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path: root/view.c
blob: 5c651480329193524d2e03d9d8b8952e372a0231 (plain) (tree)
346bdea pre { line-height: 125%; }
td.linenos .normal { color: inherit; background-color: transparent; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; }
span.linenos { color: inherit; background-color: transparent; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; }
td.linenos .special { color: #000000; background-color: #ffffc0; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; }
span.linenos.special { color: #000000; background-color: #ffffc0; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; }
.highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc }
.highlight .c { color: #888888 } /* Comment */
.highlight .err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2 } /* Error */
.highlight .k { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */
.highlight .ch { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Hashbang */
.highlight .cm { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Multiline */
.highlight .cp { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold } /* Comment.Preproc */
.highlight .cpf { color: #888888 } /* Comment.PreprocFile */
.highlight .c1 { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Single */
.highlight .cs { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Comment.Special */
.highlight .gd { color: #000000; background-color: #ffdddd } /* Generic.Deleted */
.highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */
.highlight .ges { font-weight: bold; font-style: italic } /* Generic.EmphStrong */
.highlight .gr { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Error */
.highlight .gh { color: #333333 } /* Generic.Heading */
.highlight .gi { color: #000000; background-color: #ddffdd } /* Generic.Inserted */
.highlight .go { color: #888888 } /* Generic.Output */
.highlight .gp { color: #555555 } /* Generic.Prompt */
.highlight .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */
.highlight .gu { color: #666666 } /* Generic.Subheading */
.highlight .gt { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Traceback */
.highlight .kc { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */
.highlight .kd { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */
.highlight .kn { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */
.highlight .kp { color: #008800 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */
.highlight .kr { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */
.highlight .kt { color: #888888; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */
.highlight .m { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number */
.highlight .s { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String */
.highlight .na { color: #336699 } /* Name.Attribute */
.highlight .nb { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin */
.highlight .nc { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */
.highlight .no { color: #003366; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Constant */
.highlight .nd { color: #555555 } /* Name.Decorator */
.highlight .ne { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */
.highlight .nf { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function */
.highlight .nl { color: #336699; font-style: italic } /* Name.Label */
.highlight .nn { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */
.highlight .py { color: #336699; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Property */
.highlight .nt { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */
.highlight .nv { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable */
.highlight .ow { color: #008800 } /* Operator.Word */
.highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */
.highlight .mb { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Bin */
.highlight .mf { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Float */
.highlight .mh { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Hex */
.highlight .mi { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer */
.highlight .mo { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Oct */
.highlight .sa { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Affix */
.highlight .sb { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */
.highlight .sc { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Char */
.highlight .dl { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */
.highlight .sd { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Doc */
.highlight .s2 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Double */
.highlight .se { color: #0044dd; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Escape */
.highlight .sh { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */
.highlight .si { color: #3333bb; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */
.highlight .sx { color: #22bb22; background-color: #f0fff0 } /* Literal.String.Other */
.highlight .sr { color: #008800; background-color: #fff0ff } /* Literal.String.Regex */
.highlight .s1 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Single */
.highlight .ss { color: #aa6600; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */
.highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
.highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */
.highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */
.highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */
.highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
.highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */
.highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
import std/deques
import std/net
import std/options
import std/os
import std/osproc
import std/selectors
import std/streams
import std/tables
import std/unicode

when defined(posix):
  import std/posix

import bindings/libregexp
import config/config
import config/mailcap
import io/posixstream
import io/promise
import io/serialize
import io/socketstream
import io/stdio
import io/tempfile
import io/urlfilter
import js/error
import js/javascript
import js/jstypes
import js/regex
import js/tojs
import loader/connecterror
import loader/headers
import loader/loader
import loader/request
import local/container
import local/lineedit
import local/select
import local/term
import server/buffer
import server/forkserver
import types/cell
import types/color
import types/cookie
import types/opt
import types/url
import types/winattrs
import utils/strwidth
import utils/twtstr

import chagashi/charset

  LineMode* = enum
    lmLocation = "URL: "
    lmUsername = "Username: "
    lmPassword = "Password: "
    lmCommand = "COMMAND: "
    lmBuffer = "(BUFFER) "
    lmSearchF = "/"
    lmSearchB = "?"
    lmISearchF = "/"
    lmISearchB = "?"
    lmGotoLine = "Goto line: "
    lmDownload = "(Download)Save file to: "

  # fdin is the original fd; fdout may be the same, or different if mailcap
  # is used.
  ProcMapItem = object
    container*: Container
    fdin*: FileHandle
    fdout*: FileHandle
    istreamOutputId*: int
    ostreamOutputId*: int

  PagerAlertState = enum
    pasNormal, pasAlertOn, pasLoadInfo

  ContainerConnectionState = enum
    ccsBeforeResult, ccsBeforeStatus, ccsBeforeHeaders

  ConnectingContainerItem = ref object
    state: ContainerConnectionState
    container: Container
    stream*: SocketStream
    res: int
    outputId: int
    status: uint16

  LineData = ref object of RootObj

  LineDataDownload = ref object of LineData
    outputId: int
    stream: Stream

  LineDataAuth = ref object of LineData
    url: URL
    username: string

  Pager* = ref object
    alertState: PagerAlertState
    alerts*: seq[string]
    askcharpromise*: Promise[string]
    askcursor: int
    askpromise*: Promise[bool]
    askprompt: string
    commandMode {.jsget.}: bool
    config*: Config
    connectingContainers*: seq[ConnectingContainerItem]
    container*: Container
    cookiejars: Table[string, CookieJar]
    devRandom: PosixStream
    display: FixedGrid
    forkserver*: ForkServer
    hasload*: bool # has a page been successfully loaded since startup?
    inputBuffer*: string # currently uninterpreted characters
    iregex: Result[Regex, string]
    isearchpromise: EmptyPromise
    lineData: LineData
    lineedit*: Option[LineEdit]
    linehist: array[LineMode, LineHistory]
    linemode: LineMode
    loader*: FileLoader
    notnum*: bool # has a non-numeric character been input already?
    numload*: int # number of pages currently being loaded
    precnum*: int32 # current number prefix (when vi-numeric-prefix is true)
    procmap*: seq[ProcMapItem]
    redraw: bool
    regex: Opt[Regex]
    reverseSearch: bool
    scommand*: string
    selector*: Selector[int]
    statusgrid*: FixedGrid
    term*: Terminal
    unreg*: seq[Container]


template attrs(pager: Pager): WindowAttributes =

func loaderPid(pager: Pager): int64 {.jsfget.} =

func getRoot(container: Container): Container =
  var c = container
  while c.parent != nil: c = c.parent
  return c

# depth-first descendant iterator
iterator descendants(parent: Container): Container {.inline.} =
  var stack = newSeqOfCap[Container](parent.children.len)
  for i in countdown
/* (C)opyright MMVI Anselm R. Garbe <garbeam at gmail dot com>
 * See LICENSE file for license details.
#include "dwm.h"

