already exists } // set defaultgroup if no groups were given if($grps == null) { $grps = array($conf['defaultgroup']); } $this->_lockTables("WRITE"); $pwd = $this->getConf('forwardClearPass') ? $pwd : auth_cryptPassword($pwd); $rc = $this->_addUser($user, $pwd, $name, $mail, $grps); $this->_unlockTables(); $this->_closeDB(); if(!$rc) { msg($this->getLang('writefail')); return null; } return true; } else { msg($this->getLang('connectfail'), -1); } return null; // return error } /** * Modify user data * * An existing user dataset will be modified. Changes are given in an array. * * The dataset update will be rejected if the user name should be changed * to an already existing one. * * The password must be provided unencrypted. Pasword encryption is done * automatically if configured. * * If one or more groups can't be updated, an error will be set. In * this case the dataset might already be changed and we can't rollback * the changes. Transactions would be really useful here. * * modifyUser() may be called without SQL statements defined that are * needed to change group membership (for example if only the user profile * should be modified). In this case we assure that we don't touch groups * even when $changes['grps'] is set by mistake. * * @author Chris Smith * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string $user nick of the user to be changed * @param array $changes array of field/value pairs to be changed (password will be clear text) * @return bool true on success, false on error */ public function modifyUser($user, $changes) { $rc = false; if(!is_array($changes) || !count($changes)) { return true; // nothing to change } if($this->_openDB()) { $this->_lockTables("WRITE"); $rc = $this->_updateUserInfo($user, $changes); if(!$rc) { msg($this->getLang('usernotexists'), -1); } elseif(isset($changes['grps']) && $this->cando['modGroups']) { $groups = $this->_getGroups($user); $grpadd = array_diff($changes['grps'], $groups); $grpdel = array_diff($groups, $changes['grps']); foreach($grpadd as $group) { if(($this->_addUserToGroup($user, $group, true)) == false) { $rc = false; } } foreach($grpdel as $group) { if(($this->_delUserFromGroup($user, $group)) == false) { $rc = false; } } if(!$rc) msg($this->getLang('writefail')); } $this->_unlockTables(); $this->_closeDB(); } else { msg($this->getLang('connectfail'), -1); } return $rc; } /** * [public function] * * Remove one or more users from the list of registered users * * @param array $users array of users to be deleted * @return int the number of users deleted * * @author Christopher Smith * @author Matthias Grimm */ function deleteUsers($users) { $count = 0; if($this->_openDB()) { if(is_array($users) && count($users)) { $this->_lockTables("WRITE"); foreach($users as $user) { if($this->_delUser($user)) { $count++; } } $this->_unlockTables(); } $this->_closeDB(); } else { msg($this->getLang('connectfail'), -1); } return $count; } /** * Counts users which meet certain $filter criteria. * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param array $filter filter criteria in item/pattern pairs * @return int count of found users */ public function getUserCount($filter = array()) { $rc = 0; if($this->_openDB()) { $sql = $this->_createSQLFilter($this->getConf('getUsers'), $filter); if($this->dbver >= 4) { $sql = substr($sql, 6); /* remove 'SELECT' or 'select' */ $sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS".$sql." LIMIT 1"; $this->_queryDB($sql); $result = $this->_queryDB("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()"); $rc = $result[0]['FOUND_ROWS()']; } else if(($result = $this->_queryDB($sql))) $rc = count($result); $this->_closeDB(); } return $rc; } /** * Bulk retrieval of user data * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param int $first index of first user to be returned * @param int $limit max number of users to be returned * @param array $filter array of field/pattern pairs * @return array userinfo (refer getUserData for internal userinfo details) */ public function retrieveUsers($first = 0, $limit = 0, $filter = array()) { $out = array(); if($this->_openDB()) { $this->_lockTables("READ"); $sql = $this->_createSQLFilter($this->getConf('getUsers'), $filter); $sql .= " ".$this->getConf('SortOrder'); if($limit) { $sql .= " LIMIT $first, $limit"; } elseif($first) { $sql .