# The Nim Compiler
# (c) Copyright 2018 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
# included from cgen.nim
## This include file contains the logic to produce constant string
## and seq literals. The code here is responsible that
## ``const x = ["a", "b"]`` works without hidden runtime creation code.
## The price is that seqs and strings are not purely a library
## implementation.
template detectVersion(field, corename) =
if m.g.field == 0:
let core = getCompilerProc(m.g.graph, corename)
if core == nil or core.kind != skConst:
m.g.field = 1
m.g.field = toInt(ast.getInt(core.astdef))
result = m.g.field
proc detectStrVersion(m: BModule): int =
detectVersion(strVersion, "nimStrVersion")
proc detectSeqVersion(m: BModule): int =
detectVersion(seqVersion, "nimSeqVersion")
# ----- Version 1: GC'ed strings and seqs --------------------------------
proc genStringLiteralDataOnlyV1(m: BModule, s: string; result: var Rope) =
cgsym(m, "TGenericSeq")
let tmp = getTempName(m)
result.add tmp
m.s[cfsStrData].addf("STRING_LITERAL($1, $2, $3);$n",
[tmp, makeCString(s), rope(s.len)])
proc genStringLiteralV1(m: BModule; n: PNode; result: var Rope) =
if s.isNil:
appcg(m, result, "((#NimStringDesc*) NIM_NIL)", [])
let id = nodeTableTestOrSet(m.dataCache, n, m.labels)
if id == m.labels:
# string literal not found in the cache:
appcg(m, result, "((#NimStringDesc*) &", [])
genStringLiteralDataOnlyV1(m, n.strVal, result)
result.add ")"
appcg(m, result, "((#NimStringDesc*) &$1$2)",
[m.tmpBase, id])
# ------ Version 2: destructor based strings and seqs -----------------------
proc genStringLiteralDataOnlyV2(m: BModule, s: string; result: Rope; isConst: bool) =
m.s[cfsStrData].addf("static $4 struct {$n" &
" NI cap; NIM_CHAR data[$2+1];$n" &
"} $1 = { $2 | NIM_STRLIT_FLAG, $3 };$n",
[result, rope(s.len), makeCString(s),
rope(if isConst: "const" else: "")])
proc genStringLiteralV2(m: BModule; n: PNode; isConst: bool; result: var Rope) =
let id = nodeTableTestOrSet(m.dataCache, n, m.labels)
if id == m.labels:
let pureLit = getTempName(m)
genStringLiteralDataOnlyV2(m, n.strVal, pureLit, isConst)
let tmp = getTempName(m)
result.add tmp
cgsym(m, "NimStrPayload")
cgsym(m, "NimStringV2")
# string literal not found in the cache:
m.s[cfsStrData].addf("static $4 NimStringV2 $1 = {$2, (NimStrPayload*)&$3};$n",
[tmp, rope(n.strVal.len), pureLit, rope(if isConst: "const" else: "")])
let tmp = getTempName(m)
result.add tmp
m.s[cfsStrData].addf("static $4 NimStringV2 $1 = {$2, (NimStrPayload*)&$3};$n",
[tmp, rope(n.strVal.len), m.tmpBase & rope(id),
rope(if isConst: "const" else: "")])
proc genStringLiteralV2Const(m: BModule; n: PNode; isConst: bool; result: var Rope) =
let id = nodeTableTestOrSet(m.dataCache, n, m.labels)
var pureLit: Rope
if id == m.labels:
pureLit = getTempName(m)
cgsym(m, "NimStrPayload")
cgsym(m, "NimStringV2")
# string literal not found in the cache:
genStringLiteralDataOnlyV2(m, n.strVal, pureLit, isConst)
pureLit = m.tmpBase & rope(id)
result.addf "{$1, (NimStrPayload*)&$2}", [rope(n.strVal.len), pureLit]
# ------ Version selector ---------------------------------------------------
proc genStringLiteralDataOnly(m: BModule; s: string; info: TLineInfo;
isConst: bool; result: var Rope) =
case detectStrVersion(m)
of 0, 1: genStringLiteralDataOnlyV1(m, s, result)
of 2:
let tmp = getTempName(m)
genStringLiteralDataOnlyV2(m, s, tmp, isConst)
result.add tmp
localError(m.config, info, "cannot determine how to produce code for string literal")
proc genNilStringLiteral(m: BModule; info: TLineInfo; result: var Rope) =
appcg(m, result, "((#NimStringDesc*) NIM_NIL)", [])
proc genStringLiteral(m: BModule; n: PNode; result: var Rope) =
case detectStrVersion(m)
of 0, 1: genStringLiteralV1(m, n, result)
of 2: genStringLiteralV2(m, n, isConst = true, result)
localError(m.config, n.info, "cannot determine how to produce code for string literal")