/* static */

static Client *
nexttiled(Client *c) {
	for(c = getnext(c); c && c->isfloat; c = getnext(c->next));
	return c;

static void
togglemax(Client *c) {
	XEvent ev;

	if((c->ismax = !c->ismax)) {
		c->rx = c->x; c->x = wax;
		c->ry = c->y; c->y = way;
		c->rw = c->w; c->w = waw - 2 * BORDERPX;
		c->rh = c->h; c->h = wah - 2 * BORDERPX;
	else {
		c->x = c->rx;
		c->y = c->ry;
		c->w = c->rw;
		c->h = c->rh;
	resize(c, True, TopLeft);
	while(XCheckMaskEvent(dpy, EnterWindowMask, &ev));

/* extern */

void (*arrange)(void) = DEFMODE;

detach(Client *c) {
		c->prev->next = c->next;
		c->next->prev = c->prev;
	if(c == clients)
		clients = c->next;
	c->next = c->prev = NULL;

dofloat(void) {
	Client *c;

	for(c = clients; c; c = c->next) {
		if(isvisible(c)) {
			resize(c, True, TopLeft);
	if(!sel || !isvisible(sel)) {
		for(c = stack; c && !isvisible(c); c = c->snext);

dotile(void) {
	unsigned int i, n, mpx, stackw, th;
	Client *c;

	for(n = 0, c = nexttiled(clients); c; c = nexttiled(c->next))
	mpx = (waw * master) / 1000;
	stackw = waw - mpx;

	for(i = 0, c = clients; c; c = c->next)
		if(isvisible(c)) {
			if(c->isfloat) {
				resize(c, True, TopLeft);
			c->ismax = False;
			c->x = wax;
			c->y = way;
			if(n == 1) { /* only 1 window */
				c->w = waw - 2 * BORDERPX;
				c->h = wah - 2 * BORDERPX;
			else if(i == 0) { /* master window */
				c->w = mpx - 2 * BORDERPX;
				c->h = wah - 2 * BORDERPX;
				th = wah / (n - 1);
			else {  /* tile window */
				c->x += mpx;
				c->w = stackw - 2 * BORDERPX;
				if(th > bh) {
					c->y = way + (i - 1) * th;
					c->h = th - 2 * BORDERPX;
				else /* fallback if th < bh */
					c->h = wah - 2 * BORDERPX;
			resize(c, False, TopLeft);

	if(!sel || !isvisible(sel)) {
		for(c = stack; c && !isvisible(c); c = c->snext);

focusnext(Arg *arg) {
	Client *c;
	if(!(c = getnext(sel->next)))
		c = getnext(clients);
	if(c) {

focusprev(Arg *arg) {
	Client *c;

	if(!(c = getprev(sel->prev))) {
		for(c = clients; c && c->next; c = c->next);
		c = getprev(c);
	if(c) {

isvisible(Client *c) {
	unsigned int i;

	for(i = 0; i < ntags; i++)
		if(c->tags[i] && seltag[i])
			return True;
	return False;

resizemaster(Arg *arg) {
	if(arg->i == 0)
		master = MASTER;
	else {
		if(master + arg->i > 950 || master + arg->i < 50)
		master += arg->i;

restack(void) {
	Client *c;
	XEvent ev;

	if(!sel) {
	if(sel->isfloat || arrange == dofloat) {
		XRaiseWindow(dpy, sel->win);
		XRaiseWindow(dpy, sel->twin);
	if(arrange != dofloat) {
		if(!sel->isfloat) {
			XLowerWindow(dpy, sel->twin);
			XLowerWindow(dpy, sel->win);
		for(c = nexttiled(clients); c; c = nexttiled(c->next)) {
			if(c == sel)
			XLowerWindow(dpy, c->twin);
			XLowerWindow(dpy, c->win);
	XSync(dpy, False);
	while(XCheckMaskEvent(dpy, EnterWindowMask, &ev));

togglefloat(Arg *arg) {
	if (!sel)
	sel->isfloat = !sel->isfloat;

togglemode(Arg *arg) {
	arrange = (arrange == dofloat) ? dotile : dofloat;

toggleview(Arg *arg) {
	unsigned int i;

	seltag[arg->i] = !seltag[arg->i];
	for(i = 0; i < ntags && !seltag[i]; i++);
	if(i == ntags)
		seltag[arg->i] = True; /* cannot toggle last view */

view(Arg *arg) {
	unsigned int i;

	for(i = 0; i < ntags; i++)
		seltag[i] = False;
	seltag[arg->i] = True;

viewall(Arg *arg) {
	unsigned int i;

	for(i = 0; i < ntags; i++)
		seltag[i] = True;

zoom(Arg *arg) {
	unsigned int n;
	Client *c;