= " LIMIT $first"; } $result = $this->_queryDB($sql); if(!empty($result)) { foreach($result as $user) { if(($info = $this->_getUserInfo($user['user']))) { $out[$user['user']] = $info; } } } $this->_unlockTables(); $this->_closeDB(); } return $out; } /** * Give user membership of a group * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string $user * @param string $group * @return bool true on success, false on error */ protected function joinGroup($user, $group) { $rc = false; if($this->_openDB()) { $this->_lockTables("WRITE"); $rc = $this->_addUserToGroup($user, $group); $this->_unlockTables(); $this->_closeDB(); } return $rc; } /** * Remove user from a group * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string $user user that leaves a group * @param string $group group to leave * @return bool */ protected function leaveGroup($user, $group) { $rc = false; if($this->_openDB()) { $this->_lockTables("WRITE"); $rc = $this->_delUserFromGroup($user, $group); $this->_unlockTables(); $this->_closeDB(); } return $rc; } /** * MySQL is case-insensitive */ public function isCaseSensitive() { return false; } /** * Adds a user to a group. * * If $force is set to true non existing groups would be created. * * The database connection must already be established. Otherwise * this function does nothing and returns 'false'. It is strongly * recommended to call this function only after all participating * tables (group and usergroup) have been locked. * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string $user user to add to a group * @param string $group name of the group * @param bool $force create missing groups * @return bool true on success, false on error */ protected function _addUserToGroup($user, $group, $force = false) { $newgroup = 0; if(($this->dbcon) && ($user)) { $gid = $this->_getGroupID($group); if(!$gid) { if($force) { // create missing groups $sql = str_replace('%{group}', $this->_escape($group), $this->getConf('addGroup')); $gid = $this->_modifyDB($sql); $newgroup = 1; // group newly created } if(!$gid) return false; // group didn't exist and can't be created } $sql = $this->getConf('addUserGroup'); if(strpos($sql, '%{uid}') !== false) { $uid = $this->_getUserID($user); $sql = str_replace('%{uid}', $this->_escape($uid), $sql); } $sql = str_replace('%{user}', $this->_escape($user), $sql); $sql = str_replace('%{gid}', $this->_escape($gid), $sql); $sql = str_replace('%{group}', $this->_escape($group), $sql); if($this->_modifyDB($sql) !== false) { $this->_flushUserInfoCache($user); return true; } if($newgroup) { // remove previously created group on error $sql = str_replace('%{gid}', $this->_escape($gid), $this->getConf('delGroup')); $sql = str_replace('%{group}', $this->_escape($group), $sql); $this->_modifyDB($sql); } } return false; } /** * Remove user from a group * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string $user user that leaves a group * @param string $group group to leave * @return bool true on success, false on error */ protected function _delUserFromGroup($user, $group) { $rc = false; if(($this->dbcon) && ($user)) { $sql = $this->getConf('delUserGroup'); if(strpos($sql, '%{uid}') !== false) { $uid = $this->_getUserID($user); $sql = str_replace('%{uid}', $this->_escape($uid), $sql); } $gid = $this->_getGroupID($group); if($gid) { $sql = str_replace('%{user}', $this->_escape($user), $sql); $sql = str_replace('%{gid}', $this->_escape($gid), $sql); $sql = str_replace('%{group}', $this->_escape($group), $sql); $rc = $this->_modifyDB($sql) == 0 ? true : false; if ($rc) { $this->_flushUserInfoCache($user); } } } return $rc; } /** * Retrieves a list of groups the user is a member off. * * The database connection must already be established * for this function to work. Otherwise it will return * false. * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string $user user whose groups should be listed * @return bool|array false on error, all groups on success */ protected function _getGroups($user) { $groups = array(); if($this->dbcon) { $sql = str_replace('%{user}', $this->_escape($user), $this->getConf('getGroups')); $result = $this->_queryDB($sql); if($result !== false && count($result)) { foreach($result as $row) { $groups[] = $row['group']; } } return $groups; } return false; } /** * Retrieves the user id of a given user name * * The database connection must already be established * for this function to work. Otherwise it will return * false. * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string $user user whose id is desired * @return mixed user id */ protected function _getUserID($user) { if($this->dbcon) { $sql = str_replace('%{user}', $this->_escape($user), $this->getConf('getUserID')); $result = $this->_queryDB($sql); return $result === false ? false : $result[0]['id']; } return false; } /** * Adds a new User to the database. * * The database connection must already be established * for this function