# dotfiles hello, and welcome! this is the place that i store my dotfiles. i have * zsh/starship configuration * hand-picked fontconfig fonts * neovim! * different user-dirs and some cool default apps ## cloning this repo i manage my dotfiles using a bare git repository. here's a quick rundown on how to get this dotfiles for yourself: ```sh alias cfg="git --git-dir=$HOME/.local/share/dotfiles-repo/ --work-tree=$HOME" git clone --bare https://git.vern.cc/vitorg/dots "$HOME/.local/share/dotfiles-repo" cfg checkout ``` if you find an issue while performing the last command, you'll probably have a list of files you already have in your ~. if that's the case, then move/delete them and try again and finally: ```sh cfg config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no ``` _this is mostly for my personal use tho lol_