	if(sel->isfloat || (arrange == dofloat)) {
	for(n = 0, c = clients; c; c = c->next)
		if(isvisible(c) && !c->isfloat)
	if(n < 2 || (arrange == dofloat))
	if((c = sel) == nexttiled(clients))
		if(!(c = nexttiled(c->next)))
		clients->prev = c;
	c->next = clients;
	clients = c;
"n">i].str = "" pager.statusgrid[i].format = def inc i # Note: should only be called directly after user interaction. proc refreshStatusMsg*(pager: Pager) = let container = pager.container if container == nil: return if pager.askpromise != nil: return if pager.precnum != 0: pager.writeStatusMessage($pager.precnum & pager.inputBuffer) elif pager.inputBuffer != "": pager.writeStatusMessage(pager.inputBuffer) elif pager.alerts.len > 0: pager.alertState = pasAlertOn pager.writeStatusMessage(pager.alerts[0]) pager.alerts.delete(0) else: var format = Format(flags: {ffReverse}) pager.alertState = pasNormal container.clearHover() var msg = $(container.cursory + 1) & "/" & $container.numLines & " (" & $container.atPercentOf() & "%)" let mw = pager.writeStatusMessage(msg, format) let title = " <" & container.getTitle() & ">" let hover = container.getHoverText() if hover.len == 0: pager.writeStatusMessage(title, format, mw) else: let hover2 = " " & hover let maxwidth = pager.statusgrid.width - hover2.width() - mw let tw = pager.writeStatusMessage(title, format, mw, maxwidth, '>') pager.writeStatusMessage(hover2, format, tw) # Call refreshStatusMsg if no alert is being displayed on the screen. # Alerts take precedence over load info, but load info is preserved when no # pending alerts exist. proc showAlerts*(pager: Pager) = if (pager.alertState == pasNormal or pager.alertState == pasLoadInfo and pager.alerts.len > 0) and pager.inputBuffer == "" and pager.precnum == 0: pager.refreshStatusMsg() proc drawBuffer*(pager: Pager, container: Container, ostream: Stream) = var format = Format() container.readLines(proc(line: SimpleFlexibleLine) = if line.formats.len == 0: ostream.write(line.str & "\n") else: var x = 0 var w = 0 var i = 0 var s = "" for f in line.formats: let si = i while x < f.pos: var r: Rune fastRuneAt(line.str, i, r) x += r.width() let outstr = line.str.substr(si, i - 1) s &= pager.term.processOutputString(outstr, w) s &= pager.term.processFormat(format, f.format) if i < line.str.len: s &= pager.term.processOutputString(line.str.substr(i), w) s &= pager.term.processFormat(format, Format()) & "\n" ostream.write(s)) ostream.flush() proc redraw(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} = pager.redraw = true pager.term.clearCanvas() proc draw*(pager: Pager) = let container = pager.container pager.term.hideCursor() if container != nil: if pager.redraw: pager.refreshDisplay() pager.term.writeGrid(pager.display) if container.select.open and container.select.redraw: container.select.drawSelect(pager.display) pager.term.writeGrid(pager.display) if pager.askpromise != nil or pager.askcharpromise != nil: discard elif pager.lineedit.isSome: if pager.lineedit.get.invalid: let x = pager.lineedit.get.generateOutput() pager.term.writeGrid(x, 0, pager.attrs.height - 1) else: pager.term.writeGrid(pager.statusgrid, 0, pager.attrs.height - 1) pager.term.outputGrid() if pager.askpromise != nil: pager.term.setCursor(pager.askcursor, pager.attrs.height - 1) elif pager.lineedit.isSome: pager.term.setCursor(pager.lineedit.get.getCursorX(), pager.attrs.height - 1) elif container != nil: if container.select.open: pager.term.setCursor(container.select.getCursorX(), container.select.getCursorY()) else: pager.term.setCursor(pager.container.acursorx, pager.container.acursory) pager.term.showCursor() pager.term.flush() pager.redraw = false proc writeAskPrompt(pager: Pager, s = "") = let maxwidth = pager.statusgrid.width - s.len let i = pager.writeStatusMessage(pager.askprompt, maxwidth = maxwidth) pager.askcursor = pager.writeStatusMessage(s, start = i) pager.term.writeGrid(pager.statusgrid, 0, pager.attrs.height - 1) proc ask(pager: Pager, prompt: string): Promise[bool] {.jsfunc.} = pager.askprompt = prompt pager.writeAskPrompt(" (y/n)") pager.askpromise = Promise[bool]() return pager.askpromise proc askChar(pager: Pager, prompt: string): Promise[string] {.jsfunc.} = pager.askprompt = prompt pager.writeAskPrompt() pager.askcharpromise = Promise[string]() return pager.askcharpromise proc fulfillAsk*(pager: Pager, y: bool) = pager.askpromise.resolve(y) pager.askpromise = nil pager.askprompt = "" proc fulfillCharAsk*(pager: Pager, s: string) = pager.askcharpromise.resolve(s) pager.askcharpromise = nil pager.askprompt = "" proc addContainer*(pager: Pager, container: Container) = container.parent = pager.container if pager.container != nil: pager.container.children.insert(container, 0) pager.setContainer(container) proc onSetLoadInfo(pager: Pager; container: Container) = if pager.alertState != pasAlertOn: if container.loadinfo == "": pager.alertState = pasNormal else: pager.writeStatusMessage(container.loadinfo) pager.alertState = pasLoadInfo proc newContainer(pager: Pager; bufferConfig: BufferConfig; loaderConfig: LoaderClientConfig; request: Request; title = ""; redirectDepth = 0; flags = {cfCanReinterpret, cfUserRequested}; contentType = none(string); charsetStack: seq[Charset] = @[]; url = request.url; cacheId = -1; cacheFile = ""): Container = request.suspended = true request.setupRequestDefaults(loaderConfig) let stream = pager.loader.startRequest(request) pager.loader.registerFun(stream.fd) let container = newContainer( bufferConfig, loaderConfig, url, request, pager.term.attrs, title, redirectDepth, flags, contentType, charsetStack, cacheId, cacheFile, pager.config ) pager.connectingContainers.add(ConnectingContainerItem( state: ccsBeforeResult, container: container, stream: stream )) pager.onSetLoadInfo(container) return container proc newContainerFrom(pager: Pager; container: Container; contentType: string): Container = let url = newURL("cache:" & $container.cacheId).get return pager.newContainer( container.config, container.loaderConfig, newRequest(url), contentType = some(contentType), charsetStack = container.charsetStack, url = container.url, cacheId = container.cacheId, cacheFile = container.cacheFile ) func findConnectingContainer*(pager: Pager; fd: int): int = for i, item in pager.connectingContainers: if item.stream.fd == fd: return i -1 func findConnectingContainer*(pager: Pager; container: Container): int = for i, item in pager.connectingContainers: if item.container == container: return i -1 func findProcMapItem*(pager: Pager; pid: int): int = for i, item in pager.procmap: if item.container.process == pid: return i -1 proc dupeBuffer(pager: Pager, container: Container, url: URL) = container.clone(url).then(proc(container: Container) = if container == nil: pager.alert("Failed to duplicate buffer.") else: pager.addContainer(container) pager.procmap.add(ProcMapItem( container: container, fdin: -1, fdout: -1, istreamOutputId: -1, ostreamOutputId: -1 )) ) proc dupeBuffer(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} = pager.dupeBuffer(pager.container, pager.container.url) # The prevBuffer and nextBuffer procedures emulate w3m's PREV and NEXT # commands by traversing the container tree in a depth-first order. proc prevBuffer*(pager: Pager): bool {.jsfunc.