tradukojTradukoj de Taegon Bel'orionTaegon Bel'orion <>3 months site filesadmins <> administration scriptsadmins <>10 months
wikiwiki pages from https://wiki.tilde.instituteadmins <>
rangermirror of ranger - a simple, vim-like file managerakspecs <>22 months
split-albumsplit songs from an album or playlist contained in one file into their own filesakspecs <>2 years
aercmirror of ~rjarry's aerc fork - a pretty good email clientakspecs <>2 years
www-2website, take 2anastasie <>
eureka-marksFFXIV Eureka levelling target helperanastasie <>
www-institutesource for anastasie.tilde.instituteanastasie <>
hellooh hi there, again!aob <>4 years
hia quick hiaob <>4 years
fooThis is only a test!aob <>4 years
portable-promptportable shell prompt (busybox ash, mksh/pdksh, ksh93/2020, zsh, bash3/4/5)balou <>19 months
tnt-searchA search script for the TNTVillage backup!birabittoh <>10 months
my-docker-composeMy docker-compose.yml filesbirabittoh <>9 months
AdventOfCode/AdventOfCode2018solutions for Advent of Code 2018brinoleum <>
AdventOfCode/AdventOfCode2022solutions for Advent of Code 2022brinoleum <>
AdventOfCode/AdventOfCode2021my solutions for Advent of Code 2021brinoleum <>2 years
toy_projects/sarcasticizerA fun way to make sure everyone knows you're trying to be sarcasticbrinoleum <>3 years
bythewaya bot that tells everyone you use linux btwbrinoleum <>
AdventOfCode/AdventOfCode2015solutions for 2015brinoleum <>
toy_projects/like-finderwhen tf did i like this song on spotify???brinoleum <>
AdventOfCode/AdventOfCode2017solutions for 2017brinoleum <>
AdventOfCode/AdventOfCode2016solutions for 2016brinoleum
AdventOfCode/AdventOfCode2023solutions for
acme3kthe editor for the rest of us, but better (again)bubstance <>5 months
ytcppa small test with CPP, yt-dlp, and invidious.iocomradecrow <>
wwwMy awesome repo for my awesome website!crystal <>11 days
forgfile organizerdacav <>4 years
profani-ttyProfanity fork with TTY improvementsdanisanti <>
lspLisp playgrounddbane <>13 months
fooMy awesome repo!digitalmensch <>
dotfilesMy dotfilesdjm <>2 weeks
wikia little wiki of sortselioat <>
emacsfine...I'll track my emacs configelioat <>
hard-wayif I make a repo for it, maybe I will actually work my way through the whole boo...elioat <>
tourtouring some programming systemselioat <>7 days
playa place to exploreelioat <>
december-2023December Adventure for 2023elioat <>
december-2022code a little bit every day in decemberelioat <>
cfgensa's configuration filesensa <>9 months
todoa todo list manager in shensa <>17 months
g9srvUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.fulton <>3 years
apiAPI for querying information from tilde.institutegbmor <>4 years
instistatstilde.json generator for tilde.institutegbmor <>4 years
clinteCommunity notes board for shared UNIX systemsgbmor <>4 years
getwtxttwtxt registry written in Gogbmor <>3 years
goofbotsmall IRC bot for #institutegbmor <>4 years
transfeedGenerate atom feeds for websites and other stuff without syndication support.grafoo <>3 years