to work. Otherwise it will return * false. * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Chris Smith * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string $user login of the user * @param string $pwd encrypted password * @param string $name full name of the user * @param string $mail email address * @param array $grps array of groups the user should become member of * @return bool */ protected function _addUser($user, $pwd, $name, $mail, $grps) { if($this->dbcon && is_array($grps)) { $sql = str_replace('%{user}', $this->_escape($user), $this->getConf('addUser')); $sql = str_replace('%{pass}', $this->_escape($pwd), $sql); $sql = str_replace('%{name}', $this->_escape($name), $sql); $sql = str_replace('%{email}', $this->_escape($mail), $sql); $uid = $this->_modifyDB($sql); $gid = false; $group = ''; if($uid) { foreach($grps as $group) { $gid = $this->_addUserToGroup($user, $group, true); if($gid === false) break; } if($gid !== false){ $this->_flushUserInfoCache($user); return true; } else { /* remove the new user and all group relations if a group can't * be assigned. Newly created groups will remain in the database * and won't be removed. This might create orphaned groups but * is not a big issue so we ignore this problem here. */ $this->_delUser($user); $this->_debug("MySQL err: Adding user '$user' to group '$group' failed.", -1, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } } return false; } /** * Deletes a given user and all his group references. * * The database connection must already be established * for this function to work. Otherwise it will return * false. * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string $user username of the user to be deleted * @return bool */ protected function _delUser($user) { if($this->dbcon) { $uid = $this->_getUserID($user); if($uid) { $sql = str_replace('%{uid}', $this->_escape($uid), $this->getConf('delUserRefs')); $this->_modifyDB($sql); $sql = str_replace('%{uid}', $this->_escape($uid), $this->getConf('delUser')); $sql = str_replace('%{user}', $this->_escape($user), $sql); $this->_modifyDB($sql); $this->_flushUserInfoCache($user); return true; } } return false; } /** * Flush cached user information * * @author Christopher Smith * * @param string $user username of the user whose data is to be removed from the cache * if null, empty the whole cache */ protected function _flushUserInfoCache($user=null) { if (is_null($user)) { $this->cacheUserInfo = array(); } else { unset($this->cacheUserInfo[$user]); } } /** * Quick lookup to see if a user's information has been cached * * This test does not need a database connection or read lock * * @author Christopher Smith * * @param string $user username to be looked up in the cache * @param bool $requireGroups true, if cached info should include group memberships * * @return bool existence of required user information in the cache */ protected function _cacheExists($user, $requireGroups=true) { if (isset($this->cacheUserInfo[$user])) { if (!is_array($this->cacheUserInfo[$user])) { return true; // user doesn't exist } if (!$requireGroups || isset($this->cacheUserInfo[$user]['grps'])) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get a user's information * * The database connection must already be established for this function to work. * * @author Christopher Smith * * @param string $user username of the user whose information is being reterieved * @param bool $requireGroups true if group memberships should be included * @param bool $useCache true if ok to return cached data & to cache returned data * * @return mixed false|array false if the user doesn't exist * array containing user information if user does exist */ protected function _getUserInfo($user, $requireGroups=true, $useCache=true) { $info = null; if ($useCache && isset($this->cacheUserInfo[$user])) { $info = $this->cacheUserInfo[$user]; } if (is_null($info)) { $info = $this->_retrieveUserInfo($user); } if (($requireGroups == true) && $info && !isset($info['grps'])) { $info['grps'] = $this->_getGroups($user); } if ($useCache) { $this->cacheUserInfo[$user] = $info; } return $info; } /** * retrieveUserInfo * * Gets the data for a specific user. The database connection * must already be established for this function to work. * Otherwise it will return 'false'. * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string $user user's nick to get data for * @return false|array false on error, user info on success */ protected function _retrieveUserInfo($user) { $sql = str_replace('%{user}', $this->_escape($user), $this->getConf('getUserInfo')); $result = $this->_queryDB($sql); if($result !