} = if pager.container == nil: return false if pager.container.parent == nil: return false let n = pager.container.parent.children.find(pager.container) assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent" if n > 0: var container = pager.container.parent.children[n - 1] while container.children.len > 0: container = container.children[^1] pager.setContainer(container) else: pager.setContainer(pager.container.parent) return true proc nextBuffer*(pager: Pager): bool {.jsfunc.} = if pager.container == nil: return false if pager.container.children.len > 0: pager.setContainer(pager.container.children[0]) return true var container = pager.container while container.parent != nil: let n = container.parent.children.find(container) assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent" if n < container.parent.children.high: pager.setContainer(container.parent.children[n + 1]) return true container = container.parent return false proc parentBuffer(pager: Pager): bool {.jsfunc.} = if pager.container == nil: return false if pager.container.parent == nil: return false pager.setContainer(pager.container.parent) return true proc prevSiblingBuffer(pager: Pager): bool {.jsfunc.} = if pager.container == nil: return false if pager.container.parent == nil: return false var n = pager.container.parent.children.find(pager.container) assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent" if n == 0: n = pager.container.parent.children.len pager.setContainer(pager.container.parent.children[n - 1]) return true proc nextSiblingBuffer(pager: Pager): bool {.jsfunc.} = if pager.container == nil: return false if pager.container.parent == nil: return false var n = pager.container.parent.children.find(pager.container) assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent" if n == pager.container.parent.children.high: n = -1 pager.setContainer(pager.container.parent.children[n + 1]) return true proc alert*(pager: Pager, msg: string) {.jsfunc.} = pager.alerts.add(msg) # replace target with container in the tree proc replace*(pager: Pager; target, container: Container) = let n = target.children.find(container) if n != -1: target.children.delete(n) container.parent = nil let n2 = container.children.find(target) if n2 != -1: container.children.delete(n2) target.parent = nil container.children.add(target.children) for child in container.children: child.parent = container target.children.setLen(0) if target.parent != nil: container.parent = target.parent let n = target.parent.children.find(target) assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent" container.parent.children[n] = container target.parent = nil if pager.container == target: pager.setContainer(container) proc deleteContainer(pager: Pager; container: Container) = container.cancel() if container.sourcepair != nil: container.sourcepair.sourcepair = nil container.sourcepair = nil var setTarget: Container = nil if container.parent != nil: let parent = container.parent let n = parent.children.find(container) assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent" for i in countdown(container.children.high, 0): let child = container.children[i] child.parent = container.parent parent.children.insert(child, n + 1) parent.children.delete(n) if n == 0: setTarget = parent else: setTarget = parent.children[n - 1] elif container.children.len > 0: let parent = container.children[0] parent.parent = nil for i in 1..container.children.high: container.children[i].parent = parent parent.children.add(container.children[i]) setTarget = parent else: for child in container.children: child.parent = nil container.parent = nil container.children.setLen(0) if container.replace != nil: pager.replace(container, container.replace) container.replace = nil elif pager.container == container: pager.setContainer(setTarget) pager.unreg.add(container) if container.process != -1: pager.forkserver.removeChild(container.process) pager.loader.removeClient(container.process) proc discardBuffer*(pager: Pager, container = none(Container)) {.jsfunc.} = let c = container.get(pager.container) if c == nil or c.parent == nil and c.children.len == 0: pager.alert("Cannot discard last buffer!") else: pager.deleteContainer(c) proc discardTree(pager: Pager, container = none(Container)) {.jsfunc.} = let container = container.get(pager.container) if container != nil: for c in container.descendants: pager.deleteContainer(c) else: pager.alert("Buffer has no children!") proc c_system(cmd: cstring): cint {.importc: "system", header: "<stdlib.h>".} # Run process (without suspending the terminal controller). proc runProcess(cmd: string): bool = let wstatus = c_system(cstring(cmd)) if wstatus == -1: result = false else: result = WIFEXITED(wstatus) and WEXITSTATUS(wstatus) == 0 if not result: # Hack. #TODO this is a very bad idea, e.g. say the editor is writing into the # file, then receives SIGINT, now the file is corrupted but Chawan will # happily read it as if nothing happened. # We should find a proper solution for this. result = WIFSIGNALED(wstatus) and WTERMSIG(wstatus) == SIGINT # Run process (and suspend the terminal controller). proc runProcess(term: Terminal, cmd: string, wait = false): bool = term.quit() result = runProcess(cmd) if wait: term.anyKey() term.restart() # Run process, and capture its output. proc runProcessCapture(cmd: string, outs: var string): bool = let file = popen(cmd, "r") if file == nil: return false let fs = newFileStream(file) outs = fs.readAll() let rv = pclose(file) if rv == -1: return false return rv == 0 # Run process, and write an arbitrary string into its standard input. proc runProcessInto(cmd, ins: string): bool = let file = popen(cmd, "w") if file == nil: return false let fs = newFileStream(file) fs.write(ins) let rv = pclose(file) if rv == -1: return false return rv == 0 template myExec(cmd: string) = discard execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", cstring(cmd), nil) exitnow(127) proc toggleSource(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} = if cfCanReinterpret notin pager.container.flags: return if pager.container.sourcepair != nil: pager.setContainer(pager.container.sourcepair) else: let ishtml = cfIsHTML notin pager.container.flags #TODO I wish I could set the contentType to whatever I wanted, not just HTML let contentType = if ishtml: "text/html" else: "text/plain" let container = pager.newContainerFrom(pager.container, contentType) if container != nil: container.sourcepair = pager.container pager.container.sourcepair = container pager.addContainer(container) func formatEditorName(editor, file: string; line: int): string = result = newStringOfCap(editor.len + file.len) var i = 0 var filefound = false while i < editor.len: if editor[i] == '%' and i < editor.high: if editor[i + 1] == 's': result &= file filefound = true i += 2 continue elif editor[i + 1] == 'd': result &= $line i += 2 continue elif editor[i + 1] == '%': result &= '%' i += 2 continue result &= editor[i] inc i if not filefound: if result[^1] != ' ': result &= ' ' result &= file func getEditorCommand(pager: Pager; file: string; line = 1): string {.jsfunc.