from discord.ext.commands import GroupCog, Bot from discord.app_commands import command, describe from discord import Interaction, Embed from httpx import AsyncClient from textwrap import dedent from urllib.parse import urlencode from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Tag from tabulate import tabulate class Search(GroupCog, name="search"): def __init__(self, bot: Bot) -> None: = bot super().__init__() @command(description="Do a tossup in solo mode (only you can control the tossup)") @describe(first_name="The first name of the player you are trying to find", last_name="The last name of the player you are trying to find") async def player(self, ctx: Interaction, first_name: str, last_name: str): c = AsyncClient() req = await c.get(f'{first_name}&last_name={last_name}') data = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'lxml') results = data.find('section', attrs={'id': 'results'}) if results.table is not None: # multiple results return await ctx.response.send_message("There are more than one of you and im too lazy to do the logic for this") if results.p.get('class') is not None: return await ctx.response.send_message('Person with this name not found in NAQT database') link_to_person = results.p.a.get('href') assert isinstance(link_to_person, str) person_req = await c.get(f'{link_to_person}') person = BeautifulSoup(person_req.text, 'lxml') tbl = person.find('section', attrs={'id': 'results'}).table headers = [e.text for e in'th')] print(headers) data = [] elem: Tag for elem in tbl.tbody.find_all('tr'): temp = [] z: Tag for z in elem.find_all(['th', 'td']): temp.append(z.text) print(temp) data.append(temp) tbl = tabulate(data, headers, showindex=False) affil = person.find('section', attrs={'id': 'affiliations'}).p.text # await ctx.response.send_message(f"```\n{tbl}\n```") await ctx.response.send_message(dedent(f"""## Stats for {person.h1.text} ### Affiliations {affil} ### Tournament Results ``` {tbl} ``` Key: TUH=Tossups Heard, P=Powers, T=Tossups (10 pts), I=Interrupts, P%=Power Percentage, PP20TUH=Pts per 20 Tossups Heard""")) await c.aclose() async def setup(bot: Bot) -> None: await bot.add_cog(Search(bot))