== false && count($result)) { $info = $result[0]; return $info; } return false; } /** * Updates the user info in the database * * Update a user data structure in the database according changes * given in an array. The user name can only be changes if it didn't * exists already. If the new user name exists the update procedure * will be aborted. The database keeps unchanged. * * The database connection has already to be established for this * function to work. Otherwise it will return 'false'. * * The password will be encrypted if necessary. * * @param string $user user's nick being updated * @param array $changes array of items to change as pairs of item and value * @return bool true on success or false on error * * @author Matthias Grimm */ protected function _updateUserInfo($user, $changes) { $sql = $this->getConf('updateUser')." "; $cnt = 0; $err = 0; if($this->dbcon) { $uid = $this->_getUserID($user); if ($uid === false) { return false; } foreach($changes as $item => $value) { if($item == 'user') { if(($this->_getUserID($changes['user']))) { $err = 1; /* new username already exists */ break; /* abort update */ } if($cnt++ > 0) $sql .= ", "; $sql .= str_replace('%{user}', $value, $this->getConf('UpdateLogin')); } else if($item == 'name') { if($cnt++ > 0) $sql .= ", "; $sql .= str_replace('%{name}', $value, $this->getConf('UpdateName')); } else if($item == 'pass') { if(!$this->getConf('forwardClearPass')) $value = auth_cryptPassword($value); if($cnt++ > 0) $sql .= ", "; $sql .= str_replace('%{pass}', $value, $this->getConf('UpdatePass')); } else if($item == 'mail') { if($cnt++ > 0) $sql .= ", "; $sql .= str_replace('%{email}', $value, $this->getConf('UpdateEmail')); } } if($err == 0) { if($cnt > 0) { $sql .= " ".str_replace('%{uid}', $uid, $this->getConf('UpdateTarget')); if(get_class($this) == 'auth_mysql') $sql .= " LIMIT 1"; //some PgSQL inheritance comp. $this->_modifyDB($sql); $this->_flushUserInfoCache($user); } return true; } } return false; } /** * Retrieves the group id of a given group name * * The database connection must already be established * for this function to work. Otherwise it will return * false. * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string $group group name which id is desired * @return false|string group id */ protected function _getGroupID($group) { if($this->dbcon) { $sql = str_replace('%{group}', $this->_escape($group), $this->getConf('getGroupID')); $result = $this->_queryDB($sql); return $result === false ? false : $result[0]['id']; } return false; } /** * Opens a connection to a database and saves the handle for further * usage in the object. The successful call to this functions is * essential for most functions in this object. * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @return bool */ protected function _openDB() { if(!$this->dbcon) { $con = @mysql_connect($this->getConf('server'), $this->getConf('user'), conf_decodeString($this->getConf('password'))); if($con) { if((mysql_select_db($this->getConf('database'), $con))) { if((preg_match('/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+).*/', mysql_get_server_info($con), $result)) == 1) { $this->dbver = $result[1]; $this->dbrev = $result[2]; $this->dbsub = $result[3]; } $this->dbcon = $con; if($this->getConf('charset')) { mysql_query('SET CHARACTER SET "'.$this->getConf('charset').'"', $con); } return true; // connection and database successfully opened } else { mysql_close($con); $this->_debug("MySQL err: No access to database {$this->getConf('database')}.", -1, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } else { $this->_debug( "MySQL err: Connection to {$this->getConf('user')}@{$this->getConf('server')} not possible.", -1, __LINE__, __FILE__ ); } return false; // connection failed } return true; // connection already open } /** * Closes a database connection. * * @author Matthias Grimm */ protected function _closeDB() { if($this->dbcon) { mysql_close($this->dbcon); $this->dbcon = 0; } } /** * Sends a SQL query to the database and transforms the result into * an associative array. * * This function is only able to handle queries that returns a * table such as SELECT. * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string $query SQL string that contains the query * @return array|false with the result table */ protected function _queryDB($query) { if($this->getConf('debug') >= 2) { msg('MySQL query: '.hsc($query), 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } $resultarray = array(); if($this->dbcon) { $result = @mysql_query($query, $this->dbcon); if($result) { while(($t = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) !