} = var editor = pager.config.external.editor if editor == "": editor = getEnv("EDITOR") if editor == "": editor = "vi %s +%d" return formatEditorName(editor, file, line) proc openInEditor(pager: Pager; input: var string): bool = try: let tmpf = getTempFile(pager.config.external.tmpdir) if input != "": writeFile(tmpf, input) let cmd = pager.getEditorCommand(tmpf) if pager.term.runProcess(cmd): if fileExists(tmpf): input = readFile(tmpf) removeFile(tmpf) return true except IOError: discard return false proc windowChange*(pager: Pager) = let oldAttrs = pager.attrs pager.term.windowChange() if pager.attrs == oldAttrs: #TODO maybe it's more efficient to let false positives through? return if pager.lineedit.isSome: pager.lineedit.get.windowChange(pager.attrs) pager.display = newFixedGrid(pager.attrs.width, pager.attrs.height - 1) pager.statusgrid = newFixedGrid(pager.attrs.width) for container in pager.containers: container.windowChange(pager.attrs) if pager.askprompt != "": pager.writeAskPrompt() pager.showAlerts() # Apply siteconf settings to a request. # Note that this may modify the URL passed. proc applySiteconf(pager: Pager; url: var URL; charsetOverride: Charset; loaderConfig: var LoaderClientConfig): BufferConfig = let host = url.host var referer_from = false var cookieJar: CookieJar = nil var headers = newHeaders(pager.config.network.default_headers) var scripting = false var images = false var charsets = pager.config.encoding.document_charset var userstyle = pager.config.css.stylesheet var proxy = pager.config.network.proxy for sc in pager.config.siteconf: if sc.url.isSome and not sc.url.get.match($url): continue elif sc.host.isSome and not sc.host.get.match(host): continue if sc.rewrite_url != nil: let s = sc.rewrite_url(url) if s.isSome and s.get != nil: url = s.get if sc.cookie.isSome: if sc.cookie.get: # host/url might have changed by now let jarid = sc.share_cookie_jar.get(url.host) if jarid notin pager.cookiejars: pager.cookiejars[jarid] = newCookieJar(url, sc.third_party_cookie) cookieJar = pager.cookiejars[jarid] else: cookieJar = nil # override if sc.scripting.isSome: scripting = sc.scripting.get if sc.referer_from.isSome: referer_from = sc.referer_from.get if sc.document_charset.len > 0: charsets = sc.document_charset if sc.images.isSome: images = sc.images.get if sc.stylesheet.isSome: userstyle &= "\n" userstyle &= sc.stylesheet.get if sc.proxy.isSome: proxy = sc.proxy.get if sc.default_headers.isSome: headers = newHeaders(sc.default_headers.get) loaderConfig = LoaderClientConfig( defaultHeaders: headers, cookiejar: cookieJar, proxy: proxy, filter: newURLFilter( scheme = some(url.scheme), allowschemes = @["data", "cache"], default = true ) ) return BufferConfig( userstyle: userstyle, referer_from: referer_from, scripting: scripting, charsets: charsets, images: images, isdump: pager.config.start.headless, charsetOverride: charsetOverride, ) # Load request in a new buffer. proc gotoURL(pager: Pager; request: Request; prevurl = none(URL); contentType = none(string); cs = CHARSET_UNKNOWN; replace: Container = nil; redirectDepth = 0; referrer: Container = nil; save = false; url: URL = nil) = if referrer != nil and referrer.config.referer_from: request.referrer = referrer.url let url = if url != nil: url else: request.url var loaderConfig: LoaderClientConfig var bufferConfig = pager.applySiteconf(request.url, cs, loaderConfig) if prevurl.isNone or not prevurl.get.equals(request.url, true) or request.url.hash == "" or request.httpMethod != HTTP_GET: # Basically, we want to reload the page *only* when # a) we force a reload (by setting prevurl to none) # b) or the new URL isn't just the old URL + an anchor # I think this makes navigation pretty natural, or at least very close to # what other browsers do. Still, it would be nice if we got some visual # feedback on what is actually going to happen when typing a URL; TODO. if referrer != nil: loaderConfig.referrerPolicy = referrer.loaderConfig.referrerPolicy var flags = {cfCanReinterpret, cfUserRequested} if save: flags.incl(cfSave) let container = pager.newContainer( bufferConfig, loaderConfig, request, redirectDepth = redirectDepth, contentType = contentType, flags = flags, url = url ) if replace != nil: pager.replace(replace, container) container.replace = replace container.copyCursorPos(replace) else: pager.addContainer(container) inc pager.numload else: pager.container.findAnchor(request.url.anchor) proc omniRewrite(pager: Pager, s: string): string = for rule in pager.config.omnirule: if rule.match.match(s): let sub = rule.substitute_url(s) if sub.isSome: return sub.get else: let buf = $rule.match pager.alert("Error in substitution of rule " & buf & " for " & s) return s # When the user has passed a partial URL as an argument, they might've meant # either: # * file://$PWD/<file> # * https://<url> # So we attempt to load both, and see what works. proc loadURL*(pager: Pager, url: string, ctype = none(string), cs = CHARSET_UNKNOWN) = let url0 = pager.omniRewrite(url) let url = if url[0] == '~': expandPath(url0) else: url0 let firstparse = parseURL(url) if firstparse.isSome: let prev = if pager.container != nil: some(pager.container.url) else: none(URL) pager.gotoURL(newRequest(firstparse.get), prev, ctype, cs) return var urls: seq[URL] if pager.config.network.prepend_https and pager.config.network.prepend_scheme != "" and url[0] != '/': let pageurl = parseURL(pager.config.network.prepend_scheme & url) if pageurl.isSome: # attempt to load remote page urls.add(pageurl.get) let cdir = parseURL("file://" & percentEncode(getCurrentDir(), LocalPathPercentEncodeSet) & DirSep) let localurl = percentEncode(url, LocalPathPercentEncodeSet) let newurl = parseURL(localurl, cdir) if newurl.isSome: urls.add(newurl.get) # attempt to load local file if urls.len == 0: pager.alert("Invalid URL " & url) else: let prevc = pager.container pager.gotoURL(newRequest(urls.pop()), contentType = ctype, cs = cs) if pager.container != prevc: pager.container.retry = urls proc readPipe0*(pager: Pager; contentType: string; cs: Charset; fd: FileHandle; url: URL; title: string; flags: set[ContainerFlag]): Container = var url = url pager.loader.passFd(url.pathname, fd) safeClose(fd) var loaderConfig: LoaderClientConfig let bufferConfig = pager.applySiteconf(url, cs, loaderConfig) return pager.newContainer( bufferConfig, loaderConfig, newRequest(url), title = title, flags = flags, contentType = some(contentType) ) proc readPipe*(pager: Pager, contentType: string, cs: Charset, fd: FileHandle, title: string) = let url = newURL("stream:-").get let container = pager.readPipe0(contentType, cs, fd, url, title, {cfCanReinterpret, cfUserRequested}) inc pager.numload pager.addContainer(container) proc command(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} = pager.setLineEdit(lmCommand) proc commandMode(pager: Pager, val: bool) {.jsfset.