# User git Repositories There's now an instance of [cgit](https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit) available for all users to enjoy. Unlike the previous git repo hosting platform I used, this does not require an additional signup. It's available directly from your home directory. Tagged versions are automatically bundled into `.tar.gz` archives and listed on the summary page. All repos can be viewed at [https://git.tilde.institute](https://git.tilde.institute) ## Creating the directory New users will not have to do this step. A `~/public_repos` file will exist in your home directory. If you were a user before this was set up (2020 May 1), you will need to create a symlink in your home directory pointing into location in the httpd chroot where cgit will scan for your repos. There should be a directory corresponding to your username at the following location: ``` /var/www/cgit_repos/ ``` Issue this command to create the symlink: ``` ln -s /var/www/cgit_repos/$USER ~/public_repos ``` ## Adding a repository Once `~/public_repos` exists, `cd` into it and create a directory for your repo: ``` mkdir foo.git ``` Change into *that* directory and initialize a bare repo: ``` cd foo.git; git init --bare ``` Now that the bare repo has been created, edit the file called `config` and append the following section: ``` [gitweb] owner = user_name description = My awesome repo! ``` If you prefer, you can skip the `description` field above and just write out the text description of your repo into a file called `description`: ``` echo "My awesome repo!" > description ``` If both exist, the field in `config` will be favored by cgit. ## Setting up the remote Navigate to your repository on your home computer, and add the following remote, replacing `` with your username at tilde.institute, and `` with the repo name: ``` git remote add tilde.institute @tilde.institute:public_repos/ ``` Now it's time to push to the repo you set up on tilde.institute: ``` git push -u tilde.institute master ``` ## Checking the repo on [git.tilde.institute](git.tilde.institute) Your repo should now be available at `https://git.tilde.institute//`, without the `.git` extension on the repo's directory. If something's wrong, double-check everything, and then jump into `#institute` on IRC. ## What about pull requests? These don't exist. I suggest directing people to use [git send-email](https://git-send-email.io) for patches. ## Namespacing projects cgit will use the directory structure to namespace projects, if you want to group related repositories. For example, say you have a project called `widget`, which comprises the two repos `libwidget` and `widget-cli`. One way to present this here would be to use the following directory structure in `~/public_repos` ``` ~/public_repos/widget ~/public_repos/widget/libwidget.git ~/public_repos/widget/widget-cli.git ``` This will then show up in cgit as: ``` $USER widget/libwidget widget/widget-cli ``` When setting up the remote in your local copy of the repo, you would use this for the `libwidget` example: ``` git remote add tilde.institute @tilde.institute:public_repos/widget/libwidget ``` ## Misc You can link to just your own repos via `https://git.tilde.institute/` ## Caveats It's not currently set up to parse markdown, so a plaintext README will work best. [back](/)