== false) $resultarray[] = $t; mysql_free_result($result); return $resultarray; } $this->_debug('MySQL err: '.mysql_error($this->dbcon), -1, __LINE__, __FILE__); } return false; } /** * Sends a SQL query to the database * * This function is only able to handle queries that returns * either nothing or an id value such as INPUT, DELETE, UPDATE, etc. * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string $query SQL string that contains the query * @return int|bool insert id or 0, false on error */ protected function _modifyDB($query) { if($this->getConf('debug') >= 2) { msg('MySQL query: '.hsc($query), 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } if($this->dbcon) { $result = @mysql_query($query, $this->dbcon); if($result) { $rc = mysql_insert_id($this->dbcon); //give back ID on insert if($rc !== false) return $rc; } $this->_debug('MySQL err: '.mysql_error($this->dbcon), -1, __LINE__, __FILE__); } return false; } /** * Locked a list of tables for exclusive access so that modifications * to the database can't be disturbed by other threads. The list * could be set with $conf['plugin']['authmysql']['TablesToLock'] = array() * * If aliases for tables are used in SQL statements, also this aliases * must be locked. For eg. you use a table 'user' and the alias 'u' in * some sql queries, the array must looks like this (order is important): * array("user", "user AS u"); * * MySQL V3 is not able to handle transactions with COMMIT/ROLLBACK * so that this functionality is simulated by this function. Nevertheless * it is not as powerful as transactions, it is a good compromise in safty. * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string $mode could be 'READ' or 'WRITE' * @return bool */ protected function _lockTables($mode) { if($this->dbcon) { $ttl = $this->getConf('TablesToLock'); if(is_array($ttl) && !empty($ttl)) { if($mode == "READ" || $mode == "WRITE") { $sql = "LOCK TABLES "; $cnt = 0; foreach($ttl as $table) { if($cnt++ != 0) $sql .= ", "; $sql .= "$table $mode"; } $this->_modifyDB($sql); return true; } } } return false; } /** * Unlock locked tables. All existing locks of this thread will be * abrogated. * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @return bool */ protected function _unlockTables() { if($this->dbcon) { $this->_modifyDB("UNLOCK TABLES"); return true; } return false; } /** * Transforms the filter settings in an filter string for a SQL database * The database connection must already be established, otherwise the * original SQL string without filter criteria will be returned. * * @author Matthias Grimm * * @param string $sql SQL string to which the $filter criteria should be added * @param array $filter array of filter criteria as pairs of item and pattern * @return string SQL string with attached $filter criteria on success, original SQL string on error */ protected function _createSQLFilter($sql, $filter) { $SQLfilter = ""; $cnt = 0; if($this->dbcon) { foreach($filter as $item => $pattern) { $tmp = '%'.$this->_escape($pattern).'%'; if($item == 'user') { if($cnt++ > 0) $SQLfilter .= " AND "; $SQLfilter .= str_replace('%{user}', $tmp, $this->getConf('FilterLogin')); } else if($item == 'name') { if($cnt++ > 0) $SQLfilter .= " AND "; $SQLfilter .= str_replace('%{name}', $tmp, $this->getConf('FilterName')); } else if($item == 'mail') { if($cnt++ > 0) $SQLfilter .= " AND "; $SQLfilter .= str_replace('%{email}', $tmp, $this->getConf('FilterEmail')); } else if($item == 'grps') { if($cnt++ > 0) $SQLfilter .= " AND "; $SQLfilter .= str_replace('%{group}', $tmp, $this->getConf('FilterGroup')); } } // we have to check SQLfilter here and must not use $cnt because if // any of cnf['Filter????'] is not defined, a malformed SQL string // would be generated. if(strlen($SQLfilter)) { $glue = strpos(strtolower($sql), "where") ? " AND " : " WHERE "; $sql = $sql.$glue.$SQLfilter; } } return $sql; } /** * Escape a string for insertion into the database * * @author Andreas Gohr * * @param string $string The string to escape * @param boolean $like Escape wildcard chars as well? * @return string */ protected function _escape($string, $like = false) { if($this->dbcon) { $string = mysql_real_escape_string($string, $this->dbcon); } else { $string = addslashes($string); } if($like) { $string = addcslashes($string, '%_'); } return $string; } /** * Wrapper around msg() but outputs only when debug is enabled * * @param string $message * @param int $err * @param int $line * @param string $file * @return void */ protected function _debug($message, $err, $line, $file) { if(!$this->getConf('debug')) return; msg($message, $err, $line, $file); } }