} = pager.commandMode = val if val: pager.command() proc checkRegex(pager: Pager, regex: Result[Regex, string]): Opt[Regex] = if regex.isErr: pager.alert("Invalid regex: " & regex.error) return err() return ok(regex.get) proc compileSearchRegex(pager: Pager, s: string): Result[Regex, string] = var flags = {LRE_FLAG_UNICODE} if pager.config.search.ignore_case: flags.incl(LRE_FLAG_IGNORECASE) return compileSearchRegex(s, flags) proc updateReadLineISearch(pager: Pager, linemode: LineMode) = let lineedit = pager.lineedit.get pager.isearchpromise = pager.isearchpromise.then(proc(): EmptyPromise = case lineedit.state of lesCancel: pager.iregex.err() pager.container.popCursorPos() pager.container.clearSearchHighlights() pager.redraw = true pager.isearchpromise = nil of lesEdit: if lineedit.news != "": pager.iregex = pager.compileSearchRegex(lineedit.news) pager.container.popCursorPos(true) pager.container.pushCursorPos() if pager.iregex.isSome: pager.container.hlon = true let wrap = pager.config.search.wrap return if linemode == lmISearchF: pager.container.cursorNextMatch(pager.iregex.get, wrap, false, 1) else: pager.container.cursorPrevMatch(pager.iregex.get, wrap, false, 1) of lesFinish: pager.regex = pager.checkRegex(pager.iregex) pager.reverseSearch = linemode == lmISearchB pager.container.markPos() pager.container.clearSearchHighlights() pager.container.sendCursorPosition() pager.redraw = true pager.isearchpromise = nil ) proc saveTo(pager: Pager; data: LineDataDownload; path: string) = if pager.loader.redirectToFile(data.outputId, path): pager.alert("Saving file to " & path) pager.loader.resume(@[data.outputId]) data.stream.close() pager.lineData = nil else: pager.ask("Failed to save to " & path & ". Retry?").then( proc(x: bool) = if x: pager.setLineEdit(lmDownload, path) else: data.stream.close() pager.lineData = nil ) proc updateReadLine*(pager: Pager) = let lineedit = pager.lineedit.get if pager.linemode in {lmISearchF, lmISearchB}: pager.updateReadLineISearch(pager.linemode) else: case lineedit.state of lesEdit: discard of lesFinish: case pager.linemode of lmLocation: pager.loadURL(lineedit.news) of lmUsername: LineDataAuth(pager.lineData).username = lineedit.news pager.setLineEdit(lmPassword, hide = true) of lmPassword: let data = LineDataAuth(pager.lineData) let url = newURL(data.url) url.username = data.username url.password = lineedit.news pager.gotoURL( newRequest(url), some(pager.container.url), replace = pager.container, referrer = pager.container ) pager.lineData = nil of lmCommand: pager.scommand = lineedit.news if pager.commandMode: pager.command() of lmBuffer: pager.container.readSuccess(lineedit.news) of lmSearchF, lmSearchB: if lineedit.news != "": let regex = pager.compileSearchRegex(lineedit.news) pager.regex = pager.checkRegex(regex) pager.reverseSearch = pager.linemode == lmSearchB pager.searchNext() of lmGotoLine: pager.container.gotoLine(lineedit.news) of lmDownload: let data = LineDataDownload(pager.lineData) if fileExists(lineedit.news): pager.ask("Override file " & lineedit.news & "?").then( proc(x: bool) = if x: pager.saveTo(data, lineedit.news) else: pager.setLineEdit(lmDownload, lineedit.news) ) else: pager.saveTo(data, lineedit.news) of lmISearchF, lmISearchB: discard of lesCancel: case pager.linemode of lmUsername, lmPassword: pager.discardBuffer() of lmBuffer: pager.container.readCanceled() of lmCommand: pager.commandMode = false of lmDownload: let data = LineDataDownload(pager.lineData) data.stream.close() else: discard pager.lineData = nil if lineedit.state in {lesCancel, lesFinish} and pager.lineedit.get == lineedit: pager.clearLineEdit() # Same as load(s + '\n') proc loadSubmit(pager: Pager, s: string) {.jsfunc.} = pager.loadURL(s) # Open a URL prompt and visit the specified URL. proc load(pager: Pager, s = "") {.jsfunc.} = if s.len > 0 and s[^1] == '\n': if s.len > 1: pager.loadURL(s[0..^2]) elif s == "": pager.setLineEdit(lmLocation, $pager.container.url) else: pager.setLineEdit(lmLocation, s) # Go to specific URL (for JS) proc jsGotoURL(pager: Pager, s: string): JSResult[void] {.jsfunc: "gotoURL".} = pager.gotoURL(newRequest(?newURL(s))) ok() # Reload the page in a new buffer, then kill the previous buffer. proc reload(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} = pager.gotoURL(newRequest(pager.container.url), none(URL), pager.container.contentType, replace = pager.container) proc setEnvVars(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} = try: putEnv("CHA_URL", $pager.container.url) putEnv("CHA_CHARSET", $pager.container.charset) except OSError: pager.alert("Warning: failed to set some environment variables") #TODO use default values instead... type ExternDict = object of JSDict setenv: Opt[bool] suspend: Opt[bool] wait: bool #TODO we should have versions with retval as int? proc extern(pager: Pager, cmd: string, t = ExternDict()): bool {.jsfunc.} = if t.setenv.get(true): pager.setEnvVars() if t.suspend.get(true): return runProcess(pager.term, cmd, t.wait) else: return runProcess(cmd) proc externCapture(pager: Pager, cmd: string): Opt[string] {.jsfunc.} = pager.setEnvVars() var s: string if not runProcessCapture(cmd, s): return err() return ok(s) proc externInto(pager: Pager, cmd, ins: string): bool {.jsfunc.} = pager.setEnvVars() return runProcessInto(cmd, ins) proc externFilterSource(pager: Pager; cmd: string; c: Container = nil; contentType = opt(string)) {.jsfunc.} = let fromc = if c != nil: c else: pager.container let fallback = pager.container.contentType.get("text/plain") let contentType = contentType.get(fallback) let container = pager.newContainerFrom(fromc, contentType) if contentType == "text/html": container.flags.incl(cfIsHTML) else: container.flags.excl(cfIsHTML) pager.addContainer(container) container.filter = BufferFilter(cmd: cmd) type CheckMailcapResult = object fdout: int ostreamOutputId: int connect: bool ishtml: bool found: bool # Pipe output of an x-ansioutput mailcap command to the text/x-ansi handler. proc ansiDecode(pager: Pager; url: URL; ishtml: var bool; fdin: cint): cint = let entry = pager.config.external.mailcap.getMailcapEntry("text/x-ansi", "", url) var canpipe = true let cmd = unquoteCommand(entry.cmd, "text/x-ansi", "", url, canpipe) if not canpipe: pager.alert("Error: could not pipe to text/x-ansi, decoding as text/plain") return -1 var pipefdOutAnsi: array[2, cint] if pipe(pipefdOutAnsi) == -1: pager.alert("Error: failed to open pipe") return case fork() of -1: pager.alert("Error: failed to fork ANSI decoder process") discard close(pipefdOutAnsi[0]) discard close(pipefdOutAnsi[1]) return -1 of 0: # child process discard close(pipefdOutAnsi[0]) discard dup2(fdin, stdin.getFileHandle()) discard close(fdin) discard dup2(pipefdOutAnsi[1], stdout.getFileHandle()) discard close(pipefdOutAnsi[1]) closeStderr() myExec(cmd) else: discard close(pipefdOutAnsi[1]) discard close(fdin) ishtml = HTMLOUTPUT in entry.flags return pipefdOutAnsi[0] # Pipe input into the mailcap command, then read its output into a buffer. # needsterminal is ignored. proc runMailcapReadPipe(pager: Pager; stream: SocketStream; cmd: string; pipefdOut: array[2, cint]): int = let pid = fork() if pid == -1: pager.alert("Error: failed to fork mailcap read process") return -1 elif pid == 0: # child process discard close(pipefdOut[0]) discard dup2(stream.fd, stdin.getFileHandle()) stream.close() discard dup2(pipefdOut[1], stdout.getFileHandle()) closeStderr() discard close(pipefdOut[1]) myExec(cmd) # parent pid # Pipe input into the mailcap command, and discard its output. # If needsterminal, leave stderr and stdout open and wait for the process. proc runMailcapWritePipe(pager: Pager; stream: SocketStream; needsterminal: bool; cmd: string) = if needsterminal: pager.term.quit() let pid = fork() if pid == -1: pager.alert("Error: failed to fork mailcap write process") elif pid == 0: # child process discard dup2(stream.fd, stdin.getFileHandle()) stream.close() if not needsterminal: closeStdout() closeStderr() myExec(cmd) else: # parent stream.close() if needsterminal: var x: cint discard waitpid(pid, x, 0) pager.term.restart() proc writeToFile(istream: SocketStream; outpath: string): bool = let ps = newPosixStream(outpath, O_WRONLY or O_CREAT, 0o600) if ps == nil: return false var buffer: array[4096, uint8] while true: let n = istream.recvData(buffer) if n == 0: break if ps.sendData(buffer.toOpenArray(0, n - 1)) < n: ps.close() return false if n < buffer.len: break ps.close() true # Save input in a file, run the command, and redirect its output to a # new buffer. # needsterminal is ignored. proc runMailcapReadFile(pager: Pager; stream: SocketStream; cmd, outpath: string; pipefdOut: array[2, cint]): int = let pid = fork() if pid == 0: # child process discard close(pipefdOut[0]) discard dup2(pipefdOut[1], stdout.getFileHandle()) discard close(pipefdOut[1]) closeStderr() if not stream.writeToFile(outpath): #TODO print error message quit(1) stream.close() let ret = execCmd(cmd) discard tryRemoveFile(outpath) quit(ret) # parent pid # Save input in a file, run the command, and discard its output. # If needsterminal, leave stderr and stdout open and wait for the process. proc runMailcapWriteFile(pager: Pager; stream: SocketStream; needsterminal: bool; cmd, outpath: string) = if needsterminal: pager.term.quit() if not stream.writeToFile(outpath): pager.term.restart() pager.alert("Error: failed to write file for mailcap process") else: discard execCmd(cmd) discard tryRemoveFile(outpath) pager.term.restart() else: # don't block let pid = fork() if pid == 0: # child process closeStdin() closeStdout() closeStderr() if not stream.writeToFile(outpath): #TODO print error message (maybe in parent?) quit(1) stream.close() let ret = execCmd(cmd) discard tryRemoveFile(outpath) quit(ret) # parent stream.close() proc filterBuffer(pager: Pager; stream: SocketStream; cmd: string; ishtml: bool): CheckMailcapResult = pager.setEnvVars() var pipefd_out: array[2, cint] if pipe(pipefd_out) == -1: pager.alert("Error: failed to open pipe") return CheckMailcapResult(connect: false, fdout: -1) let pid = fork() if pid == -1: pager.alert("Error: failed to fork buffer filter process") return CheckMailcapResult(connect: false, fdout: -1) elif pid == 0: # child discard close(pipefd_out[0]) discard dup2(stream.fd, stdin.getFileHandle()) stream.close() discard dup2(pipefd_out[1], stdout.getFileHandle()) closeStderr() discard close(pipefd_out[1]) myExec(cmd) # parent discard close(pipefd_out[1]) let fdout = pipefd_out[0] let url = parseURL("stream:" & $pid).get pager.loader.passFd(url.pathname, FileHandle(fdout)) safeClose(fdout) let response = pager.loader.doRequest(newRequest(url, suspended = true)) return CheckMailcapResult( connect: true, fdout: response.body.fd, ostreamOutputId: response.outputId, ishtml: ishtml, found: true ) # Search for a mailcap entry, and if found, execute the specified command # and pipeline the input and output appropriately. # There are four possible outcomes: # * pipe stdin, discard stdout # * pipe stdin, read stdout # * write to file, run, discard stdout # * write to file, run, read stdout # If needsterminal is specified, and stdout is not being read, then the # pager is suspended until the command exits. #TODO add support for edit/compose, better error handling proc checkMailcap(pager: Pager; container: Container; stream: SocketStream; istreamOutputId: int; contentType: string): CheckMailcapResult = if container.filter != nil: return pager.filterBuffer( stream, container.filter.cmd, cfIsHTML in container.flags ) # contentType must exist, because we set it in applyResponse let shortContentType = container.contentType.get if shortContentType == "text/html": # We support text/html natively, so it would make little sense to execute # mailcap filters for it. return CheckMailcapResult( connect: true, fdout: stream.fd, ishtml: true, found: true ) if shortContentType == "text/plain": # text/plain could potentially be useful. Unfortunately, many mailcaps # include a text/plain entry with less by default, so it's probably better # to ignore this. return CheckMailcapResult(connect: true, fdout: stream.fd, found: true) #TODO callback for outpath or something let url = container.url let entry = pager.config.external.mailcap.getMailcapEntry(contentType, "", url) if entry == nil: return CheckMailcapResult(connect: true, fdout: stream.fd, found: false) let ext = url.pathname.afterLast('.') let tempfile = getTempFile(pager.config.external.tmpdir, ext) let outpath = if entry.nametemplate != "": unquoteCommand(entry.nametemplate, contentType, tempfile, url) else: tempfile var canpipe = true let cmd = unquoteCommand(entry.cmd, contentType, outpath, url, canpipe) var ishtml = HTMLOUTPUT in entry.flags let needsterminal = NEEDSTERMINAL in entry.flags putEnv("MAILCAP_URL", $url) block needsConnect: if entry.flags * {COPIOUSOUTPUT, HTMLOUTPUT, ANSIOUTPUT} == {}: # No output. Resume here, so that blocking needsterminal filters work. pager.loader.resume(@[istreamOutputId]) if canpipe: pager.runMailcapWritePipe(stream, needsterminal, cmd) else: pager.runMailcapWriteFile(stream, needsterminal, cmd, outpath) # stream is already closed break needsConnect # never connect here, since there's no output var pipefdOut: array[2, cint] if pipe(pipefdOut) == -1: pager.alert("Error: failed to open pipe") stream.close() # connect: false implies that we consumed the stream break needsConnect let pid = if canpipe: pager.runMailcapReadPipe(stream, cmd, pipefdOut) else: pager.runMailcapReadFile(stream, cmd, outpath, pipefdOut) discard close(pipefdOut[1]) # close write let fdout = if not ishtml and ANSIOUTPUT in entry.flags: pager.ansiDecode(url, ishtml, pipefdOut[0]) else: pipefdOut[0] delEnv("MAILCAP_URL") let url = parseURL("stream:" & $pid).get pager.loader.passFd(url.pathname, FileHandle(fdout)) safeClose(cint(fdout)) let response = pager.loader.doRequest(newRequest(url, suspended = true)) return CheckMailcapResult( connect: true, fdout: response.body.fd, ostreamOutputId: response.outputId, ishtml: ishtml, found: true ) delEnv("MAILCAP_URL") return CheckMailcapResult(connect: false, fdout: -1, found: true) proc redirectTo(pager: Pager; container: Container; request: Request) = pager.gotoURL(request, some(container.url), replace = container, redirectDepth = container.redirectDepth + 1, referrer = container) pager.container.loadinfo = "Redirecting to " & $request.url pager.onSetLoadInfo(pager.container) dec pager.numload proc fail(pager: Pager; container: Container; errorMessage: string) = dec pager.numload pager.deleteContainer(container) if container.retry.len > 0: pager.gotoURL(newRequest(container.retry.pop()), contentType = container.contentType) else: pager.alert("Can't load " & $container.url & " (" & errorMessage & ")") proc redirect(pager: Pager; container: Container; response: Response; request: Request) = # still need to apply response, or we lose cookie jars. container.applyResponse(response, pager.config.external.mime_types) if container.redirectDepth < pager.config.network.max_redirect: if container.url.scheme == request.url.scheme or container.url.scheme == "cgi-bin" or container.url.scheme == "http" and request.url.scheme == "https" or container.url.scheme == "https" and request.url.scheme == "http": pager.redirectTo(container, request) else: let url = request.url pager.ask("Warning: switch protocols? " & $url).then(proc(x: bool) = if x: pager.redirectTo(container, request) ) else: pager.alert("Error: maximum redirection depth reached") pager.deleteContainer(container) proc askDownloadPath(pager: Pager; container: Container; response: Response) = var buf = pager.config.external.download_dir let pathname = container.url.pathname if pathname[^1] == '/': buf &= "index.html" else: buf &= container.url.pathname.afterLast('/') pager.setLineEdit(lmDownload, buf) pager.lineData = LineDataDownload( outputId: response.outputId, stream: response.body ) pager.deleteContainer(container) pager.redraw = true pager.refreshStatusMsg() dec pager.numload proc connected(pager: Pager; container: Container; response: Response) = let istream = response.body container.applyResponse(response, pager.config.external.mime_types) if response.status == 401: # unauthorized pager.setLineEdit(lmUsername) pager.lineData = LineDataAuth(url: container.url) istream.close() return # This forces client to ask for confirmation before quitting. # (It checks a flag on container, because console buffers must not affect this # variable.) if cfUserRequested in container.flags: pager.hasload = true if cfSave in container.flags: # download queried by user pager.askDownloadPath(container, response) return let realContentType = if "Content-Type" in response.headers: response.headers["Content-Type"] else: # both contentType and charset must be set by applyResponse. container.contentType.get & ";charset=" & $container.charset let mailcapRes = pager.checkMailcap(container, istream, response.outputId, realContentType) if not mailcapRes.found and not realContentType.startsWithIgnoreCase("text/"): pager.askDownloadPath(container, response) return if mailcapRes.connect: if mailcapRes.ishtml: container.flags.incl(cfIsHTML) else: container.flags.excl(cfIsHTML) # buffer now actually exists; create a process for it container.process = pager.forkserver.forkBuffer( container.config, container.url, container.request, pager.attrs, mailcapRes.ishtml, container.charsetStack ) if mailcapRes.fdout != istream.fd: # istream has been redirected into a filter istream.close() pager.procmap.add(ProcMapItem( container: container, fdout: FileHandle(mailcapRes.fdout), fdin: FileHandle(istream.fd), ostreamOutputId: mailcapRes.ostreamOutputId, istreamOutputId: response.outputId )) if container.replace != nil: pager.deleteContainer(container.replace) container.replace = nil else: dec pager.numload pager.deleteContainer(container) pager.redraw = true pager.refreshStatusMsg() # true if done, false if keep proc handleConnectingContainer*(pager: Pager; i: int) = let item = pager.connectingContainers[i] let container = item.container let stream = item.stream case item.state of ccsBeforeResult: var res: int stream.sread(res) if res == 0: stream.sread(item.outputId) inc item.state container.loadinfo = "Connected to " & $container.url & ". Downloading..." pager.onSetLoadInfo(container) # continue else: var msg: string stream.sread(msg) if msg == "": msg = getLoaderErrorMessage(res) pager.fail(container, msg) # done pager.connectingContainers.del(i) pager.selector.unregister(item.stream.fd) pager.loader.unregistered.add(item.stream.fd) stream.close() of ccsBeforeStatus: stream.sread(item.status) inc item.state # continue of ccsBeforeHeaders: let response = Response( res: item.res, outputId: item.outputId, status: item.status, url: container.request.url, body: stream ) stream.sread(response.headers) # done pager.connectingContainers.del(i) pager.selector.unregister(item.stream.fd) pager.loader.unregistered.add(item.stream.fd) let redirect = response.getRedirect(container.request) if redirect != nil: stream.close() pager.redirect(container, response, redirect) else: pager.connected(container, response) proc handleConnectingContainerError*(pager: Pager; i: int) = let item = pager.connectingContainers[i] pager.fail(item.container, "loader died while loading") pager.selector.unregister(item.stream.fd) pager.loader.unregistered.add(item.stream.fd) item.stream.close() pager.connectingContainers.del(i) proc handleEvent0(pager: Pager; container: Container; event: ContainerEvent): bool = case event.t of cetLoaded: dec pager.numload of cetAnchor: let url2 = newURL(container.url) url2.setHash(event.anchor) pager.dupeBuffer(container, url2) of cetNoAnchor: pager.alert("Couldn't find anchor " & event.anchor) of cetUpdate: if container == pager.container: pager.redraw = true if event.force: pager.term.clearCanvas() of cetReadLine: if container == pager.container: pager.setLineEdit(lmBuffer, event.value, hide = event.password, extraPrompt = event.prompt) of cetReadArea: if container == pager.container: var s = event.tvalue if pager.openInEditor(s): pager.container.readSuccess(s) else: pager.container.readCanceled() pager.redraw = true of cetOpen: let url = event.request.url if not event.save and (pager.container != container or not container.isHoverURL(url)): pager.ask("Open pop-up? " & $url).then(proc(x: bool) = if x: pager.gotoURL(event.request, some(container.url), referrer = pager.container, save = event.save) ) else: let url = if event.url != nil: event.url else: event.request.url pager.gotoURL(event.request, some(container.url), referrer = pager.container, save = event.save, url = url) of cetStatus: if pager.container == container: pager.showAlerts() of cetSetLoadInfo: if pager.container == container: pager.onSetLoadInfo(container) of cetTitle: if pager.container == container: pager.showAlerts() pager.term.setTitle(container.getTitle()) of cetAlert: if pager.container == container: pager.alert(event.msg) return true proc handleEvents*(pager: Pager, container: Container) = while container.events.len > 0: let event = container.events.popFirst() if not pager.handleEvent0(container, event): break proc handleEvent*(pager: Pager, container: Container) = try: container.handleEvent() pager.handleEvents(container) except IOError: discard proc addPagerModule*(ctx: JSContext) = ctx.